Ye olde Yea Forums humour

ye olde Yea Forums humour

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Other urls found in this thread:

i don't get it

I do.

Once you beat the game first time, the castle flips around and you have to do it like an Australian would.

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The earth rotates so it turns upside down in 12 hours.

>* starts playing in your head*

As in you're walking on the roof disorientingly or is every flipped?

Everything is flipped

Oh, good

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The game turns you into an australian.

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Damn dude, I made this one a few years ago.

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how does he not know what game that is when he already owns it

Not old Yea Forums

>no gay shit at the end
Delusional, we buttbois nao.

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stop bastardizing old works

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thanks user
bless you

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See and strongly consider killing yourselves

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The guy shouldn't be upside down in the last panel

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here, take this version user

Attached: Fuck Wojaks.png (800x600, 70K)

This thread is shit, needs more zooooooommm


mad cuz bad

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Needs less zoom-zoom-zoomer shit.

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>Yea Forums pining for rage comics
Time is indeed a cruel mistress

He was agreeing with you user. Wojaks and Pepes should be a banable offense these days


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this one is pretty fucking old man

>we will never go back
At least back then it was OC instead of faggots copy pasting the same 4 pictures over everything

Oh, I get it, I just saw the logo in the thumbnail and assumed he is branding the whole image.

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the other ones were based but this one is cringe
why'd you hafta ruin it user

all we have to do is start using the older memes again

I can't tell the difference.

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>ebaumsworld still exists and updates

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Found this instead

Attached: everyjrpgever.jpg (303x1013, 87K)

did someone say [spoilers]TUBES__[/spoilers] ?

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Not old, but does anyone have the image of "what I played, expected, got" with Sekiro and Ogre?

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This got me thinking of that one comic about the scared cat, then the pool where the guy regenerates with mutations after every time he is butchered, then he goes to his house and scares his cat and ooooooh I get it now.

heh, i didn't

I still miss him

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Disregard that I suck cocks

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I'm not even gonna attemp to make this a joke since it's the sad truth.

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this reminded me of pic related, but I don't remember how old it is desu

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Make way, the real OG coming though.

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Gay shit peaked before pepe/wojak plague
Nowadays we're at

Real talk, what is worse for an online game: BR BR HUEHUEHEUHEUE or BИ PУCКИ? CУКA БЛЯTЪЪЪ REPORT FOR RASISAM

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>nu-Yea Forums will never know the fake watermark memes and blaming ebaums

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a fucking classic

THIS. IS. SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'll do you one better user
Yea Forums+City&w=450&h=350
It's still up.

>not laz0r

Anyone got the collection?

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awesomesauce and epic win, if i dare say so
though i would've preferred if it ended with a surprise hood transition

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I honestly miss rage comics, the OC was so much better. Pepe and wojak have overstayed their welcome and been here too long.

One of my top gaming moments was negotiating with that one demon in that one cave, and in the middle of the dialogue Sten says "we don't negotiate with demons" and declares war on my party and kills me in one shot.

Attached: Waha.png (200x250, 29K)

The second half of the game is the same castle, but inverted.

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Pepe and Wojak aren't the same, there's much turnover and many variations. Think of how many spinoff frog characters we've seen, over a dozen.
So the creativity is still here, its just that with fast internet and so many websites that just archive memes, the "reaction folder" concept went away and things get reused a lot.

the fuck happened to this place

>t. newfag

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One on the right is unironically funnier.

Some things never change

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/pol/ and /pol/ accessories

Every single fucking time someone comes along and says this
Every single fucking time I take the bait 100% and instantly get mad

That image with the anime girl getting progressively more jaded is 100% right.

fair, this place website is old enough that it hosted my older brothers autistic teen years of desuposting and pool's closed.

Now im here and it's just bait threads and BBC/Cucked shit, and i can't leave

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Will we ever go back?

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/pol/ is literally the last place of Yea Forums that is still Yea Forums. YOU happened.

