

Attached: 7CD8A4A4-60F9-4720-B00D-849119693D6D.jpg (625x790, 129K)

Other urls found in this thread:


nintentard humor everyone

This is absolutely terrible

buckley's 2nd funniest comic after loss

*happy trans gay noises*

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Are those all boys? Who is the one on the bottom right

It’s not that bad.

>blocks your path

Attached: cad.png (625x790, 355K)

I think that's from a porn story that doesn't end well for the trap

Sauce on bottom right is Locon, does pretty great trap stuff. Some of those are girls.

it was really weird of Buckley to get Raimi to guest write this one, but I guess it was a different itme.

We need an HD collection of Buckley's greatest hits.


with a button to toggle between old and new graffix

And a button to turn off subtitles


If they give the option to switch between the remastered music and classic ost then this collection is looking solid.

>the joke i wrote is only 2 panels long
>i know, i'll add an off-camera reaction panel and another one with funny curse words


It might be time to take B^Uckley away to a nice, quiet rubber room somewhere.

the one from doki doki literature club wasn't a trap, just a girl

You could fit the whole thing into a single panel

>be me
>walks in the club
>dogs eaten the coco pops
>Go talk to my homie
>homie eats dog
>still been on this bus like wtf
>fuck it i'll use a towel next time.

did i fix it

Attached: 1559210040138.jpg (625x790, 144K)


I laughed, so id say so

Attached: 1540031044050.png (2464x1366, 2.6M)

Made me chuckle.

i wish that was me

Are these comics still going?

brevity is wit

Attached: fixed.jpg (625x790, 139K)

Yukari (left, second from the bottom) isn't a boy either and it pisses me off that these mentally ill freaks use her as a flag.

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go to a if you want to post anime pictures

That's not the correct CAD rule user

Haha this is great

2008... Home.

Attached: A24CF7D1-57E7-4B1D-BDCC-567A371983FB.jpg (653x490, 32K)

If you want more whey-foos just ask, no need to pretend to be a newfag and use reverse psychology.

Attached: 1532669631984.jpg (2411x3016, 755K)



just fucking fuck fck off okay? fucking fick fucking fucker

| ||
|| |_

I will not let you guys forget.

Attached: Link.png (625x790, 382K)

>making a rape joke
Can we sic the sjws after him?

why Smash though
This has nothing to do with their characters or environment
Might as well have used stick people, that way I'd spend more time focusing on the crude joke and less time wondering what it has to do with smash bros

>he thought this was good

How the fuck did he think this was okay?

Attached: 1559210040138.jpg (625x790, 161K)

i dont even know where to begin

it was relevant to the question


Attached: 1559217883477.jpg (2857x1614, 624K)

seething projection

Seething incel.

i'm not

Seething incel.

Seething incel.

Link is not feminine looking in the official game model. Only fanarts make him look so because they are secretly homosexual.

Attached: ssbu-link.jpg (1050x1150, 165K)


Seething incel.

Isn't the body traced or something?

The joke is rape


Attached: 1540032345681.jpg (3469x2556, 1.8M)

I miss when Yea Forums didn't scrub EXIF data.

Attached: 1zGgxSe.png (927x202, 37K)

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Who taught you that word? Because you are using it wrong and whoever did is a fucking idiot.


well, go ahead.

Attached: 1527904647220.png (859x1511, 79K)

>wojaks/pepes have been used for almost a decade now

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remember when Yea Forums was good?

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actually funny somehow

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What's so wrong about this? Clearly it's not something people would look at for pleasure as he probably intended, but what makes it actually shit?

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and redditors will complain it isn't soulful enough and beg for rage comic to make a comeback.

Milhouse is not a meme

rage comics were shit too, that's just ultra contrarianism

Attached: 1507420199406.png (264x1608, 68K)

That's not very funny

Heh. Haven't seen that one before.

