>Catering to people who were never going to buy your game
Catering to people who were never going to buy your game
Other urls found in this thread:
>while making it worse for people who actually did want to buy it and now no longer will
It's a lose-lose!
I will not buy it. New at least. Literally cause of this.
What transphopic lines? I don't remember any.
Censorship of this sort is never about catering their product to a new crowd, it's the established powers forcing their ideology on companies to prove they are still in control. It's just a power play, it has nothing to do with sales.
>I could care less
>could care less
>I want this change in the game
>I don't actually care about the game though and wouldn't buy it either way
>people who complain about games, but never actually buy/play them
>people who complain about the industry catering, only buying the games they want
>casuals who have no idea what's going on and keep buying the new fifa/cod
there's no winning scenario, casuals are a silent mass that feed companies to keep making shit cash grabs.
Enjoy the few good games you still have.
The credits saying Eric instead of Erica and a line where Vincent says he doesn't want to hear about how women feel from someone like Erica.
>a line where Vincent says he doesn't want to hear about how women feel from someone like Erica
Doesn't that simply mean Vincent is transphobic, not the game itself?
Where's the issue?
>complain about censorship
Get fucked. Get absolutely fucked.
I don't get it. Literally waht will happen if they don't pander to these people? An onlinepetition? Death threats? A "couple" of missing sales (Assuming they even intended to buy)
You were never going to buy it either so why do you care?
Your cheating manbabby chauvinistic protag, where being a bit of a douche who needs to grow up is his entire thing, isn't allowed to be insensitive and lash out at his friend with a possibly borderline transphobic remark.
Because reasons.
Games aren't allowed to have characters that think lowly of anything trans.
You figured it out. I'm the same.
Trannies are extra sensitivity faggots that live in a literal bubble, do you really think this people can deal with negativity in any form? They kill themselves in dozens for a reason.
Learning the deadname of a tranny is like learning the name of a demon, it gives you power over them.
I was. Now I’m buying the Japanese version. Fuck you.
Keep in mind everyone that W.H.O classifies transgender as a non mental illness BUT playing to much vidya is. LMAO
It's 1984. Only the proles have the power to overthrow the corrupted government but the proles are too sedated and consumerist to even know there's a problem.
My backlog is too vast to care about a censored rerelease of a last gen puzzle game.
Faux anger via disingenuous articles written by virtue signalling games journos.
The people who don’t pay attention to any of this stuff and buy the games anyway are the big piece in the puzzle. No matter how much the actual fans complain it won’t matter because companies only speak in sales numbers and if a game sells, they don’t care about any negative feedback. No matter how many shitty things EA and Activision do it won’t matter because the masses who don’t know/care will buy their games anyway and make fat stacks.
Probably some forced outrage on gaming journalism websites and twitter, the wider audience won't give a fuck though as usual, and people who were interested in the game will buy it anyway.
Erica was giving advice on how to get the ladies and a character said I’d rather get my advice from an actual woman.
MMMM, BOOMBOX, smash, crash, splash & splatter.
The thing is, you're allowed to have Hitler as an enemy and kill him. Just don't let him be ___ist or ____phobic with his character lines because how DARE U, ___IST & ____PHOBIC GAME DEVS.
>getting triggered by something almost completely irrelevant
Which is in character for Vincent, since he's a bit of an insensitive dickbag.
Based. Id say the same
im glad you used the lexicon triggered, or else i wouldve thought you were /leftypol/ haha
The credits isn't Vincent
Being real here, I hate old people as much as I hate twitter celebrities.
there's no escape, enjoy the rest of your life playing the next fifa game user. Also pay for microtransactions.
My dude.
That's just my opinion but I bet the marketing guys are a bunch of normies that spend all their time on twitter. Everywhere I worked on that had a marketing team was full of normies. I mean at least it works right?
But is Captain Consuelos -not- an erotic FPS?
Media isn't allowed to portray anything negative regardless of context.
Deadname literally sounds like something you need to find before you can shatter the lich's phylactery.
Remember when “voting with your wallet” still seemed like a viable strategy? Now, it just seems like a elaborate lie to trick the consumers into thinking they can make a difference.
Nah, it's still valid if it's a niche product. Obsidian's homoerotic liberal wonderland game bombed in sales after they treated their audience like shit while shilling for Tumblr and Discord.
What is everyone going to get instead of Fullbody? There are a lot of good games coming late 2019, I'd like to shill for Dragon Quest Builders 2, Nioh 2 and Wasteland 3.
not a mental illness btw
>i could care less
why do trannies trigger polcels so bad?
I know 4 trans people, all of them are chill and don't give a shit about stuff like this
I think it's just a selection bias thing: The only time you know somebody is trans online is when they are obnoxious about it, so obviously it's gonna seem like all trans people are obnoxious
I know two trannies, one is chill and doesn't go on about this shit all the time, the other is a drama king who has stopped talking about anything other than how he's a girl since he decided to chop his dick off.
>from an actual woman
OK, so how is that transphobic? I don't understand.
If people like to call themselves ''trans women'', then the term ''actual women'' should not be offensive. You can pretend you are women, but until you call yourself trans women it means you are not THE normal/regular/actual women.
what a complete non-story
i absolutely do not give a fuck if a drag queen gets named in the credits
in the communities ive been in that have both trans people and alt-right wingers, the trans people are basically normal whereas the /pol/ psychos never shut up about their faggot opinions
this also transfers to Yea Forums where anybody who's trans rarely if ever talks about it, but posters who hate them are constantly throwing tantrums and trying to direct the subject to transgenderism so they can bitch and moan
don't try to understand, it's people who just want a reason to be angry.
The irony of someone on Yea Forums saying this.
>they closed their twitter
We live in a day and age where mentally ill people who will eventually commit suicide due to their damages have absolute control over the media market.
To be honest, this tranny shit isn't what I wanted out of Catherine, so I won't buy it too.
Guess they're more afraid of bad publicity from MSM. Imagine headlines like "This is the hateful game and the company behind it that Trump voters LOVE!"
Sounds like a based game if they market it like that IMO. Not even a /ptg/ person.
I know 4 trannies who all killed themselves. Very sad.
The MSM would never give one iota of a fuck about a game like this. It is too obscure, and furthermore people IRL give zero fucks about ResetEra too.
>Very sad.
Not really.
did you just go on Yea Forums yestarday?
I've had that book for a while, and I've been meaning to read it. Is it a worthwhile read?
Wait, what? What game? What happened?
boomer here, can someone explain to me what a dead name means or is?
is it a name of a dead family member or parent?
>these are the people calling you a nazi incel
game is literally altered because some mentally ill might get offended by it
>in the communities ive been
either stay there or fucking kill yourself you waste of oxygen
i feel bad for your parents
Calling them a name that was used before they become a tranny.
i.e. calling Narcissa Wright Cosmo
deadnaming is a retarded meme. you dont suddenly get a clean slate. im going to acknowledge things youve dont in the past
Do you call married women by their maiden names too, or is there maybe more to this?
its not even transphobic it simply is the truth.
a transwoman isnt the same as a woman and wont ever be.
If you want advice on how women think, a transwoman probably isnt a good call.
Not only do they not think the same way, they also dont have the same expiriences as women have.
THe way you approach dating probably is very different when your teenage years are filled with awkwardly fucking around with teenage boys rather than, i dont know, beeing clinically depressed because you have the urge to cut off your dick.
a line and a name in the credits got changed and you're getting more offended than the trannies would have
bad press.
In that case, you can either commit or you cant.
At that point you have to react somehow, and saying "no u" requires work and a social media team that wont cave to pressure.
Considering this is a japanese publisher that dont give a flying fuck about the west, better to just change it to something the stupid savages over there seemingly enjoy
It's a great book. North Korea is super fascinating. Although it's still considered Socialist, it has way more in common with National Socialism than it does with Democratic Socialism, Soviet Socialism, or Communism. Juche is basically a form of Korean Fascism and it's pretty cool that despite all the outside pressure, the North Koreans have told the outside world to fuck off. Definitely worth reading.
>you're getting more offended than the trannies would have
obviously not, we didn't demand that the company change the game, the trannies did.
what if I told you this was the primary feminist argument about transgenderism?
the gay fish one
stupid argument
bruce jenner didn't suddenly stop existing and his olympic accomplishments as bruce jenner didn't vanish
your mom's maiden name matters in the context of when she did tings while having that maiden name
Then is sounds like the feminists might be right for once.
Not that I expect you faggots to care when you're enjoying your shitposting so much but I'm pretty sure these aren't localisation changes and just changes the staff at Fatlus made themselves.
>I'll tell him that he has the same argument as someone that he MIGHT disagree with
>ha that will show him
>I will give him 2 weeks before he starts taking HRT and praising transgenders
what the fuck is wrong with you dude?
Good Japanese companies doesn't give a rat's ass about Western social issues, this is something EVERYONE should know by now.
yeah, doesnt make it wrong does it?
even a broke n clock is right twice a day.
Basically this is a very obvious truth. Everyone can see it.
The reason the trannies dont pick it up is because it dosnt benefit them, they want to be seen as women just like any other woman. I get that this pisses them off, but lifes hard.
the reason feminists pick this up is an entierly different one. Its not because its correct, even if it werent correct they would still say that. Why? Because men beeing able to become women takes power away from feminists. To them its a power grab.
Their entire ideology revolves around taking away power from men and giving it to women. If someone can just click the switch team button, their entire system crumbles.
yeah, its super stupid that political correctness goes on at this degree and effectively censors any type of "negative" statements in the fiction. you cant have a character having even a slight sing of phobia toward any kind of groups anymore regardless of the context.
which one?
birth name of a tranny.
ironic isnt it? they call it a DEAD name when it's the name they were given when LIFE began.
Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire, he's probably talking about. People like to think it was the progressive writing and developers that made the game get shat on via critics and sales, but it was just a boring fucking game.
