Ion Maiden getting sued by Iron Maiden for 2 million USD


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Welp. Game delayed until 2022 now

Sjws btfo

Probably won't work since Ion Maiden doesn't portray itself as a musical artist and the names are different.
Furthermore an iron maiden is a real thing that existed well before the band.
This is an "EDGE" situation.

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yeah i don't see this working out for iron maiden, especially considering it's not a music thing

>Probably won't work since Ion Maiden doesn't portray itself as a musical artist and the names are different.

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that laws protect people who aren't rich.

>Yea Forums suddenly loves censorship and frivolous copyright bullshit when it's against a game they don't like

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Oh shit, nevermind, this game has an actual publisher. I thought it was indie.

Isn't this what just washed-up has beens do to cling to any sort of relevancy? Copyright bully?

Only the same idiots who go
>wow female protag so SJW trash
instead of actually playing video games enough to even know what SJW trash games are actually like, so their opinions are worth less than fucking nothing because they're retarded, underageb&, or some combination of the two.

It's probably the people in charge of Iron Maiden and not the musicians themselves.

Even if they don't have a leg to stand on they are a rich band and will drag it through the courts for YEARS AND YEARS

The games supposed to release this year and with this lawsuit obviously won't unless they settle or change the name.

Oh fuck off, how flimsy a lawsuit can you make?


Metal music is embarrassing cringe shit. Iron Maiden needs to fuck off.

fuckoff libtard

it is. it's the holding company, not iron maiden.

copyright lawyers are the scum of the earth, they regularly do sociopath-tier stunts like this just to justify their existence.

Fun fact: for the longest time, all of the royalties from Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve were awarded to The Rolling Stones because that song samples an orchestral cover of a stones song and their lawyers smelled blood in the water. Only recently did the Stones themselves step in and give them their fucking money back.

>we've gotten to the point where people don't think Metal is liberal

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Wanna know how I know you're a fun-hating fag that takes everything way too seriously?

Go back to /pol/.

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That's a shame. Iron Maiden is like my second favorite band of all time but this is a pretty scummy move. I sure hope this is just one of their label lawyers gone rogue, because this makes them look pretty bad.

This reminds me of when Bethesda tried to sue notch over the word "Scrolls"

I don't know which label Iron Maiden is currently signed onto but music labels don't give a rats ass about anything and will literally copyright claim people humming music, and sometimes even copyright strike songs they don't even own, that has been 100% created from scratch by 1 independent person.

This isn't the first time a game has had issues with its title.
Oh, it's not just the title, then. Nice oversight.

Never heard of it so the game is probably trash

It's a Trademark infringement, not a copyright one

Brainlets really thought it was just about the title, kek

Please tell me Iron Maiden needs to pay some compensations if their claim is declined. Please tell me you can't just randomly sue without facing consequences.

lmao what the fuck

oh nononono
ion trannies on suicide watch

The outcome depends on the type of suit

It probably literally is just the title, it's just the copyright lawyers are probably grasping at straws to have a stronger case.

It's a trademark infringement, it's their right to sue any possible infringement and at best they get to pay attorneys fees if their suit is based on nothing
That's beyond the point tho, they have a strong case in that this dumbass literally claimed it is "inspired by" a trademarked item.

In Ausfag land you usually get costs if the other side loses. America's probably the same.

>this dumbass literally claimed it is "inspired by" a trademarked item.
No they didnt, you illiterate moron. They said the opposite.

It's retarded nontheless. It's ION MAIDEN, not IRON. And the lady isn't wearing a metal suit.

Reading is hard for you I see

Hopefully this backfires big time.

Yeah the claims that their font looks similar to Iron Maiden's font and that a skull looks like a skull are really heavy.

>Oh, it's not just the title, then. Nice oversight.
>Brainlets really thought it was just about the title, kek

They would've been better off just making it about the title, because all of their other claims are flimsy at best and hilariously petty stretches at worst, all while boisterously claiming that this is a clear attempt to piggyback off of the iron maiden trademark.

They even go so far as to claim ion maiden is deliberately styled after the official iron maiden mobile game. Go look the mobile game up and then compare it to ion maiden. This is what they're basing their claim on.

Maybe they'll get some piece of shit boomer judge who loved maiden, hates those videogames, and wants to get his grandson some concert tickets but their claim is blatant horseshit and they're clearly banking on bullying 3drealms into a settlement by dragging them through a lengthy court case they're not as equipped to handle.

>music label jews being jews
Bet the band doesn't even know about this and doesn't get a dime.

I want to point out that they're trying to say pic related are identical enough to warrant a lawsuit.

That is verbatim something they claimed.

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"Iron maiden" was already a thing long before that pretentious shit wannabe-thrash band used it. Invalid, drop case, move on.

>making multiple threads of this shit at the same time
fucking incels

>game is titled Ion Maiden
Derp. Never mind, this is dumb.

Just like the time Steve Jobs tried to sue the fruit industry for harvesting apples, damaging his name.