>head is fuckhuge compared to the body, making it look like Link has encephalitis
>face itself is horribly proportioned, eyes too big and the nose flat like a neanderthal's
>no clear light source; highlights on both the left (our right) of Link's face as well as the back of his hat
>highlights on his hat suggest a third light source coming from above that isn't hinted at by the background
>shading in general is muddy as fuck, in addition to highlights being placed at random betrays the "artist's" lack of skill

Attached: 1559210040138.jpg (625x790, 270K)

Attached: Desu_Inside.png (438x544, 198K)

Yes but the whole thing got rebooted after the mc was killed, he did some cyoa stuff before the reboot but I haven't read any of the actual reboot.

>he actually editted out this joke
buckleys such a bitch, even the sinfest author went mad but leaves his old stuff up

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Anime website faggot

So that's the original. The edits are better


>where the fuck is right????

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subtle change but i like it

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Nice of the Muslims to invite us over for prayer, gay Luigi?

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its more like they're getting stale as shit and no one is doing anything original anymore

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I imagine black hair guy is voiced by Coach Mcguirk.

Attached: McGuirkGeneric.jpg (275x206, 16K)

>its been almost 10 years

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Sadfags should just all kill themselves

are you saying he took out the joke but left the rest of it? so it's just for the storyline now or something?

and it show


i genuinely can't tell if this is sincere or a masterfully crafted parody

he's a CAD character so he is probably more like a whiny bitch

I took a break from Yea Forums from 2007 to 2017. Was 2012 really like that?

He just changed the punchline to something else.

>why won't they let me go into the ladies' restroom so I can peep their hairy snatches and shitty underwear and discarded dirty tampons haha I'm so quirky for liking things everyone else finds disgusting

>20 minutes later boys start bullying him while girls laugh in the back
All is right in the world

needs an updated portal to 2019 that's just two fat guys sucking each other off


Attached: 362367453.png (403x396, 62K)

can i get this on a t-shirt?

lol what if zelda was a grill

Where's the smoke bomb one?

It's still like this


Attached: 1458169343421.png (865x823, 680K)

i wouldn't say it's shit but it isn't particularly good. i think what makes it so laughable is that buckley is an "artist" by trade and probably was really proud of it but it is just mediocre and worse than shit you'd find on a random fansite.

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later billy went on Yea Forums and told everyone he was an atheist


I am so sad that I will never life from my artwork and this fuck can.

Oh my god if you're trans then just pick.

What is their major fucking aversion to just picking?

botw link has a lady body in game put the mountain climbing pants on with a tunic and he looks like he could be going to starbucks for a pumpkin spice latte.

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what if Tails was a boy?

did someone say VIDYA WAIFUS?

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xey're "nonbinary" which is even more special

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based bum tickley

dk is CUTE

B^U's early stuff was strangely homoerotic sometimes.

Because they get more attention when they don't, and without attention they don't have a means of validating their existence.

lmao that ending

>no difference in bust size

Attached: 1507702085131.jpg (1535x2339, 809K)

>entire gymnasium stands up and claps

Doubt. Git gud fagget seems to still be the customary response for whining about difficulty level. Although I guess nowadays people don't actually play games and rather watch e-celebs play them on YouTube so there's no need to whine so much

Attached: assigned dale.png (1280x1717, 1.74M)

Can you really be called a faggot when your bf looks exactly like a girl?

This is pretty gay. You'd probably have to be a faggot to enjoy that.

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What the fuck

Maybe if you weren't such a zoomer you'd know that rage comics back then were sincere.


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Its good enough.

wrong comic, kiddo

how did he get away with this?

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He didn't IIRC

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is this a reference to mgs2 and moving dead guards bodies by staggering so it looked like you were fucking them?
pretty obscure and gay as fuck joke with no real motive if so

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Gib milkies

Attached: d57961683bc1059d6ebd02eff0cbf393--woman-costumes-adult-costumes.jpg (600x778, 41K)

What? Its just drawings of a cow and a horse

retarded fag detected

cute frog desu

Attached: commission1_jouzah_by_daemonking-da6mbtz.jpg (1024x1119, 189K)

>He doesn't look like a girl because uuuhhh... lol fag

Words words words.This comic doesn't need any words at all.

