Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers


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Other urls found in this thread: happy#partition=1

Is NIN going to be fun in 5.0?

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Well, still upset about the healer change. I wanted them to have more individual identities, not more streamlining. And the meta won't ultimately change.

At least check the catalog. I know the other thread was shit with tranny bait on the OP, but there 2 (TWO) threads aside from the tranny one.

At least MCH looks good now

As a healer, I welcome the changes.
We can accept our fate or defy it, but we cannot deny it.

keep bitching until they fix it in a patch like they did with Miasma 2 or something

they give SCH back Miasma and it upgrades into Miasmolysis

I almost wish DRG had more controversial changes for better or worse. The job NEEDS a shake up.

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I don't know man, it's not just about miasma or damage spells, it's something deeper than that.

Whats a good chestpiece to go with a nightsteel helm of fending you guys reckon?

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it doesnt, unless the job is fundamentally broken jobs do not need a rework every expansion

lol it's reallly not

Thanks based Yoshida

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>there are now 4 simultaneous xiv threads
Just waiting for janitors to start deleting us because of your thread wars.

people are retarded. then they ask why theyre pushing us to /vg/

Ishgardian Knight? I don't know if the colors will mesh well enough, but it's my go-to for dark knight glamour.

Is it worth getting into this game?

A good purge would be nice to be fair.

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Do any of you Hyperion fags have the Gosetsu attire? I want to see how good / bad the hakama looks in a monk glamour

>people keep asking this
....yes, this is THE BEST time to get into the game. You got a month to catch up if you wanna do the newest content. So hope to it.

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>came back to ffxiv a few months ago
>sad they simplified SCH dps
>looking forward to ShB fixing it
>read the changes

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isn't that just an undyable version of the level 58 adamantite set?

Yes but the accents are red.

>supposed to be a combat medic/strategist
>all the combat is removed
Thanks WHM's, now we're all equally boring.

>spamming Yea Forums with 4 threads

As an ast main, malefic and combust were my only damaging moves besides gravity opener, star, and lord of crowns. Welcome to my world peasant. Give up gcds for safety heals faggots.

this has some red accents too, I dunno, what do you think?

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>Yea Forums said Shadow Bringers has triple the budget of Stormblood
>still recycling shit like Compile Heart
This confirms Koji is shilling again.

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NIN is going to be the best alongside SAM

>all 4 still getting bumped
>going home threads last forever on bump life support or archive
why you mad tho?

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You recycle your posts quite well yourself, I don't see why you're complaining about other people doing the same.

Yeah I'd say that works pretty well. Maybe explore different boot options.

Because this is the sort of shit that triggers mods into start going rampage and deleting xiv threads on sight.

Don't be autistic about it, I agree its shit but don't act like they just killed your dog infront of you like leddit has been all fucking day.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

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>want to play
>bombed out on sleeping meds
fuck sake. im not gonna make it lads.

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Not with that 20% nerf to personal DPS it's not

>the job that actually used Energy Drain
>loses it
>job that literally never used Energy Drain
>keeps it

wait what


SMN loses Aetherflow and use Energy Drain (which is on a 30s cooldown) to restore Aetherflow. Energy Siphon is an AoE version that shares a cooldown. They're ironically on higher aetherflow uptime as the 30s cooldown on energy drain means they get 4 aetherflow per minute.

Whoa cute fagtato is his bitchole trained?

Dripping Blades is gone.

post shit memes

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Here, have a vintage meme

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this cant was our turn.......


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>that guy who wouldn't equip his shield

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the game is littered with them man, just look at some of the achievements.

Yeah but that's different. Quest titles and achievement titles can be as memetastic as you want without breaking immersion because they're not an actual part of the game world or lore. This was a piece of dialogue from an important character in a main story quest. That is a HUGE difference.

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I hope you like our changes we will bring in Shadowbringers.

If you dont...

Please enjoy.

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Y-yes sir...!

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imagine being so brainwashed that your complain about HEALERS is losing dps skills
play a real dps if you don't want to play this role anyway

AST is in the cuckshed

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This has got to be a typo in the current build. If it's not I am laffin so hard.

>lazy fucks didnt bother renaming it

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It's some retards reject thread because they don't know what the catalog is.

GNB /cpose male and female.

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Almost all its skills' raw potency is increased though.

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no but it's still going to ve very powerful
unless they change fuma and hyosho ranryu with 5.0 we are going to clip every gcd to cast 2-mudra ninjutsus and the job will become even more ping dependant

looks lame, hope my lala lady doesn't look silly like that!

Post yfw Awareness got axed

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SCH didn't lose any of their healing tools but they have a better fairy, and Sacred Soil has regen now which makes it the ultimate "slap this shit on so I can mash Broil more" tool

But can we at least have more interesting GCD heals (and even OGCD to a smaller extend) than "Regens x every y", "Shields" and "Heals everyone in x yalms around you"? I don't mind going the WoW route but at least give us a skillset that rivals WoW pre-ability pruning, otherwise it's just dumbing everyone down to WHM snooze levels.

>scholar mains claim to have the best dps and healing still
>STILL seething over the changes

Lolboom got em

MNK trumps them both, weeb.

wait a minute, that pose...

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both dia and biolysis cost the same and are 60 potency
it's just beta build typo

I'm a brainlet or drk is just worse than before?
They literally nerfed the aoe self heal and magic resistance

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another 2 years in the shed cuck, NIN/DRG or NIN/SAM is the way to go now

hope he [ spoilers ] bros...

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Excuse me, but is this SCH's famous "big brain" DPS rotation you so glorifying?

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yes. drk is in the shed with the scholars

New AF's on Hrothgar and Viera:

>nerfed adlo
>nerfed embrace
>nerfed miasma 2
>no quick aetherflow
>no miasma
>no shadow flare
>no energy drain
>pet skills are now ogcds
>5 seconds for seraph to spawn

truly a winner LMAO

>WHM snooze levels
I hate this constant scapegoat that's been going around for the past day.

AST has been the one dot one nuke healer for two years. AST has been the job with the most basic healing spells.

That's really just you repeating that over and over

I wonder if the JP tooltip is the same

How difficult would it even be to just put a hat on them? Tech wise you can just delete the ears when the hat is turned on. Immersion wise, it's not like those are horns, the long ears can be bent and smothered under the hat.

I don't see why the devs are making such a big deal out of this.

Yes, just looked.

No bunny bois no buy

The red revolution is now

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did no one at media tour record the new races /cposes or /sit poses at all? it takes like 2 minutes to record those..


another one in the shed

t. delusional weeb
MNK was always the best melee DPS and it will stay the same. have fun finding no group.

Which class has the coolest armors, and why is it Dragoon?

>worse than summoner and blm
into the shed with the scholars and drks

>when it's 125% shields now and you can guarantee a crit barrier every 90s

sure you can't spread crit adlos anymore but did you honestly think they would let SCH keep doing that

Here's a meme that really didn't age well

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drg too, its to make up for losing slashing not dripping

just make bunny ears clip through gear like au ra horns and give hrothgar the covered cat ears

Are you going to post this every thread? Eos has a second AoE heal now, all the healing cooldowns still exist, and Seraph gets its own mini-Succor

Yes, and really, that's just the opener. It's more of a priority system after that.
But I thought swiftcast came before chain stratagem? Have I been fucking up this whole time?

