>Wants video games banned
I hope you're not voting for him again
>Wants video games banned
I hope you're not voting for him again
Other urls found in this thread:
Suck my dick you fucking shit eating faggot.
>draft dodging pussy
pick one
/pol/ stands with israel and gods chosen people. blessed be donald trump.
>>Wants video games banned
How is that bad again? Vidya is a Jewish tool, just like TV.
i am against israel because i love arabs
>Only pirates get video games
Seems like the ideal to me
>Dodging the most embarrassing embarrassing moment in US history
I can sense liberals getting scared as his re-election approaches.
Fuck the videogames, I’m pissed he’s doubling down on non-renewable energy for “energy domination” instead of protecting our precious ecosystems for future generations.
i'm voting for the neetbux guy
Rich and intelligent people dont go to war, dummy.
People on /'v/ didn't vote for him because they cared about his policies but because he triggered the Left.
>ever creating war heroes
pffft ahhahahahaha HAAHAHAA
China is gonna destroy the earth whether you like it or not. World is gonna end. Thankfully the Messiah shall come and fix it.
>freedom gas
how do you explain the UK's princes that served in afghan?
>heel spurs
>only correctable through surgery
>"foot boo-boo"
everyone who calls trump a draft dodger has no idea the pain you're in after being forced to stand/run for an entire day. It's more than "oh, my feet hurt." It's literally a spike on your heel that digs through the internal layers of your skin every time you step down. So, you know, go fuck yourself and everyone else who downplays heel spurs just to take another jab at ORANGE MAN
>t. retarded dumb person
>he thinks he actually had heel spurs
What layer of irony is this?
I bet energy drinks are a Jewish tool as well, eh fatty?
Generations of inbreeding and a culture that has been severely overestimating itself for the past 2 centuries.
I can't vote for him again. That would require me to have voted for him once already.
You do realize he never actually had bone spurs right? You can't be that naive
this is a false flag, right?
>you don't want to shoot unarmed villagers and get killed in vietcong ambushes
>you're not a real american
Eat cocks
He want's to remove China's grip on America, which the video game industry contributes a lot towards
Let China pollute they’re on the opposite side of the planet they’ll learn their damn lesson or they’ll be the first to suffer. Protect the American way of life and the wildlife which can keep our people fed sustainably forever.
(The coal, fracking, and oil power Trump is de-regulating in Louisiana is legitimately poisoning ecosystems of bass and crawfish to death)
Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight
They leave that all to the poor
What makes a real American besides being very fat and bred with apes?
I would vote for him but i'm not from us
Something confuses me
/pol/ hates jews, right?
But Trump loves jews and Israel
So why does /pol/ love Trump?
Why are liberals so bad at astroturfing?
Who gives a flying fuck about a bunch of dumb animals?
It’s 4-d chess go back to your Mario.
when will he be enriched for collusion with Israel?
>UK's military
is this gonna become a LOL thread?
No it isn't you fucking kike.
trump's vietnam receipt
libtards will never understand the 86-D chess
Israel is the ideal ethnostate
Its american and european jews that are the problem. They are a rich elite that control most formd of discourse.
why do republicans only ask loaded questions?
>/pol/ love Trump?
only nu-/pol/ (aka plebbit 2.0) love this kike puppet faggot
I voted for Hillary. If the dems don't move to impeach, however, I'm writing in whatever the hip 2020 meme is. I live in a hard blue state anyway.
I wanna be able to take my kid down to the water and pull up some fish for dinner without getting poisoned or worse them going extinct just so some billionaire oil executives can afford a new private jet.
How does he plan to do that? And why should I, a Central European, give a fuck?
if only
Because /pol/ are fucking retards.
says the /sg/ reject
Just don't eat fish. Or buy it from the supermarket. You don't need to fish to have fish for dinner. Who cares if they go extinct.
guns good
Based but also redpilled. Fuck video games, fuck gamers but more importantly FUCK JANNIES
Because he can strong arm your country. See: chink phones getting fucked even if you're a European.
>why should I, a Central European, give a fuck
How else will you spam “does America really?!” threads every day without keeping up?
Also there's like trillions of species of fish on the planet. One less doesn't mean anything. Stop being a fucking baby.