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This is funny as fuck. Very underrated post.

These are all my fetishes!

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hahaha, peak comedy!

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I don't speak baguette


how can he still fuck it up?

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Attached: Trucs-en-vrac - T0103.jpg (1200x1575, 359K)

And a hon hon hon titty croissant to you too, now post something in actual American you cheese-eating surrender monkey.

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Attached: Trucs-en-vrac - T0104.jpg (1200x1575, 334K)

American """"humor"""".

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>not even more angry


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They're not, are they?

Cuckolding is based around

Imagine someone explaining this to you like it's okay to share.

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fuck you i like it

Attached: comic604.png (650x950, 225K)

LMAO because 45 is an evil bad guy like Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik from the Sonic the Hedgehog video game franchise and the tv cartoon series bases on the video games. i get it.

Attached: 1547149504739.jpg (964x1463, 748K)

This is how you bang a rabbit

Attached: tails & vanilla couverture.png (2593x3492, 1.86M)

Haha rape is funny when it's a dude.

Good, now someone post the edit where they're arguing over Arbys.

Attached: 1547149538346.jpg (964x1463, 719K)

why the fuck did
get me

>modern women


You ain't bustin off, just shootin the breeze
Cause you scared of the repercussion after we squeeze
You ain't been through what I did just to get where I'm at
Streets where I rep and B-K where I be at

Attached: f01[1].gif (301x312, 831K)

Attached: 1547149578618.jpg (964x1463, 635K)

that's true tho

Yo yo yo it's gangsta mario

I feel like black people would agree with this but still not like that a non-black person is saying it.

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this is dumb because collectathon platformers weren't shaped by hardware limitations and economic models that don't exist anymore and those things aren't why they went out of style.

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And there it is

Attached: 1558333005044.png (1453x767, 1.59M)

this was the best part of the movie desu i cry every tiem

The excessive focus on collecting things was definitely based on hardware limitations. There's only so much capability to create levels and worlds, so you need a reason to keep players in them for a long time. Boom, there's your explanation.

I hate rabbits.

Attached: 1547149678947.jpg (964x1463, 795K)

get out reddit

Attached: sneedposting.png (860x897, 180K)

No it's not you tranny.

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>"Nobody:" meme

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Attached: is this.png (556x512, 16K)

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He didn't. He ended up editing the comics to an alternative punchline like a little whimp.

non-collectathon 3D platformers exist on the same hardware.

Attached: 1547149781035.jpg (964x1463, 683K)

Yes. Those ones are good.

That's actually smart

Attached: 1547149836817.jpg (964x1463, 784K)

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>there's like 10 more pages of this shit

Someone did a loss edit once with this where Lucas ended up getting buttfucked or something once but I lost it. It was pretty fucking great though

>'muh body'
>'muh roolz'
>leaves her
>'dude wtf????'

Attached: 1547149873131.jpg (964x1463, 752K)

With her hands?

Nick did nothing wrong

Attached: tailsetvanilla page 1 final.png (2480x3508, 1.75M)

Attached: 1547149915169.jpg (964x1463, 636K)

Damn I miss Gotlib

so they weren't made because of hardware limitations dumbass.

Based Alabamafox

>humans are selfish
News at 11.

Attached: tailsetvanilla page 2 final.png (2480x3508, 2.05M)

Attached: 1547149948784.jpg (964x1463, 621K)

GuP has a game.

baste nick


Attached: tailsetvanilla page 3 final.png (2480x3508, 1.67M)

Attached: 1547149992752.jpg (1024x777, 223K)

And just like that this thread was pruned or deleted.

Haven't been to a theater since I was a teen and I'm just as much of a shut in as the most of you people. Plus I'm like 1/5 white so I really wouldn't know.

