What are some other zoomer games?
What are some other zoomer games?
Wyatt Bell
Hudson Flores
Halo 3 is a boomer game, though.
Asher Clark
Halo 3 came out 12 years ago
Halo 2 came out 15 years ago
Halo CE came out 18 years ago
Jason Hernandez
Current age zoomers were still at the age where their dumbasses fell for the unplugged controller trick they didn't play H3 it's a total bro game
Jacob Long
You have the wrong image, OP
Ian Collins
You fucked up Op
Andrew Torres
Zoomers born in the late 90s played Halo 3 at age 10
Brandon Edwards
Kevin Gutierrez
There's a point in your life where you accept that you're just an old fart. Calling kids zoomers won't make your childhood better than theirs. I'm 30 and I realise I'm fast becoming an irrelevant old man. It sucks, but it is what it is. Just don't become bitter about it.
Nicholas Flores
Oh shit. Sorry wrong image.