This topic is for all things Lara Croft old and new and for those who love our gaming queen.
/Lara Lovers/
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Thanks for the bump.
number 1 vidyafu
pls do not post any more pictures of my wife is making me feel weird
Are humans allowed in this thread?
new lara is dogshit
just like the games themselves
this is a message from the game dogs
oouughh ouugh ouughh
Imagine the smell of her sweaty ass haha
Lara taught me how to be a good friend to all around me!
If you wanted old Lara to live then you should have bought her games, homie. No one to blame but yourself.
Sorry bro, your wifey's a ho
The horrific death are the only things about New Laura that get me aroused.
Who is Laura? It's Lara. Are you American by chance? They can never seen to say her name correctly.
old lara (up to AOD)
shit games
shit waifu
neo lara (up to Underworld)
ok games
ok waifu
nu lara (2013 onwards)
good games
good waifu
I am. However, I attribute the mistake to my phone's autocorrect.
But Lara dying in horrifying ways legitametly gets me erect.
There is literally no woman more perfect than Lara.
t. conan o'brien
Does Conan O'Brien actually share my fetish. That's rad.
Yes, he loves gay anal too.
That isn't Lara. This is Lara.
Her breasts look enhanced here.
shes fantastic in spite of her games quality.
dont know what her future holds, hopefully better games with the same lara or a graceful retirement
I would let her gut me just for one kiss.
I love rise Lara
post her tits you fucking plebs!
How do I get her to marry me, bros?
I want to impregnate her ass.
No, you must be kind to her and look after her.
Give me a sec.
Someone should wash her feet. Ok, I'll do it.
I just startes playing underworld loved the newer games and wanted to check out classic lara
The combat isn't as good or properly explained but i love the puzzles and exploring
>classic lara
Underworld Lara is one of my favs.
>zero cleavage
Even Fortnite has cleavage. Shit Lara.
>underworld came out 11 years ago
Post more Laras for my collection.
Why did they remove her boob jiggle in Rise/Shadow?
man - I hope we'll still get more third person Tomb Raider games. Besides Uncharted, there's not a lot of games that fulfill my Indiana Jones syndrome.
I want to drink a gallon of horse semen out of Lara's ass haha
>See a girl like this
>Immediately fall in love
>Try to keep my spaghetti in check
>Get her number
>Have sex , omg she is fantastic I love her so much. She is smart , witty , interesting , hot bod , and those eyes.
>Get into a relationship.
>Discover she is an insecure ,psychotic ,broken sad mess of a person.
Every single time.
I just finished the first Tomb Raider yesterday, i wanna play them all. is there anystoryline that crosses into other games / would I miss something playing them out of order?
Californians and Canadians are absolute fucking cucks.
They would rather add an erect dick to Lara than give her breast physics again.
>Discover she is an insecure ,psychotic ,broken sad mess of a person
Aren't we all?
Post her pics senpai
Are you excited for the Croft Manor DLC?
>You came home from day of work and see this in your bedroom.
what you will do?
Cover her with blankets because she is sleeping
Ask would she like a cup of tea and what shall we have for dinner.
Hug her and tell her how much I cherish her.
>is there anystoryline that crosses into other games / would I miss something playing them out of order?
The original Tomb Raider gets referenced in Tomb Raider Chronicles and during the Crystal Dynamics Trilogy of Legend, Anniversary and Underworld
Whoa now, settle down there.
>insecure ,psychotic ,broken sad mess of a person
So exactly like nu-Lara then
Why wouldn't we?
She's my wife.
Have sex
Have children
I believe you'll find that she's mine.
I love her
classic lara > breastlet nu-lara for zoomer retards
Don't worry, friend.
We all get a Lara wife from a different reality.
I will, with my wife Lara!
Whistle for my horse
Way ahead of you
All those anons
I would cover her with blankets, then if she wakes up I'll asked does she want a tea or something to eat, then I'll hug her and procreate till morning, falling asleep embracing her tightly.
I am unironically going to call my daughter Lara
>tits got bigger
Love that
God what I wouldn't give for a chance to impregnate Lara.
When did you realize that polygons don't matter?
When my brain stopped working
back to /vr/ with you don't say?
>destroy iconic character because you can't stand fictional sexiness, it makes you MAD
>create "Lara Croft done right"
>nuLara's only legacy is bestiality and other gross fetishisms
thanks Anita
I did.
Now tell me about how your character wasn't good enought to sustain itself without a 20yo famous ip
I support /lara/ threads.
Was it too much?