Survive what? I don't get it


Damn this is too close to home.

I can't take this seriously at all. The Arbys edit is all I can think of.

now do the sequel
>the end of the trilogy won't be out until the end of this year/early next year

Attached: 11.jpg (749x877, 179K)

Unfappable, thanks to this shit.

Hahaha stupid bitch.

What girl?

Attached: tailsetvanilla page 5 final.png (2480x3508, 3.84M)

>you don't have to come back anymore
what did she mean by this?

the fuck is this shit? I thought this was a children's movie?

I cant really tell the difference


You dont make those sounds during sex?


So what the fuck happens?

it's a fan comic you autist

judy gets a girlfriend


have you never heard the sound of thighs slapping thighs or balls slapping a girls ass?


Attached: 241448_149092.jpg (225x350, 30K)

People need to see the Arbys edit knowyourmeme.com/photos/1320579-i-will-survive

Attached: 1554163159168.jpg (148x127, 3K)

Would you a Zelda mare, anons?

I'm not surprised at all

Attached: dkla.jpg (618x248, 48K)

are you implying that it was ever possible to take this seriously?

nick certainly was though

Attached: file.png (964x1463, 1.44M)

_ ____ __ ____ _____ _____!

Attached: 20190528_180413.jpg (700x764, 273K)

Fuck off, Centorea

I want to marry white korra


I'm implying that the Arbys edit is funny as fuck. Especially in the context of the original.

Attached: 1555260648665.png (183x278, 110K)

Pretty old joke, it wouldn't surprise me if people didn't get it. For those who did though please take notice of the filename and at bottom of the picture, feeling old yet?

Attached: 030307.jpg (700x1181, 120K)


Here's the reference, zoomers.



Arby's food isn't "greasy" at all.

>fucking rabbit virgin mary
I never bothered to read the whole comic before, holy shit

Ok but where's the funny?

literally greatest daddy ever, unironically

>aborts her baby
>turns into a dyke


I wish I could find and share the full comic, but I can't find it.

It's totally greasy. Have you ever had their roast beef?

THIS. RIGHT HERE. This must be NTR.

things don't go well for nick after he loses his temper and shoves the new girlfriend to the ground

Attached: file.png (964x1463, 1.96M)


>Literally Oh nononoposts

>gestapo called ss
Retarded mutts

have you? do you know what greasy means?

Shay you Shay ok?

It was funny back then.

Apparently you don't.

Okay but do the girls fuck?


no it wasn't. i mean the cad comic of course, the video was funny. cad has never been funny.

>from outer space
and I thought that the title of the first comic was unsubtle

>and keep that baby!


Attached: file.png (964x1463, 2.69M)

where's that one "your honour! league of legends! death." comic

Formerly a meme

He's Austrian


Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.41M)

Holy shit. Why did colors suddenly made the art less appealing? Serious question

Attached: 1497985916615.png (720x324, 171K)

Last panel reminds me of that reaction >image from Bugs

Attached: fuckley.png (625x790, 386K)

Hope this and much worse happens to all baby murderers desu

fuck off you gay furries


What Fuckley up to these days?

>this is what atheist actually believe

Reddit is the place for you

Attached: 88CF6913-92DF-43D8-BBC4-A475B215F01E.jpg (676x593, 123K)

>things that never happened, even ironically: the post
>getting stale as shit
Stop breathing my air.

Attached: very angry indeed.png (734x720, 404K)

what, you got a problem with the gays?

Attached: file.png (449x433, 260K)

Ru(i)nning planned parenthood

the artstyle was made with crosshatching in mind, ergo, b&w.
Same would happen witha Robert Crumb comic.

Who was in the right?

God I wish lesbians were this cute

nintendies humor folks
>beat kirby lol diarrhea xDD
>hump xDD link is a gril

Arby's roast beef is a cured beef loaf basically like a ham loaf that is roasted for hours. it's not "greasy" and if you think it is you don't know what that word means and are just parroting words you've heard about other fast food.

