ITT: Things zoomers will never understand
ITT: Things zoomers will never understand
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Kids get physical games today too user.
Yeah but not as good and based as Megaman X
I don't miss this shit. Although, now we have a billion ad sites instead. But at least videos buffer much quicker.
The horrors of RealPlayer.
>parents wary of Sega after Saturn
>assure them Dreamcast will be fucking amazing and ask for it for Christmas in '99
>console gets discontinued start of 2001
Excitement for Sega consoles I guess.
>ITT: Things zoomers will never understand
How GamerGate got Trump elected and changed the world.
Reading the manual in the car on the way home from the store.
That fresh booklet smell
Kids still enjoy playing games unless they're posting in Yea Forums desu
>14 yo old enjoying his hit game
>30 yo neckbeard make fun of him
The political opinions of a game developer not being a factor at all in whether or not you like their game.
Carl, is that you? Where are my mozzarella sticks?
no fucking kidding, user. I'm so weary of that shit.
youtube still shits itself from time to time
Try living in a first world country.
Tug of war with siblings when it comes to your single land line. Trying to cram as much porn as you could on a floppy. Copying friend's floppy cause you were broke and wanted games. A/S/L
I remember how we asked big guys to get porn for us from VHS from rental shop
I'll say one thing for the modern era of gaming, it allowed Mortal Kombat to come into it's own.
>get picked up from school by parents
>you get to go to blockbuster and pick something out for the weekend
>marvel at the wall of colourful and varied box arts while your parents lurk through the VHS to find something to watch
>pick the coolest looking game
>Read through the manual on the way home for all that sweet lore and concept art
>Parents stop at the grocery store on the way home
>they got you a bag of Doritos 3D and a bottle of vanilla coke
>they got a pizza for dinner and ask if you want to have a friend over to play the game with
We were born in a simple time when video games were new and exciting.
I think the excitement of video games died when it was put on the phone, kids growing up with those cheaply made phone games that had no heart put into them, other then to make a quick buck.
My town got stuck in the 90's, the Playstation 1 was the hottest shit till 2007
I had nights like that too, user. I picked out things like Contra 3 and Smash T.V., how about you?
No way. Mobile games were just to pass the time until you got home. The real issue was priced were jacked up. I remember them being like $20, now it’s triple that.
I remember always seeing Ninja Gaiden in game stores and being salty that I didn't have an Xbox. I just stared at the box cover like some kind of Dickensian street urchin, my sole solace being the possibility that it probably wasn't as cool a game as it looked.
It's probably for the best I didn't know how good it was or I would've been extra salty.
And then I just got Tenchu WoH from Blockbuster instead, worked out okay in the end.
We asked big guys to buy porn magazines, it was disgusting because guys used to share it and all the pages were drenched in cum
Brainlord, EVO and Secret of Evermore were my favourites, Conkers Bad Fur Day eventually became a family favourite too and we'd rent it almost every week to play the multiplayer together
I remember years ago when people used to rant on the late 00s-early 10s as being the downfall shit era. Now zoomers are posting childhood nostalgia on social media for late 00s-early 10s things like Johnny test, icarly, and bieber, when it used to be widely hated.
Moving a bunch of beige PC towers and hooking the fuckers up to play AoR3/HoM3/AoW2/1.6/q3arena in a big fuck off lan.
Things retards will never understand.
Different type of game, but I agree, you didn't make out too badly. Did you ever get to play Ninja Gaiden? Was it all you could have hoped for?
I don't understand people glorifying childhood like that. No control, ignorance, blind choice. There was magic in it, but, not being a kid, I just don't see it anymore.
>Conker's multiplayer
I remember one evening playing this for hours, taking breaks to play the MGS2 demo disc from Zone of the Enders.
>No control, ignorance, blind choice.
Thats not how I remember childhood at all
>Things zoomers will never understand
take it easy, grandpa, I liked your era too.
I wouldn't call if glorifying childhood so much as fond remembrance.
But in retrospect, is that not how it looks? Parents pick you up, parents decide when they're willing to drive you there, parents decide what good things you get, when, and in what quantities. With some leeway but still.
Mundane things seem magical. Seem.
You pick the coolest looking game, but then it turns out shit. Or it's actually great but your tastes are different so you think it's shit.
I dunno. Maybe I'm just looking at it wrong. But posts like that just do nothing for me.
Yep. I made sure to get a 360 as soon as it dropped and got NG on backwards compat and NGII. And yeah, it's pretty much the best at what it does, not as polished as NGB which I got later but still great.
>summer break starts
>get some friends together with mountain dew throwback and frozen nuggets
>heat up the nuggets and skate up the stairs, one can of throwback down
>boot up our favorite games; Kirby Air Ride, Soul Caliber, Mark of the Wolves, Melee
>two in the morning, rotation is me versus friend who is consistently winning
>pick black bowser and add name 'Nig'
>everyone howling and I win because he's laughing so hard
>parents have to come up and tell us to keep quiet
>some friends go to bed, three of us left
>boot up whatever RPG at the time, I remember Path of Radiance the fondest
>one on the strat guide, all of us talking about 'deep' shit girls school etc
>saying good night and waking up 5, 6 hours later
Now everyone is out of state, engineers in another state or moved with their folks years ago. The only one's left are teachers or finishing up their education. And here I am still, emulating the same games we used to play. I can't even find throwback in stores anymore.
I try not to idolize the past too much, the present has a lot of great things too, but it's definitely interesting living through the change in video games during the 80s, 90s, the 00s. I miss it, and like everyone else, I wish I appreciated the time more. It's something I will forever hold dear, most people won't care about some old man's memories.
Playing a handheld in the back of your parent's car during a nightdrive, using the street lamps as lights, giving you a brief few seconds to play your game.
Reading gaming magazines and using those to get ideas on what games to buy.
Anime actually have a presence on something other than adult swim Toonami or early morning Pokemon.
Bringing over your game or memory card, in order to use your save to play at a friend's house
Being more ignorant about video games in general, more of a sense of mystery without the internet.
Reading the manual of a game you just got on the ride home(Or just manuals on their own.)
Prices of games going all over the place for physical releases, some 30, some 80 dollars.
Games having a bigger sense of mystery and rumors.
Local multiplayer and split screen actually existing.
JRPGs everywhere, every system, from high budget games to low budget titles. Low to mid budget JRPGs not limited to handhelds.
Rushing home to watch some Toonami, only to watch Raditz crash again thus signaling another few weeks of DBZ reruns, god dammit.
The buzz of CRTs.
Didn't have to worry about people spoiling the ending or events to a game.
Game journalists not having a chip on their shoulder.
Demos. Demo CDs and DVDs.
To a lesser degree, the discovery of emulation in its early days.
Having to make sure your parents or your siblings don't use the phone while you play online.
My old pets. I miss my cats. I miss my neighbor's dog. I hope I was good enough for you guys
Memory card art and animations.
