Japanese game

>japanese game
>every love interest is a schoolgirl
Why do they always do this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Youth is for Innocence
Old Age is for Peace
Everything in between i fors Tedium

Every girl in Japan is a schoolgirl.

It was the total opposite in Persona 5, at least.

nice tits, wud bang.

youth is sexually attractive

nice fat thighs

Because they're pure and virgins as opposed to the used up goods you fantasize about.

What did leftie see?

As long as the player character is also a (school) girl.

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My erect 2.3 inch cock

healthy HEALTHY


No they're only for my gf.

What game is she from?

imagine of womens boobs expanded when they got turned on.
Hahaha imagine.

videogames are for kids
grow up and have sex

>you will never die between those thighs

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>pure virgins
How did being homeschooled work out for you?

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jap school girls are pure?

this desu
public schools are leftist indoctrination centres
coeducation was a mistake

jap school girls aren't pure?*

his erect 2.3 inch shota cock

>How did being homeschooled work out for you?
Better than you getting public schooled, Jamal.

No I'm a 23 year old guy with an embarrassingly small dick.

but duuuuude, how are you gonna get a JOJ without some kind of proof of education?

all women are whores

I really like his tits, sadly his porn game wasn't that good.

Japan is obsessed with youth, cuteness and/or sex appeal. Uniformed schoolgirls are basically an optimized fusion of everything that they like.

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But that does happen. And the effect is very noticeable.

>Main character is a Japanese school boy
Gee user, I just don't know

>90% of all anime
>highschool/japan setting

Attached: age age again.jpg (728x729, 200K)

because best age obviously

jesus christ, I want those thighs wrapped around my head tightly until it snaps open

>Those fat thighs

are those guys?

Fuck I need this culture

there's more anime set in a dnd inspired fantasy setting than in a highschool

Disgusting. Fuck off.

Japanese schoolgirls are horny af
T. English teacher in Japan

> Shibuya on a Friday after 7pm
I honestly feel bad for these girl's parents.

>Japan is obsessed with youth, cuteness and/or sex appeal.
Their men need to be brainwashed like the western ones


It’s not uncommon for Japanese girls to remain virgins until like 19. Most girls will lose their virginity some time in high school. Middle school can happen, but it’s rare.

Unlike the USA.

nice thighs 10/10 would be suffocated by them

No. I’m not stupid enough to risk my job/get thrown in Japanese jail. Having sex with a minor is illegal in Japan.

That said, I’ve had students constantly ask me about my private life, openly flirt with me, and in a couple cases, stalk me on my walk home. They think I don’t notice, but I notice.


Japanese are such wage slaves and corporate drones that the only time they remember being independent and free was when they were children, so they imagine themselves as high schoolers with high school crushes.

where did you come from when applying for an english teacher?

I don't think you need that to get the JOJ. All the commercials I've seen on TV about it make it seem like you just call them, pay, then they come over and do do the foundation repair.

Because that's physically the prime age. The peak of youth. Of course, since it's fiction, mentally, they don't have to act like kids at all. They can be less insufferable.


I know...

>Age of consent in Japan is 13

I'm not asking you to do anything illegal, I'm just wondering what your experiences are like. If you're worried about someone from your real life reading this, you can change the names, or only vaguely describe events.

>It's another retard that doesn't know how AoC works in Japan
every thread

Depends on the prefecture brainlet

>Japanese VN set in school
>A handful of schoolgirl heroines
>TWO cake teacher heroines
I love it when some of these VN writers clue in to what people really want

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>dnd inspired fantasy

It always sucks ass when Japan does it.

I know right? not enough elementary school girls

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It’s not.

What that means is a 13yo can have sex with other minors. There’s another law that explicitly states that if you’re an adult, and have sex with a minor, or abuse a position of power to have sex with a minor (eg a teacher), it’s a felony. I looked it up.

That’s not the case for China, Spain, and some other countries. Spain you can legally have sex with 16 yo. And China you can legally have sex with 14 yo. Mexico with 12. But Japan has a law that explicitly classifies a minor as someone under 18, and makes it illegal to have sex with them.

>ywn go to a shady nightlife district and get rolled on by a pair of delinquent schoolgirls
Life is such a cruel joke.

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No, I’m saying I haven’t done anything with my students. But it’s practically a daily thing they do something. The girls especially. They can be very funny though.

For me, it's sensei

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Because that's about the age where one optimally finds a mate and settles down with then and starts a family.

Because it's the best.
Old women are fine for fucking but if you want to marry, the younger the better.

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Shibuya has the highest concentration of cute girls in the entire country it is ridiculous.

You can if you move to Japan.

He was obviously commenting on the national AoC.

>cute girls
Slutty girls*

So in what way do they flirt with you?

Can they be cute too?

>They can be very funny

I’ve gotten love letters and gifts. They constantly as you for favors. I’ve gotten back rubs. I ALWAYS get asked if I have a gf.

When I “no.”

It’s always a unison.

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEH?!! Honto?” With lots of giggling and smiling.

And it’s like the third time this is happened, but on my walk home, I waved bye to two girls at school, and they got on their bikes, and started following me, keeping like... 50m distance behind me on my way home. When they found out where I lived, they promptly headed back. So now they know where I live.

I should also mention I’ve only been here 3 months so far.

Remember that yandere killer who got caught recently?

Don't japanese schoolgirls love to bully each other? I think you're being bullied instead

Girl bully each other all the time. It's not a japanese thing.

Is there anything more pleb that being an English teacher? Especially when you don't know Japanese.

I believe your story because this shit happens to me all the time as well. For some reason, japs think that if you're a foreigner in Japan a girlfriend will automatically land on your lap.

Jap nerds missed out on high school love and never quite got over it

how much japanese do you need to knwo to be a english teacher in japan?

Grossly overexaggerated by Japanese media.

Kids are so good and polite to each other all the time it’s not even funny. Sure you get the fringe cases of rivalries popping up here and there, but they’re incredibly inclusive to one another.

It’s nothing like the USA, THATS bullying. And even that’s gone down.

Yep, saw that on the news. A psycho also stabbed a bunch of kids in Kawasaki a couple days ago.

Weird thing about the Yandere girl is that she was actually kinda cute. Not what you’d expect desu.

Hardly a Japanese exclusive thing.

None. Especially if JET, they prefer you less self-reliant.

You must be handsome.

What are the odds of this happening to me if i became an English teacher as a black? even if it was 0.01% id take those odds


>mfw finding large threads full of these kind of images on a jap Yea Forums like board
Thank you my fellow yellow perverts

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Most Western nerds moved on, though

He's a Med. He automatically oozes sex appeal. One might wonder why he took the job that he did.

Kill yourself, nigger.

Not quite, most western nerds are simply do not move on to positions that allow them to create media.

