What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Attached: 2019-05-30 08_36_31-(8) Twitter.png (574x722, 448K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>you can transfer saves from one system to another
>it's called TRANSFARRING

I genuinely don't know. I don't understand what to expect from this game.

once again nobody knows what the fuck he is talking about

It all makes sense now.

>It is brand new action game with the concept of connection (strand). I call it Social Strand System, or simply Strand Game
is he talking about online play?

This is the work of an enemy strand


sick jojo reference bro

You go out in the world, America's a big place. Then transfer to the other side and establish a link, bringing those people and that town back to our version of America. At the end of the game, you realize that you are actually destroying those towns and where you live is hell.

S3 does not stand for Social Strand System.

Attached: Solidus_Snake.jpg (800x1000, 92K)

Japs love talking nonsensical because they think it makes them sound smart

Can we speculate? Or are we gonna shitpost? I think maybe dying puts you in another person's game.

Well you know Japs do not understand online multiplayer or network infrastructure so

>Ocelot is leader of Homo Demens
>the "other world" is one of perpetual war

Attached: OuterHeaven.png (480x480, 30K)

So will playing offline make Death Stranding worse? Because it seems like it's reliant on a lot of online shit to make its ideas work.

caramel was right

Sounds just like here

he means hes a fucking autist people keep giving money to

The guy is really trying to create a new "genre". He even did mention about it too like three years ago.

why would i trust Kojima after MGS4 and 5

Attached: 123.jpg (1253x1280, 108K)

You probably won't even be able to launch it without an internet connection.

>make rpg
>call it "BBS RPG"
>make cinematic stealth action
Japanese hacks everybody. Not the first time you're being sold "new genre".

Attached: BBS.jpg (504x292, 48K)

>single player is a big open world
>dying takes you to hades, the multiplayer
>collecting a baby from hades puts you back in single player

Yeah, okay.

How many ways can he put it nigger?
>Enemy shadow monsters have umbilical cords
>Bridge Baby has umbilical cord and connected via a wire or tube
>Sam explicitly references "wire" as a means by which people tied the world together
>the title of the game has STRANDING in it
He couldn't be laying the allegory on any fucking thicker.

>it's an action game
>but don't fight bro
I'm confused. Anyway, I hope killing people doesn't make the goo people come after you more. I need SOME release after all that mailman crap.

Its not open world, user. Nobody said anything about open world. Just because there are open fields to run around doesn't mean you aren't constantly bombarded by objectives.

when you die you can follow down a strand that you have collected

4 was fine and 5 was still good despite all the stuff he had to deal with.

You faggots are so underage it hurts.

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By whatever the fuck Kojima has been trying to pull, I'm convinced that this game won't be winnable, or at least you won't make progress unless you receive help or help other players aka CONNECTED. But how it would actually work I have no ideas.

>it's not a stealth game because you don't have to stealth
>you only stealth because you're scared which is human instinct
>he wants you to be above that since you can't die like a superior homo sapien or a homo luden
Based Kojima

I'm hesitant, but giving him one more chance. I want to see what he's capable of after being freed from the shackles of Konami/MGS. MGSV was probably the worst game I've ever played, but fuck, I'm buying this day one anyway

sounds frustrating as shit so it might as well be this

>Nobody said anything about open world
Koji did, but I'm not going to argue if it will end up like MGSV's """"open world"""" or not.

>worst game i've ever played

Attached: hmmm.png (660x620, 757K)

My guess is that there are puzzles or secrets in the game that are near impossible to figure out by yourself and you will need to look up at what other players do to to progress in your game
That's what he did in P.T. to get the actual Silent Hills teaser, the puzzle was so convoluted you needed to look it up
The game itself may not be connected, but players sharing information will create a connection

then it's literally looking up guide online, which clearly not a new STRANDED genre Kojima is implying

>wants to create a new genre
Didn't Kojima already invent the stealth action genre?

He wants to create a new one.

