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Not old enough to warrant a remaster. This is the reason the new consoles don't have backwards compatibility, so they can up the resolution, enable a couple extra options that were already in the PC port(if there was one), then charge you for it again

>russian shovelware makers of War Z, Quake champions, and some upcoming paradox shovelware

oh no no no no

You do realise that Ghostbusters is literally BC on Xbox One, right?

Ghostbusters is a bland comedy that is only propped up by boomer nostalgia for the mid 80's.

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And you do realize this remaster is for ps4, right?


I’m gonna call you an idiot.

Holy shit, I was gonna pick it up on 360 a few months ago, is this for me? I really wanted this on PS4

Love the game and replay it once every year or two since it's short but fun. I want to see some of the actual gameplay first though. Hope they add in the cut content such as the parade scene that was in trailers and mentioned in game but cut for time despite spending a long time making crowd AI exclusively for that part which they boasted about. A remaster for the Wii version for the Switch could be cool too since I never played that one

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World War Z is great. Are you 12?

Does this mean more ecto cooler because that's honestly the only thing about this franchise I give a shit about.

Nice backpeddling

>And you do realize this remaster is for ps4, right?
Ha, ha, ha. Don't tell me you just fell for Sony's trick of putting their logo on multiplatforms and removing all mention of other platforms so their fans will assume they're PS4 exclusive. It was rated for PC months ago.

My brother got me that shitty ghostbusters twin sticks game thinking it was this one. I'll get him this one and return the favor.

I loved playing the Wii version alongside my younger cousin
I'm looking forward to this

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It's for Xbox One and PC too ya dimwit.
How was the Multiplayer? I never tried it but ghostbusting with friends online sounds like fun. Hopefully the remaster won't be dead on PC because i'm not paying for PS+ just for 1 game


It'll be dead on PC.

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Please be physical, I HATE digital only and wont buy digital until it's heavily discounted, but this game deserve s a physical release



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>couldn’t even upgrade the models to look more realistic

Looks like the pc versions still the best

It's ten years old and was in the middle of last gen. I think that's plenty old enough, especially with a new movie coming.

This is the real Ghost Busters 3

RIP Harold Ramis

Welp it was a good 4 minutes of hype.

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it's ok in the sense that modern comedy movies all have been just shitty stoner comedies or bad parody movies for the past 25 years.

That game on 360 was super fun, neat, but not gonna play it again.

No, it’s War Z. Look it up, zoomer. They changed it to Infestation: Survivor Stories after getting sued

lets pretend this looks good or that there is anything of worth watching this video


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