Not having to pay for online activity on consoles.
>Brother gets Megaman X for christmas
>user gets socks and chocolate
All because they bought my brother a SNES for his birthday.
I miss talking to sleazy chicks on AIM who were in retrospect, probably dudes.
THIS. I used to love the smell a brand new NES/SNES box had when you first opened it.
>playing video games past 2000
>tfw my last classmates grew up and became boring IT guys
>I'm the only one that still plays vidya
feels bad man
>You pick the coolest looking game, but then it turns out shit. Or it's actually great but your tastes are different so you think it's shit.
Happened to me with quake I was a Christian boy and I thought the game was satanic for some reason and I destroy it.
Interestingly enough I never destroyed doom
>complain about games past 2000
>post an image of a character from 2015
True, zoomers don't know shit about media tapes. VHS tapes were dope you could actually rewind and fast forward without skipping shit like early DvD players that only let you "skip". That and making mix tapes off the radio. There was just something about that whole time period that was more comfy, I'm sure being a kid has some too do with it.
That reminds me of what I had. Following graduating highschool, a group of us got together every friday to hook up xbox's, pc's, whatever console to play games. We played WoW, FF11, Socom2, Guitar Hero, Smash Bros, Starcraft, Swat 4, Halo, you name it. One of us even spent some time making an RPGmaker game loosely based on our hijinks (pic related.)
Good times.
Taping shit on tv to watch later was fun
post your slammer
>making short wacky games on RPG Maker
Absolute fun
Nice post user
Peer 2 peer direct connect, asking your friend for his IP so you could join his game or they yours.
Oh man that must have been good. Ps2 version or PC?
>RPGmaker game loosely based on our hijinks (pic related.
I hope you still have that game, that's a great memory.
Faggot cunt nigger zoomer.
The advent of MMORPG genre before it was blown away by WoW and developers were actually trying too innovate / create new designs instead of emulate the winning formula.
Not wasting time on the internet to the same degree or at all.
Browsing shitty porn sites tours to jerk off.
Not wasting time on Yea Forums
> Reading gaming magazines and using those to get ideas on what games to buy.
This was a huge one, you didn't know much about the games you were buying unless you happened to read the review in a gaming magazine, or your friends had it.
Not having the idea of monetizing their hobbies constantly looming over their head.
This. So much this.
Nowadays the genre is only starting to try and recover with a bunch of niche sandbox games being made here and there among carbon theme park copies of each other. But I've yet to see a game that'll manage to recapture the magic of sandpark games like Ragnarok Online, Maple Story and such.
>keep getting into parent's AOL account and altering parental controls so I can surf the net unimpeded
>parents get into my account
>mom legit makes fun of me for flirting with 'gothchick(random numbers)'
>tells me it's probably a fat girl or pervert
Fuckin hell man I wanted to die. Mom was probably right though.
I wish I had experienced that. Parents didn't allow multiple game consoles in the house "ONE IS ENOUGH!" and the only one was my brothers who didn't let me play it ever.
It waws pretty fucking fun to be the only kid in school who knew jack shit about games.
thanks for posting user, i enjoyed reading it. brought back some memories
>Modern parents
>My neighbor who wasn't from a Christian family invited me over to play Heretic
>I thought he was lying, I didn't think a game called Heretic could exist
>I played it and still thought the name wasn't real
being a kid is like being retarded
Isn't Gamecube Zoomer gen console? I'm a zoomer and that was basically my childhood.
Either that or I don't understand what Zoomer refers to
Going to LAN centers on weekend nights, staying up all night gaming with your bros / strangers that were actually in the same room as you. Screen sniping in counter strike.
Your favorite multiplayer games almost all being free mods of other games.
No gamecube is boomer class console along with Xbox 1, zoomers are X360, PS3
Reminder that there is no such thing as boomers and zoomers.
Baby boomers are people born between 1946 – 1964 which I doubt any of us here are.
The term you are looking for is Millennials, which are people born between 1980-2000
>According to Forbes (2015), the generation after Millennials, Generation Z, which they defined as people born from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s, made up 25% of the U.S. population, making them a larger cohort than the Baby Boomers or Millennials.
I think my parents weren't very good parents(afterall I'm here still) and to try to be a bit better they gave me plenty of consoles, and many games. We weren't rich or anything but my parents would go out of their way to get me games. Not everything, but more than most kids.
There was though in the beginning a charm having only one consoles, while one of your friends had another console. It was cool going over their house and experiencing a different world.
>stepmom wouldn't let us rent certain games based on the cover art
>comes back one weekend
>tells us she went ahead and rented a movie and game
>says something like "The guy working said this game was really fun. I know you guys have been playing those fighting games"
>it's fucking dead or alive 1
I wanted to high five that employee
Buying a game from a bin and having no idea what to fucking expect at all
Aren't boomers 90's kids?
Fuck off zoomer.
Maybe it was a nordic thing.
KYS boomer. Wish you died in the war
I have it on a disc somewhere. haven't played it in over a decade. And we played FF11 on PC. I never had a copy of my own, so I just played a spare character, usually the healer.
I'm 28 and never got to experience this, due to Nintendo basically not existing in my country for the longest time.
>mom wants to install one of the programs to block adult sites, have to help her do it
>as soon as she steps out of the room, open up msconfig and uncheck it on the startup list, restart and go on with my day
I appreciate her for trying at least.
>KYS boomer. Wish you died in the war
My parents bought my brother a playstation, but he bought the games himself. I bought medievil with my own money, but never got to play it. Parents forced me to let my brother play it because "you never play it, it's just wasted money user".
I thought boomers were the baby boomer generation, which is 1946-1964. 90's are Millenials until 1996. From 1996 it's Gen-Z, which I assumed is Zoomers
Gamecube/Xbox/PS2 was the last generation where every console was amazing and absolutely worth owning in its own unique ways, PC was also completely unique and equally amazing, all four platforms were at their peak in creativity, soul, and genuine effort. The limitations of the era pushed developers to get abso-fucking-lutely everything they could out of the memory and power available to them so when they really put effort it in showed.
PS3, Xbox 360, and the Wii were all okay at best and bad in new and disappointing ways. and the gen that followed is the worst we've ever seen with rampant homogenization, aggressive and unwarranted monetization, and shrinking AA market that is taking the niche market with it now that all we get are half assed indies that could have been good if only they were as polished and full of content as games used to be.
I have very little hope for the next gen once the PS5 and Xbox One Two finally launch.
Nintendo always sorta delivers but they've been slacking real fucking hard the last two gens and its only getting worse, I thought the Switch would have a huge launch line up since they were seemingly holding so much shit back from the Wii U, and it seemed like a safe assumption that game output would increase since their dev teams wouldn't be split between a console and a handheld anymore. But its like Nintendo is just out of ideas or doesn't feel like they need to work too-too hard since they basically aren't competing with anyone anymore and have their own little niche. I'm getting pretty sick of all of their games feeling like "just enough" though, I've been skipping more of their releases than I used to because I'm tired of spending 60 bucks to find out the game has none of that old Nintendo Polish™
The other two are just jerking off over their online subscription profits and have barely released fuckall.
