Let's be real here, it's gonna be another great game undermined by Kojima's pretentious college kid-tier dialogue

Let's be real here, it's gonna be another great game undermined by Kojima's pretentious college kid-tier dialogue.

When the fuck is he going to get some decent writers?

Attached: 3424324423.jpg (1080x600, 79K)

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Oh great, another user faggot who is so smug and far up his own ass. Everyone knows that these games aren't deep. They are creative and aesthetic as fuck. His games are also fun. You know the game play. The thing that truly matters. Please everyone post your contrarian opinion below.

Kojima's english should be good enough at this point for him to properly communicate with somebody who's actually decent at english writing.

This isn't some controversial, contrarian opinion; the MGS2 translator wrote a whole essay on why Kojima's writing is not good.

you dont know if the gameplay is fun though.

link to essay? sounds interesting

If Hackjima took a turd on a paper and had someone transcribe it as best they could in words, and used that as the script for the game, some of the freaks here would still praise the writing. He is a cult leader

>the MGS2 translator wrote a whole essay on why Kojima's writing is not good.
While also giving some hilariously bad examples of her own writing and invalidating her opinion.

Everybody knows Kojima's not a good writer, but his stories are still entertaining in a ridiculous way. That's part of the appeal of his games.

And I was looking forward to it

No one's praising the writing. The games are just a pleasure to play. They are fanfic levels of retarded mixed with actual good gameplay.

It was from this interview but the source has been taken down, it's out there somewhere.


They are using a trash engine. The game looks underwhelming.

There will be once it comes out. People definitely praise the writing for his earlier games, only MGS3 and V are praised for gameplay. And V is hated for having bad writing, even though it's all the same bizarre Kojima craziness that people could enjoy for being retarded.

his dialogue is still the best in the industry

That's what sucks about nip games in general. They are incredibly creative and well made but the writing is atrocious.

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I must have watched a different trailer to everyone else cos this still looked like a boring generic walking sim to me. I guess cos it's being made by kojima everyone pretends to like it.

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Pretty sure you watched the same trailer since you're parroting the same braindead opinion as most of Yea Forums.

>great game
>unironically looks worse than MGSV

sure bro

Its not an MGS, so its automatically better.

>walking sim
what do you think this term means? the trailer showed the player dodging attacks and shooting enemies

gameplay has always been solid in Kojima's games, especially MGSV. Death Stranding looks like it has that snappy quality that's so satisfying in MGS so that's a plus.

Attached: CINEMATICADVENTURE.png (1435x1486, 162K)

As opposed to 95% of other games not transcending over high school tier?

>This isn't some controversial, contrarian opinion; the MGS2 translator wrote a whole essay on why Kojima's writing is not good.
Actually it is. The "essay" was hilariously formulaic and terrible from someone at a loss at what they're looking at for not understanding the pacing of the medium.
There's a reason why its literally forgotten by anyone but those calling him a "hack" and having a hate boner for him

o no, a genre description! how will user ever recover?

>its not a walking sim
>its a CINEMATIC walking sim


damn dude, adventures and cinema do suck youre right

I got exactly the opposite impression where the gameplay looked really clunkly. Did you watch the same trailer?

Did you watch the sequence where he was running throuhg the field getting staggered by enemies throwing spears at him? When he bumped into a guy and a glowing item popped out, and he ran in a circle until he could pick up the item again and run away? Did you see the part where he went after a guy with a brain-dead melee combo full of canned animations?

Did that look snappy to you?

When everything else we see shows you traversing terrain with huge, awkward box on your back. That looks snappy to you?

Is it just me or did the recent trailer sound like it was making a statement about recent American politics?

I know the translator was mad, I read that essay and the translator was completely wrong. He just didn't get it.

Doesn't matter because it'll never come out. Kojima's at the controls now.