Post cute REDs

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DRK players deserve all the shitting on in the world.

ok SCHs let's compromise. you can have miasma back but in order to cast it you have to type "thank you yoshi p" in your cross world linkshell and then bow in the direction of japan

worse comes to worse you just have the ears clipping out of the top or just do the silly "ear pockets" that elf ears and cat ears got.

because the complexity was lost in exchange for being top dog
it hurts

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>been shitposting about scholars for hours
hey bros someone take over dont let these crybaby faggots have any rest. i gotta sleep

Only some emotes. And for some fucking reason they skipped /laugh and /happy on the Viera. Unfinished?

That's a cursed template
Din't work for MNKs either

from being on top of the world to locked in the cuckshed in under a week

haha schs are a bunch of idiots!!

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I'll bite but
>literally every opener and rotation depends on my job
>people are asking how to structure their openers to align every buff with TA
I doubt I'll ever be out of meta
you on the other hand...

>Still going to have to roll my face on my keyboard to upkeep SMN rotation
Couldn't be happier desu

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>what did it cost
>like one or two buttons that I press every 30s

using it for indo or excog is arguably better since
1)both ogcd
2)gives you fairy gauge for free

How about a cute middie red?

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being the postboy job really doesnt seem to work out huh, hopefully scholars are the next

Then why the hell are the devs treating it like it's rocket science and it would literally be easier to send Yoshi to the moon than it would be to put a hat on Viera?

400 mp it's a buff

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I seem to remember DRG being a LOT of fun in HW.

Since healing is going to be boring as fuck now it honestly just sounds great to play when you're feeling lazy and don't care about playing optimally. I think I'm going to switch to maining tank but have a healer leveled for coasting through roulettes and stuff.

enjoy having to weave your fairy skills now and losing 80 potency every time

This is American art isn't it?

lightning's pose is disgusting

I mean you have plenty of options

>big dick barrier
>big dick Indom
>big dick excog

the excog you can even put on advance so there's less downtime on recitation again

Yeah, DRG was at it's best in HW and it looks like it's getting worse with every expansion.

It doesn't even take a concertred effort at this point.
You just point and laugh and it keeps on going.

No standing poses? Those are pretty important.

Guys I'm trying to remember a WAR axe that looked like the blade had a big blood splatter on it, but I can't remember the name.
Anyone wanna help me out?

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they don't actually think it is, they just don't want to go through the effort so they're pretending it's too hard.

giving the shit customization with limited or even locked hairstyles, they are overworked and scrambling to release the expansion in time and need to cut corners

SMN looks fun now at least

Don't lump me with the other "more buttons = more skill" shit. WHM is a set rotation with very few things to do. At least I'll give SCH for being a cluster fuck of buttons to keep you moderately awake playing DoT-tracking-whack-a-mole. AST had minor decision making with the cards to keep you awake. That's my main gripe, WHM had a game plan every encounter that didn't deviate for shit and involved tracking two DoTs and 2 regens at most. WHM was always the one where button press = instant reward. Give more procs that you'll actually see (or make us actually use abilities that have procs like Benefic/Cure), give more decision making stuff by having different heals and not having every boss be a glorified, non-randomized state machine.
Call it a scapegoat if you will, I literally dozed off playing WHM. And no, SCH wasn't much better outside of raids. Two more single target GCD heals, a bit more randomization in damage patterns for bosses and a bit more action in boss fights overall beyond "do this one mechanic right or fucking wipe" and a few more lower cd, lower impact OGCDs is all I ask for, for all the healers. If they can't do that, just give them 2.0/3.0 DPS complexity.

It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no DPS son, son
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no fortunate one, Lord

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Friendly reminder that DRK has the same gameplay as before, but better, and the only bad thing is that they didn't get any better mitigation tools aside from TBN being 25% now.

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Bravura Atma

2nd video isn't Viera but I play fem Hlander so thanks anyways user.

not by 20%, and not enough to compensate for BOTH the 20% loss and the slashing loss

Bravura, the only good WAR Axe.

>in the span of a day XIVfags have already accepted the shit that YoshiP is taking in their mouths
>people actively defending classes getting outright gutted
>on Yea Forums of all places
>in less than 24 fucking hours
I've been on this garbage website for over ten years, and I didn't think that I could be surprised or disappointed anymore, but there it is.

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literally the relic Bravura
one of the steps look like that

Disregard my post, I'm retard

>1 combo
*falls asleep midfight*

TBN is pretty much the only mitigation you need anyway

>healers become scarce
>tanks have to suck MY dick for once
Heal bros... it's our time to shine.

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It's both fem highlander and Viera.

What is the least cucked job and why is it Samurai?

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Uh huh. If anything, I think all melees are in comfortable spot because their main shticks don't change much and the new toys they got give a fresh take on playing the job. Almost all the skills that got pruned is more because of the new direction the game takes than balancing the job.

Then again what do I know, I'm a shitter and I'm still happy of what the melees got, though I still gonna main DRK for immersion im gonna regret it arent i

>I can see me going in the shed tonight, oh Lord
>And I've been avoiding this moment for all my life, oh Lord
>Can you see me going in the shed tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord

>Well if you told me you were healing, I would not lend a hand
>I've seen your parses before my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am
>Well I was there and I saw what you did, I saw it with my own two eyes
>So you can wipe on that raid-aoe, I know where you've been
>It's all been a pack of lies

Not when Delirium exists. Spamming skill is not fun.

You will be spamming tons of oGCDs tho

I like femhighlander but they kind of ruin a few sets by looking too ferocious. Spread legs and clenched fists like she's ready to go for a brawl. It looks very good on some sets while in others it looks like a fish out of fucking water.

check your level 80 skill bro

All jobs have an engineered power spike at like 10s anyway. Always have, even before NIN.

Got it, thanks bros

Yeah. Eitherway, I'll have to spend a good half hour making alts on EA day 1 before I do anything else checking the different voices.

After all these years, can't they just make it possible to preview everything int he creator?

>1 combo
>6 combos to get 1 tbn back

It happens every expansion. People are outraged that their favorite job or role got shit on so they swap to something else and the only people left are the shit eaters.

Least cucked jobs are probably SAM, BLM and PLD

Yeah that's why they're imho the best female for tank and melee armor but feminine clothes doesn't suit them at all.

>one boring skill
a worthy sacrifice

I just want 1.0 back.

>looking at alphascape sets for glamour
>tank armor has giant holes in it

Is this really necessary?

Attached: alphascape armor.png (335x413, 155K)

I'm a brainlet and I like big numbers.
What Job do I play?

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SMN is fine too. The only problem(s) they could have are potency ones which are easily remedied


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WAR lost nothing and got some new toys. Looking pretty good desu.

they all have 60 seconds or longer cd aside from the darkside ones or ones that require blood while other tanks get free shit at 30 seconds or less that use resources a lot easier to regain than blood or mp



>gets a shit ton of new burst
>most selfish DPS so they're the premier target for Dance Partner and Astro cards.
Could not be further out of the shed.