>tfw at old games and look past their flaws because the tech wasn't there at the time and they were just representations , your brain filled in the rest
>modern day im unimpressed by fucking unimaginable graphics fidelity on throw away indie projects
i mean fuck i messed with the cryengine after crysis 2 came out and it was my SHIT, I love creating scenes in level editors and loved it
to cut a long retarded explanation short, the less im involved with games, as in reading about it and the tech or systems in it, the less i enjoy the game
Like, watching dev talks and learning about stuff may have spoiled me, its a double edged sword, you get more hype the more you learn about it but also become more acutely aware of its issues
It's a meme you dip.
This anything past ps2/gamecube/ps2/ is trash.
Older games work around the limitations or sometimes use the limitations to their advantage to let your brain fill in the rest like you said.
Newer games leave less to the imagination and suffer for it
See user, you are taking the names seriously, you got to put them in the internet context. You are abosutely right on the real world terms.
The boomer name in this context is ironic. What we call "boomers" are kids from the early 80s to early 90s. Zoomers is younger.
Reminder your a faggot and a zoomer.
Being ignorant about real adult struggles and the only thing to worry about as a kid was if my pokemon yellow save wasn't deleted. Not having a care in the world is something I greatly miss.
You just nailed everything that was of topic in my subconscious but I never put my finger on it.
We are talking about the meme not the actual boomer.
You know that 20 something guy who likes old stuff from his childhood and cringes at kids today for having it different
>went down the rgb hole and bought a shit ton of cables to get better image quality on my older consoles
>then spent a 160 on an ossc to process the images to make them better
I wish I had a crt still but I just want non-composite footage that looks great, might as well go all out I guess
Man I bought so many bad games because the cover art looked cool as shit, I kinda miss how most new games were a surprise to you
But user, CRT's are easy to find
So this is what it feels like being raised by the smart phone. Imagine not having too actually do your own shit as a kid, and make your own entertainment.
Not good ones in my area. I also don't have the room.
I bought Bubsy 3D and Jersey Devil lol, and I played the hell out of those "bad games".
>VHS tape
A what? Is that like a thicker duck tape?
i appreciate the military
BUT, this ties in with some experiences i had with family friends, i dont appreciate how they distinguish themselves from civilians
im your family cunt not a fucking civvy, dont talk down to me like that, saying theres things you just wont understand unless you served, NIGGA get fucked every soldier was a civilian and should hope to still be one after serving.
in addition to what in the fuck are the military defending the country from at this stage anyway? like holy fuck dude theres been no meaningful wars since korea/coldwar
FUCK its brainwashing and i just dislike it
the only point to life is to find an action youre content with repeating
this shit is so bizarre
its like betamax but cheaper
this board is for children and mentally retarded, which one are you?
>So this is what it feels like being raised by the smart phone. Imagine not having too actually do your own shit as a kid, and make your own entertainment.
>being raised by the smart phone
>4 year olds using phones
>Modern parents are to busy to be real parents so they shove phones in there hands and say go play and wonder why there kids turn out like little baby bitches
It's going to be digital only, always online shitshow. Corporate greed has fully enveloped mainstream gaming, say goodbye to any niche AA games willing to try new things. It will just be remakes and endless sequels of known selling IPs.
just visit a goodwill or second hand store and get one for free/5 dollars
A lot of assumptions. The smartest phone I've ever had was some $50 garbage I got a few years ago. I barely use it.
a tired old hermit that just wants to talk about his hobbies with other people that are passionate about them too, but I have nowhere else to go
At least the other hobby boards aren't this bad
nope. NES games where at cheapest, 39.99 when new. I had to save up several months to buy a relatively unkonwn Heavy Barrel Game and I paid 44.99 at TRU.
If you remember 20, you were either buying OLD games, unpopular games, used games, or 20 was the difference after trade in.
thank god for rentals
That's what I'm talking about though, almost all my local thrift stores have phased out CRTs entirely. Now it's just shitty flat screens at best. If they do have CRTs, they are bad ones like composite or RF only.
Thanks for posting bud.
Saying “based” in your sentence automatically outs you as a zoomer
Sorry I don’t make the rules, that’s just the law.
The one where i call you a faggot and you respond by getting mad and calling me a incel/have sex/ then i keep replying to you till one of us gives up and plays video games or has shit to do and need to leave.
>rent mgs and it has the typical bare bones rental case
>stumped at 'back of the box' shit
>call friend that moved and he tells me the frequency
>write meryl's codec number on a piece of printer paper
>leave it in the case with a note for anyone else
Dunno if it helped or just got tossed but I wanted to help someone
Someone in your family is lording military service over you, and the rest of your family is going along with it because of respect that such service brings.
But it's not directed at you, or against you. Any unfair comparisons being drawn are the result of the people making them, not from what you are and what you've done. You can appreciate your own achievements and triumphs without the facade of serving a greater cause. Be more for yourself user.
What do Zoomers play for single player games? All the memes refer to them playing Fortnite all the time.
Would the Zoomers be playing Nier Automata, Pokemon Sun and Moon, Bloodborne, whatever single player games that came out since 2010?
Good soul, mang....good soul
Smartphone idling games? Idk
>i appreciate the military
>I enjoy murder
>I enjoy murdering brown people because that's what society tells me it's ok
Ah that's a shame. Have you maybe considered visiting a landfill or dump? CRT's are pretty hard to break after all.
I have a few times, so far nothing. Thanks for reminding me though, I haven't in awhile, I should do that sometime soon.
Based on this pic and your main childhood era, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
Good luck user, hope you find a decent CRT soon
Holy shit this nigger is stupid.
Brown people had it coming. I didn't even give them a thought, until they started killing my countrymen on MY home soil, while they celebrated those deaths openly on THEIR home soil.
I actually got a lot of nudes from high school girls when i couldnt even masturbate id just send them cropped dicks from porn.
Same thing could be said about every genre and form of media nowadays
>posts brainlet meme yet he doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're"
>Remer using vhs
>remember the tracking button
>remember V-hold on tvs
>remember finding out you can watch other stuff while recording on the vcr
>remember filling a vhs with paper or tape to record on vhs
>remember giant big screen tvs on wheels
>remember having to put it on channel 3 or 4 to play video games
>remember tapes being teen by the vcr
Man, I'm fucking old.
I'm a borderline zoomer and I remember this shit far too well.
Core millenial
oversized shirts?
fuckin' Hawaiian Slammers or whatever that cartoon was. intro was amazing. i gotta go youtube that.
You two are my absolute niggers. I was so upset that they didn’t keep the old multiplayer modes when they rebooted the game.