If these Tweets are real, it seems pretty fucking weird to me. My single digit IQ theories has me thinking this is some residual shit from MGS2. If MGS2 is a pretty unfiltered stand in for Kojima's ideology which if I'm not mistaken is the case, coupled with the fact that it wasn't well received upon time of release, is Kojima tweeting out details about the story to ground people? To say, 'This isn't as abstract as my messages in MGS2' , or 'The gameplay isn't the same, therefore different than my other projects?'
It seems like he might feel like he has to sell his shit to a skeptical audience. I'm 100% he's seen what people say about it's ambitious presentation, but are these tweets some kind of caving or just marketing? Both?

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Isn't inventing one enough?

>you can communicate to other peopre
>I carr it stranding.

Nothing, it's just pretensious bullshit. Every piece of gameplay shown looked like pretty much every other big budget third person game
>Crouching through grass "stealth"
>Lazy as fuck snap to target melee
>Bland over the shoulder shooting that looks like it has no weight
What exactly is "new" about any of this?

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No lol, Tenchu came out before MGS, Escape From Castle Wolfenstein came out almost a decade before MG1. Kojima didn't invent shit.

>not what it seems
He's fucking with us huh?

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It's fucking crazy and 4d chess as dipicted by boring trash. Much like a Christmas or transformers movie script as played by a sanitarium's patient ward.

If it's not a stealth game it's going to be shit, every time he tried for a different style of gameplay it was awful.

>Tenchu came out before MGS
No it didn't. Although I will say Tenchu absolutely BTFO even modern stealth games.


Is Kojima the Molyneux of Japan?

We haven't seen the primary gameplay yet. They've talked a little about it in interviews and such. If you read between the lines, there appears to be a world of the living and a world of the dead, so that killing someone just moves them to the world of the dead (where they'll be a danger to you if you go there). The death mechanic is something we haven't seen before. There's also the online component, which seems to have something to do with connecting disparate towns in the USA, which the latest trailer implies is the main story.

>not a stealth game
You make me sad Kojima. I was hoping the stealth was going to be the main focus of the gameplay.

>even modern stealth games


the open world we saw looked empty and boring as fuck but maybe theres actually a lot to do

>overarching theme of connection
it's going to be some always online bullshit isn't it

Kojima's games are whistle blowers. He's telling us how we can't live without computers and how we can't make friends with each other.

Notice how you can't make friends with anyone? That's not just you, everyone is like that now and we can't make connections with real people because of the AI robot controlling the web. Divide and concur is the motto and we have never been more divided than ever before.

Attached: Hiroyuki_Nishimura's_dinner_20110506.jpg (551x523, 192K)

meanwhile on the official website

Attached: CINEMATICADVENTURE.png (1435x1486, 162K)

Tenchu came out on February, 26, 1998
MGS game out in September of 1998 dude. Jesus Christ.


It has to do with the multiplayer aspect of other people leaving items or clues or some shit.

Absolutely. Yea Forumseddit NPCs are blinded by their hatred of Kojima so they can't see the beautiful and important things Death Stranding is trying to accomplish. It's the most timely piece of pop culture we've see in a long time. Kojima just wants us to build relationships with human beings -- what's pretentious about that?

nigger there is NOTHING wrong with mgs 4


>look at all these things completely unrelated to gameplay

>game about apocalyptic other wordly beings killing everyone
Have you been outside, like ever? Like outside your home town, not just to the local walmart to go shopping with your rascal?
Cause lemme tell you, theres fucking NOTHING outside your home town, theres farm fields and cows and horses and some cars, that is literally it for MILES. It gets worse in the desert, lemme tell you faggot.
The east is literally just pit stops and watermelon fields.
The Midwest is just corn for about 1,000 miles
The West is just empty desert to the point where you can see the road stretch onto the horizon.
South is desert and occasional palm forests and swamps.
There is NOTHING in the actual real world, and you know what faggot? We aren't even in a post apocalyptic setting!
So stop complaining that the open world feels empty because all you do is drive around 5 minutes to your nearest mcdonalds to get your tendies.