>MGS2 translator wrote a whole essay on why Kojima's writing is not good.
I'll be honest, these days I will take weird Kojima writing over more drivel written by an English-major for a western studio. Games have a pretty consistent quality of writing right now, but end up being bland as fuck. A bit of weirdness at the cost of what constitutes contemporary literary quality is just fine in my book.

Yeah I thought it looked fine. But you seem to have an axe to grind so I'm not willing to get into an argument here.

This entire post is filled with buzzwords I can't even tell if it's bait at this point

>I must have watched a different trailer to everyone else cos this still looked like a boring generic walking sim to me

You're blind then, because the gameplay actually looks like the most interesting aspect of the entire game.

It's looks like a Survival game but actually good, there's enemies to fight but the biggest enemy is the actual environment itself. You have to figure out how to cross hazardous areas by using tools available to you, like using a ladder to cross a ravine.

>i dont want to play video games
>i want to watch them

zoom zoom

>TLOU combat


No I don't have an axe to grind. MGS3 is one of my favorite games and I think it's one of the best games ever made. The gameplay in this trailer looks bad. I can't believe it's what they choose to showcase. There's nothing interesting or innovative about it at all. Compare it to MGSV, where the trailer showed you tossing a grenade and telling Quiet to snipe it, midair, into a helicopter.

>Is it just me or did the recent trailer sound like it was making a statement about recent American politics?

No shit, Kojima is extremely liberal by Japanese standards. He 100% believes in open borders and the whole world being one big comfy family. This is extremely obvious when you play his games.

Nothing in Death Stranding is weird. Nothing. I stand by this: it's incredibly easy to follow and understand, except (of course) the details we literally cannot possibly know about until release day. I'm not trying to be confrontational here, I genuinely think that looking at Death Stranding and just saying it has "weird" things in it is a very poor and distasteful thing to do if you really care about video games at all.

You are making long-winded frustrating posts, clearly you have an unreasonable amount of emotional investment.

I believe this is true about all of MGS as well but people seem to think it's just bizarre.

>its easy to follow and understand
>but it actually isn't

youre wrong and gay

Looks like a fun movie. I'll be sure to watch it on YouTube for free when it gets recorded a day after release.


mgs does not have good gameplay, please tell me you're joking when you say that.

>And V is hated for having bad writing,
This is the funniest one. MGS has always had garbage writing but somehow people only noticed it with V.

That's not what an "axe to grind" means. There is nothing wrong with having strong feelings of disappointment with this trailer knowing that his previous games have been so much better. Regardless of whatever level of emotional investment you think is reasonable, my complaints are legitimate, proportional and well founded.

Yep sounds like ass. At least there's crash racing and iceborne this year. I'll just ignore this crap.

Thanks for giving traffic and revenue to a Sony game, my friend
Keep up the good work. All attention is good publicity

it takes a few leaps in its art direction and general design that I would call weird for sure. ropes hanging from the sky are weird to me on a conceptual level and I would like to know more about them.

I'm not saying that WE MUST COME TOGETHER AND REBUILD AMERICA is good, or even decent writing. if it doesn't take twists and turns along the way, I will be disappointed for sure. but the production design that we see is enough to maintain my interest at the moment.

easy to follow != weird.
there's lots of weird shit in that trailer. if you dont think stealth babies are weird then you are a moron

The source is on the wayback machine

>my complaints are legitimate, proportional and well founded.
I'm afraid that's not for you to determine

What's wrong?

is it the fact that death stranding is looking worse than MGSV?

Another thing is the release date. It could be coincidence but with all the other political signals in the trailer I wouldn't be surprised if he chose Nov. 8th as a direct reference to Trump.

Kojima is not a bad writer and the translations have usually been fine, it's the lack of localization and kris zimmerman being a lazy over the hill sack of shit VA director that's the problem

Go listen to the Jeremy Blaustein interview

1 and 3's writing are well liked though

they're very enjoyable and easy games to play with a decent variety of interactive systems to fuck around with, what else could 'good gameplay' possibly mean

I've run my posts through multiple advanced machine learning algorithms that are trained to rank written arguments according to their coherence, evidential grounding and how convincing they are, and these highly refined statistical analysis have evaluated them as superb in all categories.