Genuine happiness?
Yeah, probably.
dude how fucking young are you? I'm 22 and I've used VHS until I was at least 10. There's bound to be some films on VHS that your parents owned that you wanted to see, right?
going outside
> go to game shop to buy game you saw at friends home.
>get name wrong and buy a game that looked like it
>get home and when you start game reality ze you got the wrong one
>still play and enjoy the fuck out of it cos I wasn't a cynical judgemental prick back then
This is how I got into the kessen series
>Mingle in every fucking government on Earth
>"shit they have X, send the troops"
>troops cheered at home, "thank you for your service", freedom fries
>play the victim when broken family men from thousands of miles away give you a taste of their own medicine
every American adult is guilty and no matter what your cucked churches say you're all going to hell
What game did you think you were getting? Dynasty Warriors?
What were you meaning to buy
Don't forget renting movies and using 2 VCRs to record the movie
I paid for my college with my own money, without having to massacre afghan farmers, go back to /pol/ with this shit
>boot up whatever RPG at the time, I remember Path of Radiance the fondest
What a weird lie to tell to strangers on the internet
>Butthurt shitskin detected.
This is the product of the american schooling system. People REALLY believe usa werent on the wrong side of \ caused \ instigated every armed conflict after the 50s. You deserve everything is coming to you and nobody will cry if you all disappear in a nuclear fire. We will rejoice when you will be out of history since you have done nothing useful to be remembered other than make the rest of the western world miserable.
I used a video camera hooked up to the VCR. Got a lot of MST3K episodes that way.
you're fine then, but you're a minority there
openload is great, unfortunately the buffer load time sucks ass.
whiter than you ramon
Are you sure you can post this, you don't want to anger shekelstein
Dynasty warriors 3. both games had shiny Chinese men in armor fighting many enemy soldiers.
hell yeah dude, heist, war and frenchy mode with the boys all day everyday for several years of summer vacations
I beg to correct a bit here: NDS was a spiritual contiunation of PS1-N64 era adopting gamedev dogmas of that time but in a more refined way. Kinda like GBA was a spiritual successor to SNES and Sega MD. Other than that late 00s-early 10s were trash aside of some rare occasion, that's true.
you know that DVR has existed for 15 years and was far better than VHS ever was, right? You're just nostalgic for your childhood, children of today will attach themselves to totally different things and will still feel the exact same things that you do now, just for different stuff. They will be telling their younger how "you just can't understand", whether it's what it was like before every car drove itself and you had to actually work the wheel and pedals, or before you could project images directly onto your eye and had to look at a "screen" to view shit, or any number of things. Stop thinking that your childhood is special because it was yours. It's true that you were part of a unique period of time, but so was everyone else in your age group, and so too was everyone that was ever a child during a "stable" time (no war, depression, etc.).
Case in point, current kids will be talking in 10-20 years about how great Fortnite was and how "today's kids just can't understand". You can't stop it, and you can't change it, so just accept it. You don't have to change your own opinions, just recognize that they are people like you and they are affected by the same sensations, and that their opinions are too affected in kind.
Heh I remember my grandma getting me conker bad fur day for n64 not realizing it was an 18 game. At the time she thought that all video games were kid friendly. Still had a blast playing it and parents never suspected a thing.
Sure I can. In fact...
Have the other angle of NATURE/GOD inflicting its/his wrath on your shitskin brethren
>wanted DW3, got Kessen
Happy circumstance that you got to try Kessen then. Kessen 2 must have been a nostalgic mindfuck for you
Was it not Throwback?
Fuck if I remember.
this, everyone here had their birthday video tape in vhs here and some old movies. dvd players were expensive so people who had vhs kept using them, you niggers just want to feel good about yourselves in this whole zoomer boomer dick measuring contest.
I doubt you niggers have player the pc version of earthworm Jim and pitfall with level selectors up in window menu and cheats
yeah man, that was my least favorite part of that console generation. literally impossible to play a game that had been out for a couple years. even if the disc didnt turn to sand in your gamecube, can you even imagine a group of friends playing a slightly older game.
To be honest all I remember is that zhao yun had fucking fantastic armor, Cao Cao and liu bei both fighting over diao chan and how I hated the boat levels.
>you memeing idiots!
>pitfall and earthworm jim
Open your horizons, user. Play more, post less.
Zhao Yun has plot armor, along with most of the 3-kingdoms cast.
Oh shit. You_ARE_retarded, Muhammed. You LITERALLY assume America is the only place that the shitskins have started shit, thanks to the words of their literal autistic incel prophet saying they could? Or are you doing that thing all muslims do where they lie through their teeth worse than their (((sworn enemies))), hoping that the rubes will believe their bullshit?
>Americans on full defence force when exposed to their government lies and their inferiority as human beings.
>at the time
You can't read, Muhammed?
fuck it, just READING booklets, like when coming home with a new game or reading it on the toilet
Is it that shocking?
fuck off, /pol/, we want to talk vidya
I mean, yeah, America kind of had it coming, but the other places? Sounds like they're just making excuses to wreck shit. And hoping no one will wise up. In a just world, we would have nuked mecca by now, but a crane breaking and crushing worshippers will do for now.
No worries. I'm done now.
have sex incel
You can do better.
why would i take the time to discuss with a virgin?
maybe you should have higher T so women don't go for black men
>wake up
>go to work
>go back home
>people who trying to be "your friend" are always have hidden motives and no honest at all
>"friends" that exist only for profit
>money literally everything in live
Don't know user. I don't have fun.
When Megaupload went down all of Yea Forums was in an uproar and against it.
If Megaupload went down today, we'd be seeing crying wojak edits, "OH NO NO NO NO" threads, "MEGAUPLOADFAGS BTFO" threads and "SEETHING".
You can do better.
Butthurt shitskin confirmed.
Table 6 Carl, I said SIX!
Saying boomer/zoomer automatically outs you as underage
Remember the sci-fi channel?
Booklets? Renting videogames and movies? Real physical games in different storage? Better games? Game system that were undeniably a videogame system instead of bootlegs PC and looks like a generic DVD/BR player? Arcades? Windows OS when it wasn't utter shit? REAL HUMAN INTERACTION?
Basically.... everything...
Why? It's just buzzwords.
I'm guessing even millenials won't understand.
You're acting a bit jaded and cynical. Everyone has got to look out for themselves. The degree to which they can be "your friend" is not a measure of their compassion for you, but a limit to what can be offered while still sustaining themselves. Even if that is more than you have, how could you hate them for it?
>Windows OS when it wasn't utter shit?
aka never
>when you crack the buggy-whip and the horses go faster
yep. now THAT was cool
>Windows until 98 SE = crappy or shit (depending your mood and edge)
>Windows since 2000 = Utter shit. The Windows cycle begins.
It's not rocket science.