Social Security System?

>its supposed to be boring

>video games are bad but real life is worse
tell me something i don't know

>The real world is literally boring as fuck and is open world yet nobody complains about that
Cherry pick harder

Dear god you have to actually be brainwashed to believe this

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Ready for this game to be a complete shitstorm, and kojima gets fired again

>Projecting this hard

We all know that user

>cherry picking
>open world of an open world video game is boring
>cherry picking

People complain about that all the time you jugheaded retard. Why do you think people play games in the first place you drone?

Jesus what a hack

solid state society

>real world
We are talking about games. Its not real

>real world is boring, so entertainment should be boring
settle down, retard

>post apocalyptic world should be filled with distractions because your a spastic retard who cant stick with a game for more then 5 minutes
I bet fortnite really appeals to you huh? You dont have to sit in a game until it's complete you can just go to the next one because your an ADHD riddled retard.

the SS system is gonna be great, MAWA!

people will eat this shit up earning knowing kojima is a hack
theyll buy it, hate it, then buy his next shit game
people cant help themselves

God damn it Kojima why would you fucking do this

Attached: Context.jpg (800x1000, 251K)

Always online

Name one (1) non MGS5 game that was bad and give your reasonings in detail and i'll respect your opinion


war is bad lol
too bad we're (with exceptions) real good at it

>entertainment should be boring

what are you some sort of liberal arts drop out?

>post apocalyptic world should be filled with distractions
Distractions from what? The game? Seriously, a game is supposed to be fun there is no such thing as a distraction within the game.

When was the last time you actually read a book?

it's gonna be like dark souls

It's not-MGO with Souls invasions, except they're invisible monsters

Anything that's not a meme is pretentious.

Ground Zeroes because it was overpriced and had very little content

MGS: Social Ops, purely by virtue of being a shitty mobile game

who wrote this?

The dialogue in that trailer was so embarrassing. Kojima is being carried by incredible art design and star power.

>worst game I've ever played
It was disappointing and an unsatisfying conclusion to the story, and even the gameplay did leave plenty to be desired, but I wouldn't even put it near the bottom of worst games I've ever played.

Attached: hurrr.jpg (491x302, 35K)


The item placement mechanics with the ladders and stuff looks neat if it's utilized for enhancing the stealth gameplay. If it's just for exploration purposes like they showed in the trailer, then fuck that.

>implying it's not called metal gear solid vee: ground zeros

Metal Gear is from 1987, user. Solid wasn't the first game.

those kinds of things are never used more than once in games. you will be disappointed if you think you're going to use ladders everywhere.

but user, even MGSV is based

Amazing that he predicted the state of American politics all the way back then.

Navigating is a key part of stealth games. I don't see why manipulating the level design wouldn't be used often.

To be fair, this was 2011. Back when MGS 2 and 3 on Vita was considered notable.

And now he has predicted that America will be destroyed by a woman president. Kojima is a prophet.

So this is the power of Kojima completely untethered from reality

I just wish all you gaymers would stop acting like he's some genius. He's a hack. He's always been a hack. The game looks intriguing but it will still be chock full of weird shit that feels out of place and doesn't make much sense.

story based games have different things going on in every scene. at best you'll use that mechanic twice.

You're going to buy the game and 10 minutes in you'll have to climb the exact same mountain you see in that trailer. You'll use the ladder and say "OH THIS IS SO COOL". then 3 hours will pass and you won't use that mechanic ever again. The game will end and you'll say "maybe if i do side quests ill be able to use the ladder again" but you won't.

La Li Lu Le Lo

Attached: 1559089436142.jpg (196x188, 9K)

Themes of the game, it's laid out pretty clearly in the post-title sequence with Amelie in the latest trailer I reckon. Coming together as a community to overcome adversity instead of trying to power through it alone. Whether or not this means some kind of co-op or asymmetrical multiplayer, who knows. Honestly a collection of games based around that theme of connection and togetherness would be pretty cool

From the gameplay this is literally just MGSurvive with kojima writing.