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What's the actual cut off for zoomers btw, 95 or 00?

>/pol/ is literally the last place of Yea Forums that is still Yea Forums.

/pol/ is literally the board that changed THE MOST out of all the old boards (as News).

zoomer is mostly a cultural thing imo. Most zoomers were born in 2000 or later, but there's been 90s kids that fucking act like zoomers. Meanwhile there are some people that were born in 99 but are practically boomers because they were poor and could only play old games. If these people owned a console, they were likely a gen or two behind and mainly played N64 or PS1 games until 2010 or so

Late 90s mostly 97+

We can't even agree on where Millenials are supposed to be, I don't think we're ready to try arguing about zoomers or whatever the fuck they're supposed to be. And are boomers supposed to be Millenials? I really don't get any of this shit people are spouting now.

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>What's the actual cut off for zoomers btw
If your gaming nostalgia concerns downloads rather than discs, you are a zoomer.

Dude /pol/ is the most normalfag of all the boards besides maybe Yea Forums, /pol/ has actual reddit users.

>And are boomers supposed to be Millenials?
Mostly because millenial doesn't have a proper -oomer. Inb4 doomer.

Thats what I am saying. It didn't used to be like that, stormweenies used to be laughed out of the board, now they and normies own it.


>Not Cartridges
Discs are kind of a middle ground desu

Sure, but it didn't change in a manner conducive to being "not Yea Forums".
If anything, in an attempt to dissociate themselves from it (for some reason, I would assume it was because of the amount of crossposting caused by it's rise as the predominant board), the other boards have become less an less carriers of the "spirit" (zeitgeist?) of what makes Yea Forums what it is.

But why Boomer? For the longest time I thought it was supposed to be a snide shortening of Baby Boomer, until I realized that didn't make sense even within the absurd, retard context of the shitposts.

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I meant all physical media in general, thus discs and not CDs. For a PC user, our cartridges were floppy discs (and thus discs).

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>tfw a floppy disc is both a disc and a cartridge

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Oh come on


Times change. Either deal with it or fuck off to google, nigger.

>I meant all physical media in general
That's fair then

Hey man fuck you too

Boomers are those who primarily played splitscreen rather than online in their childhood if you’re console, if you’re PC, it’s if you remember buying physical PC games.

The original intent of the meme was to make people feel old about being 30 years old but with the advent of zoomer, it became the good thing to be while zoomer took the place of being the unwanted side
All modern memes either start out as, or devolve into, "thing I like is good and thing I don't like is bad"
Just take the virgin vs chad meme, for example. It started out with the virgin walk being a bunch of fairly normal things people do while walking alone meant to make people uncomfortable with themselves about pretty normal behaviour so someone made the chad stride which was extroverted actions taken to comical extremes to show how there was nothing wrong with walking normally. The meme then became "pretty normal thing to do but tinted slightly negatively vs very unusual and absurd alternative put in a positive light for comedic effect". Of course, it didn't take long for people to butcher it into "thing I don't like vs thing I like"

Meaning of "boomer" changed from "baby boomer generation" to "generation before millenials" and then "that guy who thinks like an old fart lmao".
Millenials are boomers because they aren't zoomers, ie. they haven't grew up with pewdiepie as babysitter and didn't have a facebook account by the time they learned to write.

The split between "pre-facebook generation" and "post-facebook generation" is actually pretty significant - look at how political did everything get lately.

where do you find them both?

Of course it did. /pol/ is the board most concerned with normalfag shit and is therefore the worst board. The point of Yea Forums is to be a place where you can free of the sort shit people deal with in the Real World, but all /pol/ cares about IS the Real World. There's a fine line between complaining about things impinging upon your hobby and sick mentality, from shitty family, fellow students, co-workers, moral virtue signaling faggots, the government, and basing your entire fucking board identity about fighting the good fight to cleanse the world of jewish lizard men running it. Don't mistake the old controversies of Yea Forums stirring up shit for what /pol/ does now. /pol/ honestly fucking cares, honestly fucking thinks their particular brand of moralizing, normalfag shit doesn't smell just like all the others.

