Why did people react so bad toward this game being creepy and atmospheric and dark when beginning back with PSX DooM...

why did people react so bad toward this game being creepy and atmospheric and dark when beginning back with PSX DooM and later DooM 64 it was clear that THAT was the direction the developers were taking for the entire franchise?

for example, I am playing now the PSX DooM TC and it completely removes all the happy rock/metal MIDI background music in favour of a creepy atmospheric ambient background sounds
and in DooM 64 they went further down that line with creepy ambient sounds, low lit areas (some are pitch black), more jumpscares and monsters that look a lot creepier and out of a proper horror game replacing the bright colored happy classic doom monster sprites

I mean it was clear they wanted to turn DooM franchise into a creepy horror atmospheric claustrophobic first person horror game yet everyone was HURR DURR THIS ISNT DOOM when Doom3 got released
like what the fuck?
havent these people even played a couple of levels of PSX DooM and DooM 64?

Doom3 is not a perfect game by any means but if you wanna find something to whine about the game find something that is OBJECTIVELY bad for the genre of game it is, for example the guns feeling like peashooters in a first person shooter


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Other urls found in this thread:



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Except Doom 64 and Doom PSX did not sacrifice the frantic gameplay and exploration to make it spookier. It still played like Doom
Doom 3 is like Half-Life with less interesting levels

Doom 3 is fine but it's mostly forgettable because Half Life 2 came out a few months later.

there is plenty of hidden stuff in Doom3 as well
ammo health and weapons

The game is perfect but it depends on how you play it.
It is the same with all Id games you use the double shotgun, rocket launcher and bfg. Then run it as fast as you can.
It then feels exactly like it should a fast corridor shooter.
See the issue is meta people get stuck looking for key codes and the darkness when it all doesn't matter.

The player is supposed to be the scariest thing in doom. RIP AND TEAR

Op here
I dont think you can really compare the two
Half Life 2 is more of first person adventure shooter with vehicles and big levels
Doom3 was always meant since the beginning to be a visceral claustrophobic first person horror with guns added to the mix

HL2 aged badly. It got replaced by the stalker series.
Doom3 is still good. Especially if you mod the graphics.

mmod makes hl2 infinitely better than anything you could do with doom 3

I finished this a couple weeks ago, it gets damn boring through half the game and there's no real music.

It is more like Half life 2 gameplay amd production was outdated quickly by better games.
They were going for that early open world zone feel and stalker did that better.
Then there is the low enemy diversity and underdeveloped story and design ideas everywhere.

The gameplay is mediocre too.

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>people still play source engine games and hl2 mods to this very day
>nobody even talked about doom 3 a few months after its release

so what you are saying is people play OTHER games not hl2

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Event Horizon mod for Doom3 was good
short but good

you literally said people play source games and mods not hl2
You brainlet retard.

>2004 vs 2007
>engine showcase vs a regular game
ok buddy

I don't think the new sounds and music fit the PS version at all, since it still has the old graphics, although with decimated texture variety and disco lights everywhere to hide the fact. Doom 64 however is a more complete package and an interesting compromise between 3 and 1/2.

D3 is fine if you don't take it too seriously, unlike HL2 which thinks its farts are perfume. Monster closets and teleporting monsters get seriously old very quickly and become indistinguishable from parody. Gameplay is ok. Possibly the most banal audio logs in history. The visuals and atmosphere are great. There was no need to try to recreate the old Dooms when they're still the best at what they do.

That guy is being a retard by moving the goalposts around.
But on the subjects of mods there is doom3 mods that recreate Hexen and stuff like that.

Made me lol hard. It's this.

HL2 is objectively shit. Booth D3 and HL2 were engine showcase games you retarded little fuck.

>thinking shit like playstation doom is canon

bro. that wasn't even developed by id software.

>HL2 aged badly.

nah, it didn't. nu-v opinion to try to look like you know anything about games

hl2 is actually still great today, not as much as hl1 though. stalker series has nothing to do with it and isn't similar in gameplay or design


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Never had a desire to replay HL2 after STALKER.
>stalker series has nothing to do with it and isn't similar in gameplay or design
It pretty much was made as a better halflife ypu idiot they even got caught copying the game.

>valve fanboi derails the thread
mega gay.

It's definitely aged a bit. Gunplay is not up to par, and it doesn't help that Gordon holds a USP one-handed, ditto the AR2; the SMG sound is fucking awful, the SMG can shoot grenades but lacks an underbarrel, etc.
Sempai I dunno why you're comparing a semi-open world FPS series to HL2.

More accurate version.

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>doom 3 was released in 2007

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Doom 3 was the middle child of the franchise.

Doom 1-Doom 64 had the same same style and knew what Doom was, Simple run and Gun gameplay, Big Weapons, Demons and Gore.