>gif related
This, but unironically.
that's really sad... their parents must be hurt. a name is no small thing, why would they abandon their given name because they want to have sex with certain people?
i feel terrible for their parents.
i have two kids in their 20's, both are pretty stable and healthy, i'm so thankful they didn't turn out to be like so many of these broken millennials with their mental disorders and self infliction
Exactly. This is exactly how my family felt before my niece finally smartened up. She still goes by her fucking fake name on FB still, for some reason, despite being a mom, engaged to a dude a year older than me
Surprised Faltus gave enough of a fuck when they kept a girl getting rapped and beat that tried to kill herself in P5. They normal don't seem to care too much.
To be fair that was before Sony started taking their side.
It's not Jap Atlus, it's US Atlus. Better known as the glorified translators who can't pronounce a Japanese name to save their life and now faggots.
hey, what happened to the all "girls" speedrunning event?
That is why i'm surprised. Most times Jap Atlus has them of a tight leash.
The only people who label themselves as "trans women" are the ones who don't pass or can't hide that they are.
Youd never find a passable trans getting upset over that. It's actually a divisive issue in the trans community. You have ugly man looking 'women' upset at one's you have to question just because they're better off. The infighting is actually the only women like thing they do.
these mentally ill retards flip the script whenever it suits their outrage, no sense rationalizing it
This is incredibly weak bait
atlus usa has always been trash
>um, we're cutting out the japanese voices for your own good, sweetie
>could care less
REV UP THOSE NUMBERS! how long until we reach 100%?
i think he made it. he actually looks like an ugly girl
God damn I wish all trannies were revoked of internet access.
there's a board for you
picture hardly applicable for nu-lgbtq+ community since the very core of it is formed by half roleplaying and half constant and neverending stream of complaints
>That image
Furfags are obnoxious as fuck though.
What's the most effective way of bullying a tranny to kill itself?
I'm a lefty and I still hate gays and trannies though. Probably explains why other lefties hate me but eh, what can you do.
why you call /pol/ faggots? wouldn't that make them part of lgbt?
>hey mr phil
>actually it's dr phil now that I got my phd
>fuck you fag I'm still gonna call you mr phil and nothing will ever change that
it's just common courtesy for someone to say "hey call me this instead" and you to call them that new thing instead of the old thing. I don't know why you're having an autistic fit about it when it's suddenly about queers
It hurt the crowdfunding a lot though, I was one of the backers and a lot of us were fucking furious when Obsidian abandoned the backer forums and moved their whole community involvement to Tumblr and Discord.
Dropped. Seems there’s no escaping clown world
>another twitter screen cap of some literally fucking who
Can't wait for bump limit
common courtesy is personal choice, it shouldn't be controlled by law
fucking based but also unbased because they gave into cowards
hope it was just the localization sjw faggots and not the actual devs that gave the demand
How does this make it worse?
nothing willl happen besides a bunch of self righteous faggots who have nothing better to do that pat themselves on the back for using the wrong restroom, cutting off their dicks and constant sexualizatoin of minors trying to convince them to become trannies
they deserve the rope more than normal gays
their whole being is a perversion of male and female existence
has anyone actually tried not apologizing? what happened to them?
aren't furries the most disgusting violators of hygiene at every convention they hold?
>trannies did
Did they? Citation?
>choose japanese voices
chop that dick off and RESIST CAPITALISM
-sent from my iphone
wait till they're thirty
>common courtesy
Common courtesy can either be politeness or etiquette. Politeness has nothing to do with how you address a peer and etiquette has nothing to do with conforming to something which isn't a norm.
A doctor isn't a peer, it's a title of respect for pursuing a hard and selfless profession.
What would you do in his place?
Not trying to provoke you, just to be clear. Thank God you are not in his shoes.
Time is on your side on this one, pick up popcorn and watch the moment the realisation hits them
twitter rage, articles in kotaku, polygon and any affiliated site, bad scores in reviews from those sites, becoming a reference in some "new study finds..." about discrimination, etc.
>"I have no daughter"
>"My son is dead and you killed him"
It's a pretty good argument, you probably have no issue calling people who have changed their names for non-tranny reasons by their chosen one. You like most people probably don't even mind exclusively calling people by preferred nicknames rather than obsessively using their full given name.
Your argument about past achievements is much more stupid imo.
When someone changes their name we don't refer to them by their old name when talking about their past besides one-off notes along the lines of "then called so and so". It would be weird and obsessive bordering on autistic to switch what name you call someone by based on the context of their name at the time you are talking about at the moment.
You only insist on this logic and weird justifications when it comes to trannies because you just don't like them and want to do any little thing you can to give them a hard time.
>the trans people are basically normal
yes, of course
game ruined REEEEEEEE
Lol but so no citation?
Did you see it somewhere and are too lazy to find it or are you just making assumptions?
>the trans people are basically normal
>You like most people probably don't even mind exclusively calling people by preferred nicknames rather than obsessively using their full given name.
Nicknames are used for convenience. Tranny names aren't convenient and in the way. Also nicknames are used if the person chooses to use them. You can totally ignore using a nickname someone has told you exists if you want to. So hardly a comparable argument.
>literally so degenerate that they have hiv testing at their cons
>the trans people are basically normal
we wouldn't be having this thread if trannies didn't complain you fucking dunce.
Days Gone is basically the true story of how press outrage doesn’t mean jack fucking shit, but I don’t think it was ever accused of being “transphobic”.
umm sorry we're going to have to ask you to delete your post, think about how it may make people who want to transition feel
Imagine we would
I'd like to remind you that reality has a liberal bias
Appropriate term for it because if you use it the trannies will attempt to kill you.
Social media was a mistake or at least listening to it was
Trannies trigger everyone. No one likes them. You're just mistaking normal people having a normal reaction to tranny denegeracy for, as you so eloquently put it, "polcels"
>account deleted
every time
Aren’t we walking about the credits roll of a game? Line-iteming a cast member as playing “Eric/Erica” is perfectly normal. Wikipedia still IDs John Mellencamp as “Johnny Cougar” as well, because if you’re identifying a person, using all their well-known aliases is the best way to minimize confusion.
>40% chance of total warp core breach
This is the first time I've ever heard of anybody starting with the balls. Fucking nobody does it that way precisely because androgen blockers have the same effect but are far more reversible
It's not deleted retard
This is my honest opinion, and I don't care if you attack me for it, call it bait or whatever. First of all, I am obviously not qualified to talk about it (not a doctor, psychiatrist, etc.) and this is just my opinion. Trans people are mentally ill and they need help. By that, I don't mean put them in the mental institution, but they do need a professional help, and not the motivation from other people to proceed with their sex change, taking hormones and other things. I'm sure some of them are confused, just like people in puberty who still can't figure out if they are attracted to males, females or both, and some of them will make a transition, regret it later and... well... You know.
I doubt 40% suicide rate comes purely from ''he won't call me a woman'' thinking.
It doesn't
I’m a believer in “it’s your body, treat it however you want” but I cannot imagine undergoing voluntary amputation for any reason.
It is tho.
something something population control
it's another, Yea Forums getting mad a imaginary boogie man episode
no matter what side you pick we are still humans that do the same basic shit
They actually do seek help and professionals encourage them to embrace an identity they are comfortable with instead of living perpetually in a state of self-loathing.
>imaginary boogie man episode
well somehow games keep getting censored to satiate this "imaginary" boogieman. At some point, if the boogieman has real world consequence, it doesn't matter if he's alive or not, if kids keep disappearing from their bedrooms, it doesn't matter if the boogieman is taking them or not, the consequences are the same.
A LOT of trans people don't have the surgery, some because it's fucking expensive and some because they don't want to risk losing the ability to cum or whatever
They do it because
>"iT's tHe rIgHt tHinG tO dOoOo"
Lord help the person that sleights a tranny/numale/rainbow-haired individual with something minor that they find offensive.
Hell hath no fury like that pansexual with the horn-rimmed glasses and blue hair.
any procedure that allows someone to irreversible mutilate themselves should be ding dong illegal anyway.
Just shows how evil liberal society is. Along with the mass abortion obession.
Evil ghouls masquerading as empathetic saviours.
>it's another, Yea Forums getting mad a imaginary boogie man episode
Nigga, the person here is literally saying they still won’t buy the game even after censoring it.
>It's not a good idea to make big decisions or create beliefs about yourself when you aren't in a state of equilibrium or harmony.
Lel, it's like that post-fap depression only constantly.
It doesn't but it's censorship. Fuck that.
Daily reminder that there’s two types of mental illnesses for men who want to be women. The first is purely sexual one where the fag gets of the idea of being fucked like a women, while not really wanting to be one. The other is straight up schizophrenia where men think they are actual women. The fag in the post here belongs to the first category.
what's so wrong about doing something because you think it's the morally correct thing to do?
I saw this thing on another site. Where a tranny basically ripped off several peoples work and passed it off as their own.
They had a big im a lgbt tranny sign on the page and literally said so to "git the people who hate that"
Imagine that people found a way to get away with ip theft by simply hiding behind lgbt shit. Simply to force lgbt shit on others.
Completely without morals.
>Want the game to be left as is and not changed because it's not the translators job to change shit, it's their job to translate. They aren't the writers.
>This makes you a screeching autist
The fuck's your deal?
I'll buy a copy of the original PS3 game used for $5.
>Politeness has nothing to do with how you address a peer
lol wat
It's not the creators that are having moral qualms.
I was more mocking the audience calling for the change despite not actually wanting anything to do with the product they're demanding be changed.
People aren't allowed to enjoy something unless it's based on what they deem morally "right".
There are 100x more traps that pass more than trannies, isn't that fucking weird
I'm not a transexual and I'm not a psychologist. I don't really understand the concept of "not being the same gender as your biological gender."
That said, I don't really understand the big fuss about it either. If people say they're whatever, why not just trust them about it? Does you and I no harm
where can i meet trannies bros?
i want to befriend one to make him sudoku quicker.
>it's not the localiser's job to change shit
Yes it is, though?