Taken as an arrangement, it is enough for a suit to go past discovery

Ion Mistress 3D, coming June 2022!

Ion Lass

>pretentious shit wannabe-thrash band
You do realize Iron Maiden was making music a decade before thrash metal even existed?

>their mascot is a skeleton therefore any use of skeletons in an infringement
seems legit

Parody is fine so they have to make it look like the game is ripping off aspects of the band other than parodying the name.

So they have made pathetically thin attempts to say the game is taking elements from the band members and the mascot. Which just simply isnt even remotely true.

It depends, odds are a judge will throw this out of court because of how retarded it is

Music jews are definitely one of the worst breeds of jew

Someone get that faggy YouTube lawyer on the phone. I wanna hear his thoughts on this

They are claiming there's enough similarity to warrant an infringement, either in the singular pieces or in the arrangement of those singular pieces
If the skull was just an icon in the game then there'd be less of a contentious since they're not part of the same arrangement, but it still wouldn't be enough to just throw the case out
Parody is much harder to defend in case of trademark, in this case Parody wouldn't hold at all

name a more jewish trade than copyright lawyer

you cant

>Trash dead metal band tries everything to keep its name on the spotlight.
Seriously after black album they went full mtv tier and produced nothing of value. I suppose they have an average of 2-3 years still to live and they still are assholes.

I just have this feeling in my gut that Iron Maiden's lawyers are going to get exactly what they want out of this and come out smugger and richer than they were before, and it makes my blood boil. It's straight-up theft and a mockery of the law.


>Zoomers shitting on one of the best bands of all time because of some jews in a label company suing some jews in a publishing company

Get fucked. The universe ran out of souls in 1998.

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SKULLS DEATH CORPSE BLOOD BOOAAAAAAH *headbangs with greasy long hair


user dont bullshit me, look at the picture.

Theres no similarities in any respect other than them being vaguely skeletal, and even then one doesnt have a fucking jaw,.


Divorce lawyer

They claim the character is based off on a band member..... Despite easily being able to prove she's a spin off Duke Nukem character from the 90's

They can't win that case, the product isn't even music related, no judge is gonna take a "it vaguely sound the same they are stealing our fame" case, ever.


>there are unironic metalfans posting in this thread right now


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Shouldn't the Iron Maiden inventors sue Iron Maiden the band then?

Then it needs to be iron maiden in the same spelling and media, otherwise it’s not

Iron Maiden is shitty fucking cookie cutter """metal""" for babies

>best band
lmao @ ur life, thinking man was listening to jungle dnb and tracker music


Why didn't they sue iron man?

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>Even if they don't have a leg to stand on they are a rich band and will drag it through the courts for YEARS AND YEARS
no, any judge will see through that rapidly, even the good ol' USA

which came first do you think

While it doesn't strike an immediate similarity (that would have them move for summary judgement right away) there is enough to think that yes, they were meaning to do it
It's not that the skulls are similar, is that there *IS* *A* skull next to "Ion Maiden", which is in itself close enough to the trademark. The elements take singularly are BARELY enough, but piling them up and being in the same composition makes it a harder case for the devs.
It doesn't NEED to be, "Coa Cola" is close enough, so is Ion Maiden as they both try and invoke the original trademark's name without actually using it

>listening to metal
>in 2019

Have taste

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Even though I agree and like other heavy/thrash metal from the time, what's sad is that IM is still far and away better than every single fucking "band" in the last 20 fucking years. Music is goddamn garbage now and the electronic/techno/hip-hop/rap/emo/bullshit/pseudo-metal noise kids think is music is unlistenable garbage. Maiden may suck, but at least they're not this modern shit that shouldn't even count as music.

Well, they can't have anything good associated with its name after 20 years of shit. Change is bad.

I wonder if Randy Pitchford will step into this situation somehow to maybe claw back some good boy points by standing up for IM

no it's not. Trademarks defend specific iterations, in a specific use.

You talk like a lawfag so riddle me this for a colleague across the sea.

In Australia you only get trademark protection within the category of goods that you have applied for trademark protection in (so, for example, Regional Doctors would be in category 40 or whatever for healthcare services, meaning someone else could apply for Regional Doctors in category 3 for powertools or whatever). In addition, infringement only exists where the elements are likely to cause confusion to consumers (so a purple car brand won't be infringing on Cadbury, but a purple lolly maker might be because lollies are similar to Cadbury's products whereas cars aren't).

Is that likely to factor in here? How does the USA deal with trademarks? I get the impression that it's a shitshow over there like most things to do with US law but I don't actually know.

As the wise always used to say.

>not listening to all genres
grow up

lol how can they sue and on what grounds


>Not listening to metal
Look at this faggot and laugh.

>I only to good music from the time. Who? You wouldn't know about them

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Every map I make for the game will have a Iron Maiden song title to stick it to 'em

One. Nothings wrong with me! Two!

