When did nostalgia goggles fail you? What's the game you loved as a kid, but when going back to it...

When did nostalgia goggles fail you? What's the game you loved as a kid, but when going back to it, you realized it was fucking godawful and aged really poorly?

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all of the simpsons games

all of them

Twisted metal

Goldeneye 007, couldn't understand how the controls ever felt normal when I was a kid.

The humor still holds up, though

Never. Even as a kid I didn't enjoy something without any merit. The only thing that's changed is whether or not I can identify why I enjoy it or not.

I replayed Perfect Dark and it was a pretty shitty experience. I still loved it back then and Elvis is best alien.

not really as a kid, but Dark Souls 1

The N64 controls in general feel janky as fuck. Going from a Gamecube to N64 is fucking horrible.

Games don't age. The 1s and 0s in the code don't magically rearrange themselves over time.


die, nigger

Don't get me wrong I'd still do dumb shit like play the games and watch the movies I didn't enjoy again because "it has dinosaurs in it so it must be good" only to get that weird pit in my stomach and start getting antsy and annoyed not fully comprehending why.

simpsons arcade is goat to this day

Not really. The later stages are meant to eat your quarters. Your wrist hurts by the end of it too.

even roadrage?

But the context in which you play them does you nigger. You are not who you were as a child

Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel

Bing bing bang a bang a bang bing bong bing a bing bang a bong
Binga bing a bang a bong bong bing bong bing banga bong
Bing bing bang a bong bong bing bing binga binga banga bong
Bing bing bang a bang bang bing bong

This is just wrong. I’ve literally finished Dark Souls 1 (remastered) for the first time a few days ago and it is still fresh in my mind. It is hands down the best ARPG I’ve ever experienced. I didn’t want to jump on the bandwagon when it was getting popular because I thought it was edgy grimdark shit, but the immersive gameplay is seriously good and nearly unmatched by other ARPGs. I always hated the term atmosphere but DaS was fucking dripping with it. I seriously wanted to slap myself for not playing it sooner.

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Kingdom Hearts 1

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Red steel for the wii. It was already a super shitty game but I was 11 years old and just got my very first wii. I really loved playing time crisis with my dad at arcade places so I was just happy to be holding a wiimote like it was a gun and shooting bad guys. The sword fights made me feel super excited too. I tried replaying the game a while back and I realized that it's absolute dog shit. I can hardly control my character, the levels sucked, gun fights were hampered by the wiimote's incompetence, etc. As a kid, the wii felt like modern vr minus the headsets. Unfortunately, it was absolutely nothing like that. The whole system felt like a gimmick to me and I ended up tossing it aside to spend more time with my ps2 and playing WoW on my computer. The only game I found myself returning to the wii for was the wii sports game it came with.

My games would be the deponia series. The writing was ok, but the whole goal debacle did leave a stain on my memories of it.

Rise of the Robots. I remembered it so fondly but couldn't remember the name. I spent a year thinking about it, looking lists of SNES/N64 games trying to find it.
Then I played it, and it sucked ass.

>my shithole website is better than your shithole website

Go back

Go back there then

That's strange. It's inferior to Carmageddon, but it's still fun. And I have played it much later into adulthood, a decade after Carmageddon.

Only zoomers think that games get worse with age. Good games stay good, even 30 years later.

I do, o jump between here and there.
Imagine restricting yourself to one site and mindset simply because someone on the Latvian basket weaving site told you not to go to the other site. No wonder trump has so much power over you, you blindly listen when someone tells you to hate.

Absolutely never. There is a really broken (in a bad way) game that I liked: 7th Legion. It's so buggy, unbalanced and has poor animations, but it's fun, and when I replayed it again, I did a full playthrough.

this, OP is a complete faggot

Recently played pic related. While I still consider it a great game I totally forgot just how ass the last part of the game is. The ending is even worse. Definitely not the masterpiece I considered it to be when I was younger.

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Fallout 3.

God it's fucking bad.

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Go back 2: Bigger, longer & uncut

>Female fertility chin tattoo

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Never played TM but this made me realise Vigilante 8.

Games don't age, but you do. There's a difference in how you enjoy something as a child and how you enjoy it when you're older. Therefore there are certainly some games which will feel bad when replaying them. Don't pretend nothing ever changes and everything always feels the same. That's just silly.

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos

Completely missed the point of the thread. There were also very bad games in the past that you could enjoy as a kid, but if you played them now you'd realize how much they suck. That's the point.

The plants that eat you and spit out your skeleton remain just as creepy to me.

I thought that was the trashy chick from the new DmC

All the ones I'm still nostalgic for are still very fun to play.

>Imagine taking anything anyone posts here seriously and using it to virtue signal
That's why you have to go back

Goldeneye was always fucking bad though. 100% of the nostalgia comes from your 4 friends you played it with not that laggy buggy fuckes ofna game.

>got all the way to Mr Burns myself
>ran out of lives
>rushed off to go grab more quarters
>come back
>there's this other kid standing at the cabinet
>he's mashing the buttons with a big shit-eating grin on his face, making the continue screen countdown go faster
>run over and deck the little motherfucker
>permab& from the arcade

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If games don't age then don't say that they age you fucking retard.