>freaking the fuck out over "eric/erica" being changed to "erica" in the credits of a niche Atlus puzzle game makes me a screeching autist?
Did you miss the hundreds of threads over the last several months about reeeeeeera misrepresenting what happened in the game and trying to get the director fired?
>because you think it's the morally correct thing to do?
That's mental illness, though. What's next, remove all instances of nigger from huckleberry finn?
These works are a product of their culture. Destroying that because you don't "agree" with the message is just pathetic. Just don't play it.
The problem isn’t this “censorship”, it’s the fact that if you give them an inch they’ll take an extra mile. Keeping them at bay from the beginning is the only way.
>muh slippery slope fallacy
Cool story, bruv
not really. A lot of the traps that pass do so because they already have decent facial structure and generally pleasing youthful anatomy. Trannies take it 100 steps to far by turning their fetish into a lifestyle which isn't possible to pull off past the age of 25. Men age a lot differently than women.
>I don't really understand the big fuss about it either.
Right now, there are children as young as 3 being primed for getting through all the questions they'll be asked so they can get a hold of hormone blockers.
I have no issue with adults destroying their bodies, although I do think letting easily impressionable young adults online to join these self-hating communities is a bad move.
Discord trannies are the 21st century cultists. Even if some of them just profess love and peace, they're still going to be stigmatised by the groups that blackmail children into taking hormones.
And that shit actually makes sense to me. I have a much easier time wrapping my head around that sort of decision, taking pills and changing clothes.
I don’t know, I’ve got tattoos and facial piercings and shit so it’s not like the permanence should bother me, but it’s literally cutting off a piece of your body, with an actual function, and it can never be restored, ever. I don’t know how you could do that. If doctors ever said to me “we’re gonna have to remove your leg” I’d have a goddamn meltdown, and that would be a medical emergency, I can’t comprehend the mind of anyone who would do that shit voluntarily, “dysphoria” be damned.
>What's next, remove all instances of nigger from huckleberry finn?
Yeah, but when Huckleberry called the guy a nigger, the guy didn't just shrug his shoulders and go "yeah, boss, you right I is." He corrected him, and that's what people are getting all up in arms about. Because Vincent was an asshole constantly to her and Erica just took it on the chin.
>comic's scenario happens
And yet time and time again it's proven itself to be true
Is that supposed to somehow make it better?
I don't have a problem with it desu I'll fap to whatever, traps/trans included
I just have a problem with parents forcing it on their kids at a young age. Just because you find your kid playing dress up or playing with a barbie doll doesn't mean they want to be a girl. Kids don't really have any concept of gender in the same sense that we do, but the parents will be like "oh you want to be a girl?" and the kid will just say "yes" without actually knowing what it means. So the parents of the year start dosing the kid up because they wanted a daughter instead and the kid just gave them ammunition.
I'll still fap to traps and shit but damn. Just let kids be kids. They'll figure shit out without all that pressure to fit into little boxes.
If a lie is repeated often enough and loudly enough, idiots will believe it.
The question here is this: are you one of the liars, or one of the idiots?
Plot twist.
Taking hormones actually makes you impotent permanently. Either side of the coin is fucked.
>Because Vincent was an asshole constantly to her
You've got to love the idea that not treating a tranny like a fucking princess makes you an "asshole".
Vincent literally does nothing wrong throughout the game. In the new one, he marries a fucking dude. It's fucking pathetic how easily triggered trannies are.
>I don't like how you wrote your story. do it again now, but this time do it the correct way.
this is literally you
>Nicknames are used for convenience
Sometimes but just as often they're out of preference. Plenty of people just go by their given name. Going by bill instead of will isn't more convenient. Some nicknames are even longer than given names.
The only difference between Dave in IT going by Davey and the tranny formally named Joseph in he going by Jill is that you're triggered about trannies so you have no problem calling Davey a slightly longer name yet try to make some big grandstanding deal about freedom and "logic" when it comes to calling the tranny a shorter name.
>You can totally ignore using a nickname someone has told you exists if you want to
Lol as if people give their full name then suggest a nickname if you want to use it. Plenty of people will just tell you the name they prefer to go by and normal people just call them what they want and you haven't actually denied doing so too in all cases except for trannies.
>If a lie is repeated often enough and loudly enough, idiots will believe it
Is that why you believe they aren't a problem?
>Yes it is, though?
It literally isn't. Their job is to at the most make the game work in English, maybe change one or two word plays that don't work in English. Their job IS NOT to change things so some faggots feel better. They didn't make the game, they have no right to be changing the original creator's work because they don't like it.
>le trannies cut off their dicks meme
Yeah, it's not like people go through complicated surgeries to move the head and nerve bundles and urethra or anything, they just slice that shit right off nerves and urinary tract and all
>I will not buy it
We both know you will.
Or some sjw complained on their behalf, or the company just proactively did it to virtue signal because that's popular.
Thanks for basically admitting it was just an assumption, though. Remember, kids, facts not feels.
Here's the plot twist, trannies and sjws are the same thing.
Penis to vag surgery actually retains a degree of function. Supposedly they can orgasm. But either way, it's a decision that is normally very carefully weighed. People don't just go, "Welp I'm trans off with my balls" like in that screenshot.
Davey doesn't flip shit and call HR to get you fired if you call him Dave accidentally.
But do they ever appear as "Eric" in a flashback or anything?
Faggot doesn't mean gay, newtard
Learn your Yea Forums lingo
Yea Forums is gay, reddit is faggot
that's smash players
PSVita fan translation when?
>It literally isn't the localiser's job to change things
Yes it is.
>I-I-I meant they only change a few individual words and only if they're in english!
Cool goalposting shifting you consummate faggot.
You don't know what localization is, but even if you did it wouldn't matter. You're literally shitting yourself over a change to letters in the credits that you wouldn't have noticed if no one had pointed it out to you. You're acting like a small child throwing a tantrum because their sandwich has crusts.
Yes and in one ending.
It's reversible. There are things you can take to stimulate your body to start producing endogenous hormones again. Worst case scenario you have to take male hormones. But that's still considered "reversible".
You're right, instead of cutting it clean off and getting it over with you get to keep a festering slit that .0005% of the human population could even consider applying any of the 5 senses towards, much less have sex with. better alternative eh
Nicknames are given. Tranny names are taken.
If the game had Vincent go on an hour long speech about how trannies are people and should be loved you'd be screeching about SJW politics and how it shouldn't be in the game, so fuck off with your "You want them to change their story, REEEEE" bullshit.
>Vincent literally does nothing wrong throughout the game
So you didn't play the game? Cause Vincent does a lot wrong throughout the game, even without the being an asshole part. And funny how you talk about triggered trannies, but you're getting triggered because someone pointed out that a character who goes throughout the game being an asshole, did an asshole thing.
>Trying to get someone fired
>with Yea Forums threads
who could have guessed that cutting off your balls would be a bad idea
I don't even really care that you're such a faggot you can't let other people mod their bodies in peace, I'm more riled that you're so ignorant and disrespectful of modern surgeons and surgical techniques.
Hope you never need a kidney, cocksucker.
They changed in-game dialogue also.
I think the point user is making is that it can't go back to normal. Like it will be the way you described forever and there's no way you'll ever have it back again
>>It literally isn't the localiser's job to change things
>Yes it is.
The localiser’s job is to simply translate everything from 1 language to another.
Huh, never knew that. I always heard that once your on hormones for too long you can't have kids if you decided it wasn't for you.
Seems to make growing tits for a couple laughs at the bar less of a lifelong commitment hehe.
The complexity of the surgery is not the point. Even assuming that the surgery could reconstruct an actual, functional vagina indistinguishable from the real thing (and it can't, but whatever), it seems fucking lunatic. There's no undo button on that.
It isn't just kids. The real problem is that for all the talk about how "gender is a social construct", people get way caught up on the idea that preferring behavior that socially expresses femininity has some sort of biological implication.
Wanting to wear a frilly dress and mascara and shave all your body hair and kiss boys' pee pees shouldn't, by any trajectory of tumblr logic, have anything to do with wanting to be a woman.
taking organ donations from suicide victims is illegal though
Apparently not the doctors who actually performed the surgery. We live in a fucking open air insane asylum man.
Its because they are brainwashing children into becoming it as well
>Right now, there are children as young as 3 being primed for getting through all the questions they'll be asked so they can get a hold of hormone blockers.
Why would they give 3 year olds hormone blockers when a kid at 3 years old isn't producing hormones?
What did Rockstar mean by this?
It'd be real nice if trannies went by such simple names but most of them make up names that make it sound like I'm talking to the cast of some grotesque version of My Little Pony. If I'm being pressured to call someone "Sparkle Princess" and they look like some fat neckbeard I'm going to call them fucking Steve or whatever their original non-snowflake name was because I'm not going to degrade myself by unironically saying "Good Morning, Starlight Sunglow"
His name was George, so is name is George. Also with the whole name thing, it's about respect. If a tranny is acting like a prissy little drama queen, they're being called Steve, if they can behave ad not make me want to immediately see what I just had for lunch from the mere sight of them. I'll probably consider calling them what they want.
Fertility can come back but it requires months of detransition, and I don't think it's guaranteed
It's also the localizer's job to make sure the game conforms to the country's/state's laws so it's allowed to sell there in the first place, this includes censorship if the law states so.
Stop being a retarded brainlet.
Except no, that's never been the case. You want it to be the case, to fit your argument, but that's not how reality works.
>I think trannies are icky and I have a child's conception of gender identity
Cool story bro
because propaganda doesn't have to make sense
>into a lifestyle which isn't possible to pull off past the age of 25. Men age a lot differently than women.
What is hrt? The reason traps age out, age "like men" is because they till have make hormones. The ugly old trannies didn't start out passing then suddenly turned into men, they started too late in the first place and already looked like men.
Heck, once they chop off their balls trannies have less T than cis women and will theoretically age more gracefully especially given many women barely do any hrt for menopause.