There is an Iron Maiden videogame. A mobile videogame, but still a videogame. It is licensed, so the trademark applies there
I have a cursory knowledge of how copyright/trademark works in the US because I had to deal with it some, but I live in fucking italy.
As I said above, there is an Iron Maiden licensed videogame that uses the trademark, so yes it is

Can we at least agree to not listen to Country

>listening to nigger rap
>listening to metal
>listening to noise
Get fucked, nigger.

RIP Bombshelly Harvey

go watch your japanese cartoon vomit fag

Country is comfy while playing ETS2
there's a couple rap songs I like and more metal ones that I do, by noise do you mean wubwub? I can tolerate it but it's not really my taste

Thats how it works also in europe my upside down friend. Usa has his own special laws designed to fuck up everyone and everything. I can name my apple juice iron maiden and those old shits cant do a single shit about it.


>washed-up has beens do to cling to any sort of relevancy
they're still selling out world tours, fuck are you talking about
i mean shit, they have been opening up several new shows while still performing the latest tour
>Billboard's Boxscore is reporting that Iron Maiden's summer 2018 Legacy Of The Beast tour brought in more than $27 million US over 17 shows. The show with the highest earnings was at Wanda Metropolitano in Madrid, Spain on July 14th. The band played to a crowd of 48,689 and brought in $4,797,916 US on the night.

I only listen to music I like, regardless of genre. My two favorite artists are Leonard Cohen and Stratovarius. Polar opposites.

I hate Bruce Robinson. The only good Iron Maiden album is the first one.

Family/Heritage/Divorce Lawyers

Banker probably takes the cake though.

Good. I hate creatively bankrupt people.

They’re saying it’s close to the Emoji Eddie they use on all their social media.

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>thinking man was listening to jungle dnb and tracker music
unironically based

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Can't they just aim for a lawsuit to drag on and on and cripple the smaller side with legal fees causing them to give up? Exactly like what this lawsuit is?

Wash and cut your greasy hair and remove your tent.

I mean, that is perfectly okay in my opinion. Ridiculing someones taste in music is dumb in general though.



Cause Iron Man is like ~20 years older than the band. It's an early cold war propaganda comic.
Iron Maiden is late 70s trash.

>but music labels don't give a rats ass
yeah, Blind Guardian has had their non-nuclear blast albums getting pulled in and out of their spotify channel several times; and it's obviously not Hansi or Andre making those choices since the last three albums always stay


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>best bands of all time

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fucking boomers


No in europe you cant sue somebody just cause you want to do it. The moment i recieve something from them i laugh i sent them back a letter with some articles of the european law and if they insist well i'll have good paper to start my fireplace. What are they going to do?

cant even imagine what sort of awful garbage is on your playlist and hard drive weeb

Tax collector

>that one braindead 30yearold that listens to kpop

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What's with all the "get woke go broke" posting? The fuck did the Ion Maiden devs do?

Trademarks are assigned based on the class/Industry of the brand as well: One of them is a band, the other is a video game, the trademarks shouldn't infringe on each other.

There's zero reason this should fly aside from the band having money to stall shit out in court

do people really only strictly listen to specific genres?

This just a predatory lawsuit because they know Devolver doesn't have enough money to keep the lawsuit going and will need to cave in eventually.
Typical jews being jews.

Name in itself is good enough, using a skull is the tipping point
Dumb, but if you didn't do that there'd be so much more jewish trickery going on to skim around trademarks

well if they're going broke they must obviously be woke too

One of the Devs commented on the characters 90's concept designs being "problematic" and sexist.

Which is a pretty soi faggy thing to do.

I think 3DRealms flew a bit too close to the Sun on this one. Yeah Iron Maidens existed, and yes Ion is its own term, but they knew what they were doing when they came up with the name. You’re not going to be able to make a “Mario Brothas” game without Nintendo coming down on you like the fist of God. Couple that with the squint and you’ll see it font similarities and the yellow skull being similar to Maiden’s yellow emoji logo (that one is 100% coincidence) and it’s just too many things being too close.

It would confuse the hormones, and that’s basically the measuring stick in cases like this.

Reminder that Copyright Law has been unchanged in 130 years so it's still using late 19th century definitions despite us living in 21st century, welcome to judaism.

they just need to rename the game something like Ferrite Maiden and call it a day

>frog posting

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IMAGINE being in Iron Maiden's second (or was it third) string of members and thinking you're hot shit and an arrogant enough ass to keep trying to sue random shit like Napster and random indie devs because nobody cares about your shitty old dadrock except ironically nerds who are a decade or two behind the times.

Correction, the publisher did. The actual dev studio distanced themselves from the statements and said that they didn't agree.

he was a fag but that was the publisher, not the people actually making the game. and i think the dev team told him to stop using their work for political virtue signalling.

Only metal fags do this. That's why they invent millions of subgenres of metal. To pretend that they listen to various genres.


Iron Maiden have a mobile game. Their Trademark would extend to games as well.

>Only metal fags do this.
>what is hip hop
>what is techno
>what is rock

That's not very rock and roll.

Hip hop and rock are normalfag shit so obviously people who listen to those also listen to something else.