>La Li Lu Le Lo
(((The Patriots)))

Is not a contextual action that can only be used in scripted places.

Is it just me or does Mads Mikkelsen's character seem similar The Sorrow from MGS3?

Fuck off caramel.

>the other world is the real world
>the world Sam lives in is digitized and actually the inside of the Patriot AI system
>Sam is named after Samuel Adams

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png (140x134, 4K)

Among all you shitposters, are there any hardcore Kojima fans who can make an educated guess of what this means?

Considering his original stealth/infiltration concept was extremely literal, I can only assume this is the same. So effectively its about basic interactions with a multitude of other players/NPCs/enemies? I doubt he has the MMO/coop expertise in his team for that, the same way he didn't for sandbox/open world. Also most social sim games are not action games, they are either strategic or adventure, because it's impossible to do social mechanics well when your budget is prioritising action which has no overlap with social, either aspect will suffer.

Prove me wrong drones.

its a sex game dude. lot's of action, no fighting. duh

>sony bought secretly the MGS IP from konami
>this whole shit plays in the MGS universe

Attached: 042.jpg (584x517, 61K)

Are Kojima games a wild fun ride or do you have to buy into a ton of references and previous work to really enjoy it as intended?

If it's not a stealth game, then it's Stealth Strand Game.


The strands are online elements of the game, potentially mixed in with a website or phone app that can be used by people to exchange info. on stuff happening in the game, thus connecting people.

He doesn't want PvP-- no fighting among ourselves-- just helping each other to survive. I assume that in the game, you'll also see ghost like apparitions of players in real time, as if you're in the same game session with them like in any other online game, except you cannot see them at all except maybe footprints or hand prints, marks or some other thing. Maybe some players, in their "world", will be able to lure some of the BTs away from your own somehow, and force them to dimension hop away from you.

It could be interesting. If it turns out like that, it's definitely unique and not really something that has been explored before. We all get to shitpost about it regardless, but you know, hopes and dreams.

>James Madison was on the the Patriot AIs that was in control during the events of MGS4
>the President that follows James Madison was ELBRIDGE Gerry
>Female President Bridget in hospital bed talking about reconnecting America

Attached: HUGEGUTS.gif (381x512, 536K)

Re-read my post. I said Tenchu came out before MGS, and it did, and escape from Castle wolfenstein came out years before MG.

I have created a new genre, STRAND GAMES

Attached: 1283534722131.jpg (640x920, 230K)

*Vice President that follows, rather

I mean you're techinically right, and it is one of the main reasons why these games work for many people.
But as other anons pointed out, games are still a medium where people don't want to experience mundane stuff simply because its realistic.

Thats the reason why I couldn't finish Kingdom Come Deliverance. Too much mundane shit due to "this is how it was/is". I'm not looking for a virtual life replacement, I'm looking for a good game.

I'm still on board with this though, but it might certainly fall into the same pits.

Ok, this is peak Kojima.

Asynchronised multiplayer is just inferior multiplayer. At best it adds flavour and humour like in Dark Souls. It's a shallow thing to use beyond window-dressing. I truly hope it's not a form of this, there's no way it can go right. Heck, he didn't even truly convince everyone with his sandbox attempt, which is an easier genre to get right.

I'm hoping it's not shitty indirect multiplayer and instead something even more simple that he just manages to do more elegant than everyone else, like the controls and moveset of MGSV.

Strand Game


Also MMO co-op is also garbage, you need small numbers and deep interactions to make co-op fun. If your game has millions of "heroes" playing, then ultimately none of them are really heroes.

And i thought my teeth were bad jesus christ.

