Be honest user
Did you cry?
Be honest user
Other urls found in this thread:
>crying for video games
"coff" "coff"
Unironically yes
Most emotional scene in videogames history
Come at me
I teared up a little
No. I did in the final ride and when arthur is on his last breath telling dutch he gave him all he had.
>hold X to cry
I cried when my horsey died
Based Rockstar
Sorry Lara
>"thank you"
got a knot in my heart
The blow was kind of softened by the fact that I'd already walked 6 or 7 horses off cliffs to their fucking doom by that point.
Thread theme
i skipped all the cutscenes and trudged through the boring-ass missions so i could get back to pelt trading
I fucked up that moment big time. I had same horse, the one hosea bought me, for the entire game and right before that mission I did stranger story with that veteran who dies and leaves his horse to you and it auto swaps to the new horse. I decided to ride that horse for a whole. But an hour later I've started final mission without realizing it and veteran's horse died, and I was like "oh ok".
No, but I hadn’t had it spoiled, so I was surprised. Even more so with the epilogue being as long and comfy as it was.
Sorry OP, it just wasn't kino enough to cry for.
I tried so hard but in the end I felt nothing
A video game has never managed to make me emotional to the point of crying. Movies have managed a few times.
>arthur wants to be faced west when he dies
>ends up watching the sun rise in the east instead after redeeming himself so john can have a new life
>john looks back and dies for revenge, making arthur's redemption wasted
>jack looks back and gets revenge
john was never a smart one
What game is that?
I agree, its quite pathetic how sony tries to shill this shit game. I cry every day for these pathetic losers who have to shill for a living. Really tears me up.
The last guardian
This is one of the most lame, contrived moments in the history of video games