Carpal tunnel

>carpal tunnel
Am I done with gaming bros?

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I'll take that over tinnitus desu.

It's over
Guess you gotta be a normie now.

I had it for 12 years now, and no problems unless I played for more then 9 hours.

just bury it.

Fuck me I have both

Good for you user.

Play through the pain pussy.
Pain doesnt actually stop you from doing anything.

Start smoking weed. It'll help you manage it and make your games more immersive.

>he hasn't learned how to ignore the ringing

No, gaming is done with you. Gaming has consumed your time and your life, both of which you will never get back

get a powerball. helps me

God the picture is amazing

Carpal tunnel isn't just pain. You start to lose the feeling in your hands, and then eventually they stop functioning. Then the surgery to fix it has a 30% chance of working.

how is that any different from Wankers cramp?

I dont even understand how this is real, I could never imagine getting carpal tunnel or what it would feel like

are you like 50

Wankers cramp is the first stages of carpal tunnel

Is that why my left hand kinda goes numb sometimes? Been having some issues with it recently, it gets all tingly and I have to shake it out.

american food.

i'm murican too, and I play quite a lot of games, and have my whole life

Bad genes. Weak ligaments. Not enough stretching. Some people are just more prone to it.
Possibly you should see a doctor.

This whole post is the exact same line of thought I had regarding premature balding until it started for me. Interesting that works as an answer for that too

I absolutely love dogs.

I only notice mine if I'm in a veeery quiet room.

people always say you can hear your heartbeat in a silent room but I cannot.

That could actually be blood clots. You should make sure to do some hand exercises.

yo see a dr you gonna die

Well we all gotta go sometime. Thanks user.

>tfw sciatic nerve pain
If I sit too much my back and right leg hurts and I dont know how to relieve the pain, I want to kms.

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Nah. I don't have carpal tunnel but I have an injury in my wrist that causes the same symptoms (inflammation in my tendons, pain, numbness, weakness in my wrist etc.).
Just get yourself an ergonomic setup and you'll be fine.
Take breaks when you start feeling pain and inflammation. Use controllers for some games like KoA and such, where a controller is as viable as M&KB. That'll let your wrist rest if you place it in a comfortable position

>get a chair with good lumbar support
>sleep on a firm mattress
>buy a back brace for lifting for those random flare ups

A good chair goes a long way though.


nigga just get up and walk a bit

>carpal tunnel
Should've lifted some weights, son

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I do this shit daily at least 3 times, helps a ton.

Aren't you putting even more strain on your wrist ligaments by gripping weighs?

I was.

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>Exercises for gamers

Well.. then you shouldn't have lifted so much!

Yea it might seem like a meme, but the last couple exercises especially are really, really good for the wrist pain.
I work in a factory so my wrists get fucked doing the same motions 3000+ times per day.

You are, he's an idiot.
You can help strengthen your forearm, but it needs to be done carefully and slowly. weightlifting because of le even lifting brah meme, is not going to help

Well you are, yeah, but you train them by lifting weights. Nothing comes from nothing user, even a six-pack of water or such would be enough for quick lifts, just train that wrist. And avoid placing the wrist on the edge of the table.
That's unfortunate.
>Your dad is an Idiot for not jizzing you into a pan, waste of space.


>Lifting weights
The muscle growth comes from simply flexing the muscle, flexing your muscles as hard as you can and doing the motions of lifts builds literally just as much muscle, lifting weights when you have an injury is retarded, just flex and stretch, the only thing weights are good for is teaching you how your muscles flex as you do each lift, once you know that you no longer need weights aside from strength demonstration.

There's no need for personal attacks everyone!

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That's not true silence. They mean a special sound-proof chamber. Even in quiet rooms, there is background noise that you have never been without so you don't notice it.

Would you rather have chest pains?

i honestly think guys would rather have a small dong over prematurely balding.

How old are all you fucks if you're having these health problems? I'm 18 and feel as healthy as a horse.


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Experiencing chest pains for the last year, I'm 25 and have had an unhealthy lifestyle since I started my current job, year and a half ago. Too sedentary, eat too much garbage.

Not really ended, some pro players still manage to play good with this problem.
Yet you need to pay more attention to your health.

Get a cardiologist check up man. Maybe you can still reverse the damage to your arteries. You don't want to one day have chest pains with shortness of breath and not realize it's a heart attack.

I felt great in my teens too like everyone else, started noticing more unexplained aches, pains and pulled muscles in my twenties.

But user, that would mean asking for help.

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don't use wrist rests
just don't even let your wrists touch the table

>it only activates if I think about it
>tfw trying not to remember that it exists, knowing at the edge of my consciousness that the moment I remember the tone it will become real and keep me awake

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>tfw both

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At least you guys don't have hemmeroids. Fuck that shit.

