What is Yea Forums's gamer grub of choice?

What is Yea Forums's gamer grub of choice?

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i eat my own boogers

true patrician here, folks

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>american cuisine

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>not eating other peoples boogers


Gamer girl smegma

More like Halloween. No joke that legit looks like some halloween party meal youd learn from a magazine or online party guide.

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This cant be real, do Americans really eat that?

good god this looks like a fat kid's dream food after fat camp

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no. some american probably did, most americans don't/wouldn't. we eat a lot of shit though for sure.

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I don't have to eat this and I already know how it tastes.

Actual overweight American here, tha shit looks absolutely vomit inducing.

So its just fried breading with nothing in it?

Every day at snack-lunch

It's the skin as well.

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25mg of ephedrine and whatever energy drink I'm not sick of the taste of

I don't know the exchange rate of rupeés, how much do you pay for literal waste?


No more than scottish people eating fried pizza or moscovitses eat lard fried eggs, with lard.

sounds great to me. But I bet it's overpriced

Like, less then a cent if this conversion google gave me is accurate

I just realized how tiny that stove is, I should ask my online Peruvian gf if hers is the same

First house I lived in had an old ass stove in it and yea, it was fucking tiny compared to modern ones.
Had to light the fucker with a match

I like to munch on this in between gaming sessions.

Cucumber salad.

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That's pretty cool gif user, where is it from?

I made a pizza.

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>no pineapples
Might as well toss it into the trash

I have eaten some stupid shit and that legit looks horrifying

It used to be chocolate and high sugary drinks but I've been getting on in my years as I hit 25 and now it's just water 8 times a day and really eating food at exact timetables.

Quite sad really.

Go eat a bread sandwich British cunt

crackling is a very common snack, nothing about this is weird, didn't think there'd be bigger retards than /ck/

Literally just water.
I can't afford to buy snacks every day.
Sometimes I buy some tea because $10 for a brick of tea can go a long way for me.

pizza and wings but its been a while since i sat down with a pizza and wings and just gamed for 6 hours while grazing i should do it soon

it's cheaper and better tasting to make your own tea, you dumb nigger. takes 10 minutes to make.


I usually just get chips and salsa.
Keep a rag handy for any oily fingers.


I like making pizza at home if I know I have 2-3 hours of time for gaming
Pizza in general is great gaming food

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>it's a /food/ thread episode

not video games, 3 days for OP

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have lunch

have dinner, incel

Water and my BF’s cock

Gain weight

pls tell me ure a girl, I cannot stand fagg0ts

Same bit I also eat my own fingernails, toenails, and skin along the edges of my fingertips

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Acquire Calories

bros, how do I create italian-restaurant-like quality rigatoni al forno?

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