Don’t play dumb with me I’m not in the mood.
>being smart enough to not get drafted and die horribly in the jungles of Vietnam BAD
>fighting in a pointless war GOOD
that means normalfags will no longer will be able to play them
Provide quote where he specifically said that
The actual, current and absolute state of American education.
Too busy hiding under tables during a shooting to learn why any species going extinct is a big deal outside of "IT TASTE GREAT IT GOOD"?
I don't get it.
/pol/ claims jews want to destroy us, but whos gonna act as sword and shield for them when were gone?
whos gonna save them from chinks, muslims and russians?
>no counter argument
>better call him retarded
Ok faggot.
That's a good thing. EU economy needs major reforms, leaders are too weak on China and EU import tariffs and regulations only raise prices for Europeans.
Russians are friends.
jesus christ this cope is still going on? LMAO
Damn dude real edgy, who cares if we destroy the American way of life as long as the billionaire oil executives keep raking in profits unregulated!
fuck videogames desu
if the next crash is gonna take even longer to get here, he has my vote
>duur, just kill the environment and shop at the supermarket
>you have no counter argument
Here’s your replay fucktard. Nice troll.
>you cannot be free unless you kill brown civilians in the jungle goy
>yes master
Lmao what American way of life? Who fucking cares if some stupid fish die? They're fucking useless anyway.
Stop giving him (You)s you triple niggers.
Good. Videogames ruined my life.
Video games are degenerate.
We can grow and raise all the food we need. Fish don't matter.
Dont bother dude. Schools out for summer, so theres a chance youre probably arguing with a kid
I still don't see a problem. America doesn't want our videogames - fuck them. There is market for them literally everywhere else. And we no longer have to cater to all the bluehaired whales that call us racist in the first place, because that customer base gets locked off. What is he going to do - ban PC market?
>not wanting to kill gooks
Didn't realise /pol/ were pussy ass faggots.
The sad thing is: there's actually a chance he might win because the Dems are being pants-fucking-retarded with the Mueller report instead of rallying around a 2020 candidate.
They don't even know who the frontrunners are going to be and they're over a year out. There are twenty candidates running against an incumbent. This is the dumbest political cycle in recent history because beating Trump should be a slam dunk, but the opposition is too busy playing with cat turds in a sandbox to do it.
Yeah, see? Thsi is a real problem that the Dems could use to realistically defeat him in 2020, but instead their grand strategy seems to be to piss themselves and scream "OBSTRUCTION, PUTIN AND BLLOOOUUUUUFFFFFFFFFPPPHHHHHHHHHHHH"
Pick some fucking policies Democrats, you braindead parasites so you can actually win. Stop trying to win a battle that you lost months ago.
> We can grow and raise all the food we need. Fish don't matter.
>he eats factory farmer meat instead of wild caught
Oh, no no no!
>/pol/ is only one group of people instead of several groups of people fighting amongst each other
/pol/ can be whatever you want it to be as long as it's convenient to whatever retardation you want to shit out
Epic reaction images. You really proved me wrong.
Absolutely based AND redpilled amirite fellow pedes? :^)
All that's going to happen is your firms will need to spend extra eurobucks sourcing goods from non-US supply chains so you can sell to China and use their services. It's what happened with space. Won't be crippling you just have smaller margins.
>when your troll backfires
You mad or naw?
> triggered this easily
Good goy
He also "wants" a wall and an end to birthright citizenship. Will never happen though.
He's doing the right thing. Video games actually HAS ruined many lives. Just look at the average Yea Forumstard. Stunted, emotionally and socially retarded, incapable of separating his fictive "superiority" to the reality. These young men could have been saved and gone on to live normal, happy and fullfilling lives had video games not ruined their childhood and teenage years.
Guess its time to alternate to the other of your 2 "choices" next time heh?
Truly a great political system
Spiting the libs has nothing to do with personal integrity or reason. The state of the /pol/tard is to metaphorically piss oneself and then mock people for complaining about the smell.
self preservation is not cowardice nigger
> this much self hate
Seek counselling
Lmao you're the ones that are triggered and can't even present a half decent argument. Not a single person has said why I'm wrong so far.