But every song is noise

You can use the word Iron maiden in games. But you can't use it as the main title because the band already has it copyrighted. Only thing they can do now is to run to the hills and hope something good happens.

Thank God for this lawsuit. We’ve had a year of “get woke, go broke” shitposting for this game. At least these threads might see the birth of Maiden Litigation Posting.

Yeah, they're not similair at all, might as well try to sue the emoji movie.
It's always sad to see hasbins try to sue themselves back into relevancy.


>Copyright Law has been unchanged
What about Disney actually influencing the government to extend the time of application

The very fact that you can sue someone over something like this is ridiculous.

I bet the iron maiden isn't even virgin, anyway, and if I am right, I hope someone sues them for false advertising.

This song will be great forever.

Yes, nigger "music" aka hiphop, metal and wubwubwub "fans" pretty much listen only to one of those genres exclusively.

The only valid and patrician taste is listening to whatever the fuck you like regardless of genre, limiting yourself to one genre just because is full retard.
Also there's actual scientific evidence that listening to metal on headphones over extended periods of time kills your grey matter.

There’s more scientific evidence that your mom enjoys this dick.

reminder that even if we fix copyright law unless trademarks are also given a term limit it won't mean shit, since even if a copyright for a work expires, the trademark is theoritcally perpetual and the trademark owwner could still use the trademark to go after people for using the work/deritivie works of it

Oh right, that was the only change and it's not a proper rewrite, it's just changing the amount of time how long it takes for something to become public domain.
My point still stands.
There is literally 0 written material that can properly deal with digital material let alone internet.
Shit is beyond fucked.

literally not a single thing you said has anything to do with the band and their music

Iron Maiden is probably the cringiest boomershit ever. A (former) friend of mine dragged me to their show when we were teens and it was pretty fucking embarrassing.

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I have never known a metal fan who doesn't have a bunch of genres he likes, if only because the hybrid genres like folk metal got them into them.


Bethesda should sue them for stealing the chad pose from doom.

fuck yeah thanks for reminding me to listen to some Maiden

we truly live in a strange world


This still sounds kinda stupid. Is it cause her last name is Harrison?

>there's actual scientific evidence that listening to metal on headphones over extended periods of time kills your grey matter.
link to this scientific journal that surely exists

>The name is a copy
Iron maiden already lost. Ion and Iron are not the same thing in any realm of possibility, not even close
>The woman MC looks like the singer of Iron Maiden
The judge is going to laugh at this.

Go back to plebbit

Considered the received pronunciation of "iron", delete your post and try again.

This game is never fucking coming out god damn.

I expect Duke Nukem 4 on build engine before this shit gets released.

What does any of this have to do with Iron Maiden suing something unrelated to their band? Oh right, you autists bootlickers want the corporations with all the money to shit on all our rights. Kill yourselves.

If you pronounce those two things the same way you should probably kill yourself for being an inbred hick.

Iron Maiden is boomercore. Zoomers out

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It's half noon.

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>retarded metalheads unironically defending Iron Maiden
Get cancer and die all of you, baby boomer generation can't die soon enough.

Even as a metal fan, I always hated the go-to metal bands like Maiden, Priest, Manowar and whatever.

Slipknot was THE metal band.

Remember when Bruce was taking a big dump on Metallica for going after Napster all willy nilly?

so many Wasted Years

A metal fan and a contrarian, no way.

Just quoting these two here so any dumbass that thinks otherwise can see them.

the band members aren't even part of this shit

blame the retarded managment, lawyers and their label


>It's a "self centered boomer thinks things revolve around him, and he needs to be rewarded"
for fucks sake, just play music, goddamit

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>I'm a contrarian retard


Dream Theater > Iron Maiden

>Implying that anyone can see copyright extention as good
Based retard

hating Priest makes you gayer than Halford himself

>Iron Maiden
>Best know for number of the beast
That's selling it short

>not listening to BoA and Lee Jung-hyun

Oh neat it has that chick from Bombshell in it. Aside from the shit parts I kinda liked that game.

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i mean i love DT but if they had a better vocalist maybe they would have a chance

Enjoy getting raped by companies immediately stealing your work you dumb fucking bootlicker. I'd rather the mouse hold onto his copyright longer, rather than the mouse steal everything I've made and then use his money to drive me out of business.

I doubt Bruce had any say in this, he's super chill.



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Lmao Dream Theater is wank and haven't been good in 20 years

You probably only listen to shitty lo fi black and death metal so your opinion doesn't matter

>i always hated the bands that probably inspired the bands im listening now

ok retard

>wait until it's almost due to release so you can settle for easy money, no matter if would ever pass in court
Unironically third world.

>Iron Maiden needing money

they litarelly have their own 747

And how much do you think maintenance, fuel and crew for that thing costs?

damn Im supriesd, Iron maiden are usually much smarter than this,

probably 1 gig

I'm going to make a game called FaIIout. It's totally different than Fallout because it's spelt with two uppercase i's instead of two lowercase l's. Bethesda definitely won't sue me.

