So when does it get good?
So when does it get good?
The title screen
When you do
right here
What's your favorite weapon lads?
For me, it's the church pick.
Bowblade. It's fucking brilliant.
Central Yharnam is probably the best single level From has ever put out, and it ends with a great boss. Hard to imagine BB catching your attention if it doesn't.
Based Pickbro
after you return it to the shop clerk
Boom hammer or arm can't decide
The DLC unfortunately
I hope you’re still here because I’m curious about the file name, 01 blood minister. Do you have an organized folder for in game screen shots or what
I just downloaded right now.
Central Yharanam + Cathedral Ward is the peak. So this
I figured that may have been the case. Oh well it gives me the idea to do it myself anyway. I already have a fuckton saved so id just need to organize them, maybe replay to fill in some gaps
Beasthunter Saif. Brilliant moveset.
beast claw for the fun factor
A tie between Blade of Mercy and Logarius Wheel.
The constant dodge and attack style of BoM was fun. Made the fights fast paced.
Logarius Wheel's spin powerup was always satisfying to do
Threaded cane
>looks cool as fuck
>quick close range sword style attacks
>long range whip attacks
Why does no one ever pick chikage?
it's like ludwig holy sword. very good but also kind of boring to use
Because Bloodletter is more fun to use