>those devs still only putting a few trophies in a game
>no platinum trophy even though you can make a small amount of trophies gold to qualify for platinum trophy
Why are they retarded?
>those devs still only putting a few trophies in a game
>no platinum trophy even though you can make a small amount of trophies gold to qualify for platinum trophy
Why are they retarded?
>those people that care about trophies
Why are they retarded?
Are trophies your motivation for playing video games?
Yes. I look up trophy guides beforehand.
yes. otherwise I'll be stuck playing time sinks like mobas and destiny
>people give a fuck about Trophies
Why? are you an NPC or something?
I think they dont even consider. Not "lets not add a platinum" more "just port it over with the achievements it has"
It helps with replay value.
They attached the PS4 Okami to the PS3 trophy list rather than make separate. Was really bummed about that since I already had the platinum years ago.
Sometimes, yeah. Both games being equally good, I'll pick a game that has achievements over one that doesn't.
>Nintendo still hasn't added trophies/achievements because they want people playing the game to have fun and not to earn some hollow plaque for autistically doing specific things in specific ways
Far from it but I have a shitty relationship with them. I can't just play a game that has trophies and enjoy it, I have to compulsively adjust my playthrough so I can get the maximum amount or all of them in one go.
Post your trophy counts
There's some games on Switch like Minecraft with Xbox achievements. It's going to take over.
I know that feel. I'll look up the completion percentage on trueachievements before starting. If it has broken achievements or just too demanding/hard I'll skip.
Whats the point of a platinum?
I always look it up as well, can't help it, most of the time I can only really enjoy games when I pirate them or they're on a nintendo system so I don't have to bother with achievements, they're fucking annoying in most games.
holy shit i'm only level 11
With how Kid Icarus Uprising and Smash bros have them that's not the case. They're just lazy with their other games
Why don't you hide notifications for them and ignore them? I want to but I have committed to them for over ten years. Feels like a loss just finishing a game nowadays.
Im nearing 100
They literally have done achievements though. Various first party Nintendo games have extremely achievement-like challenges that serve no real purpose and any reward (if one is given) is minor. Mario Odyssey has achievements as mundane as "Collect 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 coins" even.
They clearly are perfectly fine with the idea of optional general objectives. The only difference is they don't have a universal tracking method outside of the game for them. And while I enjoy that tracking myself on Playstation, I think it's fine they don't have that, but would welcome it if they did.
I need more plats
Not the sole motivation, but it's nice to have. I like having a "log" of what I've done in games as well as having auxiliary challenges.
I dont like them. People say "you get all the trophies by playing normally lmao" but that has never been the case. When would you "normally" spend 20 hours in the shittiest multiplayer mode. Or harass your friends list with challenge invites they couldn't give a fuck about.
Most games cant even be fucked to put in an achievement for the hardest difficulty or even a game completion at all. Since grinding kills with every weapon or collecting every dot on your bloated as fuck open world is true skill.
What kills me is people talk about "incentive". "Where is the incentive to replay the game?" "I need a deep progression system as an I N C E N T I V E to keep playing."
Your incentive is you are playing a fucking video game.
I can't just ignore them, I know they're still there asking me to complete them. I have OCD irl, I don't know about you.
Not exclusively, but I see them as a positive.
For example, I wanted Team Sonic Racing and couldn't decide whether I wanted portability or trophies more. In the end, it being 60fps on PS4 and 30fps on Switch was vastly more important than those in deciding which I went for though.
I'll never play a game just for the trophies, but I do enjoy being able to say I've got them all for games I love.
No, but I like them.
haven't really hit the grind for about 10 months
good to hear. how is the trophy list in TSR?
Yeah, Konami dropped the ball recently with the Castlevania Anniversary Collection. Why did the Arcade Game Collection get a Platinum but the Castlevania Collection only got a handful of bronze trophies for completing the games? I won't pay 20€ for a newly released game that has no platinum.
Mfw earn all single player trophies and find it has online trophies but its online is turned off
It’s a goddamn good metric for when you “beat” a game.
fucking RE4
laziest shit I've ever seen oh wait it's crapcom
>Crash Team Racing trophies/achieves announced
>have to probably win several full lobby races online
>get game six months down the line
>hardly anyone playing now, never full races
This is why I hate trophies. I remember Dirt 2 had one for finishing an 8 player race online first but if one person quit it is voided.
Pretty reasonable. Doing everything is a solid challenge though if you play alone, can be mildly annoying since CPUs can fuck it up for you when it comes to certain objectives in the campaign. Not as common as you might think though.
Anyone should be able to do it, though should be prepared to be redoing missions a lot. It's a racing game though so that's still pretty fun.
All they had to do was change them to gold trophies and you'd probably get an automatic platinum added.
Holy shit the absolute state of snoytards
Why don't good games have platinum trophies?
>Gorou avatar
my nigga
Indies weren't allowed platinums when that came out
That is impressive. How many games would you say you complete in a year? I'm only nearing level 19 and I'd say 40 a year for me, that's without 100 percenting any of them and just doing most of the side stuff and getting to the ending though.
I thought platinum trophies are mandatory? Only jap games seem to include them for Steam too, and it fucking sucks.
For all you know half those games could be easy 1 hour platinums. There are actually trophy bait games sold on ps4 now. Ratalaika Games does this and shits out a new one every week it seems.