The only reason a passing tranny would age worse is in the very specific case where they started too late and got a masculinized skeleton but somehow had perfect fat distribution to hide their bones until they age enough for their skin to sag.
>You're literally shitting yourself over a change to letters in the credits
Changing dialogue in the game to remove things that made a certain group pissy is changing letters in the credits now?
What bizzaro world do you come from and how do we ship you back there?
That's because she made friends by hopping on the tranny bandwagon and doesn't want to lose them. Anyone who says mainstream transgenderism isn't a fad is lying to themselves
there was no playercam so no one cared about it
but everytime I tuned in I ehard a man's voice
That picture is fake as shit, and if it's not fake the person cut their own balls off
Except they're not. They're just telling children its okay to be whatever they want to be.
A child will either grow out of it or not.
It's also the localizers job to change anything they think might cause bad press in the home region - it's not just laws, they are there to localize the product so it will sell in the other market.
That is their job description.
t. fat retard who hasn't met a single transperson in person and is inventing scenarios in his head where he is persecuted and fights for his rights
Because it's not happening lol
I've given up complaining. I'll just pirate.
Oh, you're the filthy weeb who always complains about this shit.
>Wanting to wear a frilly dress and mascara and shave all your body hair and kiss boys' pee pees shouldn't
Well that's what happens when you grow up in a society that contributes that shit to being a woman. It's basically the fucking Kanji dilemma from Persona 4.
Man, it's a good thing they changed that totally legal content, isn't fellow Big Brother enthusiast. It's double plus good that they're changing things they don't need to.
Hang yourself. Preferably with barbed wire.
Real plot twist, triggered tranny-obsessed/pol/tards are just right wing sjws.
this kid I know transitioned and is now calling himself "Ophelia". I swear they just pick the most obscure and "special" name they can think of. Who the fuck has been named Ophelia in the past 200 years? nigger thinks he's in bloodborne or something
He almost did a cumtown joke but he had no idea what cringy shit real trans women change their names to
Gotta get those precious e-peen points!
Has this happened to you? I doubt it, you're just stoking your own persecution complex to justify your bigotry.
I'm not sure what possibility is more terrifying, that a doctor would amputate someones balls because they got tired of them, or that someone would willingly chop their own balls off because they got memed into it by a bunch of sociopaths on a discord server.
Plot twist 2: /pol/tards are far more numerous than sjws and could achieve much more if they weren't massive screeching retards - they could stop being just sjws and become jews
Think about what you just said user.
Good swerve, faggot.
Oh no, the critical subplot of "friend fucks erica, finds out she had a dick later on" has been altered!
Oh wait, it's a fucking gag that never played in America in the first place.
It's almost like you're attempting to use "artistic integrity" as a smokescreen for the fact that you're a petulant child getting upset over nothing. Really makes you think.
>You're literally shitting yourself over a change to letters in the credits that you wouldn't have noticed if no one had pointed it out to you. You're acting like a small child throwing a tantrum because their sandwich has crusts.
but that's exactly what you're doing
if it's so insignificant, why does it need to be changed
that's such a shitty argument, why do trannies keep using it
No kidding.
It doesn't help that most of these people do have some sort of mental illness. Gender dysmorphia is absolutely one, not in the way to be dismissive or rude. If your brain is saying you're a girl when you're a boy, something is wrong there. Same as if your brain is telling you that you don't need your leg. These people are already susceptible to influence, and pushing them to get surgery as a magical cure-all is the wrong decision. It's a bit tin foil hat, but I'm sure a lot of this comes from the surgeons and psychs working together. Why push customers away when you can send them to Thailand to get their genitals cut up? They're making big bucks doing this, and all the push for these people to get it nowadays is just making them even richer.
Kill all trannies.
>It'd be real nice if trannies went by such simple names
Well the example this whole topic is about that people are getting SO triggered about is "Erica" from Eric. A perfectly normie name with just a single extra letter.
Nothing personnel kid, I'm just stating facts.
I don't condone censorship either but I condone seething retards such as you even less so you may kindly fuck off.
Stop giving these fucking drama merchants attention
I met them, they were as obnoxious as the net paints them to be. I've never met a sane normal one.
I don't care what the mentally ill want. I'm not going to comfort a schizo for wanting to hack their arm off. I'm sure as shit not going to praise someone for taking an axe to their dick and giving themselves a festering wound.
If trannies want to be respected, they need to be worthy of respect. Demanding respect for your mental illness is how you lose respect NOT gain it.
Who do you think runs the gaming media?
A localiser's job is to LOCALIZE, i.e. to make the game understandable in another locale. Literal translations are often terrible because they make assumptions about what the audience knows or will recognize when that doesn't translate along cultural lines. Things meant to be understood a certain way will be understood in a totally different way with a different cultural context.
The failure of the localisation team in this instance is playing clean-up crew, but even then it's a tough question. If something a character says is perfectly acceptable in one culture, but is offensive in another culture, are you doing a disservice to the original text by allowing the audience to interpret that character as a piece of shit when that wasn't the author's intent? How far should that go? And where do you draw the line between "trying to convey the spirit of the author's text by changing the literal meaning" and "trying to change the spirit of the author's text because I find it improper"?
This is an unrelated example but an easy one to convey: Japan and Germany were obviously on the same side in WWII. Having an old military-man character being nostalgic for his time in combat would look like a fond remembrance of the Nazi regime. Regardless of how you feel about Nazis, you could probably see how this would read very differently to a US or European audience; to those audiences, it would immediately paint the character as racist/antisemitic/whatever, and would have almost none of the nostalgia factor that was originally desired.
One of the major criticisms those in the LGBT community had with the original was:
1. Deadnaming in the credits
2. Transphobic lines of dialogue such stuff about how one character who is romantically interested in Erica but doesn't know she's a trans woman being picked on and teased by his friends for not knowing, turning it into a kind of gag or long-running joke.
3. Said character regretting sleeping with Erica, as if he was 'tricked' and all of his friends making fun of him for doing so.
Kind of what I figured was the case. Didn't exactly fight us when we called her her birthname. Not me or her grandparents, anyway. Probably had a heated argument or two with my sister though. Probably why she moved out at 16, got addicted to crack and shit, then got raped. possibly by her dealer... which lead to the reveal as to WHY she started all of this. I don't know. I'm not her therapist or whatever, and I technically don't know about it (sad wink)
Obviously it's as hypothetical as your situation.
It still happens all the time, people blowing up online just because someone accidentally called someone by their "deadname" is something that happens on a weekly basis.
Nothing wrong with it. /Pol/tards are totally sjws, they just have a different concept of "justice".
>Same as if your brain is telling you that you don't need your leg.
Fun science fact, this is a real, honest-to-god medical disorder, and the most effective treatment is amputation of the limb in question.
>Oh wait, it's a fucking gag that never played in America in the first place.
Great way to show you've not played the game. It's in the original release you fag
And yet no one has a problem with face lifts, botox injections, breast implants, ass implants, lip injections, surgeries to make you taller, liposuction, or any of the other numerous types of plastic surgery that people get.
You want to shove bags of saline the size of basketballs into your chest, cool, you do you sis. But a dude wanting to chop off his nuts? Oh no, that's too much.
>A localiser's job is to LOCALIZE
Alright, good so far, dribbling towards the hoop
>i.e. to make the game understandable in another locale
aaaaand you immediately tripped on the ball, your pants fell down, a cock fell into it, and you shit everywhere
A localization team's job is to take a game from another locale and make it ready to sell in their market. You may WANT their job to be simple translation, but that's not how it works.
>We want to be seen as normal women
>picks the most snowflake name possible so they stand out even more
I will never understand this, ever.
In other news the World Health Organization officially stopped classifying trans folk as mentally ill but remember not to play video games too much because thats sick.
>Those pics of college-aged Maddow
I would
"never played in X" is an expression that means the bit didn't work you colossal fucking retard
Lurk for another 5 years before you post again
Did you play the original game?
>It still happens all the time
[Citation Needed]
>people blowing up online
Oh NO! Mean people saying stuff online? How can this injustice be allowed! Wait are we talking about the trannies or anti-trannies again? The whining persecution complex is so similar I lose track.
One of those surgeries doesn't change the way your body produces hormones for the rest of your life. Also botox last for a sort while, ass implants can be removed, cutting off your junk is FOREVER, you can never go back. Kind of explains the suicide rate. Permanently damaging the way your body and brain works forever by messing with your testosterone levels isn't a terribly good idea.
Nigga, it's not illegal to call someone their birth name unless you live in 1984 Land aka the UK.
Well have there been cases of trannies letting their kids starve to death because they were dilating? Cause there sure as hell have been cases of parents letting their kid starve to death while they play video games, and that why video game addiction is seen as a mental disorder.
I'm undergoing surgery to have my dick turned into a joystick. This is who I am.
Guess I should just buy the original sad cause I love atlus game why the fuck do they cater to Twitter
Did Sam Hyde ever procreate?
Trannies are just a giant barrel of firecrackers, or it's better to describe them as higher-maintenance babies. Dealing with a baby for the first 2 years is hard enough for some people. Dealing with a drugged up adult baby who starts shitting itself and crying just because of pronouns, and this baby needs to be treated like one for DECADES, is not something any normal person wants to deal with.