When I was a young scholar
My father took me into the city
To see a big parse
He said, son, when you grow up
Would you be the savior of the fflogs
The beaten, and the damned?
He said, will you defeat them
Your green parse and all the healers?


how small is your brain? BLM has big numbers but requires a bit of brain. If it's too small, go RDM.
Is seething RDM still around? Hi, faggot.


SAM or BLM, WHM if you're ok with big numbers in healing.

I am what you hate.. don't.. you warrior of darkness? If I am not what you hate then what am I?

not him but in what sense? I don't play smn but is it going to lose dps? it's pretty strong now

Just sit there and wait for someone to die, raise-slut. Let the BLM and SAMchads do the DPS.

on races without skin cancer it looks great

>Requires brain







You're a cumscales so yes, better scales like us wear pants to hide them

The only brainpower that blm required was removed now that it costs 0 mp to use blizzard 3.

look at the casting set

I just beat Ultima Weapon, how much longer before I get to see Alphinaud dunked on?

>RDMcuck is here

Unironic question, is there a bigger brain job than NIN? Such a huge brain job

>DRK is flashy but looks like it’s damage is lacking
>GNB looks underwhelming in general; continuation just seems like another dark arts
>PLD will forever be the OT bitch
>WAR still looking like the chimpanzee tank
Welp, at least WoW classic will come out two months later.

Just a lot of the numbers have been shifted around to compensate for the blanket battle system changes on top of the heavy re-structuring SMN itself got, so you never know, some potency might've just slipped through the cracks. It did for the beginning of SB

Out of the 2 big number jobs, SAM is the easiest.

Quite a bit.

Is there a single article anywhere that had all the changes listed to classes? Can't watch a video for a bit.

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So nothing has changed? Like how shit does one have to be to use the threat combo

I don't think so. I'm a brainlet and I can't handle NIN

GNB looks awesome, what are you saying?

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>*pretends anyone uses aggro combos*

Sounds like I should play SAM.

Very small. Pea sized even.
I failed high school maths and I have to manually think about my moving my legs when I'm walking.

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click the job and it shows all their new tooltips

>sam can literally run circles around the boss non stop and all it will lose is positionals, it fucks your dps but your bulk is still there
>blm running around will be locked out of almost everything except scathe and will be doing less damage than the healers
>hmm which one should I recommend to someone who doesn't know fights
You're not very bright are you?

MNK TK rotation but it's dead in 5.0

Where exactly is the trigger on that gunblade? If it's that big ring, how the hell are you supposed to reach it with your finger?

gamerescape has images for each job with all the tooltips

*boss puts down an AoE*
*fucks up your entire rotation because you didn't account for it 3 minutes ahead of time and pre-plan your positioning*

tfw got the wrong action

Attached: you just press this instead of DA now.jpg (505x315, 67K)

no need to move

Machinist is totally fine now. Couldn't be happier.

Attached: boof.jpg (712x712, 26K)

his index finger is sitting over the trigger

MNK will still TK with every RoF in 5.0 if one thing is sure.

Is this true? Can someone attest to the large brain nature of this "MNK TK rotation"??

>open my first ever sack from HoH
>get pic related
use or sell?

Attached: 1111.png (369x219, 47K)

Machinist sucks now

This is definitely not an accurate tooltip. Combust II nerfed in 5.0 please look forward to it

Umm..bros? Why'd they kick the GREAT Mr. Happy?

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Use it, not like gil is that useful in this game.

you lost hypercharge, you arent worth anything anymore to me

It's it expensive? I'd only use it if I knew I was actually going to wear it.

Tank: Warrior
Melee Dps: Samurai
Caster: Black mage
Healer: White mage
Take your pick gruganon and enjoy.

Sell it, it's actually really ugly

>braindead easy
but it has the epic delayed robot!


Around 1mil.


its 1.5million gil
i currently own 1.3million

Is he bad?

Why would anyone recruit him over someone that actually plays rDPS outside of wanting to be in his videos?

They are 1~1.3m right now.
come ShB when tons of people are going to spam HoH for DNC and GNB it will probably drop again.

TK with PB is more fluid than
>TK > Wind > Snap > Toggle x 2 > Fire

Sell then.

Attached: file.png (522x883, 109K)

>get to see Alphinaud dunked on?
and now I'm imagining Alphinaud getting dunked on in sharlayan high school. Probably drowned in the swimming pool too.

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Looks something like this, a bit more complicated than the standard MNK rotation which hasn't actually changed in a serious way since 2.0.
With the new rotation it's a bit of a tossup, but you can't use that Fist of Wind opener anymore and you're balanced around the new Riddle of fire and GL4

Praetorium or Castrum? happy#partition=1

i sure wonder why

>Mr.Faggy got kicked from EM

how did he even join?

I don't care what anyone else says, the casting set is cute.

>Grey-parse MNK

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>Mr. Happy has an ultimate clear and I don't
do i kms?

Sell it user. if you plan on using it later down the line you can just buy it at that point anyway and you need the gil. Economic safety is always a nice feel.

Please. Alphy was a chad in high school. Spend 90% of his time drawing girls who would pose for him naked, including his sister.

Anyone able to give a quick rundown on FFXIV? I'm getting an MMO itch again but want to try something a bit different rather than falling back on WoW again. What's the hook/differences compared to other MMOs?

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Consistently, and displays no effort to improve or play properly.
He's that one static player that causes your group to get stuck on the door fight for weeks.

Alphinaud spent his lunch breaks banging Krile in the broom closet.

Main Story

anyone can join, but only 2 groups are skilled

Healcucks still upset they actually have to heal now lmao

Go away.

Listen to some boss music and make your decision based on that.

Like this
or this

It's a final fantasy game first, MMO second. That means it's best enjoyed as a multiplayer story-driven JRPG

Isn't fflogs doesn't take into account the date of parse? Because parse on release vs parse now is pretty giant difference.

I haven't parsed so what am I looking at?

Praetorium unless i'm using an xp buff or it's the last daily roulette before reset. Praetorium is comfier and has better spread of cutscenes and is fully braindead instead of awake enough for you to be annoyed. The cutscenes are around the same time anyway so you can pick a time and just make a snack or banter. Good shit.

God I can't wait to look like this.

>relevant content
Enjoy your vuln stack and retarded healers who refuse to heal you.

Cheesing Suzaku's first few mechanics with Manaward and getting a full rotation off felt so good though

>no more hagakure
We finally did it SAMchads.

The changes are an improvement to how the class plays now. Whether or not it pays off in the raid tiers we'll see but I don't think it will be too bad.
I get what you mean, but we still have it. It just gives us overheat now.
Every job is either braindead easy or was made braindead easy in Shadowbringers.

It takes date into account and it doesn't change.

Yea Forums you told me I had to be orange parses to even think about stepping into expert roulette!

It has really well designed boss fights and raids with amazing music, and you can play every class on one character.
Questing sucks but you only do it to get to the fights.

Play it as a single player game with multiplayer elements aka don't rush to end-game like in wow. Take your time, enjoy yourself. Don't be a sperg and don't have ADHD.

No it's just sitting over a decoration, which you can see on the other side of the handle.

He's literally getting carried because he is well known.

so this is the power of the americans...

>Mr Happy can't get out his shitty videos as quickly anymore
I'm sure people will still do their damndest to pick him up so they can orbit an e-celeb, but he lost one of his best chances at clearing content quickly.

