Attached: XCe42ZQ_d.jpg (640x853, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Really enjoy Doom 2016 single player
>Suddenly forced to download a 50gig multiplayer patch
>On shit Aus internet so don't bother since that would take multiple days
>Can never play Doom 2016 single player again

Who started the trend of painting these buildings. Was it just Bethesda last year? Let me remind you what that game ended up being like.

You realize they're not painted right

that's what you get for being a buyfag

Rockstar, you dumb shit

They are.

What building and which city?

Is that the same building as the 76 ad?

Attached: DfIaMXvVMAI6g3a.jpg (1200x900, 271K)

That shit should be illegal. Does anyone even play it online?

Attached: wtf.jpg (1024x768, 282K)

The Cyberdemon better look closer to the original design. Of course if the things in.

Ready to kill some mortally challenged

Am I being trolled here or is Yea Forums actually filled with underage zoomers.


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Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to build the buildings so lose to each other? I hope it's just a hotel building, or else, imagine living so close to your neighboor, and never getting any sun

Honestly Id was fucking retarded for building the buildings like that.

>sequel of a garbage remake
>from a company that just released a nasty shart of a sequel
yeah, no.

>>Really enjoy Doom 2016 single player


Have sex, pathetic autist.

imagine being this uninformed

>Doom on the buildings
Bethesda confirmed for having fucking nothing to talk about other than Doom Eternal and shitty DLCs at E3.


Attached: Screenshot_Doom_20151213_153725.png (1920x1080, 959K)


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if you think we're not getting a starfield trailer you're fucking braindead

Really, I'M the braindead one when you think they're going to have a trailer for Starfield when they have already explicitly stated that Starfield will not be at E3.

Source or shut the fuck up you fabricating douche canoe

If you think that Bethesda Game Studios is able to create at LEAST a passable, 6/10 game, you're fucking braindead.

zoomers are the new majority

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Holy shit, you took that pic yourself OP? Work in LA Live? Or were you just visiting downtown?

1gig patch for keyboard lights too.

Imagine being this fucking new.
Shut up fagboy.

Oh fuck, is that Doomy Ternal? I'd rather kys myself than play that trash!

Shit gameplay

Good gameplay


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is that building supposed to be important or something? xd

I don't get what I'm supposed to be seeing here, comrade.

CEO of the company that made Quake Champions