Not really, the fact that it isn't a shitty stealth game already makes it better.
Not to mention it's not bound to the garbage lore of MGS, nor it's characters.

You're both mentally ill. It's a toy with the most basic of basic messages about unity. What are you getting worked over?

If you didn't suffer from stunted mental development, you'd leave a toy to be a toy and focus on real issues like Muslims raping children.

V wasn't finished. It's easy to hate a story without an ending. Look at GRRM's masterpiece A Song of Ice and Fire. One of the greatest fantasy epics, but the television adaption is hated for its writing because the story was unfinished.

>great game undermined
you mean mediocre game undermined

>where the trailer showed you tossing a grenade and telling Quiet to snipe it, midair, into a helicopter.
And that was a stupid gimmick that wasn't useful at all in the game itself and more often than not the grande wouldn't even reach the helicopter, and some times you needed several nades to down one.
Which was all pointless since two bullets from one of the high caliber rifles took down the heli easily.

I've only ever played msgv and Ive had alot of fun with it, from the trailer the gameplay looks responsive but it dosnt convey much in the way of how fun it will be, its simply too early to assume as much.

He's in

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I will add to that, if you can use ladders and rappels for traversal in a completely non-scripted and non-contextual way, that's much more appealing to me. Though I hope there are more systems in the game than just that.

Kojima has a good track record but I do hope we get 30 minutes of gameplay soon

Great game? How? The combat is shit and looks like The Last of Us garbage. This game is gonna bomb so fucking hard when people realize how shitty it plays.

Most of the gameplay appears to be walking through a giant wasteland. The fact that occasionally a van of enemies will show up for you to dodge doesn't change that.

yeah those clunky slow awkward punches in melee sure look responsive

How can a man be this based?
Literally has all of Yea Forums seething right now while he has the time of his life fucking B-List actresses. Kojimbo did it again :^)

Attached: D7yKzCsUEAEsVVe.jpg (1024x674, 81K)

>gameplay quality affecting sales
Then no MGS game would have sold.

the problem is the self-awareness that kojimbo used to have but now has perfectly lost.

his games have been based on anime-tier bullshits that coexist with ridiculously pretentious political critiques (that was really "new" at that time when gaming was still not considered as "art") but at the same time there were always some humors and gags built in the games that effectively do "comic relief", and which softened the hard nuance of its blatant message and let players not to take them seriously (but people liked to take them seriously at the same time just like any other B-tier movies).

it worked as it was, reveling the intent of the creator to consumers "I am trying hard here to be something else, but I know it is just a game". But, that self-awareness has disappeared since MGS4 which was trying hard to be something more than "just a game". He wanted to create a movie, not a game at that stage, and the backlash was caused.

the dialogues with quirky 4th wall in-game jokes and references to old movies or meaningless but funny trivia has gone, you have to take it seriously as any other western "movie" games, and there is no room to interpret the ambiguity that made the old games unique. consequently the crude, immature dialogues stand out.

It looks like Batman Arkham games or Witcher 3 more like than Last of Us. Also MGSV. The only thing that remind me of last of us are ladders.
That's not a compliment either.

Most screenwriting courses, lessons and college degrees don't enforce any creativity, they just make your work bland enough for Hollywood.

Have you played MGS prior to 4? Man, kids those days...

>not even 1 day has passed yet
>3.5 million views
based kojima

i bet the final release isnt an 8 minute advertisement

It seems like videos get millions of views very quickly these days. This never happened a decade ago. Has internet adoption just shot up or something?

>occasionally a van of enemies will show up for you to dodge
Basically FFXV encounter system. Except the van is not flying.

Attached: FFXV.jpg (1280x720, 205K)

that's not an actress, that's a horse

more people are connected to the wired. we've come a long way to connect people user.