Being a NEET on Yea Forums. I have a job that’s super comfy and pays really well. And gives me more than enough free time to build my personal ambitions into full careers.

Well, to be fair. They kinda do. If you don’t have a gf in Japan it’s cause you don’t want to, or you’re mega creepy.

None. You’ll be asked to learn the kana before moving over. That said, knowing the language is a necessity regardless. No one’s English is remotely close to conversational outside of other foreigners. Silver lining is that your Japanese will improve crazy fast. Like, way faster than any weeb on /jp/ could ever hope to improve doing Anki and reading VNs.

looks like it
weebs are sort of stupid

>TWO cake teacher heroines
is there a threesome included?, or some yuri-scene with them?

give us the link, chink.

>If you don’t have a gf in Japan it’s cause you don’t want to, or you’re mega creepy.
Fuck you, man. I've been to so many bars, home parties and meetups but I just can't seem to draw any attention. It's most likely related to my height.

>fisheye lens camera
>taken from an angle to make the thighs appear wider
>short as fuck (those bags are the size of normal sized shoes)
>still photoshopped
Why are Asians so ugly and insecure?

I smell something roasted

Don’t sleep with the school girls.

But if you’re fluent in English you’ll get hired for sure. Regardless of anything. As for your luck with the opposite sex... idk, heard mixed things from other ALTs. Some guys claim to have it good. Others claim japs are racist if you’re brown or black. But another one of my friends is brown Mexican and he’s got an okay-looking Nip gf from Osaka. I think personality has a lot to do with it. The guys who claim the japs are racist are very weird and a little creepy. Very pushy too.

>coyly cockteased to death by teenagers
Christ, I'd have to rush off and immediately start hitting on any coworker who's either single or is married but feeling neglected.

Japanese English Teaching, it's a program that's basically a rotating door of teachers. They place you in bumfuck nowhere most of the time, they supply you with an apartment which they take out of your pay (Would legitimately be cheaper just to find a place on your own through someone who speaks English), they pay you a decent wage, and don't expect you to last a couple months, or if you do, stay on for another semester. It's basically a way to do an extended vacation in Japan while earning spending money and something for your resume, but they don't expect you to stay.

>Being a NEET on Yea Forums. I have a job that’s super comfy and pays really well. And gives me more than enough free time to build my personal ambitions into full careers.

I guess being a pronounciation monkey isn't hard, true. But what will the employers think once you get back home after few years?

>dating a Japanese cake teacher

Life is good bros

Just image search any japanese school girl creep shot and keep scrolling through the pages until you find a link with chinese symbols


For some reason employers love it when you've been working abroad. Even if it's shitty work in a shitty country. Possibly because you'll be an interesting colleague with good stories.

How tall are you?

Also, lower your standards I guess.

Also also, no excuses. My brother is 5,7” and he’s currently living in Europe dating/fucking a hot instagram cosplay thot. He’s had way hotter gfs than me, despite basically being a shorter version of me. We look very similar, except I’m 6’2 and he’s 5’7. He just oozes with charisma and takes shit from no one.

oh thanks I didn't think it was that easy

Sounds like that shit good goys do in Israel.

5'7" as well but I guess I just ooze pity. Nobody ever sees me as a potential sex partner, just that weirdly creepy funny dude who's sometimes at parties but it never goes over that.

Just stop trying and you'll stop failing. Works for me.

Stop spacing like a retard.


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>Back of the knee maybe

why are the skirts so short??

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I’m never “going back home.” I don’t even have a country to call home honestly. 9 years in Mexico, 11 in the USA, 8 in Spain. I’d be more than happy to stay in Japan long term/forever if I’m honest. And the career I’m building is creative, so I can do it anywhere in the world. Only way I’m leaving Japan is if I get a really good offer for a studio in California or someshit, but then again, I’d rather not work with commies and SJWs. Once I improve my Japanese, the same kind of doors will open here. I already get regular freelance work online, and Internet building various personal projects I’m gonna publish in the near future. I’d very much like to just stay here desu. Much better than Spain and the USA.

The Japanese people are incredibly welcoming and friendly. I could get used to this kind of life.

Oh shit i didn't realize how much of a thighfag i was. Guess Im getting old

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>Don’t sleep with the school girls.
What if I do?
Will anything other than me being fired happen? Assuming the girl is above AoC.
Also if I do get fired, what are the chances of getting employment at some other school outside of the JET program.

They're skirts, not dresses. They have an appropriate length.

You go to jail and get shivved for being a foreigner

>getting a job in a foreign country after getting caught having sex/sexually harassing with a student
I actually have no idea

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>Also if I do get fired, what are the chances of getting employment at some other school outside of the JET program.
You don't. You'll be lucky to stay in the country at that point.

>I don’t even have a country to call home honestly
Obviously not, you cosmopolitan beaner.

You won't get the kind of visa you need to stay in Japan like that. Who's gonna sponsor you? Especially at that age, if you don't know Japanese super well and have something to offer.

And yeah, personally I got used to the life here. It's really nice. Learning Japanese even before I came made it easy. And once I'll graduate the course I'm in now, I'll get a job through the same process as Japanese graduates.

If you get caught sleeping with a minor you could get deported best case scenario, thrown in jail possibly. You’ll also cause a scandal that will make news, and will never get hired ever again.

Maybe if they’re high school age you MIGHT get away with it. But don’t try it with the Middle schoolers. Despite what you read online about AoC.

No one really cares if you sleep with. College girl though. But college jobs are hard to get, and you could certainly get fired as it’s unprofessional.

>graduate the course I'm in now
Japanese education sucks.

holy shit

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Honestly, if you wanna sleep with an underage girl that badly, just go to a country where the AoC is ACTUALLY like 14. China, Spain, Germany, etc... don’t do it in Japan. The explicitly classify minors as under 18.

I guess. But I also have white skin and blue eyes so...

>who’s gonna sponsor you
Best case scenario, I can get the artist visa through my agency.

Otherwise, just settle down and get married. Then I can do it full time. I don’t mind doing the ESL thing while I build up my goals. It’s a comfy job and it pays very well, and gives me tons of free time.

As I learn the language, more doors will open for me.

>I also have white skin and blue eyes so
Sure, and I'm a cute girl.

>Best case scenario, I can get the artist visa through my agency.

Lol, good luck. You effectively have to be world class to get this visa. That's why I said you won't get it.

I guess you'll have to pick up some broad. Be mindful of the horror stories from guys who married a Japanese woman. You know, how she becomes a control freak afterwards and fucks you over in divorce.

>dumb American who doesn’t realize Mexico was colonized by white Europeans

Since when has being an artist been a well paying job that gives you lots of free time? Unless you're a part of a money laundering scheme or you do commissions for furries of course.

Luckily Japanese employers won't think so.

Mexico was colonized by meds and the inhabitants are usually somewhere between 20-50% indian.

I suppose that's true.

Party van?