He's actually good at fight mechanics but absolute garbage at playing his jobs.

nice try mister faggy

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*dubs on mr happy*

91% of all monks that did that fight did better dps than him

>before 29th
>cool threads
>everyone theorizing about their jobs
>everyone trying to come up with synergies, how their new kit will work
>after the embargo

Gaius was right

>preferring an MMO with only one viable tank

God damn I loved farming Suzaku for the mount just because of the song and DDR mechanics

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This is exactly the same as SB pre-release

Mr Happy still has an Orange parse on Chaos and a purple on Middy. He goes downhill from there though into blue territory.

>MrHappy has multiple clears
>meanwhile my static hasn't gotten past Garuda enrage

Isn't Gaius dead?

Controller players where do you put your Role Actions?

I thought the cuckshed stuff was funny before but now I'm just sick of seeing it everywhere
t. NIN main

Mr Faggy has shit parses but
>US cares about parses and meta
>10 times lower clear rates compared to Japan
So what matters parsing/meta or clears?

This can't be real. Fuck mr happy but no human being can actually, legit be this bad.


You play 9 (with Sleeve Draw) cards before every Divination. You'll only play 3 of them to get seals and the rest you will promote to Lord/Lady because of their higher damage up %.

That's really just the only thing that bothers me about AST.

Pretty sure its a handful of dumbasses spamming, especially in regards to the healer changes

someone post the war/sch shed webm

>implying a man like Gaius could die

Divination's cooldown has got to be wrong, it doesn't make any sense as is.

Yeah, in any other group that isn't a bunch of 99% world proggers that kind of player makes you struggle to beat enrage

Clearing the content is what actually matters, only autistics care about meta shit

this is bait right

>when they've explicitly stated potency values have changed

I'm finally leveling dragoon after it being my only sub 50 job since HW came out. Do they ever get the ability to use normal jump as a gap closer instead of always jumping back after?

Clears, meta faggots can scream all they want but having the perfect party won't save your shit group from dying to mechanics. FFLogs is just a way to see how you measure up to everyone else but is as cancerous, if not more cancerous, to this game than the gearscore addon was to WoW.

You get a second jump that does that, the first one stays as is

Like all things on fflogs, context is important and you need to look at every angle for the full story. If he had a single clear with a shitty parse it wouldn't matter. But he has 12.

why not?

>He has orange parses on a glorified dummy
>Can't even get purple as soon as he has to move
Yeah he's kinda bad

May change before June 28th but it sharing cd with Sleeve Draw seems too intended.

No, just use shattersnipe.

>healing isn't combat

sweety, you can see the potencies of spells in multiple videos at lv 80 with 433 gear

You draw way too many cards in between, takes all of the chance out of gathering your 3 seals because you have too many opportunities not to succeed.

ITT: People who never ever cleared 012s criticize mr brappy for being grey in ultimate

No I'm pretty sure they made it 3min on purpose so people can learn the seals, and because they are afraid Divination on a 1min/2min cd will be busted a la Balance 3.5.
What we really need are more abilities taking advantage of the seal mechanic so Draw/Play blends with the kit beyond a glorified Trick. Remember this is SE, they are always careful on raid buffs except a few special cases.

>biolysis and broil 3 and art of war isn't combat

The healer changes are good as long as the content requires more healing and by all accounts it does. But hey, if you're so heartbroken about having to do your job, quicker queues for me.

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I wish it was friend, I wish it was

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I cleared both of those

Everyone must play the same





It's literally his full time fucking job to play this one game and he still sucks ass compared to gook salarymen who only get to play two hours a week


Worst normal battle theme so far

Nope. It is spoiler tho.
I put them on double tap. Unless it's swiftcast

I genuinely don't see the purpose of the seals as a mechanic if you're guaranteed the full buff every cycle.

Not sure why even try at this point.

What exactly are you wiping on?

But they don't even have to heal anymore than they already do, they just have even more boring downtime now.

I'd say he is average for being able to clear the fights even if he was carried on name alone. Which is pretty damning for someone that makes guide videos and it has shown ever since his fucking Garuda extreme video..

>Alphy was a chad

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What else do you expect from a game with absolutely no player choice or individual job variance whatsoever. They're simply extending that homogenization to roles as a whole now

This user has point.

Gut feeling says Soken's obsession with putting vocals into his rock flavoured/inspired compositions is going to finally shoot him in the foot in SdB.

God I want Alisaie to peg me

How many cocks has Alisaie had?

This is true

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just mine

streaming is more about personality than gameplay, and his guide videos require that he knows the fights more than they require that he's able to parse extremely well on them

No one does, trust me. It's way too fucking easy to get 3 seals if you get like what, 8 chances to get your remaining 2, statistically you're very likely to always get them unless you fuck it up. That's why we should have more seal abilities, there needs to be more interaction beyond building up a glorified trick. It's at least cute as a mechanic to keep your attention span but there's no excuse only one ability takes advantage of it every 3 minutes.

>Get to choose between Physical or magical AOE rotation
>New physical finisher skill using sword oath stacks
>New magical finisher at the end of requiescat window with no DMG fall off
>Sheltron buff
>Gap closer
Feels good man, where's my PLD bros at?

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She's a Stacy though. Surely she's had hundreds.

Alisaie is made for WoL cock
WoL is made for universal cockblocking

No wonder they show monks tanking in the preview video. All dps will be able to tank now ontop of being able to heal.

My friends want to do it and I'm off until Fall semester so I agreed to help out, We're a group of 5 + 3 randoms completely fresh to UwU

We managed to reach enrage multiple times in yesterday's lock out but so far it's just people dying to simple shit like Feather Fall or getting caught in the Tornadoes

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His guides suck ass too.

What if WoL is a girl?

>Sentinel got a small nerf but lost an entire minute off its cooldown.
>No more awkward situations like being forced to tank tail ends from midgarsormr savage until you completely run out of cd's.

He ranges between average to below average of the people who were able to clear the fights. There are a ton of people who're happy to erp all day and never raid but they don't count

Is it just me or is the buffed Higanbana kinda wasted ? I mean it overwrites your normal one nearly instantly so the combined potency is far lower than the one of Setsugekka

I just want bane and/or shadow flare back

>Zenos being beaten by a girl

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Why is the girl twin on the back?

There's mods for that

>4.7k samurai
This must be that "big dick DPS" I hear so much about..

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It might be useful in fights where there are 2 bosses.

The only thing I can see out the gate is changes to piety and mana capped at 10k having a direct influence on what mana economy might end up being. I don't have hopes that proper mana management will ever come back though.

>2 casters
>That rock bottom SAM dps
Please tell me you're not the SAM

>no ultimate weapons for new jobs
oh no no no bros how could this happen

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Only the strongest race can defeat him

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they mixed up their hair ties that morning, dont worry about it

I think its only gonna be useful in niche situations like wanting to put the dot on both the boss and an add. It mostly exists as an artifact of how the skill works and you probably will skip it for double midare almost every time.

>Hrothgar are only for gays
>women don't like liondaddies
>Mizzteq will be playing Hrothgar

So is Dancer and Gunbreaker not going to have instanced fights at the start of their job quests or are we not getting any instanced fights for a little bit into the story after what happened in Stormblood? I refuse to believe SE managed to fix that kind of problem.