How about treating it like a checklist in a collectathon? Sure you could be satisfied by simply beating the game, but you can go for the 100% and have fun with it. If i'm not into the game, i won't bother with the trophies, but it's extra satisfying to get a plat in a game you enjoy.
If there aren't many trophies (some games like Firewatch only had four) then it won't calculate into a platinum. If you have only a few trophies in a game then the dev has to make this gold. If there are loads, then it has to balance out bronze/silver/gold.
Tacoma has 13 trophies yet has a platinum because of gold trophies.
Ratalaika are based
What's funny is that if Nintendo incorporated some kind of similar system for their IPs, I'd be all over that shit. Seriously how many times do they expect us to play SMB2 and Dr. Mario on their newest system as time goes on.
>somehow a higher psn level with 14 less platinums
How does it feel to throw money at bad games for easy trophies? They love you I bet. They tapped into a market and are exploiting autism.
Neat, didn't know that's a factor in the process
It's all trophies calculated.
It depends. sometimes i just leave games hanging and come back to them, other times it's just like a frenzy and platting several games in a row. In 2018 i got 37 games completed out of maybe 50 beaten, so far in 2019 it's been 12 out of 20 or so.
Nah, i wouldn't buy games just for the plats. Sure, there are several games like that in the list (like the ridiculous 1 hour conan Exiles plat i did just for shits and giggles, you can literally use admin rights to spawn all the bosses in the game and insta-kill them for half the trophies lol), but it's more of a side-effect, not a goal. I mean if i play a walking simulator and by the end of it i see there are like 3 easy trophies left to 100%, why would i leave it at 91%?
>mfw the only playstation game I have ever 100% was Nioh
>didn't even like it that much
Someone high up at Nintendo just really seems to hate the concept of them. I bet Miyamoto. Bill Trinen said this in 2011:
"Basically, the way the games are designed is they're designed for you to explore the game yourself and have this sense of discovery," he said. "To that end, I think that when you look specifically at games from EAD [the group long led by Mario and Donkey Kong creator Shigeru Miyamoto] and a lot of other games that Nintendo has developed a well, there are things you can do in the game that will result in some sort of reward or unexpected surprise. In my mind, that really encourages the sense of exploration rather than the sense of 'If I do that, I'm going to get some sort of artificial point or score that's going to make me feel better that I got this.' And that, to me, is I think more compelling."
I don't think they'll ever add them.
Trophies have a point value, your level is determined by the number of points. Each bronze you earn is 15 points, silvers are 30, golds are 90, and each platinum is 180. If you have less platinum trophies but a lot more golds and silvers, odds are you'll be a higher level than I am (20).
bloodborne's platinum is the best.
>literally just play the game, acquire all endings. oh and do a bit of optional bosses. enjoy your plat
translation, S0ny cockblocked the patents
I like collecting trophies. They make even bad games enjoyable. And Ratalaika isnt all bad.Like 'I am the hero', not a very easy to plat but fun.
>Get a free PS4 theme for achieving the plat as well
Truly the best
>and complete the dungeons
Fucking boooooring
They're just trying to teach you that trophies are pointless. Who cares about whether a game has a plat or not? Are you trying to pad out your numbers?
>And Ratalaika isnt all bad
In fact, they are pretty based, because they still support the Vita.
How is your level even calculated? I have 46 plats and I'm level 20 too.
Achievement hunter retard.
Someone explained it here. Also, the point requirement goes up each level.
Points. Bronze 15, Silver 30, Gold 90, Platinum 180.
>not doing coop with a based /bbg/ spelunk squad
found your problem
>no mention of the Chalice Dungeons
Fake news.
Finally got the platinum in that Barbie game. Now have to hunt down an EU copy but not sure if it was made physically available there. It's been delisted for a while.
I've got a good completion rate. Just don't play enough games.
I can never earn another trophy again.
I used to care about achievements but I grew up.
>Crash Team Racing trophies/achieves announced
It's the catch 22. At least with multiplayer achievables.
You can have things which are actually an achievement, but they're hilariously unrealistic unless you're playing 24/7 for the month of release, where everyone gets them, but then afterwards, no one can ever get them again.
Or you just have pissy ones like, "play give matches online"
Post your plats anons
It's my motivation to try new games that I otherwise never would've played. My trophy boosting group of friends are always playing multiplayer games with trophies so it gives me an incentive to try them out. Otherwise, I would honestly not even be gaming as much. Maybe I would be getting into something even worse and autistic like speedrunning.
This is me as well. I have to optimize my playthrough and I hardly ever enjoy campaigns anymore.
My list isnt that impressive tbhonest. I regret a couple games on my completed list.
Yea. Most games just arent that good so I get some enjoyment when I go for trophies.
Based and Adrianpilled
I'm just predicting. I hope they don't put really stupid luck based ones in.
I got all of 2016 DOOM's trophies and it makes me happy
Remember when achievements and trophies and achievement-whores were largely ridiculed on this board?
Better times
Yes i like vidya i play lots vidya
Not really. I still check if there is some missable trophies before playing a game tho
got my ps4 on january
>need to play multiplayer to get Platinum trophy
Its not the devs that controll that you retard. It is SNOY! They say what games can have platinums or not to the devs.