OP talked about them aging, asshat.

None really. Maybe that Lego Island game, but it's still a great game.

Sorry to hear that user, I recently played through all 3 of the games again, and everything is still amazing for me.

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KOTOR games
Both of them
I can't believe I spent so much time on those

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It's the guy from Ministry

I didn't you absolute mongoloid, but even then, you do understand what is meant by the expression "x has aged", therefore autistically reacting to the literal interpretation which EVERYONE KNOWS isn't what is meant is pure retardation.

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I was just there :) I have tabs open :D

Every nintendo game past metroid prime 2

Every Elder Scrolls game before Skyrim

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What a weird bat

I thought the machine traps in the mine level were worse

what the fuk

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>hit and run is bad
imagine having shit taste

I tried to listen to nofx, bad religion etc again now that I'm older and it's just lame, whiny bullshit. It's fucking awful.

>loved fucking warrior within as a kid
>considered it to be my favorite game back then
>hey what if i replayed it again for old times sake and just the fact that the game is THAT good
>killed the first real boss and got bored as hell

Hit and run is still great.

yeah same. your first post made you sound autismal but consider yourself redeemed

>I'll just install some mods
>just a few more
>just a few more
Three days later
>I've passed the load order limit and its still shit
>can't wait to do that again in a year or so!

Games don’t age, kill yourselves, retards.

Too autistic to function

This. Replaying it when DS:R came out just made me realize that barely anything about it is truly good. It's fine to like bad games though

Only a literal autist child can unironically say this

whats with this meme opinion. both where the medium was in it's technological evolution and what the trends of the day were are v important
to art and entertainment stuff like music movies and videogames

Not to mention that we age, and cannot experience the same thing the same way twice.

Rikku looks like that?!!!

Thats some hot opinions there feller! Its fine to have retarded opinions though.

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It's not an opinion that a game that has areas like lost izalith or crystal cave is not good

Because the game does not change, everything around it does. The game is the one constant in the situation and everything around it changes, therefore it's a factually correct statement.

None because we didn't have an entire industry viral marketing garbage to us and reviewers paid to rate this garbage high like you fucking kids did. Even when they tried to make us eat shit like E.T., we knew it was shit and said so.

But literally no one actually believes the games themselves age. LITERALLY NOT ONE HUMAN FUCKING BEING. Therefore pointing it out is evidence of a nigger brainlet garbage person.

>hurr durr technically correct

Related to aging is also the accumulation of experience about games. When you’re a kid, you can pick up almost any game and you will probably have fun with it as long as you can understand it, because you have no references about what’s good or bad. But if you try to play something like NES-era licensed movie platformers after experiencing actually good 2D platformers, there’s no way in hell that you can enjoy them as much as you enjoyed them while being an ignorant kid.

This. Back in the day we could tell good games from bad games even as children, because the industry wasn’t rotten and we weren’t grown on force-feeded shit.

Jet Force Gemeni

Exactly this. The frame of reference always changes.

>Back in the day we could tell good games from bad games even as children
Is that a joke?
Because I'm pretty sure that is a joke, children always had shit taste, I loved to death absolutely shit movies that I'm ashamed of to this day, and I spent an autistically high amount of time on mediocre games that have been completely forgotten
>the industry wasn’t rotten
The quintessential rose-tinted glasses
The videogame industry was always shit, at the time it was full of manchildren trying to shove mediocre softwares as lazily done as possible to novelty-hungry kids who would have their parents buy anything so long as the art cover was "cool"

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Remove the Simpsons characters and you have a shitty GTA clone

You think people who visit Yea Forums regularly in 2019 know what Ministry is? I bet 90% of people here just listens to trap rap.

You don’t know because you didn’t live in the golden era, underaged faggot. Because you’ve only eaten shit since your childhood age, you’ve grown up to be unable to realize that you’re eating shit, shit-for-brains.

Rayman 3 is actually pretty lame

I thought it was pretty lame when it came out

I dont blame them, Ministry post 1996 is fucking awful, and their latest stuff is just downright embarrassing.

Still, the old shit they made is among the best:

>crystal cave

There aren't enough implication arrows in the world

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Same here, a true gentleman browses both sites for different purposes.

Fashions of reality change

When I played it I think the only other 3D platformers I'd had a lot of time with were Jak and some of the 3D Sonic's. While Jak was better the 3D Sonic's were worse, so Rayman 3 was looking alright in that context.

I'm so sorry user, I just went through that recently.

They're just dumbed down console-friendly Neverwinter Nights.

That album just got a vinyl pressing and it’s still great.

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Went through this same experience, but last year.
It's a masterpiece, albeit a flawed one. Can't believe I thought it was a meme game at first.

Lego FUCKING Star Wars.

That's because it is, faggot. Go cry about it on r/lgbtq or something

any medal of honor for ps2. However they're still hilarious to play splitscreen with friends every now and then because aiming is so difficult