Yea Forums stopped being old Yea Forums the minute the real world began mattering more than anything else.

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It gets depressing every time
El classico

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It should have died as rage comic did

The video games generation theory is different from general society.
Our generations go like:
>1G: have to rent vidya in public, like arcades
>2G: home systems and free trade of games on physical carriers
>3G: drm measures, early download releases, end of free video game trade
>4G: exclusively downloads, you don't own games, you rent a service

I'd listen to other suggestions, having typed this out and reading it I am not sure it properly covers the different experiences of the generations here.
But I instinctively can tell there should be 4 generations thus far - the primitive very niche ones, the enthusiast nerd one, the early consumer era, and the current full on pop-culture consumer one.

ITT: 35 year old jobless basement goblin getting asshurt that everyone around him matured into better humor while he's stuck being a bitter manchild.

You can pretend things were "better" back then because of nostalgia if you want but the reality is old memes and rage comics were absolute cringe that people only found funny because they were actually 12 years old.
Even adults find pepe and wojak funny because they are while old meme comics just look ridiculous in the modern age

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>tfw 2011
I don’t know but i feel like getting kick out too but honestly i came in 2010

This is probably the most intelligent analysis I’ve seen of /pol/ and it’s damaging effects on the site I’ve ever seen. Yea Forums used to be a haven of nerds and hobbyists, now it’s just where normalfags vent about their shitty lives and inability to get laid.

That's too many for proper memes.
Also, Yea Forums isn't all that concerned with vidya, but constant /pol/ shitposting and [boogieman website] invader paranoia is affected by generations.
And finally, pretty much no one here remembers arcades and playing Counter Strike in internet cafe is peak oldfart. 3G and 4G are nearly the same, 1G doesn't exist, so it's back to boom vs zoom.

He made a fatal flaw in the first post.

>/pol/ is the board most concerned with normalfag shit and is therefore the worst board.
Video games are now consider a past time of normalfags.
Would you then say that Yea Forums is also one of the worst boards based on it's subject matter?

He received it as a gift and just unwrapped it, sillygoose.

>Even adults find pepe and wojak funny because they are
you lost me there

Attached: wojak memes.jpg (676x677, 124K)

Many of the games Yea Forums discusses aren’t popular with normalfags. Mobile games, fortnite, cod, and gta5 rarely get threads here

>playing Counter Strike in internet cafe is peak oldfart
I rented a PC to play for about 6 years of my life, this is very important for me, no way I'll let zoomies ignore this part of gaming development.

>socialism ends
>police station starts to rent out the jail
>some techies take it and install 5 PCs per jail cell
>pirate games and connect it all in a LAN
>5v5 counter-strike with a literal wall between the two teams
>the great tournaments
>during the night you pay for 1 hour you play 5 hours, what a bargain!
We'd play from 2AM to 7AM, then go to school. And a lot of it was Counter-Strike and Diablo, but a lot of it was other random shit games, all PCs had like 30+ games installed, and different PCs had different games other than the staples. You would discover shit when you get a new PC to sit at.

muh feels

Joke's on you, I am posting from the office, and thus am not jobless haha.
The rest is true, except even more bitter and cynical.

Reality is reality, they're essentially just another set of emojis so yeah, they're always funny

>Many of the games Yea Forums discusses aren’t popular with normalfags.
Neither are the political ideas on /pol/.
Clearly it has something more crucial than "normalfags also partake in the subject matter of the board", so let us move past this.

>socialism ends
polacy robacy kuhwa
>tfw western firstworlders will never know this feel

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Would you say goldeneye and nightfire splitscreen is zoomer or boomer?

shiggle diggle was the best time period

You clearly don’t live in the US, many of the ideas discussed on /pol/ such as white nationalism and preventing race mixing do have a following

>polacy robacy kuhwa
Further south, witcher. But yes, I guess westerners didn't have to rent a gaming system and didn't get a PC heavy LAN party experience during that period of console domination.