What's beautiful about the present world is that there's 7.7 billion people on this planet. Coupled with the average lifespan having ~2.5 billion seconds, straight away you can write off 5 billion people from your list of potential acquaintance during this life and this is not even pushing it. You get a freedom of choice from an extensive list of humans to waste your limited lifespan on with far less baggage and retardation than trannies. We can afford to be picky with acquaintances more than ever before in history and stuff whole categories into an exclusion list without having to give a shit about individualism and "exceptions-to-the-rule". A choice of quality, always choose higher from the pile as opposed to lower where trannies are located. Even autists are better on the baggage scale than trannies. Use this luxury of the current age when you can write off entire human groups as irrelevant because your lifespan is too short to accommodate them mathematically and realistically. Nobody should dictate who you waste your lifespan on or prioritize in your life, and anyone who calls you a bigot for excluding certain groups is a bigger bigot themselves for attempting to dictate how your most precious lifespan is spent because they are narcissistic entitled mutts who think being a tranny is a value onto itself worthy of respect when it contributes nothing to anyone except misery and retardation.
why are so many trannies nerds. nerds are bullied anyway
i guess the internet just makes people more scared than they should be about outraged mobs
>A primary characteristic of Autistic people is their inability to understand humor, having jokes that land with most people fall flat for them, unable to find the humor in them due to their social capabilities being stunted
I know it's a real condition. I've heard stories of people keeping their limbs on ice just to kill it so it has to be amputated.
Still doesn't seem right to chop it off, they need help. I'll admit you're right about it actually working in that case cause damn they're pretty satisfied after it's done, but a leg or an arm doesn't have much of an impact on the body's ability to produce hormones and stuff. There's a lot about gender dysmorphia that we just don't know, and pushing these people to get surgery when there's no clear indication that it actually will help these people and improve their lives just seems like malpractice to me.
>But a dude wanting to chop off his nuts? Oh no, that's too much.
Sorry but I don't see a festering wound in those other examples.
Where did I say it was?
lmao actually censored one of my posts. Get help.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
Their sales did well IIRC, it's just that their development costs were too high.
>an expression that means the bit didn't work
Supporting Cultural Erasure?
you realize trannies don't give a shit about this censorship shit, right? and that the people screeching on twitter and tumblr about pronouns and how they're trans aren't trannies, they're trust fund fuckwits who got free hormones through informed consent clinics with zero screening because it lets them be victims instead of "defending" victims
probably 5% of "trannies" on twitter, tumblr, resetera, and whereever the fuck else are actually trannies, the rest are mentally ill dipshits with depression or who knows what the fuck else looking for answers in the wrong place, or deluded into thinking that hormones are magically going to turn them into anime girls, hence the high suicide rate
>I think trannies are icky
I don't, just genital reconstruction. And it kind of is.
>and I have a child's conception of gender identity
Kids are smart, user.
I've asked this question a bunch of times to a bunch of people and never once gotten a satisfactory answer: if we agree (and it's true) that all the social behaviors that express femininity/masculinity are arbitrary traditions with, at best, a super-tenuous connection to actual biology, what the hell does it even mean to be "born the wrong gender"?
How does one identify that they are a "woman trapped in a man's body", if everything apart from the physical body itself has absolutely nothing to do with womanhood, just with society's traditions about it?
And breast implants can explode in your body causing death. Liposuction can kill. All of the surgeries mentioned can result in disfigurement or death if not done correctly. So if you're so concerned about someone's health shouldn't those things also be banned? Clearly any woman that wants bigger tits is mentally off her rocker.
And what about people that take hormone blockers to prevent certain types of cancers? Should we stop that as a treatment as well? And before you go "its not da same", SRS is considered a treatment for gender dysphoria.
Suck it janny, either you delete the whole thread when the topic are trannies or you fuck off. If you think you can manipulate a narrative however in a topic on trannyfaggots, you can suck on my big Muslim dick.
>Their sales did well IIRC, it's just that their development costs were too high.
Not really, no?
The studio and the publisher have been very happy withe the performance
The mod is literally a sensitive tranny.
Did you reaaaaaly need to delete my post pointing out how wrong it is to promote irreversible operations?
clarifying for you since, gender dysphoria and autism seem to be closely correlated
That you didn't get the joke personally doesn't mean that people in general didn't get it. Fuck off and dilate
And? You're point. None of this is illegal. It was written a specific way by a specific person. You don't like it. Fine. But changing someone elses work because you don't like it is fucking stupid. PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT. PEOPLE THINK DIFFERENT. The game was written by someone that is DIFFERENT to you. Don't like it? Too bad. The original writer is God not the faggot who's a glorified translator.
It's ok, I know you really didn't and you're just desperately trying to "win" the discussion, but still.
>I don't care kindly fuck off
finally, now we're getting somewhere. Now you understand what we all think of your kind
>vidya make parents neglect childrens but trannies just want to mutilate theys peepees and act like faggots
now this is some epic tranny cope
I'm agreeing with you, you fucking dunce. I'm making the case AGAINST simple translation. You gotta read the posts you're replying to instead of just waiting for your turn to shitpost.
In the same vain, do gamers have a 50/50 chance of committing sudoku becaue they are mentally deranged and want to mangle their genitals?
> Be this guy
> Trying to look better in any way
> Wanting to change sex
> "Wow, I can't literally tell the difference!"
Down your route is trying to conflate exercising with being mentally ill
>Now you understand what we all think of your kind
Why do you hate straight white males when it's the mutt nigger trannies crying about muh rights and censorship?
That's Brave New World, you idiot.
is this a trick question? Trannies cant bear children
What the fuck are you even trying to say? There have been fucking cases of a people being so addicted to video games that they neglect their children. You don't label someone crazy because they want to cover their bodies in tattoos and put those silly fucking gauge things in their ears. Why the hell do you care so much about what someone does to their own body?
If you really gave a shit you'd read literally anything on the subject, but in a nutshell you're confusing gender identity (I feel like X) with expression socially tied to gender (I like makeup, I like dresses, I like football, etc.)
The percentage of gamers doing that is in the range of a statistical error, how many trannies end up offing themselves again?
>you don’t
you can chose that line ? or it says automatcly ?
>I'm agreeing with you
but you're still fucking wrong and your post sucks
Don't help me.
>Trannies cant bear children
You realize you can use google before saying shit that is incorrect, right?
the bigger concern is that we know a lot more about how to operate on the body than on the brain. It's not about the moral line between "modify the body to match the brain" and "modify the brain to match the body", although that's an ethical can of worms all on its own. It's about the moral line between "effectively modify the body to match the brain" and "completely fail to modify the brain to match the body".
The words "effectively" and "completely fail" in there are where the decision actually hinges.
Suicidal ideation? Poor hygiene? Body integrity dysphoria? None of these things common to transgender people are symptomatic of mental illness. One case of some guy allowing his children to starved while he plays Warcraft or whatever the fuck? This is a problem the WHO must address.
You are even dumber than the /pol/acks touting that one case of the tranny molesting some kid in a bathroom as proof that all trannies are pedophiles. Are you actually brain damaged?
How does it feel to be so socially stunted that you can't find humor in gaffes like that one?
There's the meme that Yea Forums doesn't like anything, but the truly sad people are trannies like you that can't even appreciate humor and feel the need to pull the rest at your miserable level
It seemed to be implied since you were talking about things being legal then saying
>I don't condone censorship either but I condone seething retards such as you even less so you may kindly fuck off.
Good. The point isn't to make games better but to destroy gaming as a safespace and recruitment pool for bigots (or worse).
Did you ever learn to google shit? I'd do it myself, but I don't give enough of a shit about him
There's been enough studies that there are systemic reviews of medical literature recommending hormone and surgical transition. I defy you to find a body of research saying it's harmful
Man, why are we getting unironic sjws here nowadays?
did the chill one chopped his dick too?
well I mean if you don't do the full operation and still have a few pathetic sperms left then it's technically possible, good luck finding a female that wants to carry your child though lmao
>I'm more riled that you're so ignorant and disrespectful of modern surgeons and surgical techniques.
in a few or more decades, when actually sensible ways of fulfilling the mtf fantasy might be found, people will look back on said surgeries as a completely barbaric thing to do
>One case
It's literally not just one case, but okay. And while you babies are getting triggered, isn't gender dysphoria still labeled a mental disorder?
Well, at least Japan is a first world country. There's got to be at least one.
>It seemed to be implied
But i wasn't.
You, on the other hand, seem to be utterly retarded.
Every surgery has risks, however the ideal results of gender "confirmation" surgery is to change your body beyond it's intended sexual purpose forever. If you can't see the difference between that and getting a face lift I can't help ya.
>So if you're so concerned about someone's health shouldn't those things also be banned?
I think all cosmetic surgeries are fucking retarded, I don't know where you got the idea I think tit implants are great.
Would be nice for you to post any of it, since it's so prevalent
>You don't label someone crazy because they want to cover their bodies in tattoos and put those silly fucking gauge things in their ears.
They do get called crazy.
They also don't have a 40% suicide rate attributed to them, and they don't go around trying to harass, blackmail, and crusade against Developers for not including them in their development plans.
When you politics becomes coercion in the name of inclusion, and censorship in the name of feelings, you are on the losing side historically. Transgenders have become what they hate the most, a parody of it, as happens with anything which organizes under a flag and a political organization and then weaponizes a social platform to force their shit like rapists. Forcing people to respect you is not respect, it always has an opposite effect and rightfully so.
I know your obsession is with cock, but FTM transgenders can have children too.
You just further proved that trannies are horrible mistakes of nature.
>u triggered
>is actually triggered
>people who complain about lgbt, but will never have sex.
Suck it janny, you don't have control over the narrative:
Trannies are just a giant barrel of firecrackers, or it's better to describe them as higher-maintenance babies. Dealing with a baby for the first 2 years is hard enough for some people. Dealing with a drugged up adult baby who starts shitting itself and crying just because of pronouns, and this baby needs to be treated like one for DECADES, is not something any normal person wants to deal with.
What's beautiful about the present world is that there's 7.7 billion people on this planet. Coupled with the average lifespan having ~2.5 billion seconds, straight away you can write off 5 billion people from your list of potential acquaintance during this life and this is not even pushing it. You get a freedom of choice from an extensive list of humans to waste your limited lifespan on with far less baggage and retardation than trannies. We can afford to be picky with acquaintances more than ever before in history and stuff whole categories into an exclusion list without having to give a shit about individualism and "exceptions-to-the-rule". A choice of quality, always choose higher from the pile as opposed to lower where trannies are located. Even autists are better on the baggage scale than trannies. Use this luxury of the current age when you can write off entire human groups as irrelevant because your lifespan is too short to accommodate them mathematically and realistically. Nobody should dictate who you waste your lifespan on or prioritize in your life, and anyone who calls you a bigot for excluding certain groups is a bigger bigot themselves for attempting to dictate how your most precious lifespan is spent because they are narcissistic entitled mutts who think being a tranny is a value onto itself worthy of respect when it contributes nothing to anyone except misery and retardation.