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Should the inventor of the torture device sue Iron Maiden?

And how much do you think 1 gig costs?

The holding company needs more money too :)

just googled and they earn around 3 million per gig

>best bands of all time
I bet you think Pink Floyd is good too

>lo fi black and death metal
Not too far off. Add some industrial metal, too.

>let's listen to the same shit forever
Or maybe I need to specify. It's not that I hate those bands for sounding archaic. It's more that I hate the large fanbases of those bands attract to this very day. There are bands that are louder, meaner and more complex, but those cunts continue to listen to the most basic shit out there and act like it doesn't get any better than that. If I see you wearing a Maiden shirt out in the open, I will disregard anything you say as the ramblings of a clueless retard.

>Furthermore an iron maiden is a real thing that existed well before the band
The sky existed for a while too, that didn't stop Sky the British broadband operator from bullying Microsoft successfully, and Skype with No Man's Sky unsuccessfully.
Trademark law is not about sanity, it's about throwing more money on lawyers.

you sound like an edgy 18yo faggot who just discoverd black metal


Does the vidya feature knock off midi versions of iron maiden songs playing in the background ? When I first heard of this game I did instantly think of the band .

doubt the band itself has anything to do with this

Did he trademark it.

Of course not. Holding companies for the bands are headhunters for cases exactly like this. This is how they make their money. They use their legal momentum to force settlements in legally grey cases and pull in ridiculous amounts of money.

This actually raises a question that I have been wondering for a while. With all the mobile and indie shit and just all of modern history, how are we not out of names yet?

There's only so many thing you can call something before you start devolving into nonwords and numbers. With all of entertainment not just video games how are we not deadlocked in infinite lawsuits?

It's the label/legal team. Steve Harris probably doesn't even know about it.

Is gonna Iron Maiden sue ZUN next? The game is called Shrine Maiden and all ingame characters look like eddie in drag

Nah mate. Born in 95 and I still listen to U2 because my dad introduced them to me.

what's with people shitting on country?
legitimately asking, i've listened to like, 2 or 3 songs tops and i didn't mind them.

is it because they all sound the same and talk about the same themes?

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>There's only so many thing you can call something before you start devolving into nonwords and numbers
well you're in luck, we've been devolving into nonwords and numbers from 2003 and onwards, and we're still trucking

Why the fuck do you think "flickr" and other "bullshitr"s are a thing?
You're a step behind this problem.

they have a mobile game, apparently.

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I get that but just removing a letter can still get you sued.

metal is pure cringe kino

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The devs knew what were they doing and wanted to cause controversy for free advertisement.
I will pirate the game twice to spite them.

also, language is pretty complex, if you can use 2 nouns or just straight up mash them together you can do quite a lot of combinations

Doesn't matter if it's legal or not, the band has enough money to hold this up in court indefinitely.

So basically, Iron Maiden, the band, are a bunch of asshole faggots.

The pettiest people I know are metal fanboys.
Why can't we all sit down and just listen to some smooth jazz while drinking coffee?

>Publisher 1c
A suka blyat.

Well the devs are a bunch of dickless faggots so I'm going with the band on this one.

Nah, this reeks of lawyers. I doubt the band even knows about it.
One of Metalica's firms tried to do similar shit and the band apologies ed for it.

Read the thread

>listen to some smooth jazz while drinking coffee

>jazz fag calling others petty

This thread is full of autists. Ion Maiden was clearly a namesake for Iron Maiden. The protagonist is female and she is the “ion maiden”.
“The Iron Maidens” is an all female Iron Maiden cover band who make their intentions clear. They aren’t riding off the popularity of the band they are covering; they are fans tributing their favorite band.
Ion Maiden was undeniably named for its similarity to the band’s name. While it is a tribute, their intentions are to ride on the popularity of the band for which it is named. If the Ion Maiden was a character in passing as an homage somewhere in the game, this wouldn’t be an issue.
If the money won’t take them down this year then these facts alone will.

wew thats pretty based senpai. also ion maidens first few levels were coming along really nicely, i hope they keep the quality up.

>and iron maiden can fuck the hell off
>i like their music
>but rev up those dicks because they sure are some massive faggots

are we still getting a release later this year?

It's the type of music you listen alone

>I sure hope this is just one of their label lawyers gone rogue
I honestly doubt anyone in the band actually knows what the fuck ion maiden is.

I hope the devs get fucked by the long dick of the law.

Do any of the Iron Maiden members have social media? Can anyone ask them about this? I don't actually know anything about this game, but it'd be a shame if it got fucked because of this.

Imagine listening to anything other than Gregorian chants. Fucking die you degenerate subhumans.

I know Iron Maiden are a bit more right wing than most bands, but were they Thatcher fans?

all of the band members are boomers who dont give a fuck about the internet or social media

Iron Maiden is probably one of a few bands that could fill up 1million stadium without any marketing

even if they did have social media, they'd probably stay quiet about it since there's a lawsuit going on.

Boomers love social media though. All the old celebrities use twitter and shit purely to "keep up with the times".