>old lara (up to AOD)
>shit games
>shit waifu
>neo lara (up to Underworld)
>ok games
>ok waifu
>nu lara (2013 onwards)
>good games
>good waifu
misery and delusion
fantastic and unique games (ymmv, not without underwhelming entries)
fantastic waifu, icon
barely games, they do what other games do but half assed
barely a character, just a collection of "relatable female" thropes, designed to be unstriking
cannot support a new IP by herself, bestiality
take this link you pervs
>being you
>in a thread like this
>and drawing the line at "boobs"
Release the horse!
Please kill yourself
And then she'll fucking dick kick you sad incels because you somehow managed to drug and drag her into your filthy bed lmao
I was just here a few minutes ago but I'll go again as you say.
>So exactly like nu-Lara then
I tought she was RELATABLE! and LIKE REAL PEOPLE!
Whad did go wrong?
Is that from the new Alien movie I keep hearing about?
I always knew that. I am not a zoomer.
Imagine thinking that design=graphics
>wearing a coktail dress to a cocktail party
the horror
t. vaskito from tombraiderforums
Kek, trforums is a joke.
Someone sauce me up with a nice Lara SFM.
TRF is Resetera 2.0, literally
You think Lara prefers dogs or horses? My fiance likes dogs, she says that horses are too big.
>replying to yourself
>>replying to yourself
>I'll conflate everyone in one imaginary person and then I will defeat that villain with a magic (you)
I got the horses in the baccc
who the fuck is vaskito
You fucked up with the last comment.
this is the whitest dab i've ever seen
i can get behind that, imagine....
The nu Tomb Raiders are the most enjoyable western Triple A games in a decade.
Last comment is covered behind horizontal scroll bar.
Why do gays love Lara?
lara a cute
>why do gays love to play as a girl who looks like a man now
I agree
>nu Lara
>looking like a man
Are you gay?
She doesn't look like a man. She's less feminine, sure, but the biggest nuLara's problem is her characterisation.
2013Lara was cuter
I thought she had hairy pits for a second. Now my boner is dead.
Gib Lara underwater
t. "armpit hair mod" thread spammer
I don't even like mods.
fucking downer face
2013 Render > Rise > Shadow > 2013 Lara > DE Lara
I'm playing through SottR right now and although I do love the emphasis they put on the puzzles, you could really see how vastly different the quality of the action setpieces are compared to Rise. It kinda feels amateur-ish to me. Also, it's not the kind of sequel that you expect with so little changes from the previous game and all.
>smaller tits == less feminine
based retard
I said nothing about tits. But is this the only difference that you see between them?
Tits are gross. Ass is what matters. There's nothing more beautiful than a woman's nice, firm butt like Lara's
>Tomb Raider 1 came out 23 years ago and is still the best Tomb Raider game and one of the best games ever made
just makes you wonder if modern devs are even trying.
I came to this thread expecting softcore porn and i leave disapointed with you all.
TLR is the best classic TR but overall a shit game.
Thats what you get when you pass development to another studio who kinda sorta didnt actually wanted to make a Tomb Raider game.
That's a shame because I kinda liked Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Totally surprised by how rushed the ending was, though.
too bad
>phone's autocorrect
This but unironically.
>that manface
Lara from the newest game has a jew nose
You lie.
Fetal alcohol syndrome mongol rape baby
she's a qt
My point exactly, she looks like one.
I was talking about you.
Have sex you friendless virgin incel.
it's like uncharted but with booby instead of charming writing/ storytelling and decent gunplay
This is truly the lowest test comeback, nice parroting.
Sorry you got offended when I badmouthed your inferior Lara.
Have sex
Pornstar plastic surgery face
t. vaskito or some other TRF failure
nice meltdown, retard
again and again and again ahahahahahah
Back to /pol/, incels.
Where are her tits and curvaceous figure in general?
Kill yourselves
Seethe more lmao
Tell her she needs to eat all the eggs
TRF defence force on rescue mission!!!! ahahahhahaahaha
>Where are her tits and curvaceous figure in general?
we can't have that because it made Anita mad, MAD!!!
The amount of mental retardation and lack of awareness in that sentence if baffling!
Nice reading comprehension
Did I hit an innocent?
in that case sorry
It's like these people don't play video gam...oh wait.
I forgot.
*ahem* Fuck Squenix
This will never not make me mad. Last I checked, no Tomb Raider game, even the shitty ones like Angel of Darkness, ever over-sexualized Lara. She was always an attractive BADASS who takes shit from no one and just wants to do her exploring thing with an extra motivation or two depending on the game. Even the Nu Raider games still got that.
>no Tomb Raider game, even the shitty ones like Angel of Darkness, ever over-sexualized Lara
Really, nigger?