Games just aren't very fulfilling for me anymore

They're not making my life feel complete or anything, I'm just getting nothing now where I used to get a feeling of accomplishment.

What the fuck is going on? What's happening to me?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not your blog.

you are a worthless loser. games are for faggots and losers. Just lift weights and get fit itll feel much better

I wish someone would just force me to work out ;_;

Pursue escapism.

You've played too much.
Get another hobby and go do other things so that you can enjoy games again later.

This is a thing with literally all forms of entertainment and hobbies that bring us joy, it's just how our brain works. I'm surprised people think it somehow wouldn't be the same for games when you play all the time.

The toll of gaming has caught up with you OP. It happens with all total EPIC gamers. try to be more social nigga.
Anyways epic thread OP! It made me wanna "braap" on my motorbike :D.
P.S."Braaap" means like the motorbike right? Sounds about right
braap braap braap

Go treat your depression

we aren't your therapist, white boy

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>you are a worthless loser.
You sound upset.
> games are for faggots and losers
Yet your on Yea Forums
>Just lift weights and get fit itll feel much better
That won't protective you against a small metal object going through your body sunshine.

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Your mad.

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why would a small metal object go through your body?



... Motivating yet?

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I like cock

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Lmao games are fun but only a fucking maladjusted loser would think that they are fulfilling in any (particularly if we're talking about singleplayer games).

Do something that's actually meaningful with your life, OP, and treat games as the simple entertainment they are.

Because i touch myself through my body at night.

i don't stink and i leave my house sometimes, but i hate physical activity, posts won't work senpai

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Guilt because you're playing kids stuff in your ill gotten free time when you should be working overtime like a good goym.

what kind of cock

>Guilt because you're playing kids stuff in your ill gotten free time when you should be working overtime like a good goym.

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Depression and desensitization. It sucks, I've tried so much to enjoy vidya but the joy just isn't there anymore. Luckily I have a few irl hobbies that are still fun, but they're also losing appeal.
If something doesn't change I'm gonna be a husk that can't feel joy anymore..

those are not cocks...

Come join us and play mahjong.
The game had been around for centuries.
It's great.


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>What the fuck is going on? What's happening to me?
It's called growing up

Nothing's wrong with you. You've finally realized modern gaming is shit. Go back and play 80s and early 90s games and have fun again.

I didn't grow up but my dick is HUGE!

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Big cocks, small cocks, green cocks, even blue cocks
you saying liking faggots isn't gay?


Will it really feel better user? Do you promise?

Take a break from living and see if you feel better afterwards

what about yours? do you like it?

Porg movie when?

I spent the last 20 years just gaming all day and now I'm completely bored of them. Monster Hunter and Splatoon were the last two games that I could play autistically all day but now spl2n has online jewing which I'll never fall for and Monster Hunter is turning into a full on casual action game which doesn't interest me all. I have no idea what to do now.

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I'm saying i just saved 15% on my car insurance

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>No porgs in the rise of skywalker trailer

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yeah its a bit bent but it's all right


This. Being depressed about modern games is just a healthy response from someone who has any taste, every game made on on or after 2004 has been 100% objectively pure shit made for casual shit-eaters who don’t know any better. Go play vidya from 90’s and 80’s, and you will again have as much fun as you did when you were a kid.

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bent upwards?

This 1000 times this.

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>People seriously only have one hobby
>Surprised they get tired of it
People aren't this stupid, right?

You have a degree of depression.

Stop masturbating altogether for a while. Especially don't do it daily. After a few weeks without it see how you feel.

No only you...and boxes.

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downwards :(

hey i'm too poor to have more

playing video games never was an accomplishment
it means you are growing up and you see how pointless your hours wasted on stupid little tasks and jumping through digital hoops really are

it's okay, all dicks are beautiful like you said, deepthroating would be easier

I only have the vidya. Well there's also boring trivial shit like youtube but even then I feel guilty for doing it because I should probably have had a kid and given up on happiness by now.

Welcome to boomer life

Same here but with absolutely everything

bing bing wah-oh... oh no

yuup, exactly. No-one can beat the cock
no one
no-one can beat the cock

>beat the cock

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physical activity eventually becomes really fun, you just have to force yourself

why was it never fun at school then

Run for fun!? what the hell kind of fun is that? HAHAHAHA!

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But you have already been running user. From your problems that is.

