Claim your Weaponfu

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For me, it’s my peanus weanus

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des: kilij/crescent axe
das1: balder side sword
das2: everything plays like shit in that game so mace because everything is fucking weak to it
das3: gundyr's halberd
BB: burial blade
sekiro: firecrackers

I'm a simple man.

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either this or biotics from mass efect

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Interesting, that looks like an Atelier game.

>You have remembered well, how the tenno arm themselves.

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come at me pussies

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Go back to shit posting on youtube, quiette shy

Actually I own it already

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>blows half of your torso off
>"nothing personnel kid"

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Armadyl Godsword redesign

imagine the smell

stopped playing d2 when last word was released, wat's this gun and is it OP? also is the PvP still fucked up beyond salvaging?

Forgot image

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god it's so satisfying when games get it right. problem is so few games do shotties right

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Also known as the unnerver

I wish I was mute so I could force my body to learn sign language and try to get her to date me.

true. rising storm 2 satisfied my needs for gud shotguns


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For me, it's Mastodon halberd, shame it isn't featured outside of DS2

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>Simple design based on the Colt M1911 pistol
>Incredibly useful in both pre hardmode and the beginning of hardmode
>Gets completely overshadowed by the Venus Magnum and every other gun since it's never given an upgrade
It hurts

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How about you stop being a fucking perma-virgin and instead of spending hours playing a skinnerbox, watch a youtube video or two

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I'm like 85% sure it's Bravely Default or Bravely Second. They have some cool weapon designs in those games. Worth a play if you have a 3DS. They're not much like Atelier, as a heads up.

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Is bravely second.

The Apache.

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lol wrong image

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Claiming everything on this and you can't stop me because both weapons are arcane.

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because she also smells like Dkdiamantes' dick and I'm not trying to wash that smell off me too

also watching youtube videos is what got me into this mess anyway

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>Only 15% of the blade have an actual cutting surface

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since someone already claimed fists, i'm going to go with this

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At least that shitty boss fight rewards you with one of the most fun weapons in the series.

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Chaotic rapier was so sexy. I know osrs has the ghrazi or whatever the fuck it’s called but osrs is shit and looks like shit

overdesigned garbage

behold, the weapon of the aesthete

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Halberds. All of them.

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*kills 9 of you in one trigger pull*

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>Why, my peanus weanus of course.

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For me, it's the True Dragon Sword

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For me, it's Benediction

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*blocks your path*

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that's a Carpenter tool.

>napalm mod
>bomblets spawn napalm too

too much fun my man.


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>not minibomb so the entire fucking level explodes

Soooo... A shaman bone blade?
That's not a weapon though, it's a consumable.

I find the slowing, bright goo far more satisfying. Timebomb is fun too, but don't if you are vulnerable to seizures. (negative color flash and all)

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Cow gun

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