Apologise. Now

Apologise. Now.

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I’m sorry that you’re so based

what did he do?

sorry but i still dont know what the game is about

Why do people like this guy or his games again?

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Made another shitty game but his die-hard fanboys will say it’s the greatest thing ever made

He's made the greatest video game of all time - past, present and future.

Fuck off ryan

The future-proof GOAT? Which game

Strange that a shitty game will get goty oh well Yea Forums knows best i suppose

Bullshit, that belongs to God of War

Death Stranding... this shouldn't even be a question

literally the george lucas of video games

Yeah that blank check went somewhere other than paying actors.


I'll apologise when I see actual uninterrupted non scripted gameplay.

Sure once you hand back you Guinness trophy for creating the stealth genre, seeing as the first stealth game came out almost a decade before MG. Hack

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Sry senpai

>no PC port


Fuck off Kojicųck

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seething Konami chink shill

How it is to be a brainlet user?

I don't give a fuck about Kojima or his games but GOTY means nothing
its practically a contest to see which game is the most popular rather than any ranking of how good a game is.

>Strange that a shitty game will get goty
not really it literally happens every year

I'm sorry I ever doubted you Konami; you were right to keep this hack on a short leash like the dog he was. Working with this pretentious autist must of been exhausting and expensive.

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Death Stranding will outsell all non-MGS Konami games. How does that make you feel, Konami chink shill?

I have no reason to do so
I had faith since the first trailer

>Kojima makes a new AAA title from scratch in just three years
What will Konami shills say now to smear his name? He spent years trying to give Konami an engine for future titles and all they did was piss all over it. With Fox Engine, Konami could've been on par with Capcom this gen.

Name one genius that ain't crazy.

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Metal Gear Solid V was one of the biggest disappointments in video game history, rivalling Spore and Duke Nukem Forever.

imagine ACTUALLY thinking this

I'm sorry you can't scrape together more than a couple seconds of gameplay in your trailers

Only because of the hype and how Konami ruined it with microtransactions. On its own, it's actually a perfectly decent game played offline.

Not him, but it was my personal biggest gaming disappointment.


He's not a genius; he's a simple man with strong convictions and a sense of style. He stands out in the games industry because it's filled with unoriginal mediocrities.

Kojima ruined it by going over budget. Konami needed to add microtransactions to save the game

It's sad how few geniune game directors this medium has. There are like half a dozen working at a AA-AAA level. All other games get developed by no-name grunts under publisher control.


Fair enough, I played MGSV 3 years after launch with little to no expectations (besides it being a MGS game) and its one of my favorites. Strange how much hype can change your few of a final product. Its why I'm not letting myself get sucked in by the hype train around DS

>Konami dindu nuffin
Forcing microtransactions in a $60 game is jewery to the maxiimum. No wonder Konami sticks to gambling now. That's always their true colors; abuse people for money. Kojima did well going independent.

the duality of faggot

I like to think that Sony had his balls in a vice and tightened it ever so slightly.
Still, I'm impressed with this year's release date.


The reason Metal Gear Solid became a mammoth franchise and Thief didn't is pretty much on the strength of its graphics and presentation. Goes to show what good art direction can do for brand recognition.

>being a contrarian faggot
You are a disgrace.

is this always online game?

It actually was the game that got me to never buy into hype again. Which has served me well, considering how much modern gaming revolves around it.

>he's a simple man with strong convictions and a sense of style

Honestly this. Kojima is like the Zack Snyder of vidya. People walking into his game thinking he's some kind of genius will be disappointed. But people who expect a solid action flick will be awed at his distinctive style (BvS notwithstanding).

Sony doesn't dare pull that shit. They delayed Days Gone for a whole year beyond initial release date. Kojima was given a blank check.

>tldr; Your goal is to make friends

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a contrarian to what? a bunch of v fags who pull out every excuse in the book to hate a game? certainly not contrarian to the vast majority of players

BvS is a work of genius though. Snyder put too much faith in the mouthbreeding capeshit audience though.

>check trailer
>wow that looks pretty interesting i'm excited to figure out what the story is about
>check people's reactions

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stay mad and cope

Fuck off Dylan

But I like to think that they do. Also payback for MGO2's sidelining PSN guidelines - the only mother fucking game on the platform to be allowed that shit.

>>check people's reactions
You didn't check people's reaction. You checked NintendoGAF's reaction. Go to any other site and people are hype as fuck.

That was obviously Konami's doing and not Kojima. Konami is a jew to all.

Games are made by teams, it's good that the whole teams get credit instead of one or two people on top like in movies. Also if Kojima said or did something truly offensive that got him #Cancelled, the game is ruined. It's good for fairness and business to not prop up single developers as auteurs

I never doubt him.
Yea Forums is not different desu. It was clearly Sci-fi since first trailers

Why is Yea Forums suddenly against being skeptical all of a sudden? This game doesn't look that good to me, sue me

The best kind of games are made by people with strong visions who then direct the team to make such a game. Kojima, Miyazaki, Itsuno, Kamiya all work like this. They're extremely hands-on in every aspect of the game so it all makes one coherent game. A team without a good leader is a headless chicken.


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Yea Forums is full of Homo Demons. They'll never apologize.

why? the gameplay looks atrocious

I am sorry based Kojima-san. I will never doubt your talent and taste again.

