Amazing graphics

>amazing graphics
>boring as fuck
What is its name?

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back to work

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Death Stranding

Gears of War?

Witcher 3

Red Dead 2



Anything with:

>giant buff bodies but really small heads, like Gears of War and Darksiders
>that generic "free to play" plastic looking shit, like Paladins, Overwatch, Fortnite, and that Monster Hunter rip-off

Is automatically ugly. And if you disagree, I'm sorry, but you are fucking wrong and your taste is objectively shit.


Ryse Son of Rome
Killzone Shadowfall
Any of the big Car games
Red Dead Redemption 2

Uncharted. They are both bad games and bad movies so if you don't give a fuck about GRAPHICS! they are boring as shit.


>Monster Hunter rip-off
Wait, do you mean MHWorld or Dauntless? Because both have that shitty aesthetic and both look/feel like MH knockoffs

Yeah. That one, I suppose. Anyway, Dantless looks like shit, just like Fortnite. They looks the same.


Any modern shooter. Especially modern battlefield

if it's published by SCE/SIE and it looks good in the trailers it's basically a coin toss

>that dragons game from PS3
Can't remember the name.

Dragons Crown?

>hating on darksiders artstyle
It's not for everyone

You posted it man.

>Nice graphics
>Game is 6 hours long
>Literally 5 hours of the game is cutscenes or walk & talk segments
>1 hour of it is gameplay

The fuck were they thinking?

I didn't think this game came out. Tragic if it didn't live up to its potential because it had an extremely potent setting. Steam punk often carries enough awkward tacky design to big down any potential but this stuck to it's core style.

Wait, wasn't it not an excluaive?

red deadedion 2


>amazing graphics
>boring as fuck
Literally every Korean MMO ever made, and more recently 90% of ecchigacha waifubait mobile trash.

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The Order 1886. Developer videos after the game came out said it was mostly a proof of concept.

diablo 3


fuck should not be boring m87