what do you think about this game?
What do you think about this game?
Its fucking shit
It's purty gud
>start this game
>get into battle
>MC attacks automatically
Literally what's the fucking point? This game is so boring.
It's the only game the switch has and it's the weebiest game ever made lmao
Gonna get it but unlikely
x was better
Never played it, but it's shit.
Bought this and the switch after being a massive fan of 1. I dont watch anime, so I was able to tolerate the normie levels of 90s mech anime that the first game was, but this game was a ball of cringe with no likeable characters, awful voice overs, and slow un fun gameplay with gacha shit mixed in
I finished the Torna DLC recently, so it makes me appreciate the main game alot more
The best JPRG ever made.
it killed any interest I had in JRPGs, If this is the "pinnacle" of the genre has awful characters, tedious mmo style combat, sanity ruining voice acting. Then I can't even imagine how bad the rest is.
it isnt even the pinnacle of the series it belongs to. 1 is a masterpiece, X is flawed but passable, and 2 is shit.
Boy do you sound absolutely retarded
best combat of the xc series, including torna dlc
It's trash.
I understand that any criticism of this game is only meet with ire. Its honestly one of the worst games I've ever played. There's nothing positive I can say about it.
The only good xenoblade game.
No you fool, I don't care if you don't like the game, I'm just calling you retarded because you took anyone calling this the pinnacle of JRPGS seriously, and this is coming from someone who liked it
That's why I used " " quotations as in implying sarcasm. But I've seen the way people talk about this pile of trash here as if its the second coming of Christ.
It’s one of the best jrpg ever made.
waifufags spotted
Mythra has singlehandedly destroyed any further use of my dick.
I want more.
When is more?
Better than XC1 at least.