Attached: 28471961_921123804709357_5304499645487215096_n.jpg (720x565, 31K)

Indirect multiplayer is just a way to integrate some kind of online functionality that adds to the single player experience, not replace real multiplayer.
Real multiplayer ruins all atmosphere/story/cinematic qualities/whatever a single player game is going for.
That's why i.e. Metal Gear Online is a separate game from MGSV. You can't have it both ways.

Its happening

Attached: S3-Plan.jpg (600x338, 70K)

Thats alot of big letters but its funny i said to my friend at like 6:45pm est hey a new death stranding trailer came out it showed "gameplay" and he was like wuuuuttt shit ill check it out to which i said yeah i think its kojimas vision of how you should make a game if its just gonna be a walking simulator like this is how you make it interesting and hopefully fun ya know

hey kid
wanna /sss/?

Attached: not a gay.jpg (503x494, 87K)

wha? what does draggin doggers have to do with bbs

>Indirect multiplayer is just a way to integrate some kind of online functionality that adds to the single player experience, not replace real multiplayer.
Exactly, so if you allocate any more of your budget than the window-dressing piggybank, you're wasting resources on what should go towards more fundamental mechanics. And yet here it could very well be the main aspect of the game, despite it being an action game and therefore at an inherent disadvantage for implementing social content compared to social sims, adventure games, CRPGs, strategy, etc.
>Real multiplayer ruins all atmosphere/story/cinematic qualities/whatever a single player game is going for.
>That's why i.e. Metal Gear Online is a separate game from MGSV. You can't have it both ways.
These are games on the first list I find on google:
>Monster Hunter: World
>Warhammer: Vermintide 2
>The Division
>Divinity: Original Sin 2
>Far Cry 5
>Portal 2
>Left 4 Dead 2
>Thea 2
>Civ 6
>Dark Souls
>Diablo 3
.. and I'll stop there. Most of them disprove your idea that somehow the single-player aesthetic is ruined when you start playing co-op. The fact that you use Kojima's distinction between PvP and SP as paradigm shows you don't know shit about this, Kojima has only ever been legendary for his single-player direction. Even the MGS games having a minor PvP following is possibly not even down to him, Konami were able to outsource a lot of that expertise from Western co-op devs.

It was a thing during its development. They wanted to create "new genre of rpgs", but ended up making fable clone.

Attached: BBS RPG.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

he was too redpilled. he predicted isolated communities and trivial arguments over nothing. this is why he make death stranding, to bring people back together.

Attached: kojima warning.jpg (1338x2000, 743K)

>not even 1 day has passed yet
>3.5 million views
dare I say, based?

In practise that theory is worthless when it doesn't make it feel any more alive than a regular single-player experience. It's hilarious how the one thing that makes it quite unique among other action rpgs (good pawn ai interacting with good enemy ai) is an irrelevant note on there.

considering fable 2 and 3 failed to be fable clones I'd say that's a good thing

those were already happening, Kojima was just paying more attention

We are all the Sons of the Patriots

>the equivalent of the game's theme in the vidya domain is clearly just "co-operative play"
>but at the same time the game is clearly aiming for a singleplayer experience
This is going to bomb hard. And I say that as someone who loved all his games prior to MGS4, even the GBA one. At least he used to keep his gimmicks to portables.

And by bomb I mean among the hardcore fans, like 4 and V did. The mainstream critics and masses will lap it up regardless of how inconsistent it ends up.

>This is going to bomb hard.
Says the faggot making judgement calls based on assumptions.

>homo demons

Attached: hqdefault (1).jpg (480x360, 14K)

>We haven't seen the primary gameplay yet
Of course we have, it was all in that trailer.

I call it Kohima-babble. He is basically the Jap Molyneux. Remember all this shit he said about mgs5 that either lead to nothing or was pure bullshit (quite being a slut).

Better to make negative judgements on an educated guess (Kojima's own design descriptions) than to be positive based on nothing at all.


he might have been inspired by dark souls

It's Homo Demens retard.

Dark Souls actually has an almost seamless SP/PvP/Co-op experience. If Stranding has less than that with many times the budget it will be a pathetic misunderstanding.