>fucks you over in divorce.
i thought jap or east asian women don't get divorses because its seen as a huge negative over there compared to the west. i often here that they just sleep with other men behind your back and even if the man finds out he just looks the other way a lot of times cause he doesn't want to deal with divorse or the stigma it brings.

Yeah, right. You're just trying to throw them off the scent of your shota dick.

It's not the Shouwa era anymore.

>what would happen to me if I got caught doing something incredibly illegal and unethical in a country notorious for ludicrously high criminal conviction rates?
Are you dense?

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>wanting to date an old hag

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I made it this far already.

>Be mindful of the horror stories from guys who married a Japanese woman. You know, how she becomes a control freak afterwards and fucks you over in divorce.

Given my experience with women, it depends on the sorta girl you go for, and the sort of guy you are. All women will resent a pushover, and most guys are awful at choosing partners. They always go for the first girl to give then easy tail. I’ve never had problems with the opposite sex, so if I do that, it’d be with someone I wouldn’t mind spending my life with. I’m in no rush. I can be choosy.

It's still true. "the grass is always greener" rule also confirms this, as the Japanese say that western women are better than their own because they actually leave you when they don't like you anymore, instead of just having sex behind their partner's back.

Bang bus

I smell insecurity

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>dat source
i don't get it

>I’ve never had problems with the opposite sex
Do I smell a normalfag?

Surprised no one mentioned Enkou
>P5 gave us hags

Attached: that's my fetish.png (1160x494, 664K)

Asian women fuck literally everyone. They don't view it as cheating. Also when they start a family, they stop having sex.

There's a saying in Japanese that says "if you don't love your sex partner, it's not cheating".

I do concept art and storyboards for indie games and amateur comic writers.

I make more than my job as an ALT in Japan which pays 2.5k a month. If your shit is good, you become high in demand, which means you can charge more. Simple as.

Correct. But pure Europeans still live there, especially after the Civil War in Spain which saw large emigration to LatAm, and those people tend to make the white upper class in Mexico.

Why do you think I was able to legally live in Europe for 8 years?

Is there a scientific explanation for Asians ugliness and why they look the same?

Don't start this shit again. Last time the thread hit bump limit and we still couldn't agree on what the fuck was going on got plenty of good sadpanda links though.

>Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Definitely so. I'm just saying your chosen way seems rather risky to me. I'm especially mindful of this, cause I considered various options of getting to Japan myself. (And ultimately chose the learn Japanese -> uni in Japan -> work route.)

That was a fun time.

Confirmation Bias.

There’s just as much beauty distribution in Asia as anywhere else in the world. You’re just latching onto images which confirm your worldview cause you feel threatened by Asian women.

Also, American men have no taste, and fall in love with the first girl they fuck. So you also see a lot of that.


Not really. But that spic is obviously a fucking retard. 2500 USD is nothing in Japan, and Japs hate English teaching expats. He is talking shit out of his ass on Yea Forums because he is overcompensating. The fact this spic said he can easily find rent an apartment on his own makes me tells me he doesn't live in Japan and is a terrible liar or that he lives in Japan and he's a terrible liar.

>Taking the risk of going to jail just to fuck a 15 years old girl when you can just a fuck a legal 18 years old as if the 3 years really made a difference

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>Why do you think I was able to legally live in Europe for 8 years
School/uni, Spanish ancestors, getting a job there.
Or maybe you just weren't there legally.
Plenty of options.

My entire life has been nothing but luck and calculated risks. It’ll all work out.

asians are very prone to cheating yes, they are very sneaky about it though unlike western girls

If your art is so good, how about you post some examples. If you're unreasonably afraid of getting tracked then post something you're working on right now that isn't out anywhere.

I wasn't in the thread so i don't know what you're talking about.
I just didn't get the ending, why is her friend mad at her or something.

They do make a difference if it's a question of being her first or her 10th.

> There’s just as much beauty distribution in Asia
I lived in Japan for 9 years and spent my entire time in high school there. I didn't go to a western high school either.

Japs, and all Asians, look like shit. Not even their top models are good looking. And their breath is fucking aids too. There's a reason why literally all of them save money for surgeries. We had a reunion two years ago and I couldn't recognize any of the girls because they got a new nose, jaw and all kinds of shit. Not even my classmates were able to recognize them. Only a dumbfuck weeb will claim otherwise.

based atleast they have the balls to give the MC a love interest

what's wrong with being her 2nd? in all likelihood she wouldnt bang anymore than 1 person by the time she's 18... right?

You naive fucker.

Some say because she had the gay for her, others because one of the guys fucking her was the friend's father.
According to a guy in the comments, a more accurate translation of what the friend is saying at the end is "Koyuki you... ...you alone", which basically expresses disappointment, and the translator fucked up by adding romantic undertones.

man i thought i was the only person who noticed most asian girls have shit oral hygeine lol

>Not really.
>But that spic is obviously a fucking retard.
>2500 USD is nothing in Japan,
Never been to Japan I see. I pay 50803¥ a month or rent. About 15000¥ on bills. Nothing on transportation. And 30000¥ on food. Plus an extra 30000¥ for personal expenses, like partying, clothes, etc... I live in the countryside, but I have coworkers living in Tokyo, and they make as much as me, and live comfortably.

>and Japs hate English teaching expats.
No they don’t. At least, it certainly hasn’t been my exp. Worst case scenario, you get people wanting to hang out with you all the time cause they can practice English with you.

>He is talking shit out of his ass on Yea Forums because he is overcompensating.
For what? Conversation just popped up. We’re having a good time. Take it easy user. This isn’t a debate.

>The fact this spic said he can easily find rent an apartment on his own makes me tells me he doesn't live in Japan and is a terrible liar or that he lives in Japan and he's a terrible liar.
Sure. Have a pic of appartment.

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People build a very strong connection with the first person they do things with. The more impactful the thing the stronger the connection.

>Dick status: Muh

>I lived in Japan for 9 years and spent my entire time in high school there. I didn't go to a western high school either.
Prove it.

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>japanese game
>every love interest is a Elementary school girl
why they also do this?

Attached: 1554838152621.jpg (1155x725, 176K)

Being the best a fire-breathing slut's ever had > popping a cherry desu

the thumbnail looks like she's sitting in the other girl's lap and being jacked off through her skirt

That looks like my old apartment... Where do you live?


>Unironically going through miles of dick

Based,fuck old hags(not in that way)

Looks nice

I won’t give you the exact location. But it’s a Leopalace.

>Wonderful thread
>Last 1/4th is taken up by some weirdo with a sweat fetish
Cultures really aren't so different after all.

Through dick unity

Okay, I didn't live in a Leopalace, but basing of what you pay and by it looking similar to what I had I have to consider it the next time I move to Japan.

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nothing like having some mileage on your car and getting the best ride out of 5 owners and 200,000 miles.