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cute horse

100% this

The reason why MGSV was critiqued for its writing more than previous games isn't because it got worse, it's because Kojima tried to tackle serious topics in a much more direct way and there was way less comedy to offset it. You used to be able to write off Kojima's preachy dialgoue because at the end of the day Metal Gear was pretty fucking low-brow and dumb. The more serious Kojima tries to make his games the less you can write off his short-comings as comedic shlock.

That's even worse, bamham games combat s straight up trash

cinema does suck yes this is fucking videogames you retard

Gee, wherever did you get that idea?

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>sex with cave bitches

No thanks, I'd never touch a white bitch, aka cave beast. Black women only for me.

kek it's literally a moviegame

nah it's just kojima being kojima and being pretentious

If that's a horse then just call me a horsefucker because I would

looks fine to me. but like said its hard to believe that this is what they decided to show. its not enough we know nothing about the games plot but as far as gameplay this is all we have to go on.

>post-apocalyptic game about reconnecting America after it became shattered and isolated while also fighting extremist groups that use the division to their advantage
Kojima IS pretentious but the political commentary couldn't be more obvious

Its more a comentary on the internet connecting us but making us even more isolated

come on man, 'cinematic' in videogames means any amount of thought went into the lighting and atmosphere, and that there will be cut scenes.


>publisher: Sony
>trademark owner: Sony
lol where is the kids claiming the game will be published in PC as well?

Writer: Hideo Kojima
Director: Hideo Kojima
Oval office 3 A.M.
President: Sam.
Sam: Yes Mr.President
President: It's Ms.
Sam: I have my own beliefs, government can't control my will no matter how hard you try
President: Anyway, you have to go West and make Separated States of America whole again
Sam: My favorite movie is Godzilla
President: We need ho... oh no not now
*fart noise*
Sam: Sounds convincing
*over the top music with vocals play*
Sam:I guess saving Freedom™ of an American™ man from the past is the most important thing after all
Sam proceeds to breastfeed the baby while president dies, "Press X to applause" appears on the screen.


she complained that he didn't focus enough on japanese military operations, because that would've been "more original." the point went completely over her head.

that's more of a hook to help understand the world, and is hard to gauge the quality of the writing based on one quote from the game taken out of context for the purpose of selling the product. that being said, i still thought that "covering the world in cable didn't bring an end to war and suffering. Don't act surprised when it all comes apart if you try doing it again," was an actually really good line, which feels very in line with kojima commenting on the technocrats again.

why do you pay the slightest bit of attention to kojima when he's already demonstrated he's not interested in making the kinds of games you want to play?

>tfw the best writing in the Metal Gear series wasn't done by Kojima

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The over the top pretentious political wank in Metal Gear worked way better with Rising than any Solid game.

rising was pure kino and I have no idea how they pulled it off. even kojima couldn't pull it off. it was a surprise hit.

nah that's jut you projecting your own personal politics onto it, it's just pretentious weird scifi like kojima always makes

>'cinematic' in videogames means any amount of thought went into the lighting and atmosphere
no it doesnt it means the majority of the game is intended to be cinematic, with concessions to gameplay in the form of long boring walking sections and stuff

cinematic influences today seem to always result in decrease of interactivity

>rising was pure kino and I have no idea how they pulled it off. even kojima couldn't pull it off.

That's because Rising is essentially a parody of Kojima's style.

when zoomers think this game have good gameplay and is not just a movie with hollywood actors, just show them this video

Attached: 1559148572548.webm (526x510, 692K)

The whole game takes place in a digital landscape and it's about the Patriot AIs rebuilding after Naomi's FOXALIVE virus smashed their anus. The more you think about it the more it will make sense.

There is nothing wrong with this gameplay

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I think I could get the experience of this game by watching a few episodes of Postman Pat.

Note she didn't say a single bad thing on Ghost Babel (written by based Fuku entirely) she translated prior to MGS2.