He is definately going to win. The tactics of scaring people away from Trump works only to a point. Because you can only cry wolf so many times until people get bored with your bullshit. We've seen that in Europe. And apparently your Democrats don't have a consistent program aside from "LGBTXZADFEQ+, Trump evil, social democracy good, believe women". That's not really much.
What's with all the rampant anglosphere shitposting and poor low effort baits across the boards? Is there some kinda holiday today, or did something "embarrassing" happen to one of their countries? The anglos are being worse than usual.
Jew and Muslims must be removed from our homelands and placed back in Israel where they can fight it out between themselves rather than using us as mediators/shields of war
>Bans video games
>normies invade something else
>I just pirate games
Totally voting for him, the man is saving gaming.
they all want them banned
Taxing videogames won't stop yound people from ruining their lives. Are you retarded? The people ruining their lives are addicted usually to one game or a few games.
>dodging a draft in a war that was so unpopular it's directly responsible for the draft being abolished and everyone who dodged the draft was pardoned
The only people who get mad at those who nope'd out of going to Vietnam are those who never had to deal with the draft to begin with.
Protip, SAS has beaten SEALs in every single joint military competition the last two decades. Even fucking snownigger FSK has beaten SEALs regularly
Actually, they dropped their "Believe women" part of their mantra because the MeToo campaign backfired hard over here and got a several celebrities unfairly accused like Johnny Depp.
So now it's just the three things that they're running on.
wouldn't he like energy drinks if he was a fatty?
I hope he does, maybe it would stop amerifats from ruining gaming
He's stuck with a minority vote intention and it hasn't budged in either direction for a year now. Nobody is changing their mind on him and he will lose.
>Stunted, emotionally and socially retarded, incapable of separating his fictive "superiority" to the reality
None of that us due to video games, stop trying to play shit for your own fuck ups. Nobody forced you to become a autistic shut in, you were just too much of a pussy to handle life or Chad bullying you.
Where's the One Angry Shill article on this?
Oh, I could tell you why you’re wrong I just refuse to be dragged down into your extremely low level or discourse.
has anyone cracked the covfefe meaning?
That’s because you’re being an obtuse cunt, it’s more fun to watch you sperg out
Better than taking in sand niggers to ruin your country.
c'mon now, the things you can criticize trump for, this ain't one of em
>not wanting to help the planet by removing ricemen
Kys niglet
Doesn't matter, russians will hack the elections again
>Play 12 hours a day
>Stay up way late despite school tomorrow
>Skip homework to play more
>Stay inside and play games while other kids hang out
>Only socialize when going to friends to play more games
This is the average story of every Yea Forumstard. If you're completely unfamiliar with this, then you have to fuck off back to your forum, boomer normie shit.
>unironically defending ((((((((((((((((them)))))))))))))))
jesus fuck i never thought i'd see /pol/ sink so low
America already imported mass niggers and the country is already ruined. It's nationwide Detroit and LA at this point.
Lemme guess, you have an IQ of 150 and watch Rick and Morty.
>says I'm sperging out
>can't present a single argument when I ask one fucking question
This is so epic. Words can't describe how epic this is.
Anglo contrarianism really will lead to the destruction of the planet.
I actually kind of think my life would be better if no new videogames were made
that said, when did he say this?
i know that the bill to ban lootboxes or w/e got bipartisan support but where di he say he wants them banned?
Israel is, and has always been, our greatest ally.
> le epic
Dance, monkey
t. over 45k no-go zones covering 5% of mainland europe, and even half of some of the capitals.
But hey, at least you're not "bigoted"!
Energy drinks have very low Caloric values actually.
Still not seeing an argument.
As opposed to what anyway, having normal niggers?
None of that is due to vidya, its because your a weak willed cuck who doesn't know when to stop. Get over yourself and stop getting daddy gobermemt to fix your problems because you don't have the backbone to do it yourself.
they lied to you
it's just filled to the brim with sugars. You can instantly tell when a young kid is on energy drinks by their globular form, fatty.
The best part is even if they do get Trump impeached, Pence will become president and since we're already over halfway into the term it wouldn't count against the two term limit.
Dems are literally setting themselves up for 10 years of President Pence.