Obviously boomer
Zoomer is defined by smartphones, social media, politics and everyone having access to internet
Splitscreen and LAN parties are the last of boomers

I bet it is Srbija

fucking lost it.
I miss these.

say what you will but Yea Forums has had an extremely noticeable drop in quality the past couple of years
it's easily one of the worst boards on this website

Not with normalfags, which is what the point of contention was about.
Again, let us move past this, to try to find what the reason for why /pol/ is ostensibly the worst board.

People have liked cartoons forever, did that make Yea Forums normalfags when it was formed? Was Yea Forums normalfag because a bunch of people watched Pokemon? Or Dragonball Z? People have been playing Mario for decades by the millions, is Yea Forums more normalfag now just because the industry is bigger?

Normalfag doesn't just mean "what a lot of normal people like," retard. It's about how you view the world, how you interact with it. Normalfags are normalfags because no matter what they like, they're normal people with a fucking life. They have social circles, they're concerns are primarily oriented towards the real world, their lives don't revolve around spending all their time around a niche part of something divorced for the rest of the world. They get upset by things they think are going wrong in the world and want everyone to conform to their perception of normalcy and prescribe what should and shouldn't be allowed. There's a fundamental part of how they operate that is not compatible with the ephemeral, anonymous nature of Yea Forums of old.

/pol/ could be a persecuted cult, hunted by the government, being literally burned at the stake for their heretical views, and they'd still be a bunch of normalfags because all they want is for you to go out and do something in the real world. So fuck em.

I have this tattooed on my leg
I cringe every time I look down

No, its Bulgaria.
There are still a few gaming clubs around, but they are a rarity, and the atmosphere is waaay different now when everyone has a wifi enabled phone.

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Get the fuck off my board.

Hey, intelligence isn't allowed here.

if i see that fucking cat one more time

This isn't a thread about evil trannies, though.

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>tfw still have it and multiple variations of it saved

Attached: that fucking cat.png (200x212, 68K)

>fuck OC post more pepe otherwise i won't get the joke XD
yes, because generic variations of the same two images are so much more humorous and creative than the hundreds of thousands of reaction images that people used a decade ago.
wojak and pepe garbage is the visual equivalent of a laughtrack in some shitty sitcom that tells the brainlets when to laugh.

you couldn't make the fact that you're a post 2016 election tourist any more obvious if you tried, fucking faggot.

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>anything involving trannies
the bad ones are attention whores, just ignore them instead of feeding them and responding to the bait
they'll probably kill themselves anyways

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I wish I still had my old reaction image folder, but I purged during my "quit Yea Forums and become a high quality human" period, then never rebuilt.

>wojak and pepe garbage is the visual equivalent of a laughtrack in some shitty sitcom that tells the brainlets when to laugh
How will newfags ever recover

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>seething eternal manchild
Yes, the old pencil scribblings we're cringe, pepe and wojak are emojis too but at least they're funny, don't worry, eventually you'll grow up and come to your senses and stop being so bitter someday. Hopefully.

General rule is if you can't remember 9/11 then you're a zoomer.

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>at least they're funny

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one day you'll be clinging to wojak and pepe out of nostalgia and seething at whatever new unholy cancer the young ones are parading around and you'll be wondering where it all went wrong

Wasn't that the same time as Tribes: Ascend too?

Why did it have to end?


>some nigger greets me at the store asking how I am
>know he's gonna ask for change when I'm leaving
>buy him a water instead and give it to me
>still has the audacity to ask for a dollar for a bag of chips

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Anti-trannies are far more annoying than trannies

Whatever happened with Kinect?

Because hi-rez is a trash company and butchered any potential.