Great game, what we saw until now is bits of a walking simulator mixed with clunky melee and shooting sections.
The gameplay is just an excuse for Kojima wanking to the close up of the actors faces

yes there is, its the most basic melee combat imaginable in a game by hideo kojima

>Sam Porter Bridges remembers the basics of CQC

It's all that matters to me.

Combat won't even be the biggest focus of Death Stranding gameplay, it's traversal and survival. It's essentially a Bear Grylls simulator.

It's what Breath of the Wild did with having to equip warm clothes for cold climates and shit like that, but expanded on in a major way. You have to cross a desolate wasteland to deliver a package and deal with the hardships along the way.

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"In the Darkness of Shadow Moses" is unironically better than MGS1 itself.

At least they're not painting heavily scripted sequences and QTEs in situations specifically designed for E3 as "gameplay". It's brutally honest, we gotta give them that.

Most games don't even look that good when actually played.

>It's brutally honest, we gotta give them that.
that's fair

>I guess cos it's being made by kojima everyone pretends to like it.
aka herd mentality

Last Kojima game I played was MGS4. I saw nothing in the trailer that made me believe he learned from his mistakes, the opposite in fact

it's only gotten more and more out of hand

what a shitty article

You mean Sunny, right

I like that they've gone from Snake's expert CQC combo to a deliveryman doing a flying punch and flailing around.

whatever man it obviously looks scripted, but in what context will fistfights happen in the game? HiTMAN has exactly one shitty canned animation that the characters snap into when you punch an enemy and the game still rules

>whatever man it obviously looks scripted, but in what context will fistfights happen in the game? HiTMAN has exactly one shitty canned animation that the characters snap into when you punch an enemy and the game still rules
It's pretty clear that combat won't encouraged in this game. You are encountered to avoid dangers as much as possible.

Is the game actually intended by Kojima to come out this year? Or did Sony learn why Konami dropped him in the first place and got him to hurry the fuck up and release it already? I'm willing to look past MGSV but if this game turns out to be a shitshow then it just confirms that Kojima is a hack

Sony seems fine with letting devs take over 5 years to develop games if they need to so I'm pretty sure it was Kojima's choice.


Are you seriously trying to push a narrative that Kojima isn't a terrible writer?

>it obviously looks scripted
Literally looks quite close to the usual MGS game, I don't see how anything in this is scripted. In fact, I see an animation skip that is typical of player input guiding the animation, and all the hallmarks of regular gameplay. I'd say you're overanalyzing things, but in fact I am, and it seems to be real gameplay.

Even MGSV, despite all the faults in its CQC combat, looks identical.

>the dark collectors... who are they? can I quick rundown?
>yes reedus, the homo demons, they're terrorist buzzword etc.
>the bridge baby huh? freaks me out too heh
>BTs ???
bravo kojima-san

the quality of kojima's games comes from everyone involved and working in his games, kojima's best influence on the games is that he says when something is good enough.
shame he writes the trash

the game will sell a whole lot which is what sony knows
thats all

Please tell me this is bait. Please

Nip games on average still have a way higher average quality of writing than wester game.

Even the worst JRPG has a better written storyline than any Asscreed, Far Cry, Rage etc.

There are some exceptions in the west like RDR or Witcher, but the average quality is insanely low.

>watch a movie
>copy the dialogue
>it's bad

>make up own dialogue from ideas you don't get from movies
>it's bad

it's almost like it takes passionate AND capable people for something to be good

you're probably right, thats just the only thing i could imagine the post i quoted was implying was bad. do you know what they meant? struggling to find the bad gameplay evidence in the five second clip of spacemen brawling in a field

what is the combat supposed to be like? From what little is shown its reminiscent of his other games?

It isn't bizarre, it's just bad. Kojima fanboys like to pretend it's complicated and weird to avoid confronting the fact that it's highschool level fiction they're watching.

anything that isn't completely interchangeable with tlou or uncharted

i guess i meant 'scripted' in the sense that pushing square + a direction will probably always result in a similarly animated exchange of blows, but also we dont know if thats true and also what if most of the game isnt about punching that hazmat guy in that field

are you people complaining just to complain?