You can't really compare a person with a tool.

Sounds like cuck mentality to me.

Nothing like the fresh smell of a new car.

If i had a car like Christine she wouldn't be a Tool to me.

I'm back

>gingerly thrusting into a dead fish that makes pained squeaks whenever you go over one full pump every five seconds
I'll never undestrand the "muh pure teen virginity" meme. Not ever.

Tokyo is overrated garbage tho. After living there for 6 months I got tired of it quickly.
The country side on the other hand, is the best part of Japan.

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Cute. What is it about asian boobs that seem more jiggly despite them not being as big?

Because it’s not the first time people want you retard. She’ll get used to it after consecutive dickings, and she’ll be 100% yours.

Cities always suck.

>character designer gives highschool student a big bust

Attached: ttrhrthrth.jpg (1561x1066, 744K)

I'm sure you won't.

No sag. Asian girls have better diets, so their breasts are healthier.

How's the language barrier fren?

man my fucking dream is to live in Japan's countryside with my dream car parked in my driveway.

BASED and Yuripilled

Attached: pol x u.gif (1000x1400, 161K)

You kidding? It's become a meme that somehow japan is better at western fantasy then the west. What do we have except Game of Thrones?


Please tell me theres more

> DnD inspired Anime/Manga/LN don't suck

Nah the best is the smaller cities, you have all the comforts of a major city while still being able to easily go into the countryside whenever you want.

Old, single women aren't worth it, as the good ones are already taken.

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The west barely has any, so it's hard to compare.

No shit. This is the case already when you're 18 and I realized it at around that same age.

Goblin Slayer is a great recent DnD inspired anime.

Attached: 1503731102657.webm (854x480, 660K)

Pretty sure the artist does porn. It's pretty good.

>AoC is 14
Go ahead, come here and fuck a 15 yo girl, can't wait to see you rot in a cell, fucking Christ american education.

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what games do this?

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You can survive without knowing Japanese, at least as a tourist.
I had a remote job and at the time, the only thing I knew was to read kana, and that's it.
You can buy food, pay bills, use public transport, etc, without knowing Japanese.
It's not easy, but it's not impossible either. Japan needs and searches for workers that can provide something a Japanese citizen can't.
When a company hires someone from abroad, the gov demands proof that a Japanese citizen can't do say job.
That's why Translator jobs and Teachers are so common. You can find other jobs too tho.
This too, smaller cities are the best.

>tfw just got a job at a uni in Japan

We 400k yen a month now with tenure soon.

>tfw no waifu though

Games that let me do this?

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RaMu & Peace

Not all but monobeno.

Why do virgins try to tell nonvirgins shit about women? It would be like me lecturing an astronaut about outer space. You're fucking clueless so act like it.

My friend has fucked numerous 16yos. They hang around Shoko in Madrid, in La Latina, and are thirsty af.

do you have any recommendations on how to learn japanese? specific sites or programs? i dont know if i'd ever live there but it sounds fun to learn.

I was raised to cuck-levels recently I believe.

>gov demands proof that a Japanese citizen can't do say job.
god i wish the states did that.

That’s a middle schooler.

There aren't any non-virgins here. If there are then they should kill themselves.

It's a vastly inferior adaption of the manga desu

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What are you talking about? And why do you sound so butthurt?

There are plenty of us retard.

i know what i posted. the threads about schoolgirls rather then lolis tho. im just sticking to the thread theme.

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The USA does exactly that to people who aren't from Mexico or Canada.

Look at all the retards giving advice about something they know nothing about.

the /lang/ general on /int/ is pretty useful, also this and Anki.
I'm not a pro with Jap tho

Attached: Nihongo-Tango-Speed-Master.png (712x1000, 1023K)

Cite specific examples. Cause I don’t see anything to egregious desu.

Kill yourself. Failing that then go back to Redit/Facebook/Tumblr/Instagram or whatever normalfags use these days. You have plenty of options if you're tired of Yea Forumsirgins.

why not from mexico? why WOULDN"T you want to profile and document the absolute hell out of people from a much poorer country.

the fuck does a line with a heart mean though
the fuck kinda language is that

No, I've been here over a decade. You kids can suck my saggy balls.
Just read the thread.

Neighbors get special treatment. Let me look it up for a second.

By Allah, what are those bloody pants

You sound horribly upset. You should probably go somewhere that you can downvote posts that you do not agree with.

> Shit adaptation of shit that itself is an adaptation of shit
Well, you're not wrong in what you said.
But shit is still shit.

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She looks like Taketatsu Ayana

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Getting mad is the whole point of this website you moron.

Based. I'm majoring in microbial biotech. Thinking of doing a PhD maybe, not sure. Think I'll find a job somewhere in the comfy countryside?


The line is for extending the vowel, she's basically saying "niiice"

Like I said, I don’t see anything too egregious. Please feel free to cite examples.

Cope harder.

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Attached: white-girls-fuck-dogs-hot-take-39870651.png (500x557, 145K)

I have an english degree and a tesol and experience teaching ESL. do you think I could land an upper level job? My life is pretty cushy right now.

Have sex.

They specifically have a door decoration for this?

>spoken like a true redditor
It’s not actually. Now fuck off you faggot.

>implying that only normalfags can get some
It isn't the 00s anymore, user.

Some schools use that

Unlikely. What kind of job is there for a PhD in the countryside? All the big firms and universities lie in the cities.

>microbial biotech
I'm a brainlet in terms of science, but I'm sure you can find something. They have a lot of conventions about biotech.

Wow, using a meme past 2008. Pretty pathetic.

japs used to a lot aswell before it was made illegal though

japs are not afraid to say that women after 25 enter a decline

Join Islam

and it sucked because of that

I have, and that makes me better than you.

Just because you can fuck them doesn't make it legal you mouthbreather. If they decide to sue him for rape/tricking them into sex your friend is fucking done.

Guys who have sex, don’t brag about having sex you virgin.

You can't just make a claim like that and not post proof.

good for them. n_n

It never was. Any hostilities were to drive off any shitheads who mistook this place for the shithole everyone claimed it was but instead newcomers adapted it as part of the site culture.

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>Spanish legal system
Good one.

just look up early MAD vids amigo
theres a shit ton

>i get to make up the rules of conduct!
maybe he JUST got laid and has to tell everyone.

>being astronomically mad people in this thread had sex and are giving advice
>n-n-nooo u see I had sex tooo!!!
Obtain coitus.


try JET programme. And try job posting sites




Those flu masks make me diamonds.

Sure they do. Have you never been on a sports team or drank with the boys?
Rage is Yea Forums culture before it became about gay ass feels.

You can get away with stealing thousands of euros but if you fuck with womyn feminists will make sure to destroy your life, we can thank amerilards for that

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>Have you never been on a sports team or drank with the boys?