This is why you play niche Japanese games instead.
The point if my censored post is something cannot be changed by modern medicine.
One of those is your sex, similarly down syndrome can't be cured.
There isn't any technology to do that. It shouldn't be legal to sucker people into self mutilation that will cause them to kill themselves.
Yeah, got it, but what the fuck does "I feel like X" actually mean? How can you "feel like a woman" when the only thing that distinguishes a man from a woman is the body itself? It should have zero meaningful impact on your behavior, it's literally the genitals you were born with and that's fucking it.
What is the thought? Just wake up in the morning and go "fuck, I hate my penis, I wish this was a vagina"? If that's all it is, why do transwomen go through the trouble of doing all the things that involve socially "presenting" as a woman? If it's that, why do people who DON'T undergo genital changes still identify as "transwomen" just because they change the way they socially present themselves?
You can say "gender is a social construct" but the commitment to the idea is flimsy at best, because it still very often cooks down to "I'm trapped in the wrong body because I want to do what society says only women are supposed to do, not because of the body itself". You're conflating a desire to engage in socially female behavior with a desire to have a biologically female body. It's an extremely common train of thought and it's wrong.
literally the same feeling every eunuch in history reports. guess what, their suicide rates were high too.
If people were killed, belittled, beaten up, etc for getting tattooes there would be a high suicide rate amongst those types of people. It's not like someone goes "I wanna be a girl/guy" and immediately goes shopping for rope the next day.
>get BTFO
As I said, just like a /pol/ack. Take the lesson with you, retard.
but making it a+ for trans won't make it sell better
lol stay mad
Based Tomosane
>When you politics becomes coercion in the name of inclusion, and censorship in the name of feelings, you are on the losing side historically
I want everybody to read this and then remember we're talking about a line in the credits and a bad joke in a niche japanese puzzle video game.
fun fact: a lack of perspective is part of having an undeveloped frontal lobe
fun fact: having an undeveloped frontal lobe is part of being under ~22 years of age
I'm saying you need to grow up
I shit in a toilet and use a computer, what the fuck do I care about nature?
>pointing out facts is being triggered
Okay, buddy.
BTFO where? You're crying that trannies aren't considered a mental illness when gender dysphoria IS considered a mental illness.
>If people were killed, belittled, beaten up, etc for getting tattooes
They do.
>there would be a high suicide rate amongst those types of people.
You don't know that, that's just a feeling you have, and feelings are not facts.
>It's not like someone goes "I wanna be a girl/guy" and immediately goes shopping for rope the next day.
It does when your mental issues are more complex than people who get tats and piercings, which at least isn't a feeling but a medical fact.
Here's what is a fact though:
Transgenders coercing for inclusion - Authoritarianism - Bad
Transgenders trying to use victimization as a justification to act authoritarian and coerce - Bad.
Transgenders trying to censor for whatever reason - Bad.
Some dudes just want to suck some dick, but it "makes more sense" for girls to be doing the sucking so they want to be the girl. It's technically gay, but they don't see it that way.
Some dudes just want to look cute wearing dresses and shit.
Gender Dysphoria IS a mental disorder, nobody with a functioning brain thinks otherwise. The argument is about whether or not the appropriate treatment for the disorder is psychotherapy or a sex change.
If this kind of kind of political intrusism has even gotten into niche japanese moving puppeteering, imagine how it's like in the mainstream
isn't it strange how trannies jump straight onto the bigot train when they get peeved? Isn't this the entire thing you're fighting against the casual use of "haha u gay lol"? it's so sad that you can't even support your own cause because you get emotional over practically nothing
Good. I want people to respect me.
Fun fact:
Nobody respects you when you beg for it.
Nobody is responsible towards you.
Nobody will respect you for censorship.
Which is why you get more and more flack as a trannyfaggot with each passing day.
Yes, it is funny that he was surprised.
Persona the royal is literally fucked
Romancing cakes and wearing lewd costumes are going to be removed from the game, thanks retardera.
>what the fuck does "I feel like X even mean?"
That's a joke right?
>The only thing that distinguishes male and female is the body (not the brain)
Oh no, it's not a joke, you're retarded.
I'm so sorry. At least you seem to grasp the fact that you can't grasp the concept of gender identity.
It is very clear that I was talking about the WHO and their decree regarding transgendered people, or it would be if your brain wasn't so small. Is your reading comprehension actually this bad or are you just being disingenuous because you're embarrassed to have been caught this far out of your depth?
are you baiting or are you really this oblivious
7 year old children don't just decide to become transgender because they were told transgender people were people
the did it because their parents pressured them into doing so for the transgender movement
You may not care about nature, but nature cares about you. If you lose your sexual organs, you will change. If you fuck with your hormones, you will change. And if you fuck with your hormones enough, you will become suicidal, that's just the way it is. You don't have to accept it, you can believe it's not true, you can pretend it's the same as getting a tit job or whatever, but it's not, it never will be, and more transexuals will go through the surgery, feel regret, and kill themselves. But hey, there isn't anything I can do about it, life goes on. I do feel bad for them though.
And dating the twins
So basically your "hurr trannies can't have kids" was proven wrong and now you're just spouting random shit. Okay.
>twitter screencap inside of a twitter screencap
Developer spent time doing something then undoing that thing, all for nothing.
This post weirdly reminded me how much I love battletech and how much I need to go play it
That argument doesn't really exist. Nobody in the medical community seriously suggests psychotherapy to prevent transition. Psychological screening exists, but it's not there to pray the trans away.
So explain why transgender should have been listed as a mental illness in the first place when there are transgender people who live without gender dysphoria meaning that they never take hormones or get SRS.
Find literally one case of this happening
The Monstrosity known as Jazz.
don't have sex
>when there are transgender people who live without gender dysphoria
Literally impossible.
>I want everybody to read this and then remember we're talking about a line in the credits and a bad joke in a niche japanese puzzle video game.
If its "just this" why censore it?
The lack of empathy and self reflection is also part of being a child and not having grown up yet. Yes, I'm saying that your brain no worky worky like other big boys and big girls brains do. Since you can't think as far as 1 sentence to see that your amazing argument is a counter argument to yourself.
Trans suicidality does not go up after surgical (or hormonal) transition, but nice try
You didn’t rebutt his argument whatsoever and merely moved the goalpost.
>can't grasp the concept of gender identity
>I have a penis therefore I am a man
>I have a vagina therefore I am a woman
You know you can like things that aren't stereotypical of men or women and not need some faggot ass label, right?
That's not what a counterpoint is
Ignoring that, you're not actually making any kind of argument, just implying a state of affairs.
Trannies have western games, why are they going after my weebshit now?
Let's all be intellectually honest here and admit that the trans community is just like the gay community; it's full of tourists and experimenters.
Us faggots have a term, "gay until graduation", to describe people who have decided they're gay in the course of trying to be a Unique Super Cool Rebel With An Interesting Identity, and who will eventually outgrow that experiment. They will look back on that time in their life with the same embarrased twinge you get when you think about how you pretended to be a hood nigga in middle school. Part of growing up is trying to figure out who you are and where you belong, and for outcasts and weirdos who don't fit in, and who also have access to the internet and spend time around a hugbox community of angry people, it's very VERY easy to convince yourself that this is Your Group, and that you are actually trans.
Except, when you're 35 and married with 2 kids and you think back on that weird drug-fueled night you spent slobbering on Josh's cock freshman year, you still have your genitals attached to your crotch. If your tour through Transgender Town involves a stop at the surgeon's office, you're NEVER FUCKING GOING BACK.
And I absolutely guarantee you, regardless of whether it's appropriate to admit it, that's a big part of that suicide rate. There are far, FAR too many people who claim, and probably believe, that they are trans, but who actually aren't. And the more social pressure mounts on trans rights, the less time therapists are going to be mandated to spend with people making sure that gender reassignment surgery is actually something that they want.
You mean like how they cut out part of Yosuke's social link but no one cared because it was homoshit?
Not even once. Give me literal translations over this cucked shit.
>I am vehemently against small insignificant changes that have no affect on my enjoyment of the game but that would help others not feel bad while playing the game
>this means you lack empathy and not me
Do you think people are EVER talking about FTM when mentioning trannies on Yea Forums? No. and you knew that before you responded.
>you can't be a tranny unless you have gender dysphoria
Oh, so you're one of those types of trannies.
Because they're imperialists who need everything to bow to their will.
Trannies have the biggest fucking egos around even though they're over-glorified schizophrenics.
Man, no one buys the "I don't want trans people to muh-muh-mutilate themselves I actually care abou them!"-shtick. You just want to control people you hate because you get triggered by surgery and you worship penises so you can't accept that some want to get rid of theirs.
Sex is not Gender
There are literally entire libraries of research on gender and sexuality you could read if you actually gave a fraction of a shit
Have the guy in the second panel say "nigger" and that'd be pretty accurate
>faggots actually believe this
Faggotry repulses straight men. If any guy does fag shit then he's thoroughly a faggot, simple as that.
>caring about 0.001% of society which is so mentally unstable it starts shitting itself like a baby over pronouns and has a 50-50 chance of evicting itself from existence and therefore evicting itself from being your long-term customer
Bad business move whichever angle one looks it from.
Also appealing to trannies results in losing a potential market of 1.6 billion Muslims with their oil money and 1.2 billion Chinese, just for starters as all cultures apart from the frivolous 600 million Westerners shit on trannyfaggots.
Again, a pretty bad business move.
Transgenderism is toxic to finance.