That's why childhood was fun. Nothing is fun for me after school/uni times. I don't have golden spoon after all.
Gen Z will never know the feel of having to know people, go to niche hobby stores and flea markets, record from late night television or order online to get their anime.
It was worth it.
Join our server to discuss favourite games, make friends and have a good time
I'm a zoomer and I did that all the time
Years ago Yea Forums used to make fun of this buzzfeed-esque "only 90s kids" shtick but now they're embracing it. Lol
Yea Forums's become reddit.
That was a shitty 9fag tier "joke". This is a generational gap.
I wouldn't be surprised if most of the people ITT came from 9fag
>not enjoying 144p fansubs of The Cell Saga years before the shit hit Cartoon Network
it's bad enough most of them came from Yea Forums..
It's called being a child you dip
You must be one of those zoomers who fancy themselves a millennial
>ywn again be sat in the back carseat reading the instruction booklet in so much wonder that you didn't hear mom asking where you wanted to go for dinner tonight
I agree with what you're saying. I have a feeling though, in some very distant future, that the upbringings of generations will become homogeneous over time. I'm not sure if that will be when space colonies exist or what, but I just get the feeling that Earth is destined for something like that at some point. (ex: 60 years of children being raised where life is basically the same for everyone until they're adults.)
Shit buzzwords. You're older and should know better.
>He thinks we're getting space colonies
You're optimistic
Millennials is a broad term. I'm 34 and technically considered one.
I think I'm going to build my childhood dream DOS PC next year if I can source all the components at a reasonable price. I've wanted a Roland MT-32 for like thirty years now.
>that editing
God I hate TV.
What the fuck are you going to use that for that you can't already get through emulation?
It's not anything I can't get through emulation, I've just always wanted one and now I have disposable income. Building my childhood dream PC will be a fun, satisfying endeavor. And I still have all my old games from when I was a kid on both 5.25 and 3.5 inch floppy.
>Case in point, current kids will be talking in 10-20 years about how great Fortnite was and how "today's kids just can't understand". You can't stop it, and you can't change it, so just accept it. You don't have to change your own opinions, just recognize that they are people like you and they are affected by the same sensations, and that their opinions are too affected in kind.
Yeah that's true. I remember years ago when people said the late 00s-early 10s were when everything went to shit, and "le 90s" were better.
Now in 2019 Early Zoomers post childhood nostalgia for the late 00s-early 10s, when it was considered the downfall into shit by those older than them. Same will happen with late 10s-early 20s Fortnite nostalgia.
>on both 5.25 and 3.5 inch floppy
lmao those probably don't work anymore
Last time I checked (2014) they were still fine, so hopefully they're fine. They haven't been exposed to any tough conditions or severe changes in humidity.
Seeing Halo 3 and Minecraft nostalgia threads here was something else. I still popped on those threads since I liked both of those games, but seeing that most anons posting were kids around the release of those fucking made me look in the mirror for grey hairs.
Yea Forums used to hate on those games years ago, but now is nostalgic for them. It's because this board (and the internet) has a fixed general audience of 13-21 year olds, that new people cycle in and out of.
I still remember when you'd get laughed off of the board for trying to talk about Halo 1 or World of Warcraft
I remember people getting ribbed for Halo CE/'babby's first FPS'. It's all good. I still give people shit on this board for dumb things but in the end we're dumb faggots that just like vidya. I just get tired of the effortless memes, shitpost cycles and opinions that rival game journalists when it comes to ignorance.
Who the fuck actually ever hated Minecraft? For what, even? The "culture" around it got obnoxious when it got popular, but there never was anything inherently wrong with the game. It's just a charming autism enabler. Don't pretend like no one here played it back then.
Fortnite is Roblox tier.
EverQuest when it was worth a shit.
Holy fuck user you just brought back some memories. Not of that game, but that compaq desktop.
I remember getting spider-man the movie game in 2002 for my 8th birthday present, and all the kids at my party were pissed when we found out we couldn't go on the streets when I wanted to show them the game.
You know what, user? You're alright
You look like me
I remember a buddy of mine in 8th grade telling me about Ultima Online when it first came out and swearing up and down that I needed to get it.
So I did, and I was hooked, but we only had one phone line, and my parents were sick of the line getting tied up. In the end I convinced them to get a second phone line and I got a summer job on a local farm to help pay for it. Looking back, I think they were looking for a reason to get a second phone line anyways, but thinking about 90s MMOs really brings back memories. Thanks user.
I miss the golden days. Feels old man
i like megaman x too
sub to YT channel
tomorrow i will stream mmx
Phantasy Star Online v1 and the Dreamcast in general lead to an eventual second landline. No first job, but I did all kinds of work around the house, yard work around the neighborhood and helped out on my grandparents farm to make up for it and get more games. Lost weight, gained muscle and got to play DC online during its heyday. Still have my DC keyboard. Good times.
I was born in born 1999 and I had an entire box of pogs.
This thread is literally a "Only 90's kids will understand" thread.
Nostalgia fags are the worst.
Pogs peaked three years before you were born zoomer
Imagine unironically being this delusional.
You are welcome fellow anons, never forget the MMO hustle on a fucking prebuilt PCs, trying to be quiet so you don't wake your mom up to bitch at you at 3 AM on a school night.
So are you complaining about a thread blatantly starting with nostalgia in mind or the replies so far?
zoomer means anyone who is living the years they will be nostalgic for right now
I feel like the gen after the gamecube/PS2 kind of killed the feeling of excitement for videogames in general.
You don't even get a goddamn manual with your game anymore to inform you of all the mechanics which is just goddamn bullshit.
Videogames are truly dead and it's one of the reasons I pretty much pirate every new game that comes out now even if I have an interest in it (and emulate older ones that are too expensive because of scalpers).
That happened already for long, long stretches of time, due to cultures being disconnected and to things not changing all that much. That was in the past when people were less connected. The 20th century is when you've seen the world get much faster in how it changes and progresses, and I see no reason to expect that to decrease in the 21st century, as more and more people become interconnected.
People here never hated minecraft, they just got tired of it. What they hated was notch being a lazy piece of shit and was not very good at programming.
I'm more annoyed by CoD posting not being instant shitflinging. Might as well talk about fucking Madden here too.
Why wouldn't we talk about Madden? It's a game.
Yea Forums is our EA cancer containment board, thank you
I had pogs and I never understood them.
*Early 10s.
Late 00s were still kino.
Bieber didn't even exist in the late 00s.
Oh my god you're that faggot in every thread who says "Zoomers are 21stcenturyborns" or "2005-2009 was still boomer".
How is that any better?
For the record, I do realize that the late 00s weren't as great as I remember them. But they were still boomer.
>tfw all your friends you used to play lots of vidya with are now just living the wagecuck life
>you will never has as much freetime as you did when you were a child/teenager
>you will never have as much fun as you did when you were a child/teenager
>late 10s
In other words, the 10s? Why do you try to separate the early 10s from the late 10s? This whole decade has been one steaming pile of pig shit, there's no "good part". It's all the same sterile, soulless, culture.