Attached: normie.png (786x479, 211K)

I heard Jet is for people with few qualifications. I could get a fuckload more in other countries.

>Rage is Yea Forums culture
Spoken like a true redditor.

I don't think so, but she is cute. I much prefer longer hair.

Thighs too fat

Reminder that Japs Have a Gravure industry About school girls And younger.

Attached: kuromiya.jpg (800x1200, 116K)

Spoken like an election tourist.

They’d have to track him down first. The AoC was bumped up in Spain only recently due to feminist movements. Like, literally like 3-4 years ago. But culturally no one’s caught up yet. Technically, those girls shouldn’t even be allowed in the club cause they’re under 18. But they lie and are hot so they’re allowed in, or they just part outside, looking for some guy to take them in, or get then some booze and take them home with them. No one really cares about this, and it happens regularly. Girls lie about being 18 (sometimes), but you can tell they’re underage. And oftentimes they wanna get some booze and hook up with an older guy. This WASN’T illegal until only just recently, but no one is gonna stop it anyway. Especially since Spanish girls look like they’re teenagers well into their 20s, and just about every Chad in the country has shagged some 16 year olds.

money is more important than pussy anyways, what are you fucking doing?

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user too gay. But it does really suck how everyone is being faggots and not expressing their love for thighs.

During my first year of my MSc ( European system, you have to get your MSc first before you can enroll in a PhD program) I spend some time in a firm in the countryside. That was in France tho. But you're right, the vast majority of competitive jobs are in the big cities most likely

Neato. How good does my mastery of Japanese have to be before I make it a realistic goal?

give me

a) good looks
b) a well paying job
c) a nice house
d) a cute japanese gf who wants to marry me and carry my children



Those aren’t guys who have sex, they’re guys who want sex. Fucking uggos cause you’re desperate doesn’t make you any better than a kissless virgin. Honestly, it should only count if she was cute.

Elementary school is about as young as they go, but I'm pretty sure they illegalized them a few years back.

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prove it


maybe try to achieve it

I really don't believe you.

>we can thank amerilards for that
why willingly adapt a trend of another country if no one is forcing you at gun-point. i thought euros weren't low IQ and slaves to the jooooooos.

I'm mostly fucking around, but virgins lecturing each other about women is really hard to watch.

how old is this girl?

Attached: 1289748887529.png (493x402, 6K)

wtf is ck101?

too much fucking effort, just give it to me

You’re assuming every guy itt is a virgin. Sounds like a projection to me friendo.

Look up Rei kuromiya in yandex or google.

the ones who aren't need to leave.

how fucking based ???

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Nah, the ratio was still skewed in favor of schoolgirls. Game could've used at least two more cakes and maybe an option to seduce Sae

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The guys saying shit like "every woman has fucked 10 guys by 16" almost definitely are.

They stil do it but is pretty much dead in comparation.

To be fair that's a safer bet to take than assuming everyone itt is a chad.

is that way faggot

This isn't /r9k/

Keep seething faggot

have you ever considered that maybe you're just too comfortable with your lifestyle? If you really want something, you try and reach it.

Yea Forums is for Yea Forumsirgins. Normalfags like you can fuck off to r/games

always some fag lying in these shit threads
"hurr me in japan and they all love me"

>Scroll down a bunch
>Mfw the scroll bar is not even a third way down

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based. I just did that. Nice pics, but I'll be frank. A teenage japanese chick looks almost the same as a 18-22yo chick we see in JAV, so these pics don't really do anything for me, if it were eurasian beauties tho..

The gamers are socially awkward virgins meme died over a decade ago. Fuck off and have sex.

Ahahaha I was normalfagging it up on this board before you were born you zoomer fucking shit.

That statement is true for American women 100%

Maybe it’s exaggerated, but most girls I knew in HS had already beed dicked by at least 3 different guys before graduating. Most of them lost their virginity in Middle school too.

Once they hit college, shit got insane. You wouldn’t believe the amount of sex many of these girls were having with no parents to supervise them anymore.

10 guys is wayyy too low. Maybe in a month.

Never underestimate foreigner charm. It works on us too. I have friends who have taught overseas and slayed.

Perhaps if this was 2008 Yea Forums. Yea Forums is, and has been mainstream for nearly a decade now, and gaming is a normie hobby.

Protip: Socially awkward losers who play video games still exist.
Fuck off and have sex.

Sure you were, faggot.

Attached: 1547451304644.png (519x465, 355K)

>The gamers are socially awkward virgins meme died over a decade ago
so should have you

This reads like some faggots jap love fantasy

Old enought.

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Then the same could be applied to every single post on this website or any other.
Unless you have hard evidence that he is either lying or telling the truth, you can't really come up with a definitive answer.

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They do. But they don’t make up the bulk of Yea Forums anymore.

either way its pathetic

These exist if you know where to find them but i not gonna spoondfeed you.

>they don’t make up the bulk of Yea Forums anymore
And Yea Forums is getting worse. Fuck off and have sex.

What's the source on this? Some childcare propaganda?

haha I just thought about maybe downloading some risky j-idol stuff but then I didn't because I wouldn't know where to find it, hahah thank god


There is no perhaps. Hell there are more virgin adult men this decade. It's still true and still the better assumption to make. If you think every poster ITT is some sorta alpha chad than I'll laugh at you.

How does it feel to grope a Japanese schoolgirl on a train?

Do they not know how feet work?

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Oh user. Normies are the least of your problems.

absolutely cute

Shut up incel, we run this shit now. Or as i like to say with my fellow Chad gamers that engage in regular sexual intercourse; All your base are belong to us.

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America has the weird culture of fucking at young age.

Actual good post.

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3 by the end of highschool is way different than 10 by 16 dude.

I don’t think every poster is a chad. But I do there must be other posters who are more or less like me. Fairly attractive dudes who like nerdy hobbies, but are generally outwardly normal. Hell my best friend is a gigachad, and he’s a regular /pol/ack.

Everyone here is too beta to even attempt

Why? I like hearing their stories. Better than another smash thread.

Regular dudes with nerdy hobbies go to reddit. I know multiple of them.

That is because JAV look for Girls that look pretty young in porn Look Shuna kagami and other Mini JAV actress

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i didnt feel aroused, just looked through it because the aesthetic is cool
im not on a list, right?

I said it was exaggerated. And three by the end of hs is definitely NOT normal and NOT ok. Especially considering in conservative countries 1 DURING hs is a rare thing.

I'm similar to you. I was an ugly duckling though.
Depends how old they are. I went from gamefaqs to here in 2007 or so.

No it isn't.

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Go to the appropriate board for it if you want their stories.
Sexual tourism is pathetic.

Yea Forums will never be normalfag central but it would be nice if /r9k/ stayed on their contaminated board.

No. Those are NPC bugmen. Not regular dudes. Yea Forums and its anonymity will always attract free thinkers.

