Videogames aren't ar-

>Videogames aren't ar-

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Kill yourself retard, Ico is fucking trash.

Like you opinion lmao.

Ico is the fucking bomb you shut your mouth.

It has shit gameplay, kill yourself.

Fuck off the gameplay is good.

It's almost as bad as a walking sim, it's a snoozefest.

Figures artfags would love it though, they hate gameplay.

I unironically think that Shadow of the Colossus may be the one of the greatest and earliest pieces of True Game Artâ„¢. Scholars will be studying this game for fucking ages to come.

The whole game is portrayed like a story from oral tradition. It's a piece of history.

The fucking game practically oozes style and creativity. There truly is no other game like it. Just makes me sad that Praey for the Gods got literally everything that made Shadow of the Colossus wrong, especially the animations.

Yeah, that kickstarter game really shows how easy it is to fuck the entire game if your animations aren't fucking flawless. It's a miracle Shadow's animations are as top notch as they are, especially for a game from a no-name company in 2004. Seriously...

no other game has even come close to matching the realism and animation mastery of horseriding as Shadow of the Colossus. ALL mainstream games fuck it up. They ALL fuck it up. But Shadow of the Colossus is still the master of it a decade and a half later.

It's better than SOTC

Ico, Shadow Of Colossus, Pathologic and judging from what I played of the remake then Pathologic 2 as well, The Void. Easily the best examples of games-as-art without it being in any way ironic or negative statement.

Some other noteworthy titles include:
Papers, Please
and I may even argue that
Homeworld and Morrowind deserve their spots as well.

They're both shit, but SOTC at least has (shit) gameplay.

Just say that you don't like platformers instead of trying to pass as a retard.

I do like platformers, Crash Bandicoot 2 and SM64 are some of my favorite games.

Ico is just shit.

any game about Adam Hussein?

This is true. VIdeo games games indeed cannot be archipelagos.

Ico is overrated as fuck. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on it, it's a nice little game and I enjoyed it, but it's not some masterpiece by any margin. The atmosphere is nowhere near as strong or compelling as in sotc, the combat sequences are pure annoyance, the story or lore are close to non existent and rely on old and rather childish cliche and the implied artistic qualities- well, I honestly just don't see much of them here
Ico is a fairly pleasant and enjoyable puzzle/adventure game to beat in an evening or two, but how on earth it got jerked into some artistic masterpiece is beyond me. sotc may deserve this title, but not this game.

>IPL games
My man of culture


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I legitimately cannot comprehend how someone can be this much of a contrarian

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why do you think it's shit?

Lmao, no crash nor mario 64 can even get close to the amazing ludo mixed with story of ico.
You're just being a retard for attention.

>videogames aren't aren't

I don't care if you hate it because it got mildly popular, it still qualifies and this game helped me with my depression.

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Shit gameplay that's lauded by fedorafags who think they're deep.

All of Studio Japans games are like that, shit gameplay and pretentious shit stories.

Soulless, drab, unfocused bullshit

>shit shit shit, it's shit
is there any point even talking to these people

Gameplay isn't that important

>it's shit dude trust me.

Trips confirm Studio Japan is garbage.

>It's good, just trust me Gaijin

Shadow of the Colossus is spectacular. The others are just *okay* games.

But if you don't like SotC you are being actively contrarian or you find the long treks on horseback to be boring. You might have attention problems or you feel uncomfortable sitting in silence for a few minutes and being introspective.

If it helps, try playing SotC on psychedelic drugs. FUCKING AMAZING. Some of the greatest experiences of my life.

>If it helps, try playing SotC on psychedelic drugs

See, thanks for proving me right, Studio Japan fans are degenerate fedorafags.

I bet you smoke weed too you degenerate.

ico is good, bordering on great
sotc is great
haven't played tlg

>>Studio Japan fans are degenerate fedorafags.
Why are you being an asshole? You are pretty closed-minded, you know that?

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Nice funnyjunk filename nigger

"Ico" can be appreciated as a work of art ONLY WHEN YOU PLAY IT AFTER COMPLETING "ANOTHER WORLD" FIRST.

Moreover, Ico's prior completion is necessary for properly appreciating "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time" and "Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons".

Man, you are just a shining beacon of positivity. Fuck-A dude.

Maybe smoking some weed or doing some mushrooms is something you actually should do.

Nah, stick to your CoD and Anthem. They're great games. Also be sure to keep buying lots of worthless plastic merchandise, curtousy of Bethesda.

>it has bloom lighting
>therefore it's the best game ever

Why can't nerds admit that they only ever liked that game or its sequel because they though bloom lighting "looked cool"?

>If you don't like muh shit art fag games you like these generic AAA trash heaps

Keep crying nigger

name YOUR game then, buddy

You seem like a bad person.

I don't play videogames.


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You seem like a cock loving faggot.

Quintessential Yea Forums post.

God I hate this board so much.

I love it.

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Nice one

More like the opposite

>shit gameplay
care to elaborate? I think the game does well what it sets out to do.
>lauded by fedorafags who think they're deep.
well, I didn't ask you about the fans didn't I?

Just ignore him dude. He's clearly a troll.

Tell me instead the things of SotC that you love.

For me it's the style and mastery of animation.