How well does this badboy emulate ps1?

How well does this badboy emulate ps1?

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almost perfect

Why does a dead console still cost so much money?
The price has only dropped by like ten fucking bucks and used ones are about 150-200 each so might as well get it new.
Yet I got my pstv for fucking $20 new what is this shit?

When is it not perfect?

That's why I said "almost" you fucking dunce

he said 'when is it not perfect' as in why isn't it perfect

You said it's "almost perfect", implying that there are points when it's not. At what points does the PS1 emulation fall short of perfect?

Take a breath and reread the post

Im using retroarch and its awful at emulating. maybe im just retarded, but ctr and medievil 2 are running at awful fps

homebrew scene. ps tv also costs a lot these days.

Retroarch doesn't allow for rendering at higher resolutions, right? Why not play PS1 games through Adrenaline? There's some way to make Livearea bubbles of PS1 games, but I don't know what the latest method is

Is like every model and firmware hackable now then or something? You think the price will ever go down again?

yes, there was a recent homebrew exploit that made virtually every vita hackable. the only ones that can't be hacked permanently are the absolute latest japanese models because their stock firmware is too high.

the prices will never go down again, in fact it will probably only go up. there's not that many vitas out there and the homebrew scene is just starting to realize its potential.

it lags more in mega man legends Apple Market than I remember
sorry for calling user a dunce I misread

very good

That fucking sucks like hell. I guess we live and learn. I'll never get one now unless I get lucky

I already have a psp so i never bothered with adrenaline, guess ill just leave the ps1 games for that

You do know Vita has native ps1 emulation like the psp right? Just download the official psn versions of the games or use psx2psp to convert ps1 isos into eboot format and use Adrenaline.

I doubt this
I just got my vita for 90 complete in box this year
I think it can go lower


This. It's so hard to play MML on this thing, I don't have any idea how to press R2 on Vita with that shitty touch screen things.

Where at? Was it ebay?

get the R2 L2 grip It's fantastic

i put r2 on r and the r1 l1 on the stick

that's a fantastic price. not normal.

Buy a psp. Same shit. I am not joking.


Nah. Vita BTFOs PSP now.

Thanks man, I'll keep an eye out for one.

In what ways?

When you don't have L3 or R3 and have to rely on a touch screen that gets dirty every 5 minutes

2 sticks makes it superior for star wars battlefront 2, and it has the best version of wipeout

Superior screen, superior input, superior speaker and so on. PSP games are also best played on Vita.

>hack PSVita
>play PS1 and PS Vita games
>analog begins to drift away


increase deadzone and ur gud

Subjectively looks better? A Vita costs way more than a PSP and is also bigger.
>the Enso hack is only certain firmwares

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This is the reason why i don't buy slim model

Fat model is far more durable

i just bought a slim to replace my dying launch model fat. i like having colors

sony drip feed us supplies for years, making sure it never reached bargain bin prices

you'll regret it when you see the condition of your oled in a few years

i dont know where in my post about dual stick aiming you got that from, but ok

i don't even care -- fucking based

>not buying a back up vita for when your phat vita dies

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i bought the silver dragon quest bundle with the slime d pad. fucking love that thing