Ultra Niche Question

>Games you didn't think were bad but you would actively discourage others from playing.

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Danganronpa, all of them.

Convince me not to play this. I’m curious.


It's a giant dump of emotions. All bad ones. And the realism of the post-apocalyptic environment makes the whole thing seem so possible. It's Undertale for men.

its been a while since i've played it, i found the characters to be very obnoxious, I had problems with the story (made it to before you get to some big city before I quit) the puzzles are 'unlock item, use item, never use item again'. I started out liking it but just got tired of it.

It has bad core gameplay mechanics and intentionally tries to annoy and bore you the whole game

Decent story-telling though

Attached: 1555457207941.png (532x475, 254K)

This makes me want to play it more.

I enjoyed the concept of dial combos, but probably only because I've never seen them before and rarely play games in the RPG genre. I never thought the core gameplay mechanics were bad, but the game definitely tries to annoy you.

Pretty much all Fallout games suck.

>SS13 since servers can't handle it, interface is made for autists, and people would just want to recreate the stories they've heard without trying to play the game
>MMOs that actually aren't that bad but the damage to the game and community has already been done from past patches. A surprising amount of Korean MMOs fit here.
>Old multiplayer games that are completely dead like Jedi Academy despite being an amazing game.
>Games that were only "okay" and just barely above the threshold for being worth a torrent, but below being worth a buy. This group is more of an apathetic feel instead of preventing people from playing though

i love this game to my very core and enjoying the small moments to listen to the music really makes it worth it
but the main game is a mess on it's core, the day/night cycles are great bu the fact that some shadows spawn randomly mid fight and for some reason even fucking PIRATES in the middle of the night manage to find shadows and get buffed irks me for some reason
But god damnit i love the story
So long as you ignore THAT scene it's perfect

Attached: Good Times.jpg (325x402, 49K)

Huniepop, i will not let anyone else know ive played it lol

It's also blatantly unfair. For example, early on you have to play Russian roulette for your party's lives. You can choose which party member goes up, but it's completely random whether they win or permadie.

also some enemies can straight up fucking kill your party members with a single attack

Fucking WAH

This isn't "fucking wah". I think it's an excellent game not in spite of but because of things like that. But you have to be in the right mindset for it.

It's about the experience user.
Sorry the game doesn't hold your hand.
Yeah it throws curveballs at you, and you're supposed to adapt.
It's by design, and yeah you're crying about it. Wah.

>>I think it's an excellent game
>You're crying about it
reading comprehension

Both are accurate even though second guy replied to the wrong post. Lisa is a game by a man, about men, for men.