>Intervene is the weakest OT ability
>Cover costs gauge now and dmg reduction removed
>Shit gauge generation as OT

Not-canon, you're just some adventurer slut that the WoL calls upon when he needs a healbitch. You didn't think the Warrior of Light would be some fucking shitter who just stands there stroking dicks did you? lmao imagine playing as a glorified human (or subhuman) toilet. Literally lmaoing @ your life.

Give full image

I don't know, I'm actually upset
guess ill just spend my extra totems..

cause Alphinaud's a sissy, he wants that WoL cock too

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Literally impossible

>Alph becomes a scholar
>still uses his gay little carbuncle

They had one fucking job and it was giving him a special fairy named Airy.

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thats like saying you'd waste duality or that DRG buff by using it on your combo opener
yeah, no shit. just because you can do something doesnt mean you should

Stacies are good at basic politics thanks to their natural manipulation skills. Alisaie can't even convince herself of her own aetherial theories.

Mizzteq is a horse, not a woman

The gauge generation is literally equivalent to a 25 second cooldown on these buttons. Actually play the class before saying this idiotic shit.

>Shit gauge generation as OT

So is HEAD GRAZE the only move that can interrupt casts?

>He doesn't play as a female tank with a pocket shota healer

youre like the first person that i see defending mr. happy in these threads

I'm the NIN, our dps is alright until we have to move away from the boss

>made for WoL cock
Imagine only being able to take lala dick

It's a 10/10 theme, just not a very good standard battle theme.

>the homo also attracts fujoshit girls
More at 11.

She still has a vagina, that means she's a woman.

Fixing that problem was the entire reason for the datacenter splits

its the other way. i wish i could use carbuncles as a scholar

yikes I hope you died

hey guys, mister happy here and my life is a fucking joke, getting the rope now

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Tanks have interrupts as well.

This thread has made me want to fap to the twins I guess.

Alphinaud has already made more than enough mistakes, no need to make him be the cause of the next series of expansions too


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Umm sweaty, you don't need a vagina to be a woman. it's 2019! Yikes!

Okay whatever you say Sarah Jessica Parker

Hrothgar are literally just roes with a mask on... its sad that people are defending this, their bodies are literally 1:1.

Play Elezen

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Why can't I play as the fairy? Fairy race when?

That sam is a perfect example of why so-called "high DPS" classes mean absolutely nothing. He could have played bard or dragoon and easily done the same amount of DPS while contributing buffs, hell, he could have been a red mage and contributed the same DPS while helping with raises

It might be time to cut your loses.
With that kind of progress there is no way you will complete the fight before Shadowbringers so unless you are having the time of your life wiping to Garuda over and over it's really just a waste of everyone's time.

If they actually want to clear tell them to get the fuck good and prepare outside of the fight, drill the encounter's dances and mechanics into their head, and send them to the dummies to actually learn how to play their classes.
Preparation goes a long way, my pretty midcore static with anything but the best players cleared it in a little over a week by just having everyone study the fight extensively beforehand

Is there a single job that has a good looking eureka weapon?

do they?
Like an actual interrupt or like low blow, stun interrupt?

>farm Suzaku
only a small handful of bad parties, most parties clear consistently and quickly, very occasional wipe, but usually nothing worth disbanding over
>farm Seiryu
everyone fucking sucks, tanks fuck up the swap, dps die to avoidable shit, one wipe is all it takes to disband
why was Suzaku so good and Seiryu such a fucking trainwreck for PF?

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DRK? more like CPE.

For SHB dungeons yes, for SHB raids it's the opposite. Please look forward to a fuck ton of raidwide damage and mechanics that do damage based on % rather than a flat number.

You should always want to do that. Too bad there's nothing to fap to.
Unless you really want to look at Alisaie getting porked by some edgy Au Ra in glasses

>made me want to fap to the twins I guess.
No, user
Shadowbringers is Minfilia's time to shine, not the stinky elves

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Alph is bad around girls. Do you remember why he learn how to draw?

low blow and interject

but i do

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reminder that the only persons in Eorzea who really love you is haurchefant alisaie and Alphinaud, the rest just use you for personal gains or do not care about you at all

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gay santa?


What's a minfilia?

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>Unironically using the baby face

I've only died to running to the wall to reset so far

Yeah I wanted a Dragoon and a Bard in place of our SMN and SAM but we couldn't find anyone that'd work with our schedule

Yeah I've talked with my friends and told em if we want to clear before SHB we're gonna really have to pick it up on mechanics, can't be dying to stupid shit like feather rain

The SAM isn't "as bad" as it looks on that parse. They just have an absurdely terrible ramp up and he probably isn't AoE'ing much either. The class won't really get going until the reopener on Ifrit and then the post-Suppression on Ultima.
Could he do a lot better? Sure. But he's probably not doing as terribly as that number makes it look.

>He could have played bard or dragoon and easily done the same amount of DPS
No he couldn't. Don't be retarded. That guy is either braindead or he died. If he was playing bard or rdm he would have done even less than 4.7. You have to consider that it's the same exact retard who would be playing the bard or rdm, which you seem to conveniently forget.

They have Interject, which interrupts now rather than silences.

Maybe Seiryu weapon is main reason?

I mean, I'd fuck her but I seriously doubt she would be as tight as Alphinaud or Alisaie.

I have a small penis so it is important.

That's fine because they're the only ones I care about too.

Compared to SJP she's only 1/4th horse.

can i finally crossdress my male c@boi?

The Fortemps in Ishgard, you fucking shit. They're basically the WoL's adopted family.

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I don't mind more healing if the encounter design actually supports that direction, but if it doesn't, its still going to be 80% of downtime and just spamming your dps skills because there is fuck all damage going out, but it will be even more dull
I want to heal more, but the current encounter design simply doesn't make it necessary, I was main healer in Deltascape and even Neo Exdeath was a fucking joke with stupid amounts of downtime, even with Almagest

But she was a loli in the trailer and now she's a teen? what's going on here

It shits all over the SB battle theme what the heck are you talking about.

>WHM removes all traces of GEO
>AST removes all traces of Time Mage
GEO will be the next healer and Time Battlemage the next tank. Screenshot this shit.

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>ShB trailer shows off job swapping mid combat
>It's not an actual mechanic in the game


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>The second reason for the Trust system is because we want players to fall in love with major NPCs even more deeply. You journey alongside these people throughout the story, but whenever there is a dungeon to explore, they’ve suddenly got to go run an errand. (laughs) That’s why we designed their AI to reflect each of their personalities. It really imparts this sense of “I’m trying to save the world with my close allies at my back.”

fucking finally

And the game doesn't actually look like that cg trailer. I've been fooled.

I can buy GEO but Time Mage is a no. Haste was a mistake.

Oh God Sauce?

Cover is still the best OT ability and not knowing that means you don't play the game. Intervention is often stronger than any of the ones too, because you know reading what the ability does.

what do the weapons have to do with PF being fucking shit at Seiryu?

Bard has the advantage of insane mobility and Red Mage has a simple rotation both of which would have allowed him to potentially not die or not die as much.

Do you have your glam ready for ShB?