I think the thing is that "only 90's kids" people are getting old now, while back in 2012 or so, they were the age that "zoomers" are now.
I remember putting a blanket in front of my door to block the screen light and the computer noise from escaping the room.
"I' d prefer for you to be quiet."
>What they hated was notch being a lazy piece of shit and was not very good at programming.
I remember how that Jeb guy had to fix a lot of things after Minecraft's "official release" back in late-2011, like the maximum height.
I had the biggest kid boner for slammers
Anything past Dreamcast is zoomer.
Yeah no I'm sorry. You're putting GameCube/PS2 in the same category as the Switch/PS4? You're retarded.
Yes. Retro = boomer.
GameCube/PS2 is super retro.
Going to your local rental shop and picking a game for the weekend for 5 bucks.
lo lwhat?
Did I stutter?
2 page black and white instruction manuals that show a screenshot of the controller buttons isn't a manual.
Repent, zoomer.
But not those sweet 20+ page manuals
Things have gotten progressively worse as time went on. What you're saying is true, but that doesn't mean it's right. Fortnite is a shitty fad and in no way does it compare to like Pokemon back in its hayday, or Nintendo way back in its hayday in the 80s.
Yea Forums is a promised land, accept it.
Or DivX.
There is literally a Megaman X collection available in stores now.
At least you will never know what it feels like to have your VCR eat your tapes.
Ignorance is truly bliss.
Is it just me, or are Yea Forums users generally a lot more spiteful towards each other now, compared to back then? I know there was a lot of trolling and shitposting on Yea Forums even back then, but these days it feels like everything on this board revolves around "OTHER Yea Forums USERS BTFO".
Zoomers will never know the joy of calling things gay, calling your friends faggots, calling people bitches in public with literally no one batting an eye at it.
Remember Alf? He's back... in pog form!
I'M A Yea Forums USER
Im 18 and I watched VHS tapes all the time as a kid.
>Was born in 1992
>Remember being on Yea Forums when I was considered "young" on here myself
>These days it feels like most other people on Yea Forums are younger than I am
same, childhood was pure this life is merely shadow of it
>yfw i remember buying old used vcrs without AGC with my uncle to copy movies from the vcr store
putting disk into ps4 feels like that tqbh
People tend to be nostalgic for the stuff they had as a kid.
I miss movie gallery. 3 bucks to rent a game for a week with discount.
Having an AI controlled podracer rubber band, then slam you into a wall, right before getting to the finish line?
Same with Yea Forums liking a game at release them hating it a month later. Yea Forums users are so afraid of being disappointed and having what they like being ridiculed that they pretend to hate things even if they secretly like them. It has always been kind of a Tsundere board
>youtube is showing me some new rock bands ads
i-is it coming back? will we go back to the 90s fo'real?
Echoing my fellow boomer
This gen is probably the weakest. Next gen is going to be worse because live services will be replaced with cloud gaming and streaming.
uinronically sh*t game
t.year 2000 zoomer
downfall era doesn't mean everything was straight up garbage on day one, it just means things started getting worse, NOW we are closer and closer to garbage era
being able to retire
owning a home
Most of us are reminiscing about the early 2000s, dumbass.
I don't miss rewinding tapes with my little boy fingers at all to be desu with you.
>tfw you realize the player has a rewind feature built in
How to make a decent thread...
>but these days it feels like everything on this board revolves around "OTHER Yea Forums USERS BTFO".
Pretty much. Nothing represents it better than the current state of MH threads.
No it doesn't.
>putting tape over the broken tab to record on it again
I miss VHS.
>I'm getting pretty sick of all of their games feeling like "just enough"
This is a great summation of Nintendo for the last 15 years. I hate how much nostalgia I have for them. This company could be so much better but it's like they're intentionally throttling at 50%. It's just tiring at this point. Switch is the least invested I've ever been in one of their devices, it's just not doing it for me anymore.
>This company could be so much better
Define better
TORtanic really ruined Yea Forums
>tfw you wanted to watch your favorite VHS
>forgot to rewind it
>tfw at this point, most Yea Forums users weren't even on here when TORtanic was going on
cheap plastic.... home....
And I think E3 2012.
I wonder how this or Wolfenstein's "Can I play, Daddy?" difficulty level would be received by nowadays? Anyway my entry is games mocking players for being indecisive or playing on easy mode.
>Rides in malls
Sarcasm or humor in general. Then again my generation will never understand the need to get offended about anything for no fucking reason.
Agreed, people who are saying that adulthood is hell are stuck in the transition phase.
Replace "work" with "school" and it was basically the same. You didn't need money to keep your home and shit, but had strict rules instead. And did you genuinely enjoyed all those forced visits to see relatives and other people you barely even cared for?
I still have the sound of the tape whirring round the heads in my mind from the millions of times I would put a tape in, although I'll never hear it again so perhaps it'll become more distorted as time goes on. I kinda miss the adverts before the movie, mostly because you could skip them by just fast forwarding the tape to the start of the film, but they also felt a bit more special than the ones on DVD.
>tfw remembering the DVD trailers that you couldn't skip, pause, fast forward or stop but you COULD rewind them and make them start again FROM THE FUCKING BEGINNING.
Really made me miss VHS.
>And did you genuinely enjoyed all those forced visits to see relatives and other people you barely even cared for?
I thought I'm the only one. I agree with everything you said.
In 2014 people born 1992-1994 were shitted on, and people born 1995-1997 were still considered literal children. Then the invasion of 2000s born zoomers happened so quickly, and now nearly everyone born in the 90s is considered acceptable, with the exception of 1999 zoomers
FUCK Applebees.
Remember those ads on vhs, advertising how crisp and clear dvd picture and sound was... On a vhs.
or QuickTime
not even knowing or caring who the developer was at all
My memory is very vague, but the oldest thing that I remember being on Yea Forums for was when Megaman Legends 3 was canceled, and that was shortly after I turned 19.
i don't understand how if you don't remember 9/11 thats zoomer tier yet people born in the early-mid 90s wouldn't remember it all that well either?
not according to /vr/ zoomer
I miss /rs/ so fucking much
What a treasure trove that was.
The mall I used to go to as a kid is so dead. Take me back
>And did you genuinely enjoyed all those forced visits to see relatives and other people you barely even cared for?
I mean I did because those relatives I barely cared for had cousins that I could do fun things with. I always enjoyed being around my family so this is a feel I can't relate to. That said, even with all the problems of childhood, if I had the wisdom back then to know what was to come I would've savored every moment of it
>And did you genuinely enjoyed all those forced visits to see relatives and other people you barely even cared for?
Like I don't have to suffer through that shit now.