Imagine getting sued by the guys behind Captain Planet next.

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I love dream theater as well but I can't understand this view, I can understand if they're cringey but I always thought james labrie was a really good singer, I don't know why people have a problem with him.

They could end the lawsuit pretty easily by telling the lawyers to drop it, couldn't they?

Just as expected.

Iron Maiden is gay as fuck. Even Babymetal is twice as heavy lol.

i remember someone doing something like this with a Reggae compilation

Based and redpilled

so how many times did they get boo'ed for waving the union jack at their shows?

But Yea Forums likes Ion Maiden.

How long till libcucks label Iron Maiden as right wing music?

the lawyers are acting on behalf of the iron maiden holding company, not the band members. i don't know how their organization is structured, so they might have no power over it.

>weeb pic
Wew lad. Your friend sure isn't missing out.

How can they own the rights to a medieval torture device?

Will they be suing the museums and ransacking their artefact archives to claim their literal iron maidens too?

>linking the meme song for the gaymer who doesn't actually listen to jazz

dafuq are you talking about you giga nigga?

How shameless of Iron Maiden the band to infringe of the Ion Maiden devs' trademark, diluting their brand.

Remember when Elder Scrolls thought they could trademark the word "Scrolls"?

fucking based

everytime i see Ion Maiden i thought about the band

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Black Sabbath

Bruce Dickinson

Blaze Bayley

Paul Di'Anno

wow this game looks great

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Imagine not listening to whatever the fuck you like.

Ion Mayhem

Iron Maiden must be hurting for cash if they're doing a frivolous lawsuit like this. They're probably hoping they settle for $1 million instead.

I doubt the band members even know this game exists. Fuck them regardless.

>and will drag it through the courts for YEARS AND YEARS
No Company with money can ever drag something, it's not up to them. They keep filing new lawsuits but after this one there won't be any leg to stand on.

Nice numbers.

Why is there no law stopping people from trademarking/copyrighting something that existed before you used the name?

>t. someone who doesn’t understand how trademarks work

I do still listen to them, but I want to know

Sorry, I replied to the wrong post.

Yes, that is why I'm asking the question smart guy

>fags talking as if iron maiden are the ones filing the lawsuit, and not the record label

imagine being such a low IQ subhuman, I would fucking kill myself if I were you.

how come you have those robe wearing niggs in your game. i played through all thats released so far and never saw them

That's Metallica

>fags talking as if the record label are the ones filing the lawsuit, and not the holding company

being a jew

not necessarily true
Hall and oats have sued a number of granola companies that made their company name a pun on 'hall and oats'
If Iron maiden can prove that "ion maiden" was purposely made to sound like the band name, they'll have a case.
But again, sounding the same isn't enough for the lawsuit, they'd need proof that it was intentional

i never played it, it's an old promo pic

I guess you're forgetting the whole "Prey For The Gods" having to rename their game because of Bethesda's "Prey"

why did they choose to have their name so close to iron maiden? are there torture equipments in the game?

Even that is not enough if you follow the law.

because they are retard boomers

they should just change it to Atomic Maiden, sounds better too.

The character is female and her name is a reference to bombs. She is quite literally an "ion" maiden.

They can't fucking release it until a settlement is made, and I doubt irrelevant iron maiden is gonna back down

so you're saying the closeness to iron maiden is a mere coincidence.

anglo-saxon common law is made for men of upstanding character to be followed in spirit, not for talmudic pilpul and word-by-word parsing by rootless semitic tribes

Why are you a nigger?

fuck bruce dick-in-his-son. please just stick to rock music and leave my vidya games alone.
>did these faggits actually think that people would mistake this game as being one of their shitty promo games?

It was probably ultimately chosen for its closeness to the band's name, but iron maidens are an actual thing. Such a pun could have existed without the band.

they will claim will prejudice the mobile game sales

name gonna be changed guise

let it go

Good. Hope they win.

>Have another retro FPS coming up that looks promising
>Nope have a lolsuit fuck it up

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I hope they sue these as well

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You sound like a faggot and your shits all retarded

why are you upset

rock and metal is loved by the libs you dumbass

I've learned that people who seriously focus on music (as in, actually care about bands, genres, subgenres, etc) tend to be the most petty, self-centered people possible.
This thread is a good example.

le music defener has arrived

of course it will, but they will get free advertisement

>you're acting like a bunch of white niggers...

>reading things that arent there
This is how you identify the underaged poster

They know they can't win. This is a move to waste all their money in court out of spite.

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Iron Maiden hasn't been relevant in years and passed the dadrock threshold a long time ago. This is just a sad attempt to get back into the public eye.

Lets just start smear campaign against iron maiden.
Lets put autism to good work.

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I dislike iron maiden but I dislike leeches even more.

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>trying to get Yea Forums to side with Ion SJW Maiden

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god, I hate those fucking dadrock bands. the more I know about those fuckers the more I dislike them
those faggots sue everything for the most irrelevant issues

>smooth jazz
>not lounge
Bet you drink the cheapest filter coffee and make under six figures a year.