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>bad around girls
>yet chicks straight up whisper propositions at him as Alisaie found out

House Fortemps, Cid, Zenos, a few of the job quest NPCs like that RDM girl whose name I forget.

>No Estinien, no Ysayle
>only one tank

Please stop bullying Alphinaud

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Job-swapping mid dungeon used to be a necessity for 1.0 dungeon speedrunning. Most people hated it.

I still need to buy the schoolboy attire for the hat, then I will.

is now a good time to start the game? any newb-friendly FCs on Phoenix, I just created my character

>Forgetting your daughter Arya

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But Estinien loved me so much he jumped straight from Ala Mhigo to Ishgard just to get me treated

Jesus christ this is what a real midcore static's like? My "midcore" backstabbing static took more than a half a year on that shit. How does it feel having 7 capable teammates?

The seals are literally Lilies of 5.0.

Everyone want Seiryu weapons. Every shitter. Stacking IL is not hard after all.

they only showed 1 dungeon and all the trusts were level 73, there's gonna be more I think

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I'm already happy enough they acknowledged job change via the stone being actual thing.

Just the one (that she straps on).

SAM also has a simple rotation and it only needs to stand still at very limited points in time. I get you're bias and you want to bash on SAM, but a retarded player on SAM is still going to be a retarded player on RDM or BRD. The guy is retarded. If he is doing 4.7 as a SAM he won't "be easily doing the same" as a RDM. You'd have to be really bias to ever even think that way.

Now is fine, just ask in the novice network for an FC invite anywhere.

truly, his power as the azure dragoon is unmatched

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Pretty much the only Scion still missing is Y'shtola, who's 100% a Black Mage.
I'm hopeful we're gonna get more at launch, but I'm not really holding my breath.

I find it insulting that BLM is the only job that got expanded upon and never had anything major removed unlike literally every other job.

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>The second reason for the Trust system is because we want players to fall in love with major NPCs even more deeply.
So he can kill them later and hurt my feelings. I need Estinien-dono in party

they literally said they were more or less happy with how BLM was in SB, and that the players were also happy wiht how BLM was, so they didn't want to fuck with it too much

I don't want to have to do that, but I really fucking want the option of being able to change jobs if someone leaves the group, at least. I got everything at 70, let me just switch to War if the tank drops.

Ishgardians protected and brought your soulless body all the way back to Foundation instead of leaving you in Ala Mhigo and their hobos. The whole nation loves you.

>job swapping mid combat
that would be a fucking pain to implement and impossible to balance and we all know it

They lost magic missile long long ago.

>SMN is my goto class for ShB

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You forgetting RDM and SAM?

Next expansion. BLM is very close to reach button bloat range

Kind of, yeah. They just don't build up automatically and you need to pay half a span of atttention so you get the correct ones.

Hagakure was a pretty major part of SAM to be fair
although it literally got replaced by "hagakure but better"

Don't fix what isn't broken.
Revamping for the sake of revamping is the fucking worst.
It's literally the reason why WoW classes are so fucking shit, because they keep revamping them every time someone at Blizzard sneezes.

>Spamming skill is not fun
Spamming isn't, but burst is. Spamming something for

That one obnoxious tranny that still played MCH in SB is now SEETHING over ShB MCH.

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fuck you, Edmunt and the rest of house Fortemps are your family and treat you as such, in the post 60 DRK quests, Edmunt days you will always have a home with his clan and when he heard you were taken to the Ishgard infirmary, he rushes over to see if you are alright
in fact, you are hero to Ishgard, they actually love you, you can consider that entire city state to be on your side
you ARE taking part in the Ishgard Reconstruction, right?

Attached: Heavensward.png (1280x720, 885K)

>Revamping for the sake of revamping is the fucking worst.
That's what will happen with BLM next expansion. There's nowhere they can go from here which is precisely why BLM was barely touched in ShB. Next expansion though? They'll be at a corner. Revamp will be the only way out because they can't have a new expansion without new skills.

No they aren't. Hrothgar are shorter, hunched over, have smaller arms and a very noticeably thinner waist.
t. Roe player for 3 years

>smug underage elf boy with an alpha sister
He was literally made for bully

Anyone who thinks Stormblood Machinist is good or fun is a fucking idiot and their opinion shouldn't be taken into account.

>HW had 80 quests (plus 45 in 3.x)
>SB has 122 quests (plus 60 in 4.x)
I'm about to start SB but does it actually feel longer and more dragged out?

It's growing on me after hearing it for a while. It reminds me of those old JRPGs where you're walking through the world map with peaceful music and then a random encounter happens with motoi sakuraba rock music playing.

I like current MCH

BLM has useless skills that can be purged tho

Fire V Blizzard V

sounds like a naruto op

Yeah and let me know how those fit in current BLM without any revamp.

We wiped to a lot of stupid shit too, but knowing all the strats and positioning by heart before you even get there goes a long way.

Before our first kill we only ever wiped on Suppression like 3 times. The only part that's not trivial even if you prepared accordingly is the Enrage, we wiped to that a ton because we simply prioritized mechanics and like I said are anything but the best players. Was just a matter of getting super familiar with Ultima until we just barely edged it out.
Those Ultima dances are honestly not hard at all, it just comes down to not panicking and replicating what you've mentally done a hundred times over already.

so is new MCH actually shaping up to be bad or is it just a handful of ass blasted SB MCH's kicking up a fuss over their kool kidz klub being invaded?
It looks flashy and fucking cool, but that doesn't make it fun, do other theorycrafters hold a positive opinion?

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His entire goal now is gatekeeping. Even in the title “You need less than 50 ping to play Shadowbringers MCH”. He’s just trying to scare people away from his job in the hopes that he can be all alone playing his D tier class like he was throughout Stormblood.

>BLM has useless skills that can be purged tho
And they still have to add new ones. Purging stuff can't be the only thing they do in an expansion, people would enrage.

>just a handful of ass blasted SB MCH's
Exactly this.

Fire IV and Blizzard IV procs, instant casts.

>implying he actually cares about mch being fun

>still need perfect ping
fuck this

Just upgrade for Fire and Blizzard IV. As spam spell Fire V has no reason to coexist with Fire IV.

I'm retarded and haven't played for a while, can you list the gear you have on? It looks sick, user.

huh? What they did with BLM was pretty much the same thing they did with RDM. Little quality of life things and a big damage spell addition.

from memory, hyur racial boots, sky pirate coat, new cash shop hat and idk what the gloves or weapon are

Only if they let me buy a plot of their land

I still hope they will add them on a patch, if they keep ultimate as a challenge instead of unsyncing them.
There is always next ultimate, anyways.

If you compare their potencies and support with what BRD and DNC puts out they just simply look worse right now.
Lots of shit is probably still being adjusted though, if not before release, before the first Savage raids come out.

It really lacks a strong melody/leitmotif compared to previous normal battle themes so it's pretty underwhelming. Doesn't feel like the tune has a proper rhyme/reason/vibe

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Garlean get out

Sounds super comfy and nice desu. I've only had the luck of trying Coil with a group that couldn't do Nael lightning even after 40 hours, still wiped Twin regularly and drama happened so I quit before trying Ultima. Hope you can keep having such a group.