Pretty based not gonna lie, /pol/ btfo
>doesn't pay his own share of taxes
This, it was just larp to trap arapes so we could get coords to nuke them with. Like we did with the help of based Russia. We've actually always been pro zionists. Guess our larp went over the head of the savages who hate the one nation still supporting the good guys and is a light in the dark seas of middle east.
Fucking eurocuck ingrates pretend that Iran isn't a danger to the world society and will probably chimp out when we go there to save the world yet again from nuclear fire.
"Don't believe everything you read on the internet" - George Washington
Video games?
Why do you deserve concise counter arguments when all you said about my original point was “who cares”?
I don't even like the Simpsons but thanks I guess
Honestly the UK (maybe other Euro countries?) is more pathetic. Literally voting for a party instead of a person. If the person leaves office or dies, they get to put whoever the fuck they want in instead of putting the second elected official in (Vice President in US's case) or holding another election. No one knows who is going to be the UK's next PM, while in a real democracy it should obviously be someone who was on a ballot.
>social democracy good
not a little thing in a country that thinks "not being able to dump waste-oil into people's drinking water" is Stalinism, and that "Citizens utilizing government programs" is a sign of those government programs being "broken" (because obviously if someone doesn't look crippled they're not crippled or debilitated, empathy and understanding are for faggots and life wasn't even shittier for people before these welfare programs began to exist).
(also welfare programs too poor communities aren't a better economic stimulus than tax breaks to major corporations due to most of the money from welfare/assistance-to-the-poor going right into local grocers and businesses, where major corporations offshore that shit anyway and won't onshore it again because they're not retarded)
I'm sure if you looked into it, you'll see that most rich people pulled similar stunrs. Even Bill Clinton and Romney dodged the draft for fucks sake.
Any of you patriotic NEETs want to take one for the team and put a bullet in pic related’s head?
I'm just asking why anyone should give a flying fuck about fish and you retards just start shitflinging.
>Shit on the Vietnam war and all the soldiers are scum
>At the same time screech that he didn't go to Nam
>Fox News
Nobody watched Fox News until 9/11 happened
Based and goyimpilled
this but unironically
I'm not European, I live in a white country lol.
There should be a “kill this poster” button, would have slammed it for this post
How can you be scum for killing gooks?
I'll have to check, but I remember red bull, for example, having about between 80-120% of your DI, it's not that bad.
I'll vote Trump for the lulz.
*honk honk*
Jews control the media, banks, and Governments using (((money))). I fucking LOVE capitalism though.
>I don't live in the white nations, i live in a white nation
Oh no, the slav subhuman think it's people again
>Saving me from this degenerte mentally ill hobby
Based Trump
This, it's just a thing richfags can get away with, it's not exclusive to Trump.
You know why, don't you? The Democrats are almost as right-wing in economic policy as the Republicans. That includes environmental regulations. They'll pretend they're different for those in the public who care, but they'll never actually propose to do anything about it. Both parties are corporatist. When a literal billionaire appears to be more in-touch with the working class than his Democratic opponent, you know there's a huge fucking problem.
Not if the Democrats pull another Hillary and put an unlikable candidate up there to campaign on non-issues. Please get your shit together and start pushing social programs and healthcare again, I'd like these things to happen and I really don't want another 4 years of Donald Trump.
> why should anyone give a flying fuck about fish?
I'm a leaf bro. It's 91% whites
Trump and his entire family should be executed as traitors to the United States
Nothing but good could come from video games being banned.
Where's the proof otherwise? Just dumb animals. Fuck em.
Because they’re delicious and nutritious. Fishing is entertaining. They’re self-sustaining renewable food. They’re cornerstones of ecosystems which have maintained perfect equilibrium for millions of years and can continue to do so for millions more for free.
You just don't get it bro he's playing them, thats why he's doing everything they ask.
don't, every physician in my country warns for energy drinks, the national healthcare is on it, and unlike your dreglike state (probably some half-breed pest-zone like the US), we take care to not let big corps take the talking points to us.
Energy drinks are the prime mover in the recent surge in obesitas and diabetes, fatty.
Bernie is gonna win.
This time the DMC won't rig their pre-election to damage Bernie and pump up Hillary.
The Don upfront.
Yeah but like, you can just farm them. What's the point.
That one with the hoodie looks like they crossdress in private.