I support their complaints mainly because I want to fuck with weebs and transphobes.
B-but muh sensor ship!
Seeing that one line and name in credits is so vital to me ever since someone pointed out they will be changed!
>You just want to control people you hate because you were tricked by wealthy cunts into feeling superior so they can continue to pick your pockets
>tranny complaint thread
fuck this thread. reply to this post with your BEST images and gifs.
You're not answering the question, you're just deflecting. Answer the question, what are we actually talking about? What precisely has Caitlyn Jenner done apart from make changes to her behavior that alter her social "role" label?
see you in 5 years oh wait
You still would have been proven wrong you silly girl, because transwomen can still have children as long as they haven't had SRS.
>starts shitting itself like a baby over pronouns
Sounds like Jordan Peterson
>Also appealing to trannies results in losing a potential market of 1.6 billion Muslims with their oil money
Saudis only buy sports games because they are an infantile culture.
>If you don't think and act exactly like me it's because you are a hateful monster!
Sure bud. We all just hate people. I also want schizophrenics to stop taking their medicine and alcoholics to spend more time at the bar.
seething tranny
I didn't move the goalpost, I called him a child. That's ad hominem
Jesus you faggots can't even use the fallacy fallacy properly
That's why nobody starts with the surgery, and doctors don't let them even if they want to. There's no epidemic of regretful ex-trans people without peepees.
Globalism is cancer.
Never support tranny terrorism.
so now you're just going over a point I already made. Okay.
>gave a fraction of a shit
Well I don't because I don't care about what a bunch of schizos think I should call them or how I should treat them. They either act normal or get treated like weirdos. Don't want to be seen as weird don't do weird shit like looking like a man while wearing a dress. You don't get a pass for existing. You are treated the same as any other person. Free to be mocked and insulted.
Again: facts show that consulted surgeries and hormone treatments reduce suicides. So yes, you actually want people with conditions to not seek treatment.
>Also appealing to trannies results in losing a potential market of 1.6 billion Muslims with their oil money and 1.2 billion Chinese, just for starters as all cultures apart from the frivolous 600 million Westerners shit on trannyfaggots.
Yes, because Muslims are just chomping at the bit to buy weeb shit, but it's the homos and trannies in games that are keeping them from doing so.
Trannytolerant societies are all dying.
Trannymurdering societies are all procreating.
Your insults are merely the last pathetic whine of a dying child as the big adults take over eventually - those who procreate and kill trannies.
History repeats itself.
I 1000% guarantee you don't give a shit about actual imperialism
Osama bin Laden was a weeb
And that's why you should go down 4L of Chlorox in one sitting.
Blah blah spectrum blah blah kinsey scale blah blah
That doesn't apply to everyone in every case. If it did, "prison rules" would not be a thing. Circumstances can drive people to some pretty strange places, places they often regret going once they get back from them.
I love the word "phobe" or phobic"
>oh well you think these people are disgusting? WELL UH YOUR OBVIOUSLY AFRAID OF THEM THEN
literal propaganda shit out by trannies so they feel better about their wounds
The point you so ignorantly tried to make was that trannies can't have children. Once that was proven wrong you're just backpedaling all over the goddamn place.
It's pure disgust, that's all it ever was
>Yes, because Muslims are just chomping at the bit to buy weeb shit
They unironically are. Muslims loves weebshit for whatever reason. Probably the lolicon.
>but it's the homos and trannies in games that are keeping them from doing so.
It distances them yes.
This is business, your feelings on it are irrelevant.
>its small and insignificant
>yet i will defend the right to make these small and insignificant changes just to provide people a different experience even tho they bought the same medium
I'm so against censorship on every single fucking level because i like art, books, and media in general. Why fucking change things the original creator fucking put in there. WHY?
Its legit fucking retards who think that people cannot handle a fucking thought or two, who think they have to protect everyone by censoring and snipping out anything that would provoke a fucking thought.
You keep saying its so insignificant? WHY CHANGE IT THEN? If its significant enough to be changed, then it will also be significant enough for some people to defend it so its kept in the medium.
trannies have the right to mutilate their body and delude themselves, I have the right to make fun of them and think they are disgusting
Im trans and Im against censorship
these 'activists' are not representing us and only hurt trans acceptance
we are a tiny (~0.3%) minority and we just want to live a normal life and be safe from discrimination and harassment, we've never asked to be a bargain chip in these political games, dont hate us
Cis white male, thanks.
>what are we actually talking about
A very complex topic that takes more than a post on Yea Forums to understand, especially for someone like you who doesn't even understand the distinctions between physical sex and gender identity and gendered expression.
You're essentially asking me to teach you integral calculus when you don't understand what multiplication is. If you care, which I know you don't, I suggest you look at research regarding gender dysphoria to start.
hate is the wrong word. hate is active. most people have never really hated anything in the entirety of their lives. you have to also understand that while this is about control it is specifically about the perception of control, or who has it. all things seek to control their environment to the end that it benefits them. people perceive that a vocal minority want control of something they feel ownership for.
and for the record a lot of people feel genuine empathy for people who are so convinced of any vision of themselves that they risk their lives traveling to third world countries to have unnecessary surgeries. not just trans folks, but straights as well.
Don't reply to subhumans.
It's a coping actual incel who is trying really hard to feel better about itself, nothing rational you can say will change its mind.
Because of the high rate of comorbidity with other mental illnesses? My issue with the diagnosis of "video game addiction" is the narrowness of the diagnosis which examines VIDEO GAME addiction instead of addiction in general, something diagnoses already exist for.
Is there anywhere else you would like to move these goalposts or are you done wasting my time, you incoherent retard?
B-b-but Fox News/Gab told me that babies are having GRS on demand!
>This is business, your feelings on it are irrelevant.
And so are the Muslims I suppose, since the Nips keep churning out games with half dressed women, homos, and trannies. All things that the Muslim both hates and fears.
I clearly do or I wouldn't call those racist, sexist, bigoted whores in the LGBT and SJW spheres what they truly are.
cringe, but redpilled
All of this because they changed a sentence in a chinese cartoon computer game lol
>there's no epidemic of regretful ex trans people without peepees
source: your ass
Remember when the ISIS account said how much they loved Attack on Titan? That was pretty fucking based.
At this point I would rather have machine-translated games than ''''''Western localizations''''''
>Trannytolerant societies are all dying.
>Trannymurdering societies are all procreating.
Quality over quantity. Climate change will take care of the Middle East and Africa.
You're trying to have a discussion about mental disorders on a fucking image board for video games, you truly need to end your life
have sex trannies. Oh you probably can't anymore hehe
>sucking up to a community that will constantly berate anyone like you for le ebin memes
grow a spine. leave.
No one's saying you personally have to not deadname someone or treat them like they want to be treated, but we all reserve the right to call you a cunt and treat you like a cunt in return.
If you're worried that consequences for being a doucheweasel will become legal and not just social then you're not just a faggot, you're a delusional faggot.
Give the tranny a push, and it will cut its dick off. It's simple inch-miles logic.
You're the best poster in this abortion of a thread
>There's no epidemic of regretful ex-trans people without peepees
But there is absolutely a high degree of reported regret after genital reconstruction. These people don't decide they're "ex-trans" and then go back to presenting as men, they off themselves because they can't reconcile their actions with their self-image.
At the end of the day, bullying and belittling do not a 40% suicide rate make. Black people in the reconstruction-era south didn't kill themselves at a rate of 40%. There HAS to be something else at work here and you know it.
I literally admitted that it's technically possible when we started talking, we're both being petty at this point by continuing this worthless conversation
So you are no better than the high school drop-out Christians whining about stem cell research or gay marriage.
>I have the right to make fun of them and think they are disgusting
For now.
>Climate change will take care of the Middle East and Africa.
Climate Change can only positively affect Africa and the Middle East you fucking retard.
Are you implying rapists in prison aren't mentally fucked? You know, like faggots?
>one fucking person
I'm a reals over feels type of guy, I like data instead of anecdotes.
>video games are art
>also changing other people's video games because mentally ill people are offended is ok
Do you have a credible source to back that up?
fuck that's a good one
Witcher 3 I guess? There was this "too many white people" outrage that went completely ignored.
Resetera, you can leave.
no your feelings are irrelevant because you represent a small portion of people buying games.
>My issue with the diagnosis of "video game addiction" is the narrowness of the diagnosis which examines VIDEO GAME addiction instead of addiction in general, something diagnoses already exist for.
Are you as equally offended by internet addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, being considered seperate forms of addiction?
>one person
Try 40%
>Climate Change can only positively affect Africa and the Middle East you fucking retard.
Yeah Africa will certainly feed itself if it gets even warmer and the civil war in Syria wasn't caused by water shortages or anything.
>source: your ass
>but that would help others not feel bad while playing the game
You do not have a right to not be offended. If this bothers you, feel free to play another game.
>humans need to be socially connected
Can you take a picture like someone without brain damage or is your mouth perpetually in the expression that a chimpanzee would make?
>I'm so against censorship on every single fucking level because i like art, books, and media in general.
holy shit I needed a good laugh, thanks user
If there was even a shred of validity to your argument you wouldn't have to twist yourself in knots rewording the situation and leaning heavily on conflation.
I'm done with you.
Is she eating a Creamsicle?
Stop doing mental gymnastics
Regret over gender reassignment surgery? No way. There is absolutely no problem with shit and cancerous necrotic cell leaking neo-vaginas. You fucking bigot.
No, I'm not implying that. I'm implying that freshman-year losers with no friends and no sense of self who are trying desperately to fit in are mentally fucked, too. I'm implying that it's not especially hard for a person to spend too much time in their own head and draw conclusions about who they are and what they want that aren't really true, and are just a product of the circumstances they find themselves in.
why are all the gays turning into trannies?
It's a good thing that devs are starting to come out as anti-political these days. Nintendo removing retarded flags and all. They've realized they are best left doing what they do best - develop games and study programming.