Doom 3 and RoE tried to move about from traditional Doom elements and modernize, but in the wrong way. Simply it became a game with a lost identity, despite it wanting to be Doom.

DOOM brought the game into the modern age with new elements to keep it fresh, but kept enough of it's old self so that way you could tell that it's a Doom game.

>thinks moving the goalposts in every post is an argument.

>Gunplay is not up to par

what current fps games have gunplay better than hl2

pistol isnt a USP doesnt even resemble it. pointless aesthetic concerns copypasted onto a 15 year old game

Doom2016 really is nothing like original doom. It is more like Doom3 but with small arenas for combat like Quake 3.

HL2 had elements of semi-openworld. The entire beach level etc.
It was just done better by stalker.

large levels are not "semi-openworld"

stalker's entire design has absolutely nothing to do with half-life and you are stupid for comparing them

The Far Cry one is wrong, HDR was added much later with a patch and was optional.

are you literally retarded or illiterate

Yes they are you retarded fuck. They are similar.

>It got replaced by the stalker series.
What in the goddamn?

>makes a strawman in everypost
>thinks if an user doesn't address their strawman they won.
You fool get out of here

>bsp-based game with quake movement, quake weapons, no inventory, no buying and selling, no open world, no dialogue is similar to open world game with slow movement, "realistic" weapons, ironsights, dialogue trees, heavy focus on inventory and buying and selling


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you can look up right now. As in riight fucking now the old valve forums and valve fanboys sperging out over stalker vs halflife 2
You downie dogpiling samefaggot.

>pistol isnt a USP doesnt even resemble it
>what current fps games have gunplay better than hl2
Current? What about its contemporaries? Serious Sam, F.E.A.R, STALKER, etc.
> pointless aesthetic concerns copypasted onto a 15 year old game
Are you daft? Have you ever fired 18 rounds of a handgun with one hand? It's a ridiculous notion in real life, and it's ridiculous that Gordon wielded a glock with TWO hands in HL1, only to wield a pistol with one hand in HL2. It's not a pointless aesthetic concern that Gordon wields the AR2 with one hand. These things impact how the game feels because the guns have no fucking weight to them if they're held with one hand, or it's endlessly comical that SMG1 has no underbarrel but can fire grenades.

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You are out of your fucking mind if you think Half-Life 2 and STALKER is the same kind of game. Half-Life is much more narrative and set piece focused, as well has having completely different types of gameplay. STALKER is a hub based quasi-RPG that focuses especially on exploration and non-linear approach to where and what you want to do. One of these games you haven't played, or you're being disingenuous in your assessment





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I was gonna say something but
and beat me to it.
>As in riight fucking now the old valve forums and valve fanboys sperging out over stalker vs halflife 2
Who the fuck cares; that's your fucking evidence? Jesus way to throw out your respect you absolute fucking idiot. If you scrounge around you can find old forum posts comparing Metroid Prime to fucking Halo. I'll give you one guess as to why the comparison is fucking asinine.

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What did you just get told about strawmanning
Fuck off cretin.

You're fucking stupid, m8. You don't go looking for the same experience in these two games. STALKER did not replace Half-Life because they're not the same experience at all, and they don't try to be

Half Life 2 drones are offended when there is a better game than HL2.

Except for the last bit about Doom. DOOM was only about arenas in small doses.

HL2 aged fast and was replaced by the stalker series which had three games and HL has 2
Face it valveboys you lost.

you don't even know what a strawman is

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You responded to literally nothing.
>HL2 aged fast
As I said, the only thing that's really aged is gunplay. Everything else is quite gold.

You are the stupid one here you dumbass fuck.
Substituting someone else argument with your own isn

>hurr people compared the games on forums

that means they're similar even though I just gave all the reasons that they aren't

half-life 2 is a copy of math blaster bro both games have blasting and monsters

the gun isnt referred to as usp match in the game files its referred to as "pistol"

That's not remotely what we're butthurt about. The comparison between STALKER and Half-Life is asinine. What they share is
1) They're both FPS
2) A somewhat similar tone. Though, not in much more than depressing atmosphere. The setting are very far apart
It's a silly comparison

No it is shit. It aged poorly. It is a linear game with weak gameplay and design.

>why did people react so bad toward this game being creepy and atmospheric and dark

What the fuck? Those weren't the reasons we hated it. We hated it because
>stupid ass flashlight system
>gunplay felt bad
>levels were tiny hallways
>load times were bad
>nobody liked the playdoh graphics

Your comparison is stupid, and I've outlined why. The two games share very little in design

>the gun isnt referred to as usp match in the game files its referred to as "pistol"
It's a dead ringer, man.
As I said, only the gunplay has aged. I'd love to hear your reasoning as to what else has aged poorly.