Sony humor

>dat mode7 effect
Soulful as fuck.


holy fuck that's awful

Damn you're a real dumb cunt. Stay btfo faggot


Nothing changed

This makes me way madder than the first one by itself. Fucking disgusting.

i like that he added a glow effect to the eyes to really drive home the "joke."

Sony humor

>white male

>switchfags this mad already
must be all the söylent

But who's Cream's father?

>OH NONONO posters are cucks

Fucking based

Did anyone at all think this one was funnier?

>child murderer and homosexual
i fucking hate rabbits

It's amazing how the author makes both nick and judy seem like such unlikable assholes

Prolly cuase you're a cuck too. Cope

such nuanced writing

Attached: file.png (726x1101, 886K)


After the first comic, Nick would either kill himself or have kids with someone else.



>leaving someone who wants to murder your child

Nick did nothing wrong.

>Loss actually got an episode



by nobody reading his comic

What are you even talking about?

She would be 50% human 50 % mobians then

as if anyone thought either one was funny

based Nick

Formerly Digg

Attached: 3426242642654.png (169x190, 32K)

he probably meant to say "don't bother coming back"

Damn, Big Dick Nick calling out """lesbians""".

complete with the awkward title drop and everything

Attached: file.png (964x1463, 1.47M)

homophobe christfags btfo!

Nick deserves it

Attached: D424AB67-5191-4670-8CA2-DC863B32B869.jpg (884x708, 130K)

holy shit
what the fuck was this

Ever since Shana user in 2006 I learned to be careful.

why is this shit so bad

>*burns in hell*
Looks like he gets the last laugh

I'll take you that and raise you one better

Attached: 1499743256021.jpg (587x1600, 361K)

>implying it has to be that way
Not even real humans work that way.

Jesus, what went wrong in your life that you decided to come back here after being free for ten years

but it does


shaq seems like real nice guy

>stole the seinfeld plot where george turns a woman into lesbian
lmfao is this for real

It doesn't, people are born all the time that look like one parent and none of the other.

how fucked is america if you cant even make a totally goodhearted joke about a certain race

Attached: mario loss.png (625x790, 469K)

say that to interracial couples.

Guy didn't scrub exif, Yea Forumsnon reposted his Shana daki hugging face for the world to see. Was a funnier thread than it sounds.


oh yeah, I almost forgot. the sequel quietly acknowledges the arbys edit

Attached: file.png (964x1463, 1.7M)

It's just a select group of people with an agenda that will try to ruin people's lives over it. You can't do it in any Western country without the same result.

>somebody who respects me
Holy shit

Keep posting

>somebody who won't get me pregnant

and that's a good thing

Attached: muslim slayer task.png (765x503, 394K)

>Hell exists
inb4 le fedora

I mean a quarter of the comic has already been posted in no particular order, it's a bit late to try to rectify that


During that period the forums and IRC channels I used to frequent have become dead and internet in general has become much more of a shitshow.

No it's not. Dump the whole thing over.

Attached: 1559210040138.jpg (625x790, 139K)

nobody asked you

i'm dying of laughter from the OG and the Arby's edit.
This is amazing!

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Did nick ever end up going to arrbys?

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how about you do your own homework, dipshit

It stinks!

Attached: _.png (680x1483, 82K)

those are actually much better i love that she did them in an anime style the originals were kind of bland


As opposed to this?

Attached: 1336323291632.png (700x2880, 199K)

don't have to, someone already posted it :^)

you totally can but it makes no sense cause there is no significant black population (maybe only in France, but my french friend said 'not likely')

Steven Universe was a mistake.

Attached: 1550040630190.jpg (1200x675, 212K)

What is the yellow on the arm?

I look at this and cringe, yet also long to go back to this time period

stay the hell away from bushiroad


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well, its more realistic and reality is ugly

We know they're all faggots, user

Hey, be nice! Their grandpas had to drink from a different drinking fountain!