>Job quests are dead
>0 reason to lvl up DRK now
Thank you Yoshida

You mean alongside DRG. DRG has gotten more jumps; had its jumps put to SANIC speed; accesses its DPS trance far quicker and in general does more DPS than it used to. And it still has a 10% Raid-wide crit boost.

The meta from SB will remain the same I think with the exception of MCH replacing BRD

Did you even watch or read the changes or are you just talking based on hearsay?

Fucking kek. They actually thought they were leaving the shed because of a dot.

It has pretty beefy attacks and pretty much every hangup anyone had with SB MCH was amended.
It'll likely stand its ground with other jobs that aren't BLM, SAM, and DNC.
People are just mad their cool gun job is being redirected into being an actual Machinist and not just a gunslinger.

>tfw they finally add Ishgard housing later on as a surprise for doing the restoration
>its only available to people who took part in the early stages of the reconstruction

Not dead, there's just only 1 at 80.

Honestly, potency and damage issues are easier to tweak than straight gameplay issues. I have faith, but I'm going to level my AST first.

It starts becoming alright at the 1:50 mark but for a normal battle, it's basically too late by then.

I mean for next expac they can purge some useless shit for free spell slots. And upgrade some spells like with Thunder Mastery. No need for big revamps. Maybe after 2 expacs

>DRG has gotten more jumps
Did it? From what I can tell it got 1 new jump while also lost 1 jump. Enlighten me.

what in the flipping fuck are you talking about?

yeah I remember that EXACT same template being used by MNKs who were shitposting about how it was THEIR EXPANSION
didnt really work out

It didn't.

Some of my friends will be skippung through cutscenes. I was thinking of making a second character so I can skip cutscenes and go back on my second.

It would also allow me to gear up another job.

Is this too autistic? Do other people do this? What do you guys think?

It's still calitranny job, thanks yoshi
and now so will nin, but its okay because he said this game is playable at 200 ping

it seems like a fun job but has no utility anymore
that guy just wants to keep his oranges on a job like 300 raid with

Still sounds better than the SB world battle theme to me.

You didn't lose any Jumps and got the Nidhogg one.

>If you compare their potencies

fucking don't. the math is not final on this.

That's what I want to know from you. Your post made 0 sense and it makes me question if you have any idea what the fuck you're talking about.

The only jump giving eyes is Jump and High Jump.
High Jump replaces Jump.
The only actual jump they gained is Stardiver.

Why skip them? Raids are always delayed for 2 weeks.

As someone who really loved SB DRG, I cant be happier with how ShB DRG is looking. Its rotation has been optemized with decent QoL changes and looks generally faster along with bringing its raid utility in Litany.

You dont need to reinvent the wheel with each expac. The changes made to DRG in HW were pretty extreme and its all settling in nicely now.

I hope during E3 live letter they don't have technical errors, so they play new music during intermission and we can listen to it on repeat for two weeks until ShN comes out.

gas all footfags

Is this too autistic?
Do other people do this?
Probably. New gen people even read spoilers for books/movies before reading books/moves because they don't want to read bad book or watch bad movie

>leaders all have a big speech about how all for one one for all after beating Ultima Weapon, and how they'll defend all of Eorzea and shit
>still wouldn't have bothered doing anything about Ala Mhigo until Ilberd did his thing

deeply fucking autistic
no reason whatsoever to do this

You must be literally retarded. Go read up on the changes and additions they made to red mage for shadowbringers. It's no different from what they did with BLM.

I see. I thought they lost spineshatter dive. So basically it got 1 new jump. Doesn't qualify for plural but hey, it's better than nothing.

I like it but it really sounds like a mid/boss theme, not something that's gonna be starting and stopping constantly between fights

Can't say I agree. SB got the job done for a good normal battle theme with a strong opening along with the leitmotif so you're not left on idle, unlike SdB's.

The potencies across ranged have always been exactly the same, but like I said, this shit is most likely still work in progress and could change quite a lot before savage.

Attached: file.png (1600x900, 2.5M)

No idea other than they just don't care about the story

So therefore they just wanna experience the new shit

They'll be at the E3 venue which has a way better IT team there than the media tour venue they were at.

IMAGINE the smell of those spatz

Lol, every other job was fine, the only thing that we needed is more oGCDs or more stuff to do inbetween healing. We didn't need a total gut of skills, the abilities smn gets from 70-80 is just LITERALLY bahamut reskinned.

how do I opt-out of getting parsed? also I thought this was illegal (haven't palyed in years)

Why should Limsa Lominsa send their men to die for a bunch of filthy mhiggers?

>2 weeks
And that's just the shitty Normal modes, Savage won't drop for another two weeks after that.

just wanna give them thighs the ol lickaroo

>dude every attack is just autoattack reskinned

I like it because it sounds Gunbreaker as fuck. But if you play as a healcuck then it's going to sound awkward.

You can watch cutscenes back in the inn, or just do NG+ when it comes out

Spineshatter lost the secondary effect of giving an eye but it is still there

>Here at FFXIV we don't want jobs to rely on RNG to work
>Here's dancer a job that relies entirely on RNG

Attached: 1522908886274.jpg (540x540, 75K)

There is literally no reason to do this.
In the first two weeks there's only two savage primals, expert roulette, and tomestones with no cap. Oh and hunts.

Week three comes out 5.01 which adds Normal Mode Raids. You should finish the story by the end of this week so you can get the scrap parts.

Week five is when they add Savage and Weekly Capped Tomestones in 5.05.

>sixtuple Rapid Fire is ping friendly
>extremely narrow damage windows are ping-friendly
>1231231 rotation ending on a 1 makes sense
>fuckbot taking 6 seconds to start attacking is totally good design
This is your brain on trannyscare

Fuck him, I'm still playing MCH.

t. Jew Yorker

Tfw this
Tfw rushing my doh/dol right now
70 everything before SHB here I come

Now this is a Chad poster.

It doesn't really rely on RNG, you can do your combos even without the Flourishes.

>literal pirates and oathbreakers
>any better than mhiggers

Fuck what anyone says and just what jobs you want


Fox you should be happy people will be playing your job.

>no cap
Ah okay I didn't know about this. Thanks

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Off to reddit with you foxtranny.

Is it possible from fresh in a month without literally grinding 24/7?

Is there any chest piece/set in general ta looks like the dragoons exclusive onion set that anyone can wear, or ate least a paladin? I want to have that old Amano adventure with gipsy vibe from early games.

>Rapid fire

just an another """"selfish""" dps to veto from my PFs

user stop, you're talking like a sensible human being who doesnt beacon to raid tranny metas. You need to stop.

>taking 6 seconds to start attacking
Why does it matter? It was designed with those 6s in mind anyways.

You seem to be mistaking the Maelstrom for the pirate gangs who refused to submit. That's okay, not everyone can be expected to operate at normal brain capacity.

Yes user, Mhiggers are really THAT bad that people would rather deal with rape cave dwelling pirates than them.

>People literally thanking Mr. Happy and Larryzaur for uploading videos of jobs they have surface level knowledge of at best
>when gamerescape has every tooltip
>theorycrafting when it is unknown how the potencies have changed or what the new values are
You can make a rough estimate for your rotation, but you still won't know how it plays until 80 and actual non tome gear is out. Remember when RDM was considered god tier DPS until Omega came out?