Attached: dasd.png (607x305, 44K)

>Strand game

This is just odd

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The Homo Demons try capture a baby from you - Written and Produced by Hideo Kojima.

Attached: 1451547723833.jpg (1920x1080, 139K)

Kojima being Kojima
>should I use easily understandable genres and phrases to describe my game that no one knows anything about after seeing multiple trailers?
>no, I'll invent my own genres and bullshit up a word
what fucking connections? all I saw was Reedus shooting monsters and beating up a guy with a briefcase

>what fucking connections?
TCP/IP connections.

Attached: Handshaking.jpg (1052x465, 225K)

homo men

Attached: 1556330786931.jpg (718x512, 23K)

>not a stealth game
>showed stealth sections in trailers


gays did to the rainbow what the nazis did to the swastika. Fucking ruined.

Attached: kill_me_please2.jpg (3250x4425, 748K)

theres no fucking way in hell that something big like this would sold under the counter man. not in this day and age.
gods, you people still feel the phantom pain don't you?

Attached: kaz.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

>brand new action

yeah I call it "meme game"

Most info he claims about his games beforehand come out to be completely out of his ass or poorly translated. I wouldn't pay attention to anything he says

Kojima is a hack and fraud who can't stick to a budget and is obsessed with Hollywood.

He hasn't made anything good in over a decade but still gets his cock sucked by Geoff Keighley on a daily basis.

His games are shit and his fanbase even shittier.
Death Stranding looks like complete garbage.

good enough to come to this thread and write how little you care about it right?

I cant get over the fact that the "enemy" group is called homo demons

based kojima

Attached: meto.png (632x308, 30K)

>if you give your opinion on something it means you care haha!
What is this, kindergarten?

Dont project your insecurities on other people.

uhm yes you do, brainlet. let it go, be done with it.

your opinion is equivalent to a whining 5-year-old. So yes, you're in the right place.

>another (you)
guess i hit a spot, am i

Yea Forums isn't your echo chamber. If you can't deal with someone disliking something you like, then maybe this isn't the place for you.

literally the Kult of kojima here, folks.


Attached: 1334027506649.png (465x429, 200K)


bye bye

Attached: indevforps4.png (1268x439, 103K)

Welcome to Yea Forums
You don't remember the MGSV launch? These retards have always been here

no, i just felt bad for you, jumping on people like an imbecilic artist.


This but completly unironically

You realize the internet existed in 2001 right? Goddamn underage retards.


>No only on playstation logo
>latest trailer also doesn't have it
PC version next year boys

Attached: 1559151596936.png (1348x777, 334K)

I hope these retards die in a fire, they keep fucking annoying me and everybody else's lives with their kojima dick-sucking.

>>dying takes you to hades, the multiplayer
>>collecting a baby from hades puts you back in single player
God damn I crave games with organic multiplayer like this


Don't forget the radial menu, garbage frame rate, cutscenes for environment interaction

maybe it's console exclusive?

Why did the only action passage (combat) look like total shit then?

>we call this transfur

Attached: 1558179762511.png (1024x640, 169K)

>launch date trailer already has 4M plays
welcome to the best selling game of the decade


Dude, didn't you see how he like, fucking CONNECTED with the briefcase and grabbed it? And when his punches CONNECTED with the enemy's face?

god i hope he is dead

a walking sim is still a game
next time try the >game thing when someone talks about VNs

Based gay furry Chink

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I'm mad at people who criticize Yea Forums seriously but don't do anything. On the other hand, Kojima is still trying to talk to us.

That's enough for me.

Nice falseflag making Kojimadrones look even more retarded

Early promotional material showed imagery of the coast, so everyone assumed that was that kind of stranding. Kojima truly is on a different level.

I guess we really were the death stranding all along


Who the fuck would hire Fragile Express?

DEATH STRANDING is not a game, it’s a quilt. The PLAYSTATION is a ball of yarn and your controller is a needle.