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No, I’ve been lifting for the past six years. I get compliments all the time and I’m even married now but I promise, lifting doesn’t make it any better. This better is entirely mental whereas lifting is more or less a superficial bandaid.

This battle is entirely mental *

I rather eat a bullet.

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have sex

Give birth

>Just smash the pussy and shut the fuck up
My sides! thanks user i pissed myself laughing excuse me.

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Play better games. I finally played Super Metroid properly with an actual SNES controller instead of trying to play KBM (impossible for that game imo). It was amazing and just got better and better as the powerups added complexity to the gameplay.

I also just finished Secret of Mana for the first time ever and what a game. Really interested to see what SD3 improved upon

You know what would be so nice right now?
Being drunk.

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I rather be horny

>beat the cock
i do this

why not be drunk and horny and hit on on Yea Forumsirgins and get banned

We all do.

Because i fuck corn.

i wish i didn't have to beat my own

I love it.

you grew up op

I still have fun with games but when I play the older titles in a series I feel like I'm missing out on playing the flashiest newest game, when I play the newest game I feel bad for skipping the previous titles, what the fuck do I do?

Why is gaming so shitty now? What happened? Movies and TV have been crap for a long time too. What am I supposed to do with my time?

Stop being a queer

me too but there are other cocks to beat

A) Just turn your brain off
B) Join the revolution against the international Jew
C) have sex


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I'll do a and b but c i'll have to ask you to give birth

i'm still pure


How old are you?
Will this ever happen to me?
I want to do other things


Same but I still enjoy anime which leads me to believe video games are just terrible now

I know.

Anything past 2000 is shit

ok then, sorry for shouting

>Games just aren't very fulfilling for me anymore

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No problem WILD PIGS!

remove the vidya, the fastfood, the booze and the prozac and you've got my resume

What do you expect me to try and smash pussy? LMFAO!
No thanks
>Fast food
Tired of it i eat less now.
>social interaction
You got me disgusting.
Nobody gives a flaying fuck about and that's cool so i don't give a fuck about other humans fair enough.
that's for normies
>video games
Yes though i don't need drugs so you lost that one.

I suck huge cocks all day because it makes me feel really good.

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I just grab a bottle of whiskey every time I play games nowadays, makes everything a lot more bearable.

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Fix your life then.

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i love this


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whiskey sucks

>DAE le tired gamer? XD
fuck off

Remove the vidya, prozac and weed and that's me.

Fix your life then.

>started drinking while gaming (long time ago)
>now gaming and drinking hold hands in my head
>can't think about gaming without thinking i should get drunk
>nothing to do if i don't game
>have to drink all the time
I've made a huge mistake.

Then don't complain about your life being this shitty, this is exactly what you wanted.


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Then don't complain about your life being this shitty, this is exactly what you wanted.


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What do you mean you don't want to become a faggot? Conform to my ideals, or in other words, have sex

That would require motivation, something hard to acquire when depressed.

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Give birth

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I don't even have the motivation to play vidya anymore. I'm lucky if I can play a couple hours a week of a fighting game or a platformer. No energy for VNs or JRPGs anymore.

>exercise regularly
>don't masturbate
>diet is decent enough, only drink water
>barely play vidya
>in bed before 10PM
Prozac is the only thing that stops me from being actively suicidal and I was even worse before I was on antidepressants

Face it some people are just hopeless.

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I've set my standards too high. Password/Arcade games are too short. 5th gen games are not ambitious enough and jrpgs are too slow to play "for fun" unless I know 100% that it will pay off later. I'm stuck emulating 6th-7th gen shit and then looking for hidden gems.

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it's called growing up. congrats, now it's time to get a real hobby.

>fighting game

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Like fucking your mom? call me daddy!

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>That would require motivation, something hard to acquire when depressed.

>hurrdurr im depressed mom

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You know you're supposed to work on improving your life AND enjoy video games in tandem right?
If you just NEET around all day and just play video games, then you're going down a slippery slope until your life is such a fucking mess that you might as well kill yourself.

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the economy shit the bed in 07/08

and so AAA games got shit and cost cutty

and now its a shell of its former self and its falling apart

>Face it some people are just hopeless.
With that mentality, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, that's for sure.

Try listening to Jordan Peterson or something, you obviously have NO meaning whatsoever in your life.