Most conservative countries are shitholes though. 3 by the end of hs is high but not insane. Most people end up with 5-10 by marriage I think.

What is this.

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not at all
shes dressed like a whore

>Depends how old they are
It really doesn't. Fuck off.

Attached: Get the fuck out.gif (704x396, 2.54M)

Wtf, my female friends told me that japs were all ugly

You're talking shit, what are you basing this on even

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It's more of tourism with some sex on the side. Sexual tourism is travelling just to fuck.

go to reddit then
they like epic sex stories

I mean, everyone has their own shit.
Honestly, I would prefer landing a QT girl and make her my GF than "smashing" left right and center.
But I guess that's how it is nowadays.

Most Asian countries are conservative. And upper class Mexico makes USA look like a fucking joke.

his mother

>I'm so special, I go to 4channel
Spoken like a true redditor.

>Most conservative countries are shitholes
He said as the western world is declining at an increasing pace.

The happiest countries in the world are neither religious nor super conservative. I'm a moderate personally.

>tfw no hopelessly broody gf to have a gigantic litter of brats with

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Not so different

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based degenerate japan.
I once had a JAV where a dad rapes his daughter. Now hear me out, this is probably 99% of JAVs out there, but this one was actually believable, the girl was a great actress, she really seemed uncomfortable and not just by going EEEEEEEEEHHHHHH IIIIIYYYYYYYYY EEEEEEEEK etc. You saw terror on her face. Too bad I lost the file and code. I've been scouring through javlibrary and r18 for hours in hopes of finding it again, but the amount of JAVs in the genres of incest is unfathomably high

you know what actually fucks me up the most on that picture?
the side-tied panties. absolutely nuclear material.
i wish there was more art of that. (or i knew how to find it)

Attached: file.png (853x1200, 525K)

Is that a slutty outfit? I really can't tell


thats not how it should be ever though

>no arcades

Yes it does. I came here before anyone knew what reddit was. Probably before you had any idea Yea Forums existed either honestly.

What's the code?

To be fair most of those pics don't show their faces. Still would most of them with a bag on their heads tho

>I guess that's how it is nowadays
>Accepting that the world is broken
Don't do that.

There is no record over happiest countries because that shit's subjective. The ones that try to make such a measurement make it based on their own beliefs of what is needed to be happy.

of course a mini skirt is slutty

shes rolled up her skirt to show off herself
these things normally go to just above the knee

absolutely based, i don't know how to find more skirts like the one in your picture either

Are you trolling? The GS manga is ok, but the anime is fucking trash.



No, it doesn't and I know that because I know a few of people "like you" who're various ages. Now fuck off and have sex.

Attached: Meme girl.jpg (328x466, 26K)

Religious countries are all unhappy shitholes dude.

you mean that? do you not use the reverse image search functions?

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Never said it was out it should be.
But things are the way they are and it doesn't seem to get any better soon.
See all those who shame Anons for not having sex or whatever garbage they come up with.
There is no shame in that imo. Finding someone with whom you're comfortable should be a priority.
Nowadays it's more about how many you used, how much alcohol or whatever...
But whatever, I'm just rambling at this point.

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>Religious countries are all unhappy shitholes
Spoken like a true city-boy who thinks he knows everything.

Attached: Mount stupid.gif (576x471, 15K)

I'd be horny 24/7 if everywhere I went there were hot highschool girls running around with these slutty mini skirts
poor japanese anons, how can they even cope?

Not a chance, I was here before you and I'll be here until I get bored. Though gamefaqs is probably better than this place now. Reddit is shit.

>Spoken like a true redditor.
I think the downvote system is utterly retarded. I’ve liked it, and it’s conductive toward conformity.

I like Yea Forums because I can say whatever the fuck I want, and no one will ever know it’s me. I’m not judged personally for my opinions or ideas, and there’s generally more freedom to communicate with people without any restrictions.

So yes, after coming here for over a decade, I can say Yea Forums has indeed affected my way of thinking and being in a generally positive way. It taught me to form my own opinions, and to think for myself. To be skeptical of everything I read online or hear from someone else. I consider that special, because I can’t stand conformist bugmen with no capacity for independent thought at all.

I live in the country retard. Google it if you don't believe me. Theocracies are shitholes.

>things are the way they are and it doesn't seem to get any better soon
Not with that attitude.

Why does everyone here get so triggered by English teachers living in Japan? Anytime someone mentions it the thread goes to shit with shitposters coming from left and right trying to mock those people.

Normalfags and literal jealousy from neets/weebs.


Imagine thinking ideology has anything to do with a countries happiness. All it depends on is race which is why the whitest countries are consistently the top of the world happiness report.

With a Reason the Japs Are all Pedo imagine Being Dead inside from working And then look To those school girls all day every day.

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Hard to make that judgement when the sample size is so small.

Same thing I say user.
But look around you. Where are you and the others like you ?
You don't make yourself heard or anything like that.
Hence why it isn't going any better.

Attached: flan.gif (640x506, 75K)

t. atheistkike

how is she doing that

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Now imagine me being a after school remedial English teacher. I fap every day when I get home to cope

>gamefaqs is probably better than this place now
You won't be missed.

It's a miracle not more become rapists tbqh

>culture fetishises teenage girls..
>still illegal to fuck teenage girls.

I really hate this shit. teens are fucking around already. what does it matter how old the dick is when it goes in their pussy?


and i dont mean weebs. i mean weeaboos.

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because its always the same lies again and again
"bro im foreign in japan and i saw a family walk by and they all offered to suck my dick japan is great haha multiculturalism is epic bro"

I think the jap torture work hours is a meme. A huge chain of grocery stores in the US called publix has workers do 80 hour weeks with no paid overtime. Our suicide rates are catching up to japs too despite being majority christian.

It's the equivalent of burger flipping in asia but english teachers are arrogant fucks who think they're too good for burger flipping.

That law only matters when you're ugly. My chad 27 y/o friend is crushing teen puss on the reg

doesn't japan have a population problem? lower the legal age and start making babies.

It's all ideology.

>No they don’t.

Yeah they do, they ignore you expat losers, the ones that dont ignore you assume you're tourists, not expats
Thats why you dont notice the hate.

I met this dumb spanish gaijin, he said people on his work were somewhat rude and he always felt preassured never to cross a line and be direct because it might come pff as rude.

He was depressed until he found another spanish expat loser whom he could open up with about his personal life.
THis is the life of gaijin.

Now since you're an exoat yourselfn, can you answer me, what does most of your friends consists of and why are they all gaijin?
do you speak japanese with japanese people and do you have any deep relationship with any actua local or just fellow gaijin?

please answer or at least if you're too embarrassed about it, think about it and answer it to yoruself.

Lastly quit, inviting other gaijin to a country you dont belong to. Are you feelinng too lonely?

