Exists as the greatest game ever created

>exists as the greatest game ever created
feel free to apologise to Mr Kojima whenever you feel like it

Attached: goty.jpg (1920x1080, 823K)


>he does it for free

sorry kojimbo, sorry for doubting you

Why don't you wait until it actually comes out?

i remember when MGSV was gonna be the greatest game ever created

What's the point of making this a video game? Why couldn't Kojima become a TV show director or some shit?

Open world games are empty, boring dogshit

sorry hideous kojimbo

How is it possible for a game's outlook to take a complete 180 like this? Job fucking well done Kojima, well done.

Super Mario Odyssey 2 is going to be the undeniably better game.

Im sorry Kojima-san

>he doubted Kojima gameplay
I told you fuckers. I told you his weakness is story, not gameplay. Gameplay is where Kojima always pulls through.

Attached: mgtpp.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Because to become a writer you have to be able to write a story that makes sense, even if it's shit.

Kojimbo is incapable of that

Seeing this game is just painful because it reminds me of Silent Hills. I'll never be able to truly enjoy Death Stranding properly. It's like seeing your dead wife in your daughter's eyes every time you look at her, or some shit.

Looking forward to this game making this board implode with rage for the next few months and through E3

post your work

Finally Yea Forums has been utterly btfo, PCkeks and Nintendopes on suicide prevention hotlines tonight, none of their games look close to this good, they wish they had Death Stranding! It's Bloodborne 2.0, Sony fucking won, PS4 destroyed them all, PS4 is top 3 consoles of all time, Switch has no fucking games. You niggers are still waiting for MGS4 from 2 decades ago, keep faggots, add Death Stranding to the list, here's to more decades of you faggots begging for Kojima's masterpieces on Yea Forums you pathetic cucks, it's gonna consume your whole pathetic life that you can't play Death Stranding, Demon's Souls remastered, and holy shit Final Fantasy 7 is timed exclusive for who knows how long, it could be YEARS but and the wait and uncertainty will be eating you ALIVE because SONY WON

das rite

jj abrams makes up stupid shit and he gets jobs

JJ Abrams is way worse than Kojima. Atleast Kojima has some balls. JJ is a coward and his mysteries of non-answers are the worst form of storytelling.