Attached: Dead ringer.jpg (1600x1067, 133K)

>>gunplay felt bad
user, the shotgun is viable through the entire game.
The sound it makes however...

I don't know what's happening in this thread but FUCK Half-Life and FUCK Doom. Play Quake faggot.

Make way for the best DooM game ever made.
The way DooM was always supposed to be.
Everyone not agreeing with me is a faggot and his opinion is invalid.

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>muh gunplay has aged
>fighting fucking manhacks and hunters in HL2 is more intense than anything that happens in fps games in the past 15 years

stop dick riding opinions that you think Yea Forums holds and form your own


What are you trying to say? I'm saying shooting things wasn't fun. Bullets seemed to just ricochet off monsters rather than have an impact. It just felt weird.

>HL2 eastern european setting post apoc "muh mesa accident anomalies" scifi
>stalker authentic eastern european after a reactir accident setting with anomalies

Stalker is the better game it has better gameplay.

stfu you projecting fanboy faggot.

>As I said, only the gunplay has aged.

I would refute this. How has it even aged. HL2 shooting mechanics still feel good today. That's why CS is still being played and has a massive community.

HL2 was never System Shock or Deus Ex, so it would always have "generic" gunplay and not some kind of customizable class system. I think even gun mods are out of character for Half Life since the game was NEVER about the weapons as such. It's not a milsim.

Then you played the wrong game user.
I found the shooting in Doom 3 to be good and more satisfying than HL2.

I'm shocked by how young and/or dishonest posters itt are.
HL and stalker have always been compared.
I mean there literally was a controversy over stalker copying HL.

We agree to disagree.

>HL2 shooting
>thats why CS is still played
Are you mentally fucking retarded what is wrong with you?

I liked Doom 3, and I think not being able to hold your flashlight and your weapon at the same time was actually a good idea, but it wasn't a consistent game at all.
The story took itself too seriously, the story in Doom games were always worthless, but previous Doom games acknowledged it and didn't make you listen to long audio logs as if you were playing System Shock, just to get the keycodes you need to progress. The game is also too long, it doesn't have enough content and enemy types to keep it interesting, imps jumping at you after you open a door gets old fast.
It was a good game and the hell part was even great, but it is obvious that Carmack was more concerned about achieving an impressive technical fidelity instead of making a worthy Doom sequel game.

>muh gunplay has aged
It has for the reasons I have outlined. Nice to know you don't have the gumption to respond to any of my points directly.
>fighting fucking manhacks[...] is more intense than anything that happens in FPS games in the last 15 years
Are you fucking mad? Two or three crowbar swings or fucking gravity gun it against the wall. That's not intense in the least.
If you're not gravity gunning them, you're fighting them wrong. It is 100% of the time more efficient to grab a big propane tank and hit them to death with it, or the AR2's alt-fire, or your car. This thread is fucking stupid.
>How has it even aged
>Have you ever fired 18 rounds of a handgun with one hand? It's a ridiculous notion in real life, and it's ridiculous that Gordon wielded a glock with TWO hands in HL1, only to wield a pistol with one hand in HL2. It's not a pointless aesthetic concern that Gordon wields the AR2 with one hand. These things impact how the game feels because the guns have no fucking weight to them if they're held with one hand, or it's endlessly comical that SMG1 has no underbarrel but can fire grenades.
>That's why CS is still being played and has a massive community.
CS is not HL2 what the fuck is this comparison holy shit this thread.

How the fuck does that mean that you'd substitute one for the other? They're completely different fucking games

I remember when STALKER first leaked it was such a broken mess but apologists, who doubled as HL2 haters, were propping it up beyond belief on all websites. I played it, the game crashed every ten minutes, it looked like shit.

CS is literally reskinned Half Life you faggot.

The point is HL2 aged bad a bunch pf games did the fps adventure better than it did, It didn't even have a final boss the hallmark of every shit game for the last 20 years.
The episodic content that ended because valve literally could not compete with other studios.

I don't much care for what people compared to what. The fact is that the game design of both are miles apart. They share an oppressive atmosphere, and they're both FPSs. That's it

jesus christ just stop you potato.
You fucking dumb nigger faggot CS=/=HL2 they are different games.

I don't even give a shit about stalker. Cry more retard.

>Open world zone feel

Yeah, that never was something they went for with HL2. There is not a section of the game that even remotely approaches an open world design philosophy.

>You fucking dumb nigger faggot CS=/=HL2 they are different games.
They have the same gunplay.

>CS is literally reskinned Half Life you faggot.
Thread's no longer worth participating in. Fucking retards.