I enjoy it but it's obviously an acquired taste. You non boomers wouldn't understand especially if you haven't seriously played JRPGs before the 2000s.

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lads I think RDM might actually be perfect now they've added reprise

>Little quality of life things and a big damage spell addition.
BLM got 2 big spells, RDM got one. Also, the quality of life changes it got were far from little. BLM got big quality changes with generating free stacks of both ice and heart at will without needing a target or not needing mana to shift which is a big deal and along with freeze changes it completely modifies the ice phase in AoE. A second polyglot is great but admittedly a smaller quality of life change compared to those two I just mentioned.

>6 seconds to start attacking
It uses a move with doubled potency to compensate.

based greylet

It is a bit silly, and it does make it seem like it's just wasting its duration.
There's also the problem of aligning it properly with raid buffs that's going to be wonky if the robot doesn't really activate until 6 seconds after pressing the button.

>MCH guide author is autist
MCH is cursed

SMN and BLM will be cucking eachother to the dawn of time, can't have one be better than the other so BLM will never have it's own niche that doesn't rely on it's stupid timer bullshit.

Top tier DPS at the moment are (in order) NIN>SAM>MCH>RDM.

Healers and tanks are all the same except for DRK which is the weird one.

Go back to your shed

Is it finally time that MCH was wrestled back from the Balance and Reddit trannies who based their entire identity around playing a class that doesn’t function? Is it finally the era of Heavensward Machinists to rise up?

Any FFXIV expansion that makes healers more salty means it's a good expansion. Now the fake green icon dps will quit and all we will be left with are pure submissive healers.

>During Overheat you want to spam Heat Blast and oGCDs. This is to be paired with Wildfire. While Wildfire is active, you want to use as many weaponskills as possible as they increase the damage from Wildfire’s explosion by 150 potency per weaponskill that hits inside the effect.
>Only weaveable ST oGCDs are Air Anchor and Drill

Attached: 1556772787134.png (224x224, 30K)

Healers that don't dps are in the minority. Enjoy having 5 hour queue times.

all these new aoe skills and heavy shot still has the bigger number

>Automaton Queen attacks are all weaponskills besides its ultimate

Not that guy, but you’re going to bend down on your knees and heal me whether you like it or not. Now get off your ass and cast your heals, bitch.

A quality of life addition is by definition little you retard. It doesn't majorly change the fundamentals of the class in any way nor does it directly translate into damage. Also, you're nit-picking irrelevant bullshit and semantics because you have no argument at all to go against my point that the changes made to BLM and RDM are of the same nature - Expansions of the class's kit with nothing major removed. AKA the exact thing you said they did to BLM.

You're picking a fight over fucking nothing because you don't want to admit you were wrong. No, BLM was not "the only job" that squeenix did that with.

Gauss Round and Ricochet have 3 charges and are ogcd.

>more than 70% of people ITT started the game in Heavensward or Stormblood

not sure how I feel about that.

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schtrannies need to join the rest of the 40%

Those two aren't weaponskills and won't contribute to wildfire

Not gonna happen, virgin.

They're also abilities.

>Rapid Fire is gone
>Not only do we now have a 5 GCD Rapid Fire instead of a 3GCD rapid fire
This dude is peak retard

You're spacial one. Kool kid from ARR.

HW machinist was extremely popular to minmax

More surprising how many people claim to have played Legacy but we only had like 50 people in Chocobros.

Unless its changed, the pet never contributed to wildfire before.

That's a great insight user, your opinion is dully noted. Doesn't have anything to do with the conversation though.

We got a feisty one, damn.

I started in 2.2. Levi EX were fun times

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maybe not but you want to use them during trick which has the same cd as wildfire

My bad senpaitachi.

Well I have the Cait Sith minion and I started playing in Stormblood :)

I pre-ordered FFXIV and played it for 2 weeks then quit because it was garbage. But it's pretty good now so here I am.

Attached: Cait_Sith_Doll_Patch.png (192x192, 59K)

The turrets' attacks have also never been explicitly specified as weaponskills.

I started like 3 months before HW and then stopped playing before 3.1, didn't pick the game back up until some irl friends started playing out of nowhere

Look at Heat Blast

And widlfire used to never care about things being weaponskills. It'll be interesting to see how it all works out

BLM doesn't cuck anyone. SMN cucks BLM. Nobody wants to bring BLM.

I 'member Guildworks and when RMT would send you friend requests and party invites.

>Healers have to heal
>Dps have to dps- except they can heal and have party wide mitigation
>Tanks have to tank.... except they can dps and have heals and party wide mitigation


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I'd wager there's a reason Wildfire only counts weaponskills and the Automaton Queen's attacks being weaponskills.

What is this image supposed to convey?

What does Heat Blast have to do with Rapid Fire?

>shizurin is streaming
comy hours begin

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Probably not at least for DOH, DOL you can easily do in a week


For what it's worth, party member attack don't count for wildfire.
Old turret was considered a party member.

All these extra tools to heal so healers heal less and they get LESS dps options

Attached: 1526899849434.jpg (750x933, 517K)

I played legacy but was not in Chocobros.

As proof I will offer you a rare beta screenshot that demonstrates graphics issues with AMD cards.

Attached: your shadows look awful.png (1919x1075, 2.43M)

It speeds up the cooldown of the two charged abilities. So basically it fills up Gauss Round and Ricochet and allows them to be shat out like old Rapid Fire.

>nor does it directly translate into damage.
And that's when you show you're just braindead. Amazing. Being able to dump your mana and cast spells at 0mp anyway translates into damage. Coming out of downtime at full speed and all stacks translates into damage. Such and such. I can see now why you implied 2 was the same as 1 in your previous post. You are just completely lost.

1.5s recast.

Fuck Koji

kill yourselves
What a disgusting, gay fetish.

What if in the new raids more damage is expected to go out and mechanics deal damage based on % instead of a flat number so you can't easily outgear it.

How is futa gay

You could just edit it into a strapon desu

While that's all true, the discussion was primarily about Wildfire, which only counts weaponskills going into ShB.
Neither Gauss Round or Ricochet are weaponskills, but you'll still want to weave them while spamming Heat Wave during Overheat.

You can stay.
I miss how comfy the beta was with everyone running around Central Shroud not knowing what they were doing and actively doing all of the FATEs. Almost like when Carbuncles dotted the landscape when Arcanist came out

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>he doesn't know

Then... it'll be even easier to outgear it.

You gonna keep changing the subject or are you going to admit you were wrong? It's not a good look being unable to admit when you fucked up, and boy howdy did you fuck up big.

I miss tam tara runs with only lancer, archer, and conjurer.

Tanks were a mistake.

>man wanting to take a dick in the ass
That's gay, and no, having a fictional anime girl on the other side of the dick as an excuse doesn't make it any less gay.

Eh, I can see the similarity but it's still retarded to call it rapid fire since rapid fire was used to push more damage into wildfire but weaving ogcds doesn't do that any more

I played the beta on PS3. It was laggy as fuck but pretty comfy. Those were the times when duty finder and party finder didn't exist yet so you had to walk to the dungeon and spam LFG in shout chat.

Yeah, I was mainly talking about how Heat Blast related to being rapid fire.