>Kill yourself
Sounds like i will win the game soon.

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>Try listening to Jordan Peterson or something

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>all those stupid kids in this thread blaming their problems on everything but themselves
You're fucking pathetic.

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Or you can try watching Pokémon anime, sure buddy, whatever floats your boat.
Not sure of the utility of watching more kid's TV shows though, you already tried that one, haven't you?

>Try listening to Jordan Peterson
yeah that's a big ol' yikes from me famicom

>Try listening to Jordan Peterson or something

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>that 19 year old who thinks if he posts images of statues he'll seem more mature and enlightened despite never cracking open a book in his life

>What's happening to me?

Depression and Mood swings isnt helping.
Last time i truly enjoy video games was 9 years ago when i was still a high school boy. But now, being a depressed suicidal NEET, i cant enjoy anything anymore. Every day is a nightmare. I cant properly enjoy anything anymore, especially video games

I want to die. But the retarded "suicide is a sin" nonsense is blocking me for killing myself. Should i smoke 50 packs of cigs everyday ?

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I was waiting for someone to mention Peterson, because every time someone does, you just KNOW there will be an entire swarm of losers that are viciously opposed to him because he tells inconvenient truths about them.

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>hurrdurr my wife is shit
>i wonder why I feel so bad all the time


>because he tells inconvenient truths about them.
No, because the mans a fucking retard.

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Everybody who says this has only drunk bad bourbon or shit like johnny walker red label, or is a woman.

A good starting budget choice is Jameson or Bushmills, you get a ton of flavour (especially the sweet vanilla in basic Jameson is excellent) and you don't need to mix it with anything.

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I read Gatsby in high school, you uneducated neet.

I wish i life in a country where you can buy beer in any convenience store
I wish i have a money to buy food so i can make myself obese
I wish i was rich

It cannot be denied that the dude helped thousands of teens and young adults taking their shit together and fixing their lives

Okay buddy, sure, whatever you say, you're right.

>I wish i life in a country where you can buy beer in any convenience store
Just move then.
>I wish i have a money to buy food so i can make myself obese
Just work then.
>I wish i was rich
Just get a job, nigger.

just stop being poor, lmao

>Just move then.
No Money
>Just work then.
No connections
>get a job
No social skills. I cant talk properly in real life situations
I wish its as easy as flipping a switch.

Guys, I drank a full bottle of sake alast night and I'm feeling like total fucking shit. I have this malaise in me and I can Sean my heart rhythm and it's clearly erratic. It will give extra beats and I feel awful. What do?

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>No social skills. I cant talk properly in real life situations
Then train yourself you retard. You cannot be good at something you never do.
Get out, see what is on, see people, talk, talk, talk, get better. Watch 100 youtube videos about getting better at talking and shit.

But you won't do anything.
Cause you're wallowing in your pain and self-pity. It's comfy to lay in your own filth.

Just do something. Stop looking for excuses. Things are what they are.

It's called a hangover.

Anyway, what does sake taste like?

like shit.

No, I'm not talking about the hangover though. I have heart problems and my heartbeat is erratic right now. It's giving extra beats, I was diagnosed with extrasystole and it came back when I drink.

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I rather dog up michael jackson and do thriller.

Im too old for that now.
I live in 3rd world countries. That stuff is same as prostitution in my place.
>Just do something
I want to. But i couldn't

drink more its almost dawn

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Then lay down and rot. You were never going to make it in the first place.

>I want to. But i couldn't
No, you won't because you don't want to. You just gave me new excuses, because you choose to lie to yourself.

Excuses, excuses, still more excuses.
Lots of people do it, lots of people did things that are harder, yet YOU can't fix your shit? No, you just won't.

>the mental process of most people in this thread about life

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If that's the case perhaps see a doctor as soon as you can, if you are truly worried maybe try and stick around someone else who can call the emergency line if you faint or something. it's probably very very unlikely, but having someone around usually puts me at ease if I'm worried.

>inbf American and can't afford the doctor

Because some people dont have depression to begin with, retard.
Lets see what happens to you when you lose your place, your family, your money, your social status, etc at the same time. Can you still fixed it ? No you cant. Because you will be depressed.

People will do anything if they dont have deppresion to begin with.

>10PM Thursday in Sydney
>Just poured myself some rum and coke
God I needed this.
Fuck me, I find myself drinking more and more this year.

