I am trying to figure out if this can make a good gift for my husband and I don’t know much about video games. He used to play games like Skyrim. That’s the only one I can think of right now.
He used to play a lot of games on Xbox a few years back. It looks like he is over it now. He prefers playing small-ish games(tower defense kinda games) on the iPad. I was thinking maybe the Switch could be a good alternative. Although, I don’t know if he will like it as much.
I can’t really ask him about it because our anniversary is coming up and he will know I’m fishing for info.
Any suggestions/advice is appreciated.
And I apologize if I’m violating any rules. If so, please let me know. I don’t post a lot on Reddit.
He will absolutely love the switch. Also just the fact you're caring enough to notice his gaming habits and want to get him something he enjoys is super sweet and I imagine he'll appreciate the gesture.
Don't do it, it's not worth unless he's a total nintendo fanboy. It's not like a typical portable ios where it has little games you play on the fly. It's meant for addicts who can't go for eight hours without playing something.