You're on Yea Forums, it's not that surprising to find contrarians.

>he listens to metal
Don't you have a summer reading assignment to do, kiddo?

that's one helluva redesign.

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>All female protagonists are sjw
Why you must be this retarded?

Iron Maiden fucking suck. Embarrassing shit.


Fuck off back to school

Is this by Chuck Jones?

Unironically prefer right. Left looks silly. Perfect for its time but just silly now.

>sexy femme fatale bad ass female protag with a a 'Bombshell' as a name
>not SJW

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>keypad kneepad

I don't... really understand this design. I'm all for slutty but sometimes things just get confusing.

credit card companies
payday loaners
Doctors, seeing as we have a perscription opiate epidemic.

Metal is the most childish, embarrassing genre of music ever composed. It's shit for edgy teenagers who think they're dark and dangerous when they're really the losers who get bullied the most in school and eventually shoot up the place. Listening to metal is a huge red flag and those people should be treated as potential threats.

Worse than Hollywood Jews?

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>game is futuristic with ion weapons n shit
>has a female main character


They dont have a case

>femme fatale
>complains about not being covered up.
Are you stupid by any chance?

it's ok when 3d realms does it

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I only listen to hard rock albums

I like the band but this lawsuit is a real reach.

Chroma Squad situation 2.0. Had jack shit to do with them but they want money from it.

Go vape somewhere else, faggot

Rap is the most childish, embarrassing genre of music ever composed. It's shit for black teenagers who think they're urban and gansta when they're really the losers who learn the least in school and eventually shoot up the place because they're niggers. Listening to rap is a huge red flag as those people are niggers.

"Hard rock" is just dadrock by a different name. It's just as embarrassing. Crack open your Monster and get on your John Deere lawnmower, pops.

Its like covering up Duke chest and abs.
She was suppose, initially, to be female counterpart of Duke.

Her outfit should be oozing with confidence and sexiness with almost disregard to practicality.
But no no no, her outfit gotta be logical and safe looking, making her look like a pussy.

Doesn't matter as you'll be dragged through years of costly legal procedures while the game is in limbo or you take up the holding company's generous settlement offer.

>It's just as embarrassing
>caring what people listen to
your not self aware

Lol. Old faggots run out of money?

Eat shit

Who do you think has more money
A shitty band from a dying industry or a game company that can hire 10 of those shitty bands for 5 years of development?

brotha and brother are the same word. Ion and Iron aint even the simillar in definition. One is a mineral and the other is light.


Oh boy, the cool kid here is going to tell us the hip zoomer music that he heard Anthony Fantano talk about.

HUHrock is the only real music.

Serves them right

Attached: Boomer.webm (1280x720, 1.85M)

Apparently 'Duke Nukem' wasn't trademarked so 3DRealms just used it themselves. Vidya Duke was originally 'Duke Nukum.'

What is it about the music industry that makes them the most asshurt entity on Earth when it comes to copyright infringement and piracy?

Attached: RIAA wants 75 trillion dollars from Limewire.png (1042x782, 125K)

S-sauce? I dont want to be a retard in my 60s

>Iron Maiden makes literal phone games, whores Eddie everywhere they can, has Iron Maiden beer and other meme items on par with Kiss, and now wants to sue a small game dev studio because a name and "icons" are 6.022x1023 % similar

>James Hetfield openly encouraged NIS to keep Metallia's name as Metallica in the west, and was "bummed" when he saw a "cute chick won't use our name here"

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The holding company that's the initiator and driver in this case.

They're literally the most common, cannon-fodder enemies in the game, Zombieman-tier.

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This game is unironically beautiful.

One thing people fail to mention is that Ion Maiden Shelly is a prequel, before she goes all Duke Nukem. At this point in her life she's merely a generic EDF trooper.

Attached: douk.png (512x512, 446K)

Duke's chest and abs are always covered, user.

It is.

Attached: maiden 2019-02-05 19-12-57-11.jpg (1920x1080, 464K)

The developer is a fucking wizard with the Build Engine.

this is more accurate i guess

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Intriguing numbers

It's probably more that listening to loud music for extended periods of time will fuck you up, but it would probably damage your heading more than your brain. The idea that listening to a specific genre of music would make you dumber is retarded.

This sucks ass, disappointed that IM are being such jews.

Bombshelly is cute.

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Ion Maiden/Bombshell was originally a spin-off of Duke Nukem, but it isn't anymore because the DN copyright is owned by Gearbox. Bombshell is its own thing now, and EDF is called GDF in Ion Maiden

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The IM version is different.

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>white shirt (go underwater, gets wet + revealing)
hella fucking epic

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I'm aware but they're obviously still trying to keep things within the Duke universe, with Dr. Heskel clearly being Dr. Proton, this not-Assault Troopers, and the multitude of Duke/SW references.

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one more reason to hate that cocksucking faggot of bruce dickinson and his shitty band

thats sad
feel bad for those guys

I thought it already came out?