The quilt will use this terminology when you start sewing.


The only thing that comes to mind based on the bullshit he said, is some kind of system similar to Soulsborne's invader/summoning systems but way more developed where the entire game revolves around it. How that would work i don't know, but i also don't think it would classify as a new genre, it would just be a co-op action/rpg/adventure/whatever game.

You literally see the game play two cutscenes to deploy the ladder
And constant button prompts

>What exactly is "new" about any of this?
A bunch of shit eating retards think it looks good, that's about it.

Better than a hard disk society

This, I'm gonna cancel my pre-order. I knew this was gonna be a disappoinment.


Does nobody remember MGSV? Kojima is full of shit, nothing he says matters.

Nigga. What is Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2

Good points but why does the world in Death Stranding look nothing like America but rather like it's Iceland in the summer?

Attached: 1555095998439.gif (300x400, 946K)

This, Kojima has just taken Molyneux's place.

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You need to smoke some weed to appreciate his genius

Because you're in hell and hell has frozen over. DEEPEST LORE


Manlet is way overpowered

He just fucking told you that escape from Castle Wolfenstein released years before metal gear you dumb nigger

It this pasta?

>read through all the post in this thread and not even a single sony chucklefuck was able to refute any of facts other than:
Its coming PCbros, The time is ours
Also i'm actually an idort but would rather get this on PC rather than buying it on censorship station, Fuck your console and company Sony fuckheads

Attached: still sony publisher.png (1840x1032, 2.18M)

wtf i posted in another thread and this ended up here?


>4 was fine
4 was not fine. It's got two acts that are fine and then act 3 is a total mess consisting of a simple tailing sequence and then way too much cutscene exposition. Then an on rails bit and then the boss. There's next to no gameplay in it. Act 4 tries to redeem the game by overloading the nostalgia and REX and for the most part succeeds, but act 5 is act 3 levels of inconsistent and stupid, again trying to redeem itself entirely by the (admittedly good) final boss fight. Then there's the 45 minute final cutscene.

also the connection about wanting to go to the moon. madds immediately made me think of dogma

>censorship station
being this upset because you cant whack it to your weaboo pedo games

jesus christ whoever made this needs to get help
>wow these free to create online communities are moderated, I can't think oif anything more dystopian

Wait don't the ads say trying to fight is a retarded move

I read this in Legasovs voice.

>internet was created to help people communicate
>therefore they keep to their small circlejerk and convince new blood to cut their penises
You need help, holy shit


I wish that someone give kojima some money to make his first movie. Movie then would flop because he's shitty writer and he would shut up forever

i need sauce on this

i love kojima

>generic instagram thot #983476
there you go

>3 hours of gameplay
9hours of cutscenes

there was plenty of wrong with mgs4, i'm barely scratching the surface

Im thinking its like LoZ:Oracle of Ages/Seasons, where you keep shifting between the living world and dead world and try to shuffle the dead into the afterlife properly.

Tl;dr- you play as the angel of death/charon and you have to set things up in the real world (puzzle solving) to get the dead where they need to go. however the afterlife limbo place is dangerous due to the lost or damned soulsg

Honestly, this might be cool if these cities and towns are so far apart that you need to climb and hike over mountains to get to them. If it takes several ingame days, and there's at least something that happens in between to keep things interesting. Or maybe side quests to retrieve certain packages for people along the way. The absolute scale could be incredibly interesting.

the lengths you people will go to defend a video game.


>Social Strand System

Fuck you, Kojima.

the people in those circles are communicating with each other from across who the fuck knows where
you're seriously complaining that not every community is for everyone and comparing it to some sort of cancer on society
I hope you're just underage and in your 2deep4me stage because that's kinda sociopathic


I hate all of you hypocritical faggots. Just a big dirty pond of myopic fish and fecal flotsam. You are every type of person you claim not to be. Ironically, this shitty-looking 'game' is proving it.