I guess you're illiterate but that post is saying that Kojima fans understand the stories easily. It's people that don't like that pretend his stories are overly complicated because they most likely never played the games.

It's MGS but even more pretentious. It looks awful.

its not an combat focused action game like bayonetta.

Everyone who says they like Kojima writing are doing it to present their video games as more profound than they actually are. It's insecurity, plain and simple. Everyone is in it for the stealth and action and end up liking the storyline as a side dish since it's right there.

The average MGS game looks similar, except each hit requires a button press, and there's a bit more depth in certain games, allowing you to take on a few enemies, slaming them into the ground, kicking them off a cliff, or onto another enemy, rolling to dodge... It's not a fighting game but it's a clear cut above "press X to kill" garbage you see in games like DE:HR or Hitman.

Knowing Kojima, if there's melee weapons, throwable weapons, and that much close combat, we can expect decent mechanics.

You really have no idea what screenwriting is like, don't you user?

It's not about depth, user. Kojima's characters don't even talk like human beings.

It really is.

>It's pretty clear that combat won't encouraged in this game. You are encountered to avoid dangers as much as possible.
But then it isn't a stealth game, so which is it? It sure seems to have more combat than anything.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-05-30-13h21m59s746.jpg (3840x2160, 546K)

yeah absolutely, cqc is varied and situational and rules. i'm just trying to imagine what that user could be seeing and hating in that webm.

i see anons bitching about this logic in this very thread, but hitman is literally a puzzle game.

>it's an online game

Certainly, and it is a great puzzle, but hand-to-hand combat is laughable and could certainly use a bit more depth.

yeah i'm hitman stan #1 and laughable is spot-on. the exact same two-button QTE every time you swing any melee weapon at any hostile.

So we can explore the whole world and even the moon?

Attached: 1554990135515.jpg (620x887, 118K)

Mads wouldn't lie to us.

>trash engine

a software developer, are we?

>great game
We barely saw any gameplay and what we did see looked like crap.

I love Kojima's stupid on-the-nose dialogue. Having it performed by a great dramatic actor like Mads makes it even better.

Holy shit, what if the baby in Sam's BB Pod is baby Sam because of time travel or something (Those who stay connected to the past) and Mads telling the baby he'll be able to go wherever he wants, "even the moon", is foreshadowing Sam in the Ludens suit?

I mean Sam in the Ludens suit seems like a given at this point but I'm just trying to tack up some red strings here.

What is "the other side"?


A metaphor for the internet.

thought the same, or just the world of the player


Sounds he’s talking about NEET/Hikikomori’s

No no I've got it, the surgical scars on Sam and Cliff's stomachs are from the extraction of their "inner child" or whatever, a bridge from the present to the past that lets them perceive those in between, the BTs. But something's gone weird with Cliff's Bridge Baby, hence his association with the black goo, "Hades" and mutilated baby dolls.

So the babies are other players?



>it's gonna be another great game
>more open world trash
I don't know about that, user. We know how MGSV went down.

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords but at least i'm with the majority
your average Yea Forums poster

Has Kojima literally ever managed to be subtle with his dialogue?

His characters are all literally exposition dumps.

There were some slightly subtle moments in MGSV that went way over the heads of the retarded fanbase, so I think hes going back to full on exposition mode.

but they're ALL garbage

What is the deal with those wwi and vietnam sections? Are those part of the hades?

Attached: 1550767037008.jpg (479x359, 23K)

Just a stylistic choice to represent human misery I think.

The actual events probably aren't relevant to the story at all.


Seems like Mads is some war veteran that can't let go of the past, and brings back entire battlefields with him wherever he goes.

Kojima's Twitter mentions that the game is focused on connecting with other players to achieve things, I guess it's like an improved version of the nukes in MGSV