>can't kill villain because you will be just as bad as them
Is this true Yea Forums? it does make you a murderer if you think about it
>can't kill villain because you will be just as bad as them
Is this true Yea Forums? it does make you a murderer if you think about it
i always spare people in video games
It's true in a way because most anime protagonist want to save everyone, but they never mention they want to save villains too. So if the universe allows villains to be included, they're losing by not being able to persuade them and having to kill them instead. It's basically the exact same situation for villains since they couldn't convince the world to be their way, they had to resort to killing.
Shit is fucking stupid every time it shows up and I can only think of ONE game that did this right. And I don’t understand why the person being presented with this dilemma always stops full track whenever this happens. Like seriously? You had zero problems cheerfully slaughtering the bad guy’s forces without any remorse and now when it’s time for the main man you decides to consider?
youre a weakling
murder is a solution
what if they break free and murder another 1 million people though, couldve been prevented by just executing them
some stories have the main villain comeback time and time again, shit makes no sense
bad guy kills people > you don't kill bad guy > bad guy still kills people
bad guy kills people > merc that fucker > he's dead
it's simple, really
>game pulls this shit
>then immediately makes the villain do something totally fucking retarded that brings about their end anyway without the hero killing them
fuck this shit even more than the "just as bad as them" one
It's not about prevention, it's about your ideals being proven right and if they aren't, you might as well stay wrong all the time.
but most of the time to get to the main villain they killed hundreds of henchmen prior, without remorse, but then they get to the perceived root of all evil and suddenly its immoral?
If the MC or whatever really wants to prove their ideals right they would have stuck to it and never kill anyone along the way. Most of these games that present this dilemma never once had a protagonist that went full pacifist along the way. If they had, then the dilemma would be understandable.
When the fuck has this ever happened, are you sure you're not mistaking the henchmen getting knocked out for getting killed?
People keep complaining about this trope but I literally can not think of a single time it has happened in fiction.
Batman Begins.
eat shit
>big bad villain dude fights like a bitch
>uses an wmd to murder a dude
>tries to proclaim POW status to avoid getting ventilated, pulls the "You can't kill me! You'll be just like me!"
>character instantly headshots him, then agrees with him
I too enjoyed Days of Ruin.
>cant rape villains cunny to get back at them
What were they thinking?
eat curry
Wouldn't defeating a villain and making them watch everything they've built up and strived for crumble around them be much more humiliating than straight up killing them?
No, that's really because the devs thought "Oh fuck Majorita is really cunning! How could we even think to kill her?! Let's have them forgive her and add them to the MC harem instead. Man I love cunny...".
It's okay as long as you leave no witnesses.