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>jesus christ just stop you potato.
How about you stop, you silly goose? You do not play the games for the same experience. They do not share all that much in design. I don't see why that's so hard for you to understand. The fact that you don't outline why my sentiment is wrong tells me all about the amount of thought your thinking organ has placed into the subject - fuck all

That was the whole point faggot. Better games came along that gave a better experience than hl2. Like Halo,.
There isn't much like Doom3.

I'm sure he'll be keen to point out that the vehicle chapters have sideareas you can either drive past or explore and that means it's trying to be openworld

Wrong. The beach stage for example.

I didnt see anyone saying "HURR DURR THIS ISNT DOOM", people was impressed by the graphics.

Right on cue

>game has a semi-openworld zones you are free to explore
>no no that doesn't count
Still thinks moving the goalposts is an argument.

>"There are several mods based on Half-Life, including Counter-Strike. Although it later became a stand-alone game, the Counter-Strike GoldSrc games require Half-Life files and automatically downloads them during installation."

Half-Life 2 was not "replaced" by the STALKER series, because they're not remotely the same kind of games. Get that into your thick skull. For a game to become obsolete, it has to be replaced by something similar done better. The crux of this argument is fucking stupid

the funny thing is, if u want the authentic doom 3 experience, jack up the enemy damage in doom 1 and reduce the enemy count by about 70%. that's doom 3.
doom 3 is still my favorite game in the series but it was easily overshadowed by all the faggots in this thread who INSIST half life 2 was better and more enjoyable. because somehow, they know if they dont talk about it in a doom thread, their franchise remains irrelevant and dead while doom continues to get sequels. sad. but im not suprised. enjoy ur VR experience valve drones.

the folk who complain about doom3's atmosphere and art direction are the ones who were too chicken shit to play it because too dark or couldnt run it at all so they played it at a later date 2007+ and missed out on all the discussion back on gamefront and newdoom and other sites that made a billion mods and other TCs for years like dark mod and LMS/Classic. half life's modding scene involves FULLY MODELED so ya'll niggas can go fuck yourselves I aint touchin that gay alyx dildo shit.

You are such an utter lying deceitful little cunt.

>HL2 is still popular
>because people play CS
>a completely new game made in the engine and sold as a standalone retail copy.
This is it this is it peak stupidity this board is niggers.

So is it open-world or is it linear? These things don't go together, user.

Well stalker is both too. Yes it can faggot face.

Except that this "open" world is situated in a linear path that you approach from one direction, clearly heading into another. This is not a hub like Cordon or Warehouses. This is not a place where you can find NPCs or quest. This is not a place that you can visit and leave as you wish, at any point in the story. This is a place designed to facilitate the vehicle. It's completely fucking different

>moves the goalposts again.
Neither game are open world you fucking shitheap.

Half-Life has levels, STALKER has hubs

I'm not sure what the fuck you and I are even talking about. My point is that you don't replace Half-Life with STALKER, because they're not the same type of game and they weren't designed to be

No they are both a linear series of levels. Stalker is just about moving through each area to finish the game.

It's a point to point game, through and through. It is no more open-world than Jedi Outcast, Quake, Unreal, or even fucking CoD.

Thats correct stalker is better than hl2 in every way.
The perfect substitute.

so fucking what? stalker is the same thing just with bigger maps.

You on the other hand are a real numpty

No. Hubs in STALKER are filled with side activities and loot to find. There are wandering NPCs, there are quests, there is equipment to be found, and there is reason to go back and forth between them - as well as the freedom to do so. Half-Life does not share this in its level design. The reason for being in any level in Half-life 2 is story. It is not up to the player where to go. The areas in STALKER can be approached at any time you wish, and the reasons for doing so are varied. Which of these games haven't you played?

>user makes post about Doom 3.
>user chimes in to say HL2 is shit.
>user begins comparing two dissimilar games.
>user complains that thread goes off-topic, blaming everyone else despite being the catalyst of the discussion going off-topic.

user, you are something special.

>user begins comparing two dissimilar games.
That was done because user claimed that STALKER replaced Half-Life. How could it? They're barely similar

hmm why are you so dishonest?
First post itt mentioning HL2

Doom 3 BFG + Reshade = Remaster
Even better with RTX cards if you got one

True enough. I should state that my dog in this fight is the "replace" part.

then op saysSo again why so dishonest? go see a shrink you mentally ill stupid faggot.

>calls other people retards because he doesn't know how CS got started, or what it even is
>doesn't know about WON
>doesn't know about any fucking thing at all

Zoomers are destroying this board.

Then the reply was literally to OP. That triggered valve fan boys.
Mearly noting doom3 is still fun as it is.
Then valve spergs replied with half a million strawman arguments about source games not HL2 SOURCE games being better.