Meanwhile, at the ta/v/ern

Meanwhile, at the ta/v/ern...

Attached: DrunkDisorder_1.jpg (1626x1045, 367K)

Other urls found in this thread:

heard any news from the other provinces?

Nothing I'd like to talk about.


Attached: 1553483468811.png (760x673, 416K)

I've heard incels have led a boycott of roastie goods in the land of /r9k/

Attached: ZQdPOU3.jpg (1920x1080, 371K)

I don't know you and I don't care to know you

Attached: 1538061358146.png (449x437, 277K)

I'm a tavern maid

Attached: 1550420107968.jpg (620x814, 75K)

I don't know you and I don't care to know you.


Have you heard of the high elves?

Attached: KlutzyGreatIntermediateegret-small.gif (250x250, 531K)

You've got a real bounce to your step. I bet you're quite the acrobat

Lift up your skirt

what a rotten way to die

sniff sniff
I'm a goblin
you just got goblinated

What a shame, he was a good man

How goes it?

Have you seen arlong christof?

i am one

Necromancy may be legal in Cyradiil, but few will openly admit to practicing it now that the Mages guild has banned it.

knife ears ain't welcome round here

fuck you, manlet.

I'm putting together a team...

Attached: Jarlaxle-5e.png (650x1000, 238K)


>you see, I've come to understand the truth of Death Stranding™: a Hideo Kojima game

>Slavs enter server

you elves are all the same, all flash and no fury

I'm through talking to you.