2019.... I am forgotten
I doubt anyone under the age of 26 will know what this is without reading filename
>zoomer = gen Z
>gen z = the "homelander" generation born after 2001
>homelander = sociology term associated with the creation of homeland security and parental fears for their children that started in the new millennium (ie terrorism, pedofiles, child abduction, etc.)
if u meme it any other way youre wrong
private servers
>ie terrorism, pedofiles, child abduction, etc.
pretty shit distinction. pedophiles, abduction, serial killers and shit were huge fears in the 70s and 80s before DHS
Dude, people born in 1999 are the first ones who biologically cannot have memories of the early 2000s (2000-2003). No way they're not zoomers
In all reality, people forget how good VHS could look. Most movies didn't get properly remastered until the late '90s when they became concurrently available on DVD as well. I have a small VHS collection that I watch from time to time when I'm feeling nostalgic, and I've got a few duplicate tapes from when they were originally released and then later remastered editions. Raiders of the Lost Ark's release from 1984 vs the 1999 re-release is fucking night and day, borderline DVD quality on the latter. Hell, even the 1990 release of the Star Wars trilogy vs. the 1995 remaster will give you whiplash. There's a bit more analog "fuzz" in VHS tapes, but on the other hand, if you're using a really nice TV/monitor to watch, then the DVDs will have visible digital compression. Hi-Fi audio which became standard on most VHS tapes in the mid 80s makes for CD-quality audio.
People love to shit on VHS, but with a clean VCR and good audio setup, it's still a highly enjoyable way to watch a movie. And I just love analog technology for how simple and direct it is. No log-ins, no load times, no forced trailers, commercials or menus, just fucking content. It's literally quicker for me to pop a tape into my VCR and get to the movie than it is to boot up my smart TV and search for what I want in Netflix or Amazon or whatever. It's one of those weird paradoxes where people are fooled into thinking something is more convenient when it really isn't at all.
Yeah, that's not true.
If you can't remember watching 9/11 happen, you're a zoomer
PlayStation 2 power button?
Says who? Couldn't I just as easily say "If you don't remember watching the Tiananmen Square Demonstrations you're not a Millennial"?
After all, I have as much authority on the subject as you do.
>tfw the VCR ate tapes of my dad playing drums for a local death metal band
>friday night
>get to go to block buster
>1 game
>1 snack
>1 drink
I think I've used that same model VCR.
If you can remember 2002-2004 and millennial kid culture you are not a full fledged zoomer
That not what the PS2's power switch looked like. That looks like some old PC switch, or maybe a paper copier.
PS/2 (IBM Personal System/2)
Im a zoomer and did the same shit.
Renting films and games from extravision.
Honestly, this whole "cultural" debate is just getting retarded. I used to argue that "Boomer culture" lasted from 1950-2010, and "Zoomer culture" from 2010-present. But now, I realize it's a whole lot more complex than that. There's no such thing as a culture that purely belongs to one group. Even our current culture, which I still associate primarily with Zoomers, has a lot of Millennial bullshit in it.
The truth is, there wasn't ever actually a golden age. We just pick out the good parts of the past and try to get them to represent the whole, while ignoring all the crap. I've just now come to terms with this.
Ah, that was before my use of computers. Was still shitting my pants in the late 80's.
How do we go back?
>when you taped the wrong channel
What counts as zoomer to you faggots? I was born in ‘00. First videogame was pokemon red on the gameboy color. First “TV” I watched was vhs tapes of Spiderman (‘67) and Scooby doo, Where are you. I specifically remember watching “Which witch is which” at least 12,000 times, and that aired in ‘69. I remember shitting my fucking pants when my dad brought home a TV with a vhs AND dvd player. The only taste I got of modern shit was because my parents were movie pirates and all of my dad’s friends were game collectors, so I would get handed down shit like a gameboy advanced or a Playstation. My dad got paid way too fucking much at his job, so for christmas in ‘11 he got everyone their own xbox 360, that’s probably the first time I owned anything “up to date”.
Oh sorry, I mean “Yeah fortnite, WOO”
>tfw I have a very shitty memory, so most stuff from the past is a blur to me
iPhone shouldn’t be on here let alone the new one it should be like a gen 1-2 iPod Touch
iPhones were insanely expensive when they first came out and like no one but rich people had them
You were born in 2000, so I would ordinarily call you the first Zoomer, but considering your taste, you're an honorary Boomer.
>Morton Koopa Jr.
Is Bowser's real name Morton?
You have no memory of how life was before Youtube and Myspace, you're a zoomer
You're a zoomer who lived as a boomer. A Z-boomer.
Destroy Apple
Don't bother with him, he's a retard.
He was born in 1994 so most of his cognizant childhood was in the 2000s. He desperately tries to justify this by claiming only the first half as "late millennial" while disregarding the equally good second half.
He also is an avid fan of noted YouTube autist Benthelooney.
Honestly got real comfy reading that right now.
>Any streaming site
>Click on any part of the page
>A million windows pop up, only to instantly killed by ublock or firefox's built in security
I fucking hate ads.
Based zoomber
That's why you always go with a top loader
But did you have a walkman?
I remember the days when game data being erased was a tragedy among tragedies. Now I have to worry about bills and my parent's health at times.
I have 3, probably still work gotta try my Michael Jackson's Dangerous cassette one of these days
Considering how many alternatives there are now that aren't as shit, yeah, no, Yea Forums just wouldn't care.
Pure aesthetics.
MH Threads make me despise console wars even more than usual. They used to be chill and helpful, now it's just shitposting over World and GU.
so i'm not the only one who has a fascination with smelling books and booklets
>And did you genuinely enjoyed all those forced visits to see relatives and other people you barely even cared for?
My mom gives me shit for not going to those anymore even though I'm 21.
based mom
>tfw remember this shit fondly but not stuck longing for the past to come back
Don't be the guy whining and whining about how things were better and the present is shit, I know too many of those already. Make something of the now already.
GameCube is for people like me in their early 20s who are right on the edge between Gen Z and Millennial. Is there a word for that? There really should be.
>come home from school at 1 pm and load up Half Life1/Sim City 3000/Tiberian Sun
Definitely. Yeah Yea Forums was still kinda shit, but at least the ratios of decent threads was more 4:10 instead of 1:10.
Liking things is cringe.
Hating things is fucking based.
Nice rebuttal.
You'll probably reply with SEETHING or something
Too many console wars, too much political shit, too much need to out-edge and out-anger.
my family had a CRT TV and a VCR until 2007, and I'm only 21
seriously though, how young do you have to be to have legitimately never even touched a VHS tape before?
ignorance =/= innocence
it is about feeling, not about knowing
I've started seeing people born in the second half of the 90s (mainly 1997) call themselves zillennials. I predict though that everyone will eventually stop being so goddamn nitpicky and generation z will strictly be 21st century onward
Its a objective fact that the late 00s-early 10s are a terrible era, just like its an objective fact that since 1950s, the USA has been in decline. So what if people feel nostalgia for it? People always will.
