Who is the best console of this gen so far?

Who is the best console of this gen so far?


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ps4 because of its exclusives

Fuck Sony and their competitiveness. Survive together, bros.

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PS4 because it has a lot of games.

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Objectively Sony I guess, but personally Nintendo.


Switch without question. Next gen though it'll probably be be Xbox. Playstation has never ever won a generation on the actual quality of it's hardware of games. It's like the Call of Duty of consoles. Incredibly popular but anyone with a shred of good taste knows it's trash

I don't know why but I hate this gif

There is a lot of fucking cope to unpack here

> Anime
I know exactly why I hate it

Looks like the sony tranny discord has invaded the strawpoll.
Nintendo obviously has the best consoles

Best console by specs is Xbox1x. Personally I have a PS4 but every game I play would be better on Xbox1x. PC is the best platform. Switch has legit must own exclusives. PS4 is vanilla


It's all true. Most of Sony's old fanbase from the PS1/PS2 era abandoned them for PC as they matured. The PS4 got popular by siphoning off all the zoomers who started gaming on the wii and 360 but didn't want to upgrade to the wii u or launch xbox one. The absolute majority of PS4 owners have never even bought a PS4 exclusive. They just have it to play cod/fortnite/fifa/overwatch/whatever other flavor of the month garbage. PS4 is the kiddie console of this generation and you snoybois don't even realize it

I have to argue in favor of the switch just because it offers me an experience I can't get with my PC.
I used to think nintendo's gimmicks (the wii, 3ds, namely) were a bit over the top and detracting from their games but they've struck a nice balance with the switch where games aren't crammed full of gimmicks and the hardware is still good enough that it can compete.
Meanwhile, modern box consoles offer me nothing anymore. It used to be that they were more convenient than my PC; you pop a game in and play it. But the games are infested with DRM, trophy accounts, retarded homescreens filled with shit I don't want, updates, microtransactions, cloud saves, etc.
XB/PS have become underpowered PCs that I don't have any control over. I guess the one saving grace is exclusives, but those are completely subjective and I'm too busy enjoying the games I already have to worry about a game that's only on one console.

>It's all true. Most of Sony's old fanbase from the PS1/PS2 era abandoned them for PC as they matured

Fucking source? Because i had a PS1 in 1997 and i still use a PS4.

>switch is good because i have a PC

This is why switch is actually complete fucking shite. Cant provide on its own.

get a load of this retard

So far? wtf does this mean, as if anything is going too change? This gen has been going for like 8 years.

This is bullshit too include the switch in current gen vs the other consoles. Switch is actually nintendos "1.5" gen ahead of it's previously vastly under-powered console. It's not fair too compare a system released in 2017 to those groundbreakers from 2013



>f-fuck hes right
>uh, RETARD!


Intuition. The PS1/2 were completely different than the PS4. Sony has rebranded themselves to the point of distancing themselves from what they used to be and alienating old fans. Look at all the people on this board who want back classic Sony franchises like Ape Escape but want nothing to do with moviegames.

shouldnt it be the Wiiu instead of the Switch?

This honestly

The absolute state of Snoybois
> Nintendo overtakes Snoy rapidly, having more worthwhile exclusives in the first 2 years than Snoy had in 6
> B-but it's not fair

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Not reading any more than this. Stop replying to me, i wont bother reading it now.

PS4 by default.
Switch is neither a competent home console nor a decent handheld.
Xbox has close to no exclusives that cant already be found on PC. MS has seemingly given up on it.
Sony wins by default for just being a standard gaming console, which is a sad reflection on the industry today.

whichever console has the games you like to play user

>Nintendildos desperately pretending Switch is their gen 8 console

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