Outer Wilds

This comes out today. Be sure to thank Epic for giving ou the opportunity to pirate it completely guilt-free.

Attached: outer wilds.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

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Looks nice.
But I only play popular games.

Game looks legitimately boring

It's fucking out? Did they even give a releaseda-
>10 days ago
They retards really should've created a marketing department.
Shit team.behind it aside, this game is gonna be amazing, I can't wait to play it.
Shame about the whole epic thing; I actually would've paid for it, if they didn't decide to take money from epic.

How many fucking forgotten indies to game devs need to witness before realizing how important it is to at the very least try making your game known? I don't even know if it's Epic's fault or the devs.

It's an Epic exclusive, it's probably going to be at the frontpage of the store for a few days.

But yeah, I had no idea this existed until I saw a trailer by chance a few months ago.

I actually think the dude who was behind the original prototype got fucked.
His role in developing the game was to be the "creative director".
In short that means he got no actual control over the development process, nor over the marketing of the game.
Can you image thinking up an unique game like this and getting fucked over by your other project members?
Reminds me of university.

Same, I haven't pirated a game in like 7 or 8 years but I want to play this and I'm not giving any money to Epic, plus the dev already got a shitton of dosh from them so it's like they're just giving it away for free.
It's a shame because it looks great and I'd definitely support the devs otherwise.

what time does epic release games?

what a petulant child

have sex.

This thread made me think outer worlds was out.

me too.

They did have a little attempt at marketing by making some youtubers play it I think.

I don't have Epic, is it out now or just later today.

I played the alpha few years ago, what was added to the game since then except for prettier graphics ?

I will never play a game if it was on Epic Store, no pirating as well. Fuck traitor coward devs and their games.

join Islam

Torrent when.? I actually haven't pirated many games in these last years, basically just Persona 5 for the emulator and PQ2 for 3DS.

Sure as shit going to pirate this, though.

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Is it fun? I'll buy it on epic eventually if so. It looks cool but I'm busy with my freshly hacked 3ds and warband

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I took me a whole minute of googling and reading the thread to realize OP isn't taking about Outer worlds.

Is this like NMS but good?

outer wilds doesnt release today sire

so what kind of a game is this?

it is like no mans sky?

Go back

Can't wait, looking forward to it.

wait what its actually out?
Yea Forums never told me about it. 0 hype doesnt look good.

It's more like Wind Waker, but in space, with full 3D planets/universe.

I played the beta/alpha years ago, it was neat.

>cant find a torrent
How doa on arrival is it?

Top comfy FOTM game 2bh.

I miss the Yea Forums threads.

So we collectively stopped blaming steamDRM and now blame EGSDRM for why we are scumbag poor people?

its not out stop lying faglord

It comes out today dipshit
May 30th

google say the date is not known. But its in 2019. So suck my cock faggot.


EGS Exclusive on PC

Almonds activated

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Jesus christ user

ok then explain why does google say it doesnt have a releas date?

Wait how is this company able too release a game called "Outer Wilds" when a game called "Outer Worlds" is on the horizon by a bigger name company. Why didn't they sue them too prevent this game name, this will surely cause confusion in the year too come?

Sounds like a (You) problem


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Is this another gay builder boat game?

Lie more faggots

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Outer Wilds has been in the making for like 10 years

Mite be cool when it's released a year from now.

Sound's neat, I might check it out.

ok i see whats going on. Niggers want to confuse the good folk on Yea Forums by pretending the outer WORLDS is releasing when its just some indie shit called the outer WILDS.

Well then it'll be in a couple hours fag. It's still supposed to come out today. Games are usually released in 6 hours in my timezone but EGS might do it differently.

I don't really care, I'm just waiting to pirate.

No it isn't.

The actual state of newfags

Oh I'm retarded. I just assumed OP was fucking around.

its not the obshitttian game outer worl.ds Its an indie shit game called outer wilds.

>you can't look anything up about the game without the horrifying plot twist that is never explained to you beforehand being spoiled
Fucking hell.

This is also my problem. There's that coop RPG Outward as well that released a bit ago.

Anyone else play the unity alpha from earlier this decade?

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It's not EGS exclusive, retard.

Everyone understood that but you

sick come back, bro.

How long has this game been in development? I could swear I saw some alpha version of this a long ass time ago.

well we all know op wanted to hoodwink us into thinking that outer WORLDS was released.

Are you retarded? How the fuck did he ever imply that?

There's a god damn screenshot of the game right there you massive fucking faggot.


Jesus you're a fucking retard.

was a student project, released a basic build, it was super well received so they made a game

>all these newfags outing themselves ITT

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I think crowdfunding is much worse than going timed epic exclusive, but whatever

The real worst thing is crowdfunding, saying you'll release on Steam&Linux support, then delaying the game one year for Linux users.

rcvrpt outer worldsd is crowdfunded sweetie

what the fuck are you talking about, sport?

Thank god russians exist, they rip everything

stop posting

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t.got hoodwinked by op
No one cares about some indie trash called the outer wilds sweetie

Hopefully we get a download by the end of the day and I get to play it tomorrow. Everyone who played the demo seemed to have nothing but good thing to say about it.

same price as a pack of cigarettes, I dont give a fuck about epic exclusivity, this is an obvious day 1 buy.

except its free on 1337x sweetie

Nobody cares about cookie cutter AAA trash, we've known about Outer Wilds for years.

>Outer Wilds
Jesus, this game is so fucking old

No, game have been playable for years so just try it out

Disgusting honestly. Anyone ITT who didn't play the alpha with Yea Forums a few years back take a look at my image.

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I got sucked into a black hole, ended up in space, tried to boost my way back to this planet, but I shot past it. Died by using my remaining fuel to boost into the sun.

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Anyone have that one webm of the probe and the monster? Pretty much the only reason I knew that this game existed

Has the game been cucked since the alpha?

what are you asking?

spent 1$ on gamepass and have been enjoying it

>There are people in this thread who, when they heard about Outer Worlds, didn't go "Wait, I thought this game was about exploring some solar system, not a FPS"

>pirate it completely guilt-free.
This is a oxymoron, those who pirate games and ingrates and sociopaths anyway.

Fucking fantastic. On the epic store web page it said the game is ready to go, so I buy it and a big install button shows up. I click it, the epic games app pops up and it suddenly says the game comes out on the 31th. I could stab someone for less

>so I buy it

y i k e s

I will spend more money on coffee today than I did on outer wilds.

game doesn't look good at all
what are you going on about

holy shit this board has lost it's marbles

Dude on csrinru claims 11am EST is when it'll unlock, so about 4 hours.

Adds fifteen minutes for the first torrents

Yea Forums's been following this game since the original Pressure threads

if youre unable tp recognise an obviously interesting game engine, just find a different hobby. youre literally the worst kind of pleb

The original alpha version was pretty popular, i figure they were hoping to ride on the hype that comes with all the people who waited for the release. They fucked it up with the chinese spyware store though


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Its the fault of putting your game on a dead distribution platform.