These fake "auteurs" like Kojima and Druckman are literally KILLING gaming as we know it...

These fake "auteurs" like Kojima and Druckman are literally KILLING gaming as we know it. Remember when video games used to be FUN? Remember when people cared about good gameplay? Remember when games didn't have to take themselves so seriously? Well you can thank these two assholes for killing that dead. Mr. "I don't describe my game as fun" and Mr. "Sony gave me a bajillion dollars to take selfies of me with my actor fake friends". Fuck both these assholes.

And you know what sucks? People will support this shit and eat it up. Know why? Because they're fucking brainless drones that only care about stupid shit. Oh, oh, oh, the story is so deep! It's a cinematic experience! Oh, the cinematography, oh the usage of color and lighting, oh the set pieces! Oh the music, can't forget the music! Done by Hollywood award winning fucking orchestras right? Oh, and we can't forget the combat, you like fighting right? Remember fun games like Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, hell, even God of War? Well fuck that shit, we're going full cinematic experience now! Air launchers, juggling, cancels? Who needs those, we got these guys fighting like real life, like real fucking life here, oh yes, REAL LIFE! Throwing your sloppy haymaker punches and your little sparta 300 kicks, and all you gotta do is mash this one fucking button as the game does it for you! Oh yeah give me more of that Bamham combat, oh yeah more of that mash Square to win, more mashing buttons like a retard to see my character do awesome shit like drunkenly swing at some guy as my Hollwyood orchestra plays complete with expert cinematography, starring Ryan fucking Gosling from DRIVE! Oh yeah get it all my mouth Kojima, you too Druckman, get it alllllll in there! Fuck fun! Fuck good gameplay!

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I actually agree with op, movie games are fuckin dogshit

Atmosphere can be fun too faggot

Plus MGS is fun as hell even with the cutscenes. You think Kojima doesn’t care about gameplay when the last 2 games were MGSV and PT

People say Kojima doesn't care about gameplay may have never played an MGS game. Kojima has constantly innovated on games and tied them as close to the experience as possible.

Explain the dogshit combat shown in that gameplay trailer for Death Stranding then? It straight up is bamham shit mixed with the last of us. Realism garbage. Not remotely fun.

nice blogpost faggot I'm not reading it

name 1(one) kojima game you played

Fuck those faggots and fuck sony casual cumdrinkers

MGS 1. That's it. Least in that game melee combat was actually a thing. In MGS 5 melee is literally fucking cutscenes.

you're going to have to accept that games as you knew it are a dying breed.

>muh atmosphere

Yeah, the excuse all these hacks use, muh atmosphere. Fuck good fun skillful gameplay, atmosphere is more important! Oh the cinematography, oh the colors, oh the lighting, oh look, the people wear realistic clothing not "anime" clothing oh yes respect y vision my work its so mature so real so provocative oh it makes you think oh love me adore me shower me with praise mmmmmmmmmmmmm

DMC5 released this year. Games are far from dead.

>dogshit combat
looked similar to MGS5? The "cinematic slowdown" during the melee sequence is fucking awful but the gun play looked generic. What did you expect?


We need to continue to support DMC and real video games. Tell any freinds or family who haven't purchased it, to buy it now. Buy an extra copy or two also if you can. Support Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal as well as rage 2. We need real games to thrive. When Death Stranding comes out, don't buy it. Don';t fucking preorder it either.

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Well we gotta do something. We can't let hacks like Kojjma and Druckman kill gaming right under our nose. You want to live in a future where Devil May Cry 6 comes out and is a "cinematic experience"? Where Doom gets rebooted again but now it's some story game with 2deep4u shit made by Kojima?

...but MGSV was fun

Can you ADHD faggots not have fun with a game without EXPLOSIONS?