This. Fuck McCain
Wtf bros, you said that jews would lose if we voted for him. Why is his whole family Jewish?
All it would take is a single bullet in the fat man’s head, surely one of you brave posters would be able to take him down
>Not if the Democrats pull another Hillary and put an unlikable candidate up there to campaign on non-issues. Please get your shit together and start pushing social programs and healthcare again, I'd like these things to happen and I really don't want another 4 years of Donald Trump.
Most democrats running for 2020 haven't even announced what their policies are going to be. It's like they ran for president for the social media appeal and not because they actually had a plan on campaigning.
You know, I used to absolutely despise Asians and niggers and took pride in white power (was even a donating member of stormfront).
>But over the years I realized even other """"whites"""" are vastly inferior to my nordic heritage. And that got me asking some tough questions. If the anglos are nothing more than goblins, cunning little rats stabbing you in the back, the Slavs just another violent chimp, the southern euros dumb lazy animals... Why the fuck should I share my people's great heritage and intellectual pride with these lesser beings? I realized that my people has as much in common with the deformed nasty anglos as my people have to do with stinking pajeets and tribal niggers. I realise my race is nothing like the obnoxious and crude frogs. My ethnicity pertain a beauty no lesser "white" can ever compete with, so why should I stand next to these bestial failures? Nothing disgust me more than seeing a Brit mouth off about "white pride" thinking he is my equal. Nothing angers me more than a balkan nigger implying he is as much worth as my ancestors. The peak of evolution in this world is not the catch all "white", it's Nordic. When subhumans think of whites, they think of me, not the beady eyed rats in Ireland nor the low IQ Italians. So none of these creatures deserve to use the label "white" anymore than some bugman or spic. And the most disgusting thing is, these things will fight tooth and nail to pretend they're like my ethnicity no matter how undeserving. White power isn't about pushing whites ahead, it's about making us as weak as the weakest most inferior european (non nordic)
Can’t build a bigger or better farm than the Louisiana bayou.
I keep wondering what the ginger with the pink hat and generic army costume with german cross (?) is doing at the back of the don. Maybe he's emptying a knapsack? Or maybe he's stickering a 'kick me' note on him?
the guy with the goatee looks like he should be holding bagpipes
The majority of Dem candidates have website pages dedicated to policy, but a retarted vista like yourself only reads tutorial notes when mashing X
Nah they're alright, they're not even real commies, legitimately. They need to calm down with some of the shot they eat though.
Its not like democrats have any chance to win in 2020 so why they should even bother to run?
>every physician in my country warns for energy drinks
Because they assume people who drink them have them constantly, but fair enough, it's like 7 teaspoons of sugar (above the DI).
>murrican lol
I live in one of the best nations in the world fag, not Muttopia.
Also what's up with the /pol/ x filenames, are you trying to bait shit?
Russians should be executed and dumped in mass graves
I'm just sick of anglos shitting up /biz/ because their golem master told them to hate anything chinese, even the ones who makes me an average of 100 dollars and increasing a day doing nothing but sitting on stacks of BNB
the tolerant left everyone
I libe vidya gamus :D
Underestimating the other party’s chances is exactly why Trump won in the first place.
day of the bikelock
If I were a Democrat I would be thinking about shutting down all the crazy leftie activists for the election period. They tend to sour people to the cause. Most people don't like to be yelled at, called a bigot or talked down to. That's why Trump won. Trump is an asshole but that smug, holier-than-thou political activist calls you an evil person for things I haven't even done. Most decided they'd be better off with Trump and I don't blame them. People can't stand smug hypocrisy.
You realize mr 'DI' that you need exactly 0 teaspoons of sugar in your drinks, right? Fatty.
Who is larping as who?
Feels like every boomer post is an extaggerated falseflag by a zoomer, every anti israel post made by jews, every pro israel post made by arabs, every anti anglo made by anglos etc.
Why can't you people just fucking talk normally without dressing yourself up in layers of falseflagging masks?
Still surprised that guy managed to get away with it.
Canada is only 72% white.
i thought you trannies hated video games
shouldnt you be voting for trump then
I'm not American. I wouldn't vote for a jew anyway
>rich guy avoids a draft
Wow, this has never happened before! How could this be?