The late 00s were all right. If you just turned off the TV and radio and played games, talked to friends, and used the Internet, it was great.
Everything went downhill in the 2010s once "the system" took those as well.
I don't think it's much of a picky thing, culture and technology changed really fast in the late 00s to early 10s. As someone who was born in the late 90s and matured pretty early, I was on the last vestiges of GeoCities/Angelfire era internet in elementary school. Those old vidya fansites I used to go on back then became pretty much irrelevant quickly after. People who were born even in, say, 2000 or 2001 never got to experience that. They also didn't experience much of Newgrounds, aside from the porn games maybe. For god's sake, they're too early to remember &fmt=18.
Newgrounds and Geocities were pretty big in 2007-2009. Geocities died in October '09, and Newgrounds started dying out around 2010.
2009 was the last year of "Wild West Internet".
Having to watch anime on VHS because there was no internet. Being HAPPY you could watch ANY anime because tapes were fucking expensive.
Yeah, that's a pretty good rule to follow.
Yeah it is
>posts photo of zoomer larper who was probably born in the 2000s
>seeing these things that were modern to me when I was younger benig some "chic" trendy shit for zoomer chicks to hold up in pictures for likes on social media
oh my god, i'm ancient
Man this fuckin hurts
Fucks black guys etc
>Implying I haven't been watching VHS tapes for the past 30 years
hi Yea Forums.
Have Sex
>tfw I got a few VHS tapes from my cousin who got it from his friend
>Dirty Pair Flash
>Those Who Hunt Elves
>Wicked City
It was absolutely kino.
Why didn't you just get an RGB CRT?
>tfw got banned for sperging out on a prerelease thread because it was full of console war shitposting
And then it ended up being shit.
>whenever a kid starts to cry their parents just hand them their phone
>kids everywhere with phones and tablets in their hands
>all they do is watch those weirdass videos from india titled ELSA PREGNANT SPIDERMAN PLAY DOH SLIME FUNNY FOR KIDS
>mfw thinking about the autistic freaks these kids are going to be when they grow up
>that sound is forever etched into your memory
she's like 30 but refuses to grow up
I have no idea where she gets so much money but she has massive collections of pretty much anything you could possibly have nostalgia for from the 90s to early 2000s
pretty sure she still lives with her parents as well
>>mfw thinking about the autistic freaks these kids are going to be when they grow up
I remember the times around 2011 and 2012 when people thought that bronies were the most autistic thing ever. I wonder if the future will get to the point where bronies will seem normal in comparison to the people that grew up with those weird YouTube videos.
>mfw thinking about the autistic freaks these kids are going to be when they grow up
user, there are 15 year olds born in 2004 right now
>teacher rolls in the TV on wheels with Eyewitness Documentary vhs
Every episode is up on the digital archive project site for torrenting. Since different companies own different seasons of the show, its unfortunately the only way you'll ever get to see most of them, since there probably won't be physical releases.
God this really activates some deep childhood memories.
Also I can't not post this
actually, I still have several full color gba, gamecube, and ds manuals I used to read all the time.
*dabs on your dusty old boomer grave*
now there's a BITCH that needs to get FUCKING BLACKED!!!
>literally the most media-intensive event of all time
>everyone talking about nothing else for months
I was born in 1990 and I remember it vividly
Fuck, why can't we go back
>say something in chat
>don’t get banned and waste money
Zoomer will never get it.
>fortunate enough to see two different friend groups pretty much weekly
>they finally outgrew the bar scene
>they still just wanna set around and fucking talk/drink at any gathering. I never get to see just 2-3 of them and have some vidya fun anymore, it's always 8+ people unable to decide on what the fuck to do. And if we do actually play a game it's a """game""" like Jackbox or cards against (oh the) humanity
Hello ARR.
This place was total trash from 09-12, you couldn't make a meaningful vidya thread at all without it being some sort of general, people just posted Yea Forumsshit instead because why bother at that point
>Anything M rated because my dad was cool we only rented stuff when my mom/sister were out of town (they were/are happily married)
>Dr Pepper
>Turok Rage Wars or Mario Party
>Orange Soda
I enjoy tabletop games with friends, but yeah once you get a large group of people, video games become cumbersome to do unless you plan a larger-scale event.
You're lucky you got groups to still hang out with. I can get a hold of my friends from high school or college to meet-up maybe once a year. Other than that, they're too busy with wives/girlfriends/lives/careers.
Time is gone from us.
09-12 was reddit boogeyman Yea Forums.
Fags were calling everything "neo-Yea Forums" like it actually meant something at that point.
Best mechanics.
>Sleepover back in middle school
>Just had one of my best bros over, we stayed up til 3 am playing chrono trigger voicing the characters
>The motherfucker did one of the aunt's voices from simpsons whenever lucca came on screen
>still miss those nights
Nothin's better than late night rpg play throughs with the lads, I highly reccomend it.
>people just posted Yea Forumsshit instead because why bother at that point
I would honestly take the Yea Forumsshit from back then over the political shit on Yea Forums now. I probably just feel this way because I got here around 2011 myself, though.
I'm going to lose my best friends due to how shitty my country is, i have been trying too much to find a new group to play games with. It is not working at all
>Back when most Yea Forums users were freaking out about MLP
>These days there's only one autist that still gets mad about MLP
Weird to think how fast things change.
When DVD came around in the late 90s I couldn't wait to get rid of all my tapes. Don't have much nostalgia for shitty quality and rewinding, so I'm just reminded of how good we have it now.
I kinda prefer the mechanics explained in the game, I just liked manuals for their unique story tidbits, funny writing, and artwork not shown outside the manual.
Mostly because jannies/mods clamped down on ponies for a couple of years. Plus I heard the show is finally winding down. You'll still see a shitposter or 2 trying to elicit some replies with a pony op image, but politics is now the topic of choice for shitposting
I fucking hate the term Zoomer and Boomer, they're such forced memes. Stop dividing people with words that sound like they came form a Dr. Suess book and speak like fucking people.
Haven't played them but I've seen articles written on how insulted gamejournos are by the difficulty names.
>but politics is now the topic of choice for shitposting
I honestly feel out of place on Yea Forums these days because of this. It's not that I'm offended, but I do still find the stuff in this image more relatable and familiar than all the political fighting that Yea Forums has now.
who /gorillavid/ here?
i remember watching the entirety of the big bang theory on that
i thought calling myself that and conflating myself with actual baby boomers was just a joke
>without it being some sort of general
You mean people actually talking about the game and not swerving towards politics, consolewars bullshit, or crying about SWJs. Even when we were shitposting back then, it wasn't as bad as it is now.
>blockbuster after school on Fridays
this gave me memories
2000chad here
I don't see anything worth having here
Shitskin boomers will just have to get over it