You can't put both in the same boat.
Kojima has been doing amazing games for more than 30 years. They just milked him dry with a franchise because it's what the higher ups want, and even then he tried to mix the formula quite a bit.
The other one is a hack, made a reskin of uncharted with worse combat and an ok story (next TLoU will suck major ass, will be claimed best game ever, than 1 month later the truth will surface that the game was ass).

>Can you ADHD faggots not have fun with a game without good gameplay?

This is you.

It's time to change hobby granpa, gameplay isn't important anymore, and that's a good thing

Reminder that there is nothing wrong with David Cage games.

define 'good' gameplay.

But does it have gay kissing and strong independent woman ?

"muh old game good new game bad"


Reminder: Realism "movie" games means no cool character designs. Can't have leather trenchcoats because any character wearing one will look like a fedoralord school shooter. Can't have leather pants because they'll look gay or like a whore if its a woman. Nope, only boring realism clothes, like a t shirt and pants, pantsuits, and military gear. Realism is the death of fun character design.

Except the ridiculously bad writing.

>lists nothing but button mashing hack n slash games
How bad is your ADHD user?

last time nu/v was boiling in anger this much was when botw was breaking all records

keep SEETHING,faggots lmao

The only game he's ever made was Omikron so I guess you're right.

Face it anons. your favorite game has shit gameplay.

It's because they spent 80 percent of the time working on things unrelated to the gameplay side of the game

nugod of war is an awful shit game and poor gameplay
that cory balrog fag just didn't care about that part and you can tell
just watch the first boss "fight" of nugod of war on youtube and be done with it

nugames are awful

Okay but then why did MGSV have absolutely fantastic gameplay?

>fun games
>only posts press x to awesome cinematic games
What did he mean by this?

>another "im upset that tlou was successful thread"
Ever consider that people who played mgs games found the gameplay to be innovative? The leap from MGS1 to MGS2 was pretty impressive, giving you a wider range of abilities, such as peaking, leaning, having a traquilizer gun (previous nonlethal option was only beating them up), as well as moving bodies among other things. The fact that the bullet casings ejected and hit the ground realistically was pretty impressive for the time. The enemy ai is very intricate as well, being more dynamic, calculated and aggressive than in mgs1 (the status report makes areas much less exploitable, and remembering enemy states after walking out and back into the room is very nice) And of course going forward there were lots of impressive things in the franchise, such as the camo and survival mechanics of 3. But you didn't play them so you believe the anons who post the same "kojimbo is a hack" threads every day. You're talking about vidya being ruined by kojima while simultaneously judging games you've never played because of the status quo on a discussion board online. You're a faggot contrarian, and you already know what's going in every field.

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Kojima is crafting an unprecedented Gesamtkunstwerk in digital form, not a Skinner Box for ADHD zoomers like you.

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Define it? How about I show it:

We can kiss that all goodbye if these "auteur" games win. Death Stranding and The Last of Us 2 = the death of fun games.

breath of the wild was an awful game and not a real zelda game either, nothing in relation to the proper 2d zelda games that influenced the genre so much

>scripted mash button gameplay

Did it really? Look at this "combat"

>hack n slash, and point and shoot games

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This is going to end up being one of those games thats impossible to discuss on Yea Forums isnt it?

>combo montages on braindead enemies in the air for the entire lenght of the video
wew now that's some real gameplay



A what? Sorry, I don't speak Nazi

Any game?

>using an anime girl image to shitpost a dmc combo video

Fuck off.

Nothing about dmc 5 is scripted or button mashing. meanwhile your auteurs create literal button masher combat.

>When you don't even know what you are talking about and have to repeat meaningless buzzwords.

Wow you're right this is some deep and meaningful game play. I sure hope those brain dead AI don't hit me eventually!

>Doesn't know culture
> Isn't a nazi
When did you choose to be a faggot ?

>when you have no actual argument so you can only cry buzzword

as a tankfag I'm in love with that Heavy Tank mk.IV
Kojima really loves details

Attached: Almost a Mk.IV.png (1383x778, 1.14M)

Not him but you should try playing video games instead of just parroting shitposters on Yea Forums.