I also need exactly 0 of my dick in a girl, but I still want it
Aren't you boys drinking zero ultra? 0 sugar lads
How many death threats and assassination mentions need to be made to lock an off topic thread around here?
Least his parents were rich
They don't dumbass. Go to /pol/ right now
>implying anyone on Yea Forums likes video game
Time for you to go back.
Le based voice of reason! Too bad there aren’t ANY other threads in the catalogue right now to discuss all this hot new video game content popping off right now.
it's mostly just morons on Yea Forums, especially after /pol/ invaded, so 95% of what you see isn't LARPING. it's just morons trying to communicate their goals.
Having said that: Fuck americans, britts and jews. They are all scum of the earth and should be cleansed in heavenly fire.
Damn, the left is desperate as fuck.
>a bloo-bloo
>someone doesn't hate le EPIC orange man
They will, because they're consumed by the same contrarianism every fucking zoomer today is, you included. And precicely due that is why you won't vote trump because "they" do.
Fucking clown circles.
But why Yea Forums need /pol/ thread?
>whos gonna save them from chinks, muslims and russians?
No one, because for example the US had no enemies in the Middle East before Israel. (no a bunch of pirates once doesn't count)
Because Dubya exists he won't go down as the most morronic-looking president in history, but only by a slight margin.
But I like sugar, but again, fair enough.
You can like him, you defective human waste, but don’t lie to yourself that the man suffers from anything besides a broken brain. Like you! No wonder you like him fren :^)
I was legit wondering if you were retarded.
you hook nosed savages just stir up shit over tehre. let the muslims fight amongst themselves, dont involve us into it, dumb untermensch.
>gets called out
>goes on and proves the point made
Thanks little libtards. I'll wait till next year for the new salt harvest.
>two massive sugar drinks 5x the size of the rest of meal
I doubt anyone even falls for these shitty fast food combo deals. Yeah here I go chugging half a gallon of sugar with 5 nuggets and a toddler’s handful of fries.
I dunno, Bolton seem dead set on correcting the slight Iran did to him, and there's room for plenty of fuckups in another middle east war. Especially now that Russians and chinese aren't sitting back anymore.
And knowing burgers, another pointless war built on bullshit is exactly what will "unite" them enough to vote on the lying war monger again.
The only sugar I consume is in these glorious lemon callipo I just consumed, godly.
Bet she likes sugar too, fatty.
the US had a literal nigger president, he never had a chance
little ceasar's is still the best calorie/nutriet-to-dollar you can get outside of stuff like mass-packaged dried beans and shit.
>Hehe, that'll teach those queers about stop being so gay!
Low effort shitposting is seeping into the real world.
Reminds me of theme park, that game was so classy in teaching my young self the risks of high capitalist economic systems.
Because you're in the middle of a "culture war" between (for lack of better descriptors) "/leftypol/, discord trannies and such" vs "/pol/ and right leaning people".
With anons who genuinely want to talk about vidya being shit out of luck, because the only threads that get any attention are bait from these two factions.
Give it 6 months and it should die down.
>read the calorie information on one of those
>17% of your daily salt intake
fucking how?
Russians should have all been dropped into Chernobyl you fucking brainless cucks
>say something retarded.
>dude are you retarded, wtf?
>"I'm allowed to vote for Trump y-you fucks."
>dude are you retarded, wtf?
>"Th-thanks for the salt l-libtards."
Not even American, I'm a white person from a white country.
dude diversity is our strength lmao I love immigrants
? Why are you replying to me twice retard?
Keep going, my sides thank you for it.
Hes a Russian, you can tell by the fact he has nothing intelligent to say and has a broken spine in service to his fat idol
That quote isn't real
pic related is though
Always better than be an amerimutt.
>Give it 6 months and it should die down
>when it's been going on since at least 5 years
kek, nice try leftyfuck, but you won't silence us.
>5 dollars food value.
Drinking the water of the fucking gange is more healthy than eating that """""food"""""
>Give it 6 months and it should die down.
People said that shortly after the election dumbass, this shit isn't stopping anytime soon.
Upper class people and politicians serving in the army is pretty common in history though. Just look at the roman republic.
>still goes on about muh russia
Guess the last 2 days haven't reached you yet in your safe space.