Leona Ozaki esque future cop fatigues >>> edgy 90s stripper schlock

Attached: ion-maiden.jpg (5120x2880, 2.52M)

No but it was very close to release until this shit.

Oh, is there another game that features this character then?

Nice cover, i rike it

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>sexy woman is edgy
fag zoomer


Attached: bombshell-1559224571661-8211.jpg (3836x1908, 3.67M)

Did id ever get sued for ripping off a bunch of metal songs in the doom soundtrack?

Good job, you noticed something everybody else did years ago.

nobody gives a fuck about iron faggots, sad cucks trying hard to stay relevant.

That's right, I heard it was garbage. What's supposed to be different about this new one?

No because Bobby Prince is a lawyer and knew how much 'sampling' was legal.


Bombshell is a top down shooter and Ion Maiden is a Build engine FPS prequel to Bombshell.

It's a throwback shooter on the Build engine.

>blacks shooting up schools
They may shoot up rival gangs and people they are trying to steal from, but school shootings is something whites have a monopoly on.

Please commit suicide, bootlicker

Selling out is so faggy.

>tfw an early access old school FPS with gender politics issues getting sued with a frivolous lawsuit and won't release for another 2 years has 100 times the discussion of Sigil on Yea Forums which actually just released

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You can shit on rap and metal but dont touch noise you faggot

>with gender politics issues
Why do you make shit up?

Almost every post in this thread is a deliberately ridiculous shitpost. There is almost no honest discussion. I'm starting to think this entire board is just "satire".

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god i wish she was in a game.....

And a goddamn show it was. They really went all out this tour. Opening with a near life-size spitfire hanging above the stage, Dickinson fucking around with a flamethrower, etc.
One of the best gigs I've ever seen, and I've seen hundreds.
They're far from washed up. New album coming up too.

I couldn't give a fuck about it. But it's what Yea Forums posts about. So it's an issue.

Nothing to talk about with Sigil. It's just a halfassed Doom 1 mapset.

I don't think they know how trademark law works.

They think that, because she wears a full-body suit with no nipples poking through the fabric, it was designed by sjws.

If we wanna get technical blacks commit most school shootings, because any shooting within a certain radius from the school grounds counts as one.

How can one post BTFO someone so fucking hard?

>shit-tier edgelord aesthetic popularized by Todd McFarlane's hacky comics
Stay delusional.

Remember when the music industry tried to ban recording devices?

remember when those jewtube guys tried to monopolize the word "react" because people copied their stupid format and they got butthurt realizing a huge chunk of their income was coming from something totally non proprietary

I really hope they throw us another level or mode in the meantime. What’s there is good shit and I need more. I know about Dusk, but what are some other nu-boomer FPS games out there for me to try?

>nobody band vs nobody game

Attached: who-gives-a-shit.gif (175x144, 886K)

Then don't make comments on subjects you don't know anything about. If you're wanting to discuss it then read up on the issue and form your own opinion instead of spouting garbage you read from Yea Forums.

Copyright was a mistake, chinks were right all along.

That's gonna be really easy to defend against in court since they aren't even the same type of media, and the titles only have one word in common.

wait did that scrolls game ever actually come out or is it on a hard drive with 0x10c somewhere


>but what are some other nu-boomer FPS games out there for me to try?
Amid Evil is definitely a stand out. It's like a mix of Quake and Heretic. Overload is modern Descent. Wrath is looking to be excellent but it's not playable yet.

>run to the hills

why don't you start selling chocolate bars named coca-coa and see what happens.

my question is, why even bother? how the fuck is bruce dick-in-his-son gonna get any money outta this at all and for what purpose? that niggas already rich af with his own airplanes and shit.

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Bruce Dickinson didn't fucking send this from his home computer. Iron Maiden is a big franchise that probably employs a wing of lawyers. One of those found this and thought "hmm I can bring in some extra money at no risk". It's not a fucking emotional decision made by a band member. They most likely don't even know this is happening.

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Why is Bethesda so shit?

>lawyers don't know how the law works


Meh. She looks like a skank. Glad they redesigned her.

it will work if the judge is a boomertard

They still parade it around with Iron Maiden's name attached. If the band cared about their image they wouldn't hire greasy wops to sue everyone left and right.

Those are both perishable foods.

Iron Maiden is absolute shit


the band members probably dont even know that this game exists
they don't even know about the lawsuit also

its all jewish record labels and lawyers

oh fuck off. I don't want to discuss the issue. that's why I was complaining about it getting more attention than the actual games. No I don't care about it. No I don't want to research it. No I don't want to form my own opinion about it. I just want to talk about video games.

It just happened, you retard, if any of the band members actually hear about it then something might be done. If you care so much then write the band a letter.

Then stay the fuck out of the thread and find something you're interested in.

>Iron Maiden
>washed-up has beens

fucking zoomers

>anyone who doesn't defend the awfulness of capeshit's dark age is a tranny
LMAOing at your life, culture warrior.

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>nobody band

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