I didn’t even notice that lmao

I like how you newfags forgot pepe is an old meme that died for awhile but was so powerful it came back. He'll constantly be in your heads rent free

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floppy DISK not DISC

Trying to force people to buy it with ever Xbone basically killed the device's marketability. Apparently it's still a stupidly advanced camera for recognizing people, so presumably Microsoft just shuffled it over into some other R&D project.

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honk honk

I miss when Yea Forums users were looked at by the most other people online as unfunny spergs who needed to fuck off and stay in their playpen. Now everyone thinks Yea Forums is a cool funny edgy place or a breeding ground for alt-right supersoldiers or whatever stupid shit and it attracts shitloads of people here with an inflated sense of self-importance. Posting here used to be shameful, and it was better that way. Kept the faggots out.

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>censoring niggerwalk
Even fucking kym, who calls the meme "racists on Yea Forums", has the clean variant without censor jewry

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>Normalfag doesn't just mean "what a lot of normal people like," retard.
I'm taking you at your word, pick your words more carefully if you wish to have a conversation without misunderstanding.

Then so, the consideration for how one is or is not a normalfaggot is based on more than one criteria, "How one views the world" and "How you interact with it"
Would that be an accurate summation of what those would be, or do you wish to add to it before I continue?

more like a mutilated corpse that's used by normalfags lmao.

Cope more, seethe harder, and have sex

Attached: normal.jpg (749x1009, 74K)

No, pepe and wojack were a single reaction images among a sea of other reaction images. Just a sad frog and weird, generic human expressing ennui. Now they've been mutilated beyond all recognition into some abomination people seem to believe has to be the basis of everything because they tricked retarded feminists into thinking it was a nazi symbol by using it as symbol for when they larped as nazis.

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Fucking based

The guy who made this still makes comics here

Not him, but maybe escapism is more fitting word for Vidya, tv, comics etc. That seperated it from politics.

Truly masterpiece to this day.

It being picked up by normies is a good thing because only genuinely mentally ill people take the "fuck normalfags, we're all misfits in a secret club" seriously.

Kill yourself.

>Not leaving Sten in the camp permanently like the faggot he is

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what is this era called?
we're already past the post-ironic era

If you need to get something off your chest user, just go ahead.You don't need my permission to call me a faggot. That's the whole point. I'm not entirely coherent and it's difficult to express these things and am probably just going to pass out in bed or something so don't expect some sort of deep intellectual satisfaction from any potential reply.

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If we were to take that as what is being described, escapism from the world, then how would retreating into a semi cloistered forum be indicative of participating in the real world?
Would it not be one of the greater forms of escapism, to escape so thoroughly as to be outside the normal purview of normalfag society that you openly hope for its destruction?

but hold on, isn't the one on the left already an edit? didn't the original have the "wiggle to pet tiger" or some shit

reset era

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>this image is still true

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Is it wrong that i prefer the smug condescending era to the lol so randumb one?

>mfw there was a time when *tips fedora* was the epitome of cancer
Where did we go so wrong

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I couldn't have phrased it better myself

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>If you need to get something off your chest user, just go ahead.
I'll take that as yes then.
If we were to inject the views and interactions of what could be said to be the "average Yea Forums and /pol/ users", then we would get
>With disinterest/disgust and by necessity
>With disinterest/disgust and by necessity
Could you try and elaborate as to why that is either an incorrect description of their "average user" or what in particular I am missing in these categories and why their views are so apparently different?

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Isn't the one on the right one of those reddit faces?

Thanks for confirming why I'll never get a tattoo.

Wh-what year is it? Do people still try pre-ordering battletoads?

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this was my desktop background circa 2007/2008

it's more of a crop rather than an edit but yeah it did iirc

I wish this conversation/argument would go on

We need a final solution to the /pol/tard question
There can be no improvement until ///they/// die

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Post post ironic era

Make it so when you post on /pol/, you get a 5 minute timer that won't let you post on other boards. It stacks.