Good for you, big boy. Now go have some sex that you love so much.

You're pretty much me. I couldn't get into casual sex no matter how desperate I am. If some random attractive woman wanted to fuck me at a party, I would be the type that unironically says something like, "Well, I'd like to get to know you a little first XD". I'm well aware 99% of guys wouldn't even think twice about passing that up, and more power to them. If I fuck someone, I have to have feelings for them beyond "you're hot, let's fuck".

100% of them are shit. That's enough. The happiest countriest are all irreligious.
All abrahamic religions are the same desu.

Probably envy. lots wants to live in Japan. extremely low crime, very polite people and immigration policies that actually highly favor merit over diversity quota at the expense of the locals. imagine actually making it to Japan and living the rest of your life there never having to even think about what's going on in the west.

he probably looks young tho, so noone even notices. not the same really. it really should be across the board. Having to turn down pussy because of what people might "say" or put you in jail is ridiculous. meanwhile she'll fuck some rando at h club (which she got in using a fake ID)

>You don't make yourself heard or anything like that
You don't seem to know how many posts I've made in this thread.
Stop formatting your posts like a retard by the way.

Attached: I will not be defeated by a tiny net.gif (500x540, 1.14M)


Mostly jealousy. Jealousy from weebs who would like to but are too afraid to make a move. Jealousy from anons that had a change, but took the “normie career.” Jealousy from trannies who feel threatened by Asian women. Jealousy from roasties who ARE threatened by Asian women. Jealousy from white knights who wish they coulda gotten a comfy life with a cute Asian gf, and need to rationalize getting cucked. Jealousy from the shitskins who went to Japan thinking it’d be paradise only to get nothing. And the fat otakus. Jealousy from the Chinese dudes who are ignored by Asian girls who want white dick. And the happas living in the west who get ignored by white girls AND Asian girls...


WMAF is the pairing that makes EVERYONE seethe.

Attached: D70A6E3B-4FC9-44B1-8098-2CCC6E1052AF.jpg (450x511, 21K)

>Why does everyone here get so triggered by English teachers living in Japan?

They are literally living their anime fantasy of being the gaijin teacher that the school girls fawn over.
Of course they are all fat, smelly pimply guys who no one would ever want to touch, but anons don't know that.

It's all racial homogenity.

Pay is what determines the worth of a job. I get paid pretty well to do ESL.

holy fuck user, thanks.
no, i never use reverse image search outside of google. i've barely ever even looked for sexy anime images either, i'm a normie who watches 3d porn

>100% of them are shit. That's enough
Not really. It's neither enough nor are they all shit.

Rate my Japanese shitposting setup

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immigration is going to ruin japan no matter how good the people entering the country are

>WMAF is the pairing that makes EVERYONE seethe.

Success breeds jealousy. And wmaf couples are the highest earners.

nokia is a god tier character. the barely visible lingerie destroys me. wish there was more of her, shame the game was not popular.

It's an entry level job that everyone who can speak english can do, although many would hate to do it.

How come racially homogenous religious countries are shittier then?
Yes to both. Theocracy is a dogshit way of ruling. Religion is great if it makes people happy, but should never influence any decisions.

I've literally never seen a japanese girl wearing a knee high skirt, there's also none in this thread so far

I did have casual sex user though. And I still regret it to this day. It should be something done with someone important and I wasn't even able to even live by my own code. What does it say about me now, whenever I say to other user they should do it with someone important ? A hypocrite. But I'm glad to be one if that makes some user not do the same mistake I've done.
My life is full of regrets, unironically, but I'm still here so there must be something out there for me.

Attached: despair.jpg (380x380, 50K)

at a much slower rate than Europe and especially the US however.

looks uncomfortable desu

>Asian men like latinas

Absolutely based

Why are you posting here instead of on Japanese chans?

Not really, to get the decent cushy jobs you need a degree and further trianing. I make 25-30 bucks an hour to sit on my ass at my computer. Cushy and easy. And if I want to travel I can get paid to do so.

Much different than burger flipping.

lot's of condescendence from expat losers

That 13 refers to part of the series, right? Right?

because its about epic sexy japanese girls
but its still going to happen if they keep letting foriegners in

May I recommend Facebook? Non-virgins love it.

>How come racially homogenous religious countries are shittier then?
Such as what, the middle east? Probably has to do with the fact that they're mudshits.


True. But only if the white man is handsome. My brother is dating a half jap and you should see white roasties faces on the street. It's not some 4chins meme tbqh, white girls do feel threatend and they turn from 'refugees welcome' to '14/88' real quick when their supply of Chad dick is threatened

I have a tab of that open and insta up on my phone. You can visit more than one website at once you know.



>Yes to both
There aren't many theocratic countries but Iran is shit only because the USA keeps fucking with them and the Papal States are pretty first world.

How stupid gaijins
They are adult. of course

I can recognize real or fake because I'm Japanese.

>Look everyone, he doesn't know what 歳 means

>weeaboos *still* get platinum mad over baka gaijin normalfags living their pipe dream
Some things never change.

Attached: 1448478638583.jpg (359x391, 77K)

how old are you honestly? also please familiarize yourself in the innate reverse image search functions, or install Yea Forums x for even more options.

Attached: 3b035449c3edb368d23d28c5704c7a74.jpg (596x709, 61K)

Things like this remind me that my life is over.

Stay there, normalfag.


White religious countries are less happy than white irreligious ones.
Even going beyond stricty theocratic, countries where religion influences politics are shittier than the reverse. Policies should be driven by logic.

Because the loser virgins that draw this shit never got laid in high school and stay insecure about it throughout their life. The schoolgirl remains a symbol of desire and sexual attraction to them because they're still stuck in that mentality, not able to get over the fact they were the loser kid in school. I know because I was almost one.

Whatever helps you sleep at night user

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>White religious countries are less happy than white irreligious ones.
Such as what? Give examples.

And outside of Yea Forums ?
Which is what I was implying, if that wasn't clear enough.
Post all you want here, create your own reality and wars here, it will amount to nothing, as you have no impact on the actual world outside of Yea Forums.
Get out and change it then. The problem is the following: No one ever follows you, and whenever you're gonna march for a good cause, whenever you'll turn your back, you'll realize you only see emptiness. You'll be alone.
However, the ones you oh so despise, despite being idiots, they gang up, they march together.
So no, the World will never change for the better unless we are all united and actually are willing to change it.

Also, want me to use Reddit Spacing maybe ?

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Nah. Go to /r9k/ if you're so triggered.

At least you know what you want, now. That makes you far better off than most NPCs. Women also love guys who are sensitive and able to stand up for their values. Become the best version of yourself, and you'll attract the right woman by being the person you become.

>White religious countries
Like the Papal States? What others are there?
>countries where religion influences politics are shittier than the reverse
Religious is mostly just an extension of culture, retard.
>Muh logic
Autist spotted.

