Early game enemy reappears as stronger recolored variant

>early game enemy reappears as stronger recolored variant

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Most lazy thing I see every single mother fucking time. I hate it so much.

it's really not that shocking

Only (((Nintendo))) does this because they have no ideas.

>early game enemy reappears stronger but still looking the same

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>early game enemy is the final boss

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>Nintendo is somehow Jewish now
>implying not every arpg and jrpg ever made are offenders of it

Literally Persona

>boss is just a shitload of the weakest tiny enemies
>there's so many it's harder than actual late game bosses because you can't avoid all damage

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>Early game mini boss enemy that was actually hard is just a grunt to you in mid game
>Mid game hard miniboss gets stomped by you in genocide numbers in late game
>Late game bosses that fuck your shit up will fear your pattern recognition skills and ever upgrading character in new game+ laps

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>dragon quest

>starting melee weapon is really strong

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This was the most ironic part of KH3.

>early game door reappears as stronger recoloured door

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>boss gets defeated
>0 hp
>keeps fighting until he's at -100

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>>Nintendo is somehow Jewish now
they fight youtube content creators to take their ad money
they charge $79,99 for cardboard
they don't lower the price of their games

sounds like a bunch of hooked nose kikes to me.

>starting weapon can be upgraded near the end of the game to become the strongest weapon

I hoard equipment in every game in fear of this

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>enemies can attack you in the pause menu

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>first major boss turns into a rare enemy with the only difference being lower health
>the rare elite enemy turns into a semi-common encounter
>the game eventually just stops giving a shit and drops ambushes with multiple minibosses on your ass

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>they don't lower the price of their games
Why should they?

>they know

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poop sorry meant for

this shit is unsettling

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>Bandit Thug in DLC hits harder than Elite Champion at end of main game

Power creep is still power creep, no matter how you package it

here have one where he stares at (You)

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>Bandit Thug hit harder than a dragon

>drugged tribals are more durable than power armored soldiers

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sounds like every fucking Halo

>NPCs hail you as their champion
>get into fight with random palace guard
>he hits harder than you and takes less damage

>destroy waves of enemy mobs with ease
>cutscenes after with a few more
>There's too many of them!

>NPC: pssh, I can take care of myself. Try to keep up.
>they can't take care of themselves. And you run faster.

It's not lazy at all. It's a move that doubles the enemy types, of which you can only afford to make so many base ones.

>they move faster than you walk but slower than you run

Thats without elaboration.
Recolor is fine if the enemy actually has some neat properties. Now, if you recolor + change speed/movement with the same animations it could be neat.
But really, if you also change moveset a little, or even just the AI pattern of which attacks is common, or how it strafes it could be cool.

That said, if your game only has 2 humanoid enemy types + 5 monsters + 4 bosses, its not a good sign.

Thats a nice way to spell Square, Sega and Enix user.

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based underage

>Unarmed is stronger than actual weapons because its faster

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>It's not lazy at all.

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