Is it normal do have muscle spasms? People always told me how much I have them while a sleep but during the last few years I started having them during my day only on my right arm. Sometimes he just feels the need to jump for a second or two. It can get embarrassing if other people are around and I can't justify it to them

This. Carpal tunnel self inflicted the vast majority of the time. Go lookup youtube videos of pianists' hand positions before it's too late.

Try phenibut

To this day I still don't understand why "health" or ergonomy websites recommend wrist rests. I don't fucking understand how this could help with wrist strain, and i've really tried. I'm completely baffled by this.

Don't worry user

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>posts that aged poorly

>I'm 18

For the last year and a half I've suddenly started having the need to pop my chest the way you can do with your knuckles. I never had the ability to do that in my entire life until then, and now, if I don't do it every five to ten minutes I feel like I need to do it, or it even causes slight discomfort sometimes. I can't ever find any answers as to what the heck it is though.

Go fuck yourself Reverend Mother, put your own hand inside the stupid box.

>tfw 20 and already balding
end me

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Age really does catch up with you past 24-25

What a weird place for a Dune reference.

>30% chance of working
Are surgeons that incompetent in the US? I'm sure even Miguel Sanchez can get a better rate than that.

Literally the exact day I turned 19 I started having back pain problems

I would. I'm hideous and dumb so it's not like I'm using my dong for anything else than pissing but it feels nice to have a full head of hair

do you shampoo your hair every day? some people don't get fucked by it but it can definitely cause hair loss over time

kek it can cause some hairloss, not balding

No it doesn't you mong.

I've switched to a trackball mouse to help with the pain and stiffness.

Try having visual snow i dint realize i had it until some retard told me about fuck me

>carpal tunnel
>visual snow
just kill me

You're just playing life with a retro filter on bro.

No user pls... by being alive you're still a thread in the whole lattice of existence. Big or small, central or peripheral, every thread holds the big picture of the existence. Remove a single thread, and the picture changes, forever. Even if a thread takes your place, it means that thread has been moved from the previous place.
Even by not influencing directly, your single thread has probably influenced indirectly many threads unknown to you. Imagine how many threads will you influence unknowingly. So pls user no kys pls

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It's really fine user. I just realized it was tinnitus when some fag here mentioned it. Otherwise i thought it was the sound of silence or some shit. It's actually worse if you didn't have it and then suddenly it comes in the middle of your life. Not a big deal unless you really have nothing going on in your life other than the monotonous ringing noise in your goddamn ear. It's actually loud as fuck right now KEK.

What's about Yea Forums and telling you thing you shouldn't have known. I bet games are better without this

No I want you fags to kill me, I'm not some suicidal pussy.

Grind rhythm games like an autist for 5-6hours a day for 6 years then you will know pain.

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>He doesn't use a vertical mouse
>He doesn't use grip trainers between loading screens
>He doesn't train his wrist by lifting small weights (1 Kilogram) using his forearms in both the upright and the down position

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This actually looks really comfortable... I didn't know mouse this retarded existed. got any recommendations on a particular model?

why would you even play rythm games, I say you deserve it

>Late 2017
>Realized I have a high pitched constant tone in both ears, and can't unhear it
>Get depressed, takes months to accept it'
>Late 2018
>Realize I have a whistle of varying tones in my left ear
>Get depressed again
>Still struggling to accept it
I don't even listen to shit at high volume, or stick around loud things. No concerts or nothin.
I just got it because fuck my life.

Anyway I have a fear of excessively loud shit now.

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Whenever it gets to me I listen to 'Workingman's Dead' at low volume. Really vibes with me, and the sound keeps the ringing down.

>always turn up the volume in my headphones really fucking high
>worked in an environment with unusually high volume of background noise for years
>no hearing disabilities
I guess i got lucky here.Im sorry user.

I work with 3D graphics and spend around 10 hours a day in front of a computer from work and shitposting on Yea Forums. This is the model I bought around a month ago when I started feeling some slight pain in my forearm and kind of freaked out.

Its odd to use for the first day or so, but once you figure it out its second nature to use and is mad comfortable. Haven't had the slightest problem with pain since.

Only downside is it isn't great for FPS games, but maybe I just need more practice with it (I got into Dark Souls this month so I haven't actually played many games with the mouse yet). Othewise, just keep your regular mouse around just in case you want to play some Shooters or w/e.

Defo recommend it.

You probably have it, you just haven't noticed.
And the moment you do, you'll never unnotice it again.

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sweet as. can't go wrong for that price