Le fedora

Attached: 1548520895875.png (2550x1650, 1.17M)


They didn't had to share a fountain with raisist ppl, isn't this what darkies want nowadays?

Actually makes me angry

She should have changed that stupid lock and made him leave that key

>first comic has Nick be anti-abortion and reasonably wants his child to live
>leaves after Judy assaults her
>next comic has Nick be a deadbeat homophobe and he assaults Judy's girlfriend
>comic ends with Nick getting cucked

Attached: 33224516.png (587x600, 369K)

furfags really need to be exterminated.

>He thinks Steven Universe caused this
How new are you?

men bad

It's probably intentional

Attached: 12.jpg (507x405, 68K)


Attached: v tan is trasn.png (1356x934, 71K)

user, how would she know for just one second hed be back to bother her?

Maybe it's a clever message about how everybody is an asshole, no matter who is in the right or in the wrong

Never thought I'd see Gotlib in one of these threads. Also, I guess I learned more French in school than I thought.

>>leaves after Judy assaults her
>assaults her

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Well personally I think Nick should just go, walk out the door and turn around now since he's not welcome anymore

you just got btfo! by Moot

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>born to be alive!
>murders her young

>Every time you miss a preview trailer Jesus punches an angel in the anus
Wouldn't that be a good thing? Angels are emotionless holy monsters that only reflect God's will, which is usually wrath against humanity.

sorry bro it was a typo

I agree, after all he only tried to hurt her with goodbye. He probably thought she would crumble and just lay down and die.

Bruh moment

I like this one.

t. Jesus lover!

There it is, the comic in a mini panel

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Yea Judy will Survive though, as long as she knows how to love she'll stay alive she's got all her life to live and all her love to give after all

>A nigger that isn't fucking your wife? You'd draw less attention walking in there with a robot!
Holy shit Buckley

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She wasn't flat enough for some people huh?



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i'm retarded with photoshop but here it is

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Such good art ruined on a goddamn terribly out of character abortion drama fest. What a fucking trainwreck.

There are people that, thanks to the internet, HONESTLY think they will become hot girls, and then be happy, and its NOT a metal problem...

>He thinks I won't magically transform into a cute girl one day
What an idiot

I'm sure absolutely nothing can go wrong post-op or during the surgery. Best of luck, friend

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most of it are rasterized pictures.

Someone post the redraw. The original threads for this were fun.

she probably did, he had to bang on the door to be let in

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Read "The Triumph of the While"

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Oh no, how will he ever recover

his body his choice my tax money for his surgery stfu

Isn't that the plot to one of the Uzumaki chapters

10x better than the op trash.

>implying weebs are not the first to impose their cancer tastes and retarded bug eye drawing style into every character and thing under the sun
get fucked


seething moefag

She fucc?



Go dilate

>Arby's Bag in the panel
Is the author just bullshiting at this point?


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Because people sympathize with Nick in the first comic. Whatever sjw retard thought him being pro-life was enough to make him the bad guy was butthurt anyone liked him. This was to correct that.

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best comic in this thread, to be honest.



I swear the creator of that Judy/Nick comic just wanted to troll people who liked their characters and chemistry. There's no way they can think that shit is good or well written. Those Japanese doujins of Nick and Judy fucking like rabbits are more in character and better well written than this shit.

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>artist whining about "problematic" anime tits
>always hiding some other form of degeneracy
Every time. Anyone have the cap of the guy whining about teen anime pictures who had drawings of Spyro getting fucked by Tails or some shit? What compels them to do this? Wouldn't it serve their interests better if they banded together with other degenerates instead of condemning them?

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don't you ever. don't you ever make me see this again

I'm still surprised that the loss meme had this mass appeal. I miss the threads about that dumbass


I don't get it.

Epic try way too hard to have "MUH EXCLUSIVE" instead of just being more consummer friendly.