Is this game worth playing, or is it still an unoptimised buggy mess?

Is this game worth playing, or is it still an unoptimised buggy mess?

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It's a great RPG

it's such a boring game in the beginning that i never got past the second town. such a slog and the gameplay is so uninteresting.

but is it playable on middling hardware? I tried playing on release and there was alot of stuttering and the game freezing up for a few seconds.

>Is this game worth playing
>or is it still an unoptimised buggy mess?

I played it on a i7-2600k and a 980 just fine on medium settings, there were places where the framerate dropped, mostly Rattay and another big city I can't remember the name but it ran fine overall, those 2-3 cities aren't representative of the framerate you'll get in most of the game.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2018.04.02 - (1920x1080, 1.22M)

This was an issue unrelated to my settings. I have a 960 and the game ran mostly fine on medium settings, but the game would become unplayable in cities.

It would freeze for a few seconds and return to normal when entering a city or exiting a building, but the actual framerate was fine if a little lower than normal.

This. It's the best kind of eurojank. Every fucking thing about this game is weird and different in a way that most of the big western studios have smoothed out into bland boring paste. Nothing about this game works perfectly, but it's all different, interesting, and pretty innovative at times.

When they get around to the sequel I think they'll make it all come together a bit better, but for now it's a lot of fun so long as you're not expecting Skyrim for some stupid reason.

it works mostly and you would have to be exceotionally unlucky to run into game breaking bugs

however, regardless of bugs and performance, the game itself is not very good

it suffers from extreme ludonarrative dissonance, poor pacing, total lack of balancing and challenge, lack of gameplay variety, bad enemy ai and from the overall MUH-REALISM-OCD of the developers, that will make large parts of the game incredibly tedious
also the combat system is, after everything is being takein into account, just a superficial copy of mount & blade, or rather basically just a very pretentious version of skyrim combat

I played it on a old 660 and I5 and it ran at a soldi 40-50 fps at medium

It still doesn't run great, and the combat is really bad. You can safely miss this.

its very immersive, the world looks great, the story is kind of boring, the combat is atrocious and basically only your gear matters.
I would play it just for the first two points though, its the best medieval sim you can play

thieving ruins the game. its too easy, not much cool shit to discover. after I cleared out the main city, the monastery and everything else of value I lost interest,

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What's so bad about the gameplay? From what little I played on release the combat was fine and easy to understand. I remember archery and the lockpicking minigame to be pretty trash though.

even if it wasn't a mess the game is bland as fuck


>it has a playable gril dlc now
well, time for /pol/ to commit mass suicide

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>What's so bad about the gameplay?
the combat is very simplistic, it has multiple swing directions, that ultimately don't matter, so in the end it's just skyrim with pointless extra directions
the enemy ai is beyond dumb
fighting multiple enemies is a huge clusterfuck
the player becomes too strong and too rich way too fast, yet nothing of that is reflected in the story at all
there are too many damn cutscenes interrupting the gameflow
the respawn often forces you to repeat clearing content
there are many tedious little "realistic" features, that are interesting once, like getting dirty, that quickly turn in an annoying chore
there is literally only a single type of enemy in the game
there is little incentive to explore the world after a few hours in and receiving the best gear, way before the story even really gets started

ultimately it just feels like all the stuff that makes rpgs good, i.e. character progression, exploration, combat etc. is only present at the bare minimum

>>playable gril dlc now
funny, that was promised as part of the initial release and a stretch goal on kickstarter
now it's dlc you have to pay for... truly based lel

you do get it free if you backed it on kickstarter

Everyone was saying on launch it was supposed to be one of those games that once you master the combat you could beat anyone with a shitty sword or whatever.
Couldn’t be further from the truth. Only gear matters. You can be complete dogshit but have the best armour and weapons and you will cleave through people taking no damage
come up against a fully armoured knight and you’ve only got a crappy sword? Good luck, its like battering against a wall, you do little to no damage and he’ll oneshot you

This may be more realistic I suppose but it wasn’t what the devs said it was like and it makes for gameplay that laughably easy or annoying hard