I really wish this website gets shut down for good

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Grow up, incel

That'd actually be a fun april fools thing
that stays permanently

zoom zoom

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zoom zoom zooooom

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One of the greatest endings ever created

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Back in the day when making a Hitler joke didn't come with mental disabilities.

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>this entire thread

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Did we ever discover what was the secret of the druids?

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To get around that they would just stop posting on /pol/ and shit up other boards even more.

Man I love MS Paint Pokeman comics

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Better idea
>permaban all libtards on sight
>site actually becomes good again because all the asshurt trannies are gone

Or you could just ban all politicucks because puppets aren't worth keeping around anyways

How strong would you have to pull in order to lift a chair you're sitting on, say, 30 centimeters or a feet up in the air? Is that even physically possible?

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snibbeti snab x--DDDD

go back

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Me i mostly played my cousins old consoles when i was young
I started with his mega drive played a bunch of awesome old games on it even battletoads and dynamite headdy
Then i got my own ps1 and was amazed even more
Iam really thankful of that my cousin was very based he even showed pc gaming and emolation to me we played smash bros on his pc with his friends together was so much fun
He actually gave me his mega drive and games later on

Over here there were lan cafes all decked out with CS 1.6 in the early 2000s.

>tfw rushing from school to the nearest net cafe during every 15 minute recess just to do some fragging.

Boomers will never have this feel.

>back when Pepe was just the "you will never..." meme

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I always loved the little halp meh dudes

Wojaks make everything better.

Feels bad man

Man this bait and switch was fucking great. The comic was just a standard board tan comic that was pretty wholesome by Yea Forums standards then he just posted that shit as the ending. One of the best threads I've seen

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Gopniks > Favela dwellers

>that 30 year old boomer who...
Do you not remember that meme? It was like last year

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>pepe will never be a good meme again
>he'll always be tainted by deranged subhuman vermin who think nationalism is a sane idea

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>our rage is impotent and flaccid, thus we hold the moral high ground

Never got this argument.

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Hi Yea Forums, I came here from tumblr last month because of a ragecomic I found funny, I'm glad more of the funny comics are being posted in this thread!

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Welp. I will now be watching this for the next ten minutes.

There is no moral high ground
It's just pointing out that raging is pointless if you aren't going to do anything about it.

The beggining of accepting ironic shitposting as Quality posts is what attracted redditors to this website

pepe was never a good meme, and nationalism is sane, rational, and good.

Why she went back to the highschool uniform?

Now add the honkler panel.

>Even adults find pepe and wojak funny because they are while old meme comics just look ridiculous in the modern age
This is the most un self-aware fucking thing I have ever seen on this shithole goddamn website. The infinitely xeroxed to the point of being nearly unrecognizable to the source Pepes and the endless goddamn wojack shit has been one of the biggest fucking detriment to this stupid place. God I'd rather suffer through a million coolfaces and ragefaces and god knows what other stupid old shit than more stupid Pepes that don't even look like Pepe and fucking dumb wojak shit

I came here because discussing anime on Yea Forums is better than on reddit.

>this is un-self aware
>I personally would rather rage comics
Well of course you would because you're a delusional manchild, but you are hardly an adult now are you? So you can't really make such a value judgement

hes not alive, wojack took his throne because of kekistan cringe shit and its overuse during the 2016 election.

Obsessing over internet memes is pathetic, no matter your age. Start discussing video games.

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Has postmodernism destroyed western culture?

>playing Counter Strike in a literal Soviet prison
I feel like I've truly lost something, never having experienced this.

No, it's postpostmodernism that did.
Postmodernism was a hipster meme, the spergs who sperged out over it on the other hand are fanatical.

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the wojak one is objectively better

sauce on midle pic?

Postmodernism is western culture.
However, postmodernists who don't know what postmodernism is, and attack postmodernism on sight as a boogeyman, are destroying western culture.

you're part of the problem

You sound spergey

No, western culture was already destroyed long before that, postmodernism is just a symptom.