>Brainlets still want soulless arcade games.
Jesus doesn't it get boring after 5 mins

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Good point

dmc requires more buttons than that, you dumbass retard shill for kojima. meanwhile mgsv "combat" is you hitting a single button as your character does a scripted cutscene fight.

I do play video games. I just don't act like a faggot claiming that shit game play is better than other shit gameplay.

Fans played the shit out of dmc 4 for YEARS, over a decade. So no, it never gets old, good gameplay never goes out of style. Meanwhile who the fuck is gonna play MGS V after beating it?

WHy being so ignorant ?
DMC V has 3 characters that control vastly different.
You have to recharge stamina, you have to juggle, make combos, change weapons, remember tens of moves at a time.
You are just ignorant man.
I do think that The Last of Jews is shit though.

Pressing the x button isn't gameplay, it's just continuing you're epic dank totally not a cutscene action.

X is jump retard.

Wow so you're saying that different characters do epic combos if I mash buttons a bunch? Damn that's some fucking amazing game play my dude!

We all know the only true auteur in gaming is David Cage and has Klassic Kinos such as Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, and Detroit: Become Human.

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People enjoy this dogshit? The game literally is playing itself lmao

Yeah which is epic and dank MLG pro gameplay.

There's a mode for button mashing, you can't make combos button mashing.
You really don't know what you are talking about.

Did you only play mario and platformers as a kid?

What the fuck is this rant?

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Now name the epic combos Snake can do. Oh wait, the game does them all for you LOL

>Playing on jewstation
What a fag

So just like your epic button mashers? Why not try playing a real fame loser.

All combos are just button mashing, there's no gameplay.

It really is sad that Kojima thinks Hollywood actors are his "besties" and not just there because they got paid a lot of money. They have no idea what the fuck they are acting because the game makes no sense and is autistic.

They have zero influence in the industry. Name 5 games influenced by them. I'm waitting.

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>its only good if i like it
Stay seething fag

also the women in these movie games are so goddamn ugly as shit. the last of us 2 the girls are so fucking ugly. death stranding, the women are ugly as shit, and are horse faces. DMC 5 just narrowly dodged a bullet, only trish was odd looking at times.


Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, Splinter Cell, Tomb Raider, Roblox

Slower paced gameplay isn't even fun you fucking movie game loving faggot. Watch the gameplay shown in that Shit Stranding trailer again, the melee is garbage, just some guy awkwardly tossing out punches as shit goes slowmo. It's like bamham but even worse, and bamham is literal trash.

Would it have been better if you saw the player mash x a bunch whilst he did a generic combo?

Wait wut. That's what happens in the trailer. I like Kojima and MGS but the trailer is not inspiring me.

Do you need giant button prompts on the screen to tell you how awesome and gameplay the game is?

>"I have ADHD and all games must appeal to me ONLY!"

No, it would have been better if:

- the combat was faster
- the player did some animation cancels like jump canceling into attacks or dash cancels
- crazy combos, not short 4 hit things, more like him doing 3 punches, cancel, do another set of 3 punches, a launcher, leap into the air, send him slamming back down, and continue comboing

>"I'm dead inside and can only enjoy boring games that make me feel like a mature grown man!"

it's time to grow up manchild.

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You literally sound like fucking resetera holy shit

they love this death stranding garbage too btw. so yeah may wanna rethink that.

rent free, reddit newfriend

you don't even need to fight to win, the point is to avoid danger and keep moving to deliver your shit, climbing, hiding and so on.
What the fuck did you expect? fucking awesome combos?

It's a japanese game, so yes, yes I did expect awesome combos.

The fun hating movie faggots got BTFO in this thread

It's not a movie.

don't forget to thank mom for the dinner while you're collecting coins jumping platforms "on the go" on your toilet