>spams Gosling

Shut the fuck up roastie defender

>persona like rpg
>but you are 30 and all the girls are Christmas cakes/milfs that are lonely and need a good dicking

not him, but why are you being so autistic, lol

Because School Girls are sexually attractive.

>White religious countries are less happy than white irreligious ones.

[citation needed]
Happiness seems to coincide with wealth more than anything else.

Am I going to jail for downloading these gravure idol videos?

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>Yeah they do, they ignore you expat losers, the ones that dont ignore you assume you're tourists, not expats
Why do all my Japanese friends offer to take me to Omiai to get a Japanese gf so I can get married and stay here forever? Or their gfs telling me to date their best friends?

>THis is the life of gaijin
Sounds like made up fiction to me. I don’t think you’ve ever been to Japan. I think you’re just jealous.

>Now since you're an exoat yourselfn, can you answer me, what does most of your friends consists
Locals mostly, since I live in the countryside. I have a couple friends who I met through training, but I don’t see them often.

>of and why are they all gaijin?
Why are did you assume they were all foreigners, lol. They’re actually not.

>do you speak japanese with japanese people
To the best of my ability.
>and do you have any deep relationship with any actua local or just fellow gaijin?
Sadly no. I’m a very private person and the language barrier is an issue. I find the other ALT to be mostly obnoxious, and I only have contact with them through a line group. The people I spend time with are all Japanese. Close rapport is with my brother and friends back home. For now.

>Lastly quit, inviting other gaijin to a country you dont belong to.
I’m not inviting anyone anywhere. Just voicing my experience of how much I like it here, and proving idiots who say bad shit about Japan wrong.

More than half of the big hentai artists are female.

You wanna tell me that the happiest countries on this map are also the most religious?

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Nah they are all in google or normal web pages.



How do the Japanese feel about non visibly disabled people?

Yes, nice user

>outside of Yea Forums
Openly tell my friends what I think and I would never ever conform to savagery and degeneracy just because it is the norm.
>Yea Forums has no influence on the real world
Not quite true, and my communicating here is more likely to have an impact on others than communicating in real life, due to my lacking charisma not being a factor.
>the World will never change for the better unless we are all united and actually are willing to change it
Vague sentence. When are we "all united" and "willing to change it".

He's definitely way off base for modern Japan. There is still a lot of xenophobia and ethnocentrism, but Japan has become more diverse recently. Something like 1 in 9 people in Tokyo weren't born in Japan, and it's pretty common to meet other expats here. Younger Japanese people are cool with it as long as you speak Japanese. It might be different in the countryside.

>See some vlog of a foreigner living in Japan
>Every other comment on the video is some person telling him what to do and what not to do in Japan
>Criticizing his behaviour and that he should be ashamed of himself
>Asking how an asshole like him got into the country
>Saying how all the people around gim are faking their emotions and that they want him to leave the country because he doesn't understand their culture while the poster goes on for several paragraph rant how Japanese culture is so great
Every time.

>Of course they are all fat, smelly pimply guys who no one would ever want to touch, but anons don't know that.
What if I told you I was hot . Would that shatter your reality of what you think most people are like?

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asians may be cute but there is a reason why they still censor their pussies. fuking mothra wings down there.

There are arcades in some cities outside Japan.

how do i get thighs like this

Adorable, I wonder if she plays video games

Its legal like teen bikini catalogues.

[citation needed]


No such things where I'm from

Is that a picture of you? You think you're hot?


Not sure anyone has compiled it neatly. It's true, you should hang around hentai threads more often when they talk about that, I guess.

I'm in Nippon right now and I'm amazed by the number of other whites I've seen, tourists or otherwise. It definitely doesn't feel like the place I've been hearing about for years.

Swimwear isn't sold to tweens and teenagers?

Because games are for schoolchidren. Time to find a new hobby bro.

So...something like icdv-30045 won't buy me a ticket to jail?

hey guys , teenagers are hot. Don't you want to fuck them?

you do? You fucking sicko! here look at some more sexually suggestive teen music videos. pervert!

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Bitch. I’m gorgeous.

Based and primepilled

>actual literal pedo thread
>500 replies
Sasuga jannies


>got laid in highschool twice
>still find school/college girl attractive as fuck

only insecure faggots have to lie about finding young pretty girls attractive

Swimsuits, not bikinis

Religious is an extension of unhappy and low iq as we can see by looking at happy and rich countries.
Just go down the list of happiest countries, it matches almost perfectly to religious population.
I'm telling you the opposite dingus.

Where is the magnet for raunchy junior idol torrents?

just need a mustache for borat

>I'm in Paris right now and I'm amazed by the number of blacks I've seen, tourists or otherwise. It definitely doesn't feel like the place I've been hearing about for years

Where's the pedophilia? All these girls are past puberty.

don't ruin the highschool gf fantasy thread with your cancer

Seething with jealousy. Now, post a picture of yourselves. Go on...

>quote from actual japanese person

God Bless Japan

>Just go down the list of happiest countries
No such list exists because happiness or "best country" is subjective.

doxxed yourself btw lol

reminds me of a nurse I dated in Tokyo that started hinting from date nr 2 that she wanted small halfu's

Go on then. Stalk me.

u r an arab, lol? ugly!


If the majority of people are subjectively happy than the country is objectively happy.


>get really blown away by disturbing, graphic, soul destroying content in a doujin
>look up the author
>it's some unassuming japanese lady
Every time.

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As a French, first thing I've done while I stayed in Japan, was to tell them to never ever go to Paris if they want to experience France, and just go down South in a small town or village.
Beautiful landscapes and actual French people.
Same in China and whenever I'm fucking asked if I come from Paris or some shit like that.
Fuck Paris, Hitler should have actually burned it down.

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There's a world happiness survey. Happiness being subjective doesn't change the facts.

If you'd rather live in Chad than Finland be my fucking guess. See what happens when you doubt the based survey.

>Fuck Paris, Hitler should have actually burned it down
It wasn't all that bad back then. aside from all the commies, but they're still there too.

26yo boomer
i have 4chx but disabled that stuff because ive never used it
im sorry senpai

What's so bad about Paris?

>feelings are subjective

Yeah, no fucking shit. But seeing as they're self-reported, that gives objective results.

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unsafe place where literal straight out of africa blacks sleep on the street

You're not the king of Yea Forums.

Paris syndrome was coined by a Japanese psychologist who had to treat Japanese tourists who where so disillusioned after visiting the city. Turns out the selling the city as a marvel of western civilization when the reality is that its nigger infested isn't the best of things

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But when you look at the charts like then you can quickly tell that succesful religous countries score well and poor secular countries score bad. It's not really a factor.

>that one hentai artist that exclusively draws brother/sister wincest
>it's a girl

wonder what her brother must think

This is a hired booth girl, not the artist.