I'm sorry that you're Japanese George Lucas now.

Sure, but they don't need to be so public with their hands on approach, or need to act like rockstars/directors.

2deep4u MGS5

You're focusing on a minor issue. The real issue is the gameplay, specifically the combat, and the setting. It's gonna be fucking dogshit, know why? Because it's trying to be like John Wick western garbage. I hate John Wick. I hate how John Wick looks. I hate how he fights. I hate his movies. I hate how normies jerk off over that trash. Oh the cinematrography is so amazing! Oh the fight scenes are superb! Oh it's soooooooooo stylish! Fuck off, no it isn't. It's boring drab realism taking place at night in fucking nightclubs and dark city streets. It's not uniquely interesting to look at at all, it's basically Death Stranding without the Death or the Stranding, or vampire the masquerade without the vampire or a masquerade. Just some dude killing people in a fucking night club and city streets, but oh, oh, they wear suits! They wear suits, and barely say a word, and try to look badass and cool, and omg the club has red lights, and red lights, and orange lights, oh man, so stylish so stylish put that dickin my mouth joe, get it all in there, get it ALLLL IN THERE!

I'm sorry Konami. You were right to fire this fucking hack.

just look at this incredible gameplay

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>wow that looks pretty interesting i'm excited to figure out what the story is about
Dumb faggot.

holy shit thats awful.

its literally the last of us combat holy fuck

this seems just like MGS5 all over again

Directed by Hideo Kojima.
Directed by Hideo Kojima.
Directed by Hideo Kojima.

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I might pirate it if they ever release it on PC. Not buying any cuckstation games.

I'm sorry Konami, I should've known you were in the right but now all is clear.

This look bad but all I can think about is his knees snapping when he comes down on his foot carrying that huge heavy pack.

>Death Stranding will be the most selling video game on the PlayStation of all time
>No amount of seething or cope can change this

I pity the fags that can't come to terms with this fact

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sorry but it wont sell well, only aaa american games can get away with combat that shitty

fucking based

This just reminds me of ffxv

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youve got to admit the ladder part and when he was running away from the electric spears was fucking cool

I havent watched the whole thing so it could be 20 minutes of boring shit

I don't think it's going to be the best thing ever or anything, i think it'll just be ok.
BUT BY FUCKING GOD i'll make sure it's shilled on Yea Forums every day for years.

Because Yea Forums is a bunch of hipsters that can go suck a dick.
You all deserve to have all the threads about games you actually love be buried by 5000 trillion pro-kojima threads.

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>youve got to admit the ladder part and when he was running away from the electric spears was fucking cool
What are you, fucking 8?

How can a man be this based?
Literally has all of Yea Forums seething right now while he has the time of his life fucking B-List actresses. Kojimbo did it again :^)

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Trump is completely insane, he sided with Kim Jong Un, barbaric dictator, to pwn low IQ Joe Biden

>*blocks your Death Stranding threads*
Nothing personnel, kid.

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I'm fine with smash (i own a switch, this isn't about console wars at all, it's about fucking Yea Forums up the ass specifically), but even if i wasn't, the initial momentum of Ultimate has long been spent.
You get a bit of hype every time a new character is released, sure, but it doesn't take over the entire board like it does for an entirely new game.

Already proved himself as a hack, why this time would be different?

This is not your safe nintendo space

>He's not a genius; he's a simple man with strong convictions and a sense of style
Basically this.
Yea Forums always says Kojima is overrated, but the biggest reason why he's so praised is because everyone else in this industry, especially when it comes to AAA, is a boring sack of shit taht couldn't imagine himself out of a paper bag.
Kojima is getting all the prasie because 90% of everyone else sucks, it's as simple as that.

There's some decent and creative people in the AA field and a lot of them in the Indie field but they're limited by their budget.
If Yea Forums truly wanted to see more interesting/creative directors they would support the indie market much more.
But they don't, because of dumb FotM political reasons and basic bitch prejudices against pixel art and so on.

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It's basically an open world game that has climbing (with ladders and ropes), stealth, shooting, melee, and boss fights against goop monsters. Dying isn't game over and instead sends you to a different dimension where you have to complete some sort of task to get out. Also there will probably be a lot of cutscenes.

Oh yeah I forgot there's an asymmetrical multiplayer component where you can help other players out.

Thief's presentation is incredible, the sound design alone has arguably yet to be surpassed.
The real reason is that Thief's style of gameplay requires a lot more patience than MGS.

>it's not that thief is boring as shit, it's that i'm a patrician and everyone is an idiot except me
Christ you're full of shit, pal.
And this is coming from someone that actually likes thief.
Why the hell is the thief fanbase on Yea Forums always so insufferable and pretentious?

Here's your (you)

>muh ego
I'm just acknowledging reality.
The stealth genre almost died out for a reason. It wasn't because of something naive as presentation. Your reasoning was bullshit.


Personally I got bored of it

Nigga Gone Home got GOTY award. It means fucking nothing.

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Now that's what I call copypasta

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Am ashamed of my words and deeds kojima san


>but it doesn't take over the entire board like it does for an entirely new game.
are you for real right now negro?
Smash dominated the entire board with a baseless leak

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Character announcements absolutely take over the board, the fuck are you smoking?