Now that gamers have killed the one company responsible for introducing compelling narratives in games...

Now that gamers have killed the one company responsible for introducing compelling narratives in games, is it inevitable that video games will stagnate as an art form?

Attached: Telltale_Games_logo.png (400x400, 22K)

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Good bait I expect this thread will get over 200 replies

Telltale was never good

It's surprising no one else does what Telltale does, but then again it doesn't work, so that's probably why.

>Gamers killed telltale
They were already stagnant. Then they decided to fuck over everyone who worked for them and buy a bunch of IP Shit at once.

Telltale killed themselves with their abysmally retarded management. Also
>waiting this long to make The Wolf Among Us 2
>but making a million fucking Minecraft and TWDs, plus capeshit no one wanted like Guardians of the Galaxy and Batman
I'm still fucking mad and wish I could spit on their grave for that.

>is it inevitable that video games will stagnate as an art form?
god I hope so
there is one,
dont remember the name but I think superbunnyhop mentioned it in his video on ttg

>strike gold with the first Season of Walking Dead
>hammer that vein for nearly a decade non stop when it stopped bearing fruit year 1
they have nobody to blame but themselves

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Their best work was Sam and Max
Fight me

>>waiting this long to make The Wolf Among Us 2
>>but making a million fucking Minecraft and TWDs, plus capeshit no one wanted like Guardians of the Galaxy and Batman
That was some Monkey's Paw level cosmic shit. It had JUST been announced and was going to come out that year too. I'd honestly put it up there with the Mega Man Legends fiasco at Capcom.

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>read Fables
>everything goes downhill after Adversary reveal
>play TWAU man, shit is miles better
>after all this time they promise season 2
fuck this gay earth, one time I was interested in fucking movieshit games

Their CEO who was also one of the founders and one of the lead devs behind the first Walking Dead was a massive control freak and scumbag who got greedy and wanted all of their games to mimic TWD. He cut the staff of Tales from the Borderlands just so they could funnel more resources into Game of Thrones and the other Walking Deads and got them into debt buying expensive IPs. Then when he was finally outed and replaced, he turned around and sued the company.

Having their offices in San Fran and hiring way more people than they ever needed probably didn't help, but they were fucked the moment TWD got big and that guy dug his heels in.

>played TWAU first, loved it and still love it so much
>Yea Forums recommended me Fables, read it
>hate it with a white hot passion especially when it gets up to the kids
>"at least we still have TWAU"
>then this happens
>every time i voice my displeasure there's always one faggot who goes "just read the comics bro"
Why can't a studio affiliated with DC swoop in and salvage it? It's not fucking fair.

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Wallace & Gromit 1-4 was ok too.

>gamers have killed-


The only thing gamers have killed are their own sperm as they ejaculate to tranny porn.

The opossite, now that low skill, bad writing, imitating rtrash, games are pushed out of the spotlight, they leave more room for competent people

Because it's not 2005 anymore and Fables isn't popular. I hate to say it but there's literally no way that game would have gotten made by any other studio but Telltale.

Skybound are making those kind of games but with actual gameplay and meaningful choices.

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Shitty gayass Umbrella academy got picked up, anything is possible

Telltale's business model was from the 1990s: get rights to big established IPs and coast on those products. It's not sustainable, you need to start making your own IPs since these consumers of big established IPs are basically nontransferable. A Game of Thrones enthusiast isn't going to play Minecraft: Story Mode.

Dysfunctional reddit tier superhero teams have been all the rage ever since Guardians of the Galaxy took off though. Grimdark modernized fairy tales, not so much; especially since Once Upon A Time ruined the concept.

It's dead, user. I wish it wasn't too, but it is.

I don't really think it was the business model, unless we're talking about episodic shit in which case I agree, that was never a sustainable way to make games. Most people only liked Telltale BECAUSE they were willing to pick up these weird cult IPs to make games from.

The problem is, they were making too many of them and doing very little to change the formula. They should have kept their trademarks like the art and writing styles, but there was absolutely nothing meaningful or divergent past that.

I downloaded that patch on my PS4 earlier today. Was it a timebomb? Something seems awfully fishy about a patch coming out, after they started pulling their content from online.

Whatever, have at you then

They're removing games this week. Heard even season pass discs won't work anymore since the content can't be downloaded.



Not only were telltale games barely games and more like interactive movies, they're not even the best example of interactive movie games on the market. Shit like Detroit and Until Dawn were better telltale games than any of the licensed corporate bullshit telltale shit out.

Strong Bad’s Cool Game was good though

I liked Tales of Monkey Island

They killed themselves by overextending into projects that continued to sell less and less.

If anything by continuing to put more and more money into more projects that sell less as time went on, that one is absolutely on Telltale's boss.

Gameplay is the artform of videogames.

>Until Dawn
Haha. Telltale's writing wasn't vomit-inducingly bad.

>le cinema is a visual medium!
>that thing isn't good because it isn't something else!

Go play Icepick Lodge games, then we may have a discussion about "only studio introducing compelling narratives in games".

Tale-Tale was frankly a second-rate point-and-click studio anyway. A couple of their games were... not horrible, but not a single one of them was really great, and majority were trash.

>Kill the company
>Compelling narratives in games
>Videogames as an art form
Can we enjoy this trainwreck of an OP with mockery?

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So, does this means Sam and Max's games will be kill too from now on?

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