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so do dozens of other self-help gurus

jeez thanks

>hurr durr deppresion isnt real lol
If you born with ADHD, you are naturally got depressed in the first place.

I'll be seeing my cardiologist soon and tell him about it. Having tachycardia is the fucking worst. You don't know why your heart is acting strange and you might even think of the worst. It's awful.

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I'd say keep vidya on the sideline if OP enjoys it, but definitely get physically active and hobbies outside of vidya. I feel like I'm in a slump or going out of my mind if I haven't crawled through a forest or drawn shit in a while.

>tfw have both autism and ADHD
It's like my life is a trainwreck in slow motion and I have a front seat view.

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This is my ideal Friday night, maybe hitting rock bottom isn't so bad

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you are a man of culture
i'd drink more if i didn't hate feeling horrible physically the next day
you made me consider buying jameson

Drinking is the best, I can't see myself ever stopping. I find it's even better when I have to wait until the end of the week though. I end up looking forward to it.

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Fuck you

fuck me

Same here man.
We are fucked up in the first place

It's the opposite for me. I'm only playing rpgs because anything else requires too much effort.

All I see are excuses.

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If you can drink half a bottle of 40% liquor in a night and wakeup without a hangover, is that normal?

Asking for a friend. I'm not a drunk, I swear.

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we're gonna need more of this picture in here, boys
someone grab a copy from starterpack subreddit

It means you either did cocaine or you're Finnish.

You should start masturbating boy.
Nofap is a meme.

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I can't. It's lustful, which is sinful. I don't want to live in sin and go to Hell.

I'm neither of those things.
I'm pic related.

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Nobody is going to save you.
Even if you have people willing to help you, you're ultimately walking through life on your own.
Depressed? Scared? Don't have enough money? Is life not fulfilling enough? Are you lonely?

Nobody is going to fix these things for you.
You're going to have to take your life into your own hands, fight against the emotional impulses in your brain, and change things yourself.
You're in a pit of despair and you're slowly sinking in. You can at least try to climb out, or you can slowly and miserably die without even having tried.

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>playing games to feel accomplished
Do people do this? I play games for amusements and to kill time.

>"It's lustful, which is sinful. I don't want to live in sin and go to Hell."
>Religious anons on my degenerate image board
I refuse to believe this.

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I know there's no "right" way to live life but it jsut feels so weird. Everyone finds a wife, friends, job and a rut to fit into so easily. My sister is already married.

It's like I'm the only one on earth capable of fucking up so hard that I'm borwsing a depression thread in a mongolian cheese fancier image board and I'm still somehow the most pathetic one here.

What video games do black men like?

ape escape

I went through that phase as well it is called growing up. Eventually games will feel like a waste of time and it will be harder and harder to get together your group of friends to play MP games with each other. Eventually you will play different games or reallife will mean nobody has time anymore. Nowadays I just play an hour here and there with a one or two of my friends when back in the day we would be sitting on Teamspeak all day long playing with full parties and watching movies or tv shows together. Times change user... On the other hand now I do more other things and have friends I play football, go climbing with or party with. My gaming friends are still there but apart from 1-3 hours on sundays I barely see them.

But it isnt all bad, sometimes there are still games that excite me. Just recently I spent an entire weekend playing Total War - never thought I would play a game until 5AM and completely forget the time again in my life but aparently the love still is there it just comes out less often. And when I am on vacation and have time I will still grind a bit with friends on MP games but just far less than before.

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>Everyone finds a wife, friends, job and a rut to fit into so easily.
You're wrong. We're in an era of global social collapse. Virtually everywhere on Earth, fewer people are in relationships, fewer people are sexually active, fewer people have friends and more people report depression than at any point in history. Church membership is down, but so is Boy Scout membership and Rotary Club membership and bowling league membership and membership in the fuckin freemasons. I don't know what's next but it's not only happening to you and it's gonna be ugly

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Fuck society fuck the system fuck the marriage system where i can lose half my money/stuff i own then have to pay for a bastard child because the mother is a fat whore who works on cocks all day long and takes my money while i work my ass off just to barley survive so the whore can watch game shows all day and pump out units AND get paid for it...i will NEVER get married REAL FAIR.

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This happened to me. I stopped playing for 5 years now I enjoy them again.

Games are only fun if you have an imagination.


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