Leave politics to those who study politics, you are not politicians nor advocates, and being an activist without education ends with Trump being re-elected for 2020.
You are literally defending taking someone else's art and censoring it, you piece of shit.
Have you been living in a fucking bubble? How many kids does Bruce Jenner have? Or fucking this people.com
but gymnastics are good for your health
Killing Africans is literally better for Africa than not killing them.
Reseteratrannies who try to get japanese games censored and /pol/tards trying to get games Last of US 2 changed because they don't like it, both side of faggots can literally fuck off.
Stop trying to ruin someone fucking art you dipshits because you don't personally like it
Wanting censorship is tantamount to admitting you have no arguments
Increased water levels and increased frequency of storms and rain in the world as a result of increased water surface area letting off higher evaporation, does lead to a drastically better life in Africa and Middle East you dumb fuck.
>You do not have a right to not be offended
Who said anything about rights?
Does a private entity not have the right to alter its own copyrighted works?
Never said you can't call me a cunt. At the same time I'll respect those worthy of respect and acting like a cunt demanding shit of people because you're a tranny is not worthy of respect so fuck what people think about "deadnaming" if you're a cunt you'll be treated like one. Respect is a two way street.
The data doesn't show this. There's like single digit percentages of self-reported transition regret in studies
Yeah right.
Trannies are vocal as fuck even on this board.
>/pol/tards trying to get games Last of US 2 changed because they don't like it
But this never happened. Why are you lying?
Can you take a picture like someone that doesn't have brain damage? or is your mouth just perpetually in the expression that a chimpanzee would make?
Mental gymnastics aren't good for your mental health
I'm a complete rube and I hate to make light of people with actual mental problems but how does "thinking" you're a woman trapped in man's body make your life unbearable? Does your mind spiral into panic attacks because it can't find your tits?
Another non argument from you, twist myself in knots? No. Changing the original work for any reason at all is censorship. And I'm against it.
Its legitimately the easiest stance to understand.
Keep supporting shit localization and censorship tho so you don't get your fee fees hurt, and your brainy brain in pain from having to work too much.
Well no shit, they wouldn't be cultural imperialists otherwise.
And vegans have brain damage
Internet addiction, yes. Drug and alcohol addiction aren't considered distinct and are both covered by substance use disorder. I don't have any issue with that diagnosis, no.
Anything else?
to speed up population control
dont tell me what to do, you dont represent us, you dont rule us, you only seed divide and hurt trans-acceptance
there was never this much trans-hate before we've been made into a political talking point and used as excuse for an ideological censorship
This is only true in cucked places like california where kids are bombarded with faggot propaganda to convince them to suck dick. Anyone who would willingly engage in faggotry without being influenced is a faggot/mentally ill.
The only way to make real change now unfortunately is through violent conflict. You have to scare monsters away, but unfortunately that means a lot of risks and sacrifices must happen.
Too late. Everyone hates you now. Thank your "progressive allies" for shoving your issues that we pretty much don't give a fuck about down our throats and absolutely souring the topic for everyone.
The fundamental difference of opinion here is on whether devs have a responsibility to their customers and to society vs. the free market is king.
Cutting off your junk isn't an accomplishment and neither is pretending your a women. It commands no respect just cause you want to make up pretend names.
>Bruce Jenner
>Some random ass people magazine
>Trannies would never lie despite lying to themselves 24/7
>I'm a vegan
Thanks. Didn't ask.
That's not what imperialism is
>Comparing a phds which takes actual dedicated effort to earn vs fags who will call you names if you dont call them by their genderswapped identity
Altering works because you feel political pressure from the governing regime of another country isn't really a rights issue.
I don't give a shit about this example or what localisers do in general because I played this game 3 months back when it came out, but thinking of this as anything other than draconian makes you a retard.
>there was never this much trans-hate before russians realized it was an easy nerve to hit and stormfront jumped on the bandwagon
yawn. here's a fun image for you folks.
>mental gymnastics
Here's the non-vegan argument
We are BIOLOGICALLY OMNIVORES there is a reason we have both kinds of teeth, it's because we need to eat BOTH fauna AND flora.
Go join the 40% tranny
So is the lie that they are trannies or is the lie that they were pregnant? Cause in the article it literally shows a fucking picture of the transdude with a pregnant belly. And everyone knows that Bruce Jenner had children unless you literally live under a rock. So what point are you even trying to make here?
>tumblr file names
Checks out
>Altering works because you feel political pressure from the governing regime of another country
Yeah, that's what happened here. They didn't think it would benefit them monetarily, Hillary Clinton made them change it. You are a reasonable person with a good grip on reality.
Imagine putting your heart in soul into something and that’s all they can say.
Everything is political.
>you folks
Mocking and making memes about an ugly jew and its nose isn't trying to get it changed. That's called mocking it. Only the reseteratrannies are trying to get games censored. The /pol/tards and Yea Forumsirigins are just laughing at something stupid.
I love animals, and I eat the ones that piss me off. You're looking pretty tasty right now, btw.
What is bad about liking animals and eating them?
When some species elects a leader and proposes an end to this I might listen.
>he gets his statistics from pajeet and his poo-in-the-loo research facilities
You don't even know how to start a roll
who has ever said that?
Fuck off, we must act now and retaliate. Just because you’re tired of hearing about our enemies doesn’t mean we should ignore them.
>without being influenced
Ah, you put in an escape clause for yourself
>a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means
U wut m8?
you replied, didn't you?
and you got the waifu i wanted, so good for you
Others are kike owned, so though luck.
"disorder" and "life is unbearable" aren't necessarily the same thing. "Disorder" means "shit isn't working the way it's supposed to". Any sort of body dysphoria = an inescapable feeling that your body is incorrect and needs to be altered.
I guess an analogy would be, imagine walking around with a parasitic conjoined twin face poking off of your neck. Imagine getting up every morning and seeing that fucking mutilated skull-baby face looking at you when you towel off in the shower. Leaving the house and being completely convinced that everyone is looking at you like a deformed monster with a fuckweird neck face. You're gonna be a miserable piece of shit and hate yourself because you hate your body, that specific part of your body, and you're going to desperately want it gone.
Body dysmorphia is a mental condition where you feel that sort of feeling about a perfectly normal body part. You feel like it HAS to fucking come off. Gender dysphoria is that, applied specifically to your genitals/secondary sex characteristics.
Who are the monsters?
you're absolutely right. the time is now, brothers. the trannies are rising up. we must strike vigilantly.. like avengers of the night.. gamers.. rise up..
Is the post-fap depression a meme or what?
I never in my life have ever felt bad after I jacked off. Someone explain this shit to me.
>You're looking pretty tasty right now, btw.
People who become gay because of propaganda are brainlets who tend to stay gay anyway so there's not much difference.
Criticizing a video game product is not censorship. It's up to them if they want to voluntarily respond to the criticism.
>This is only true in cucked places like
Look, I married a man and fuck his butt 3 times a week, but let's be real here.
There's a reason the term is "Gay Until Graduation" and not "Gay Until He Quits His Job At the Factory". Colleges are exactly the place you describe; they're full of touchy-feely "woke" assholes who build identities out of convincing others that gay people are fun and exciting and interesting and straight people are pieces of shit.
>high degree of reported regret after genital reconstruction
[Citation Needed]
>Yea Forums hates trannies
>but lets them live rent free in their minds at every opportunity
>"Gay Until Graduation"
That term primarily applies to girls, because they're not as disgusted by lesbians as men are by faggots.
>My cellmate asked me to eat his ass like groceries
I only hope that most people can realize that we are just being used as token by both left and right,
the hate is completely unwarranted and the problem lies elsewhere, if it's not trans then they always find some other small group to victimize or hate
keep 'em coming, fellas. I know you're just rollin'.
Everyone knows the trans suicide rate is high. Your claim was it's due to regret after transition. Your source doesn't say that. All it says is "tranny suicide rate high". I knew that going in because I already know there isn't any research pinpointing a specific cause behind trans suicidality.
All names are made up, retard.
>trannies mad about deadnaming a fictional character that wasn't alive in the first place
Are trannies retarded?
Scratch that, why are western SJWs so retarded as to get offended on behalf of fictional characters and fictional writing? Is it some kind of self-insert delusion complex?
Do you feel represented by fictional video game character because you have no personality of your own so you pick shit from the shelf as it's given to you by fictional media?
Western SJWs are weird as fuck with their thinking.
>I hope Americans will spontaneously 180 on the whole "critical thinking" thing
America is 100% against critical thinking and critical thinking skills as an explicit point of policy. It "undermines parental authority."
Seems the only way to be taught critical thinking skills and anti-propaganda techniques in America as a kid is to go to hebrew school. They take that shit seriously.
If you actually wanted to understand, you'd not write this post.
You just want to whine and ask questions you don't want answered.
There's no simple one cause behind trans suicide but we know that a lot of things contribute huffpost.com
He's probably some flavour of religious nut. Or he's American. They get weird about sexual pleasure.
That feels fake. It would take such a stunning lack of self awareness for that to happen.
Why are you here? When did Yea Forums become a tranny haven
it's sickening
To answer your questions
>Are trannies retarded?
Yes, they wouldn't be saying such hypocritical things as "We respect other cultures" before turning around and saying "FUCK JAPAN THEY MUST CHANGE TO SUIT MY NEEDS"
>Scratch that, why are western SJWs so retarded as to get offended on behalf of fictional characters and fictional writing? Is it some kind of self-insert delusion complex?
Yes, yes it is, they literally can't not self-insert.
>Do you feel represented by fictional video game character because you have no personality of your own so you pick shit from the shelf as it's given to you by fictional media?
They compare real life events to popular culture things like Harry Potter or Game of Thrones on the regular. They're clearly more mentally ill than the most dedicated of waifufags except instead of preaching happiness and enjoyment for cute girls they preach misery and depression.
That's the Breitbart font
Nice echo chamber. I'm watching the ouroboros suck its own dick right now.
prove it.