Redpill me on this series? Is it worth picking up?

Redpill me on this series? Is it worth picking up?

Really want to play a jrpg right now

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There's no reason not to play the Sky trilogy first.

looks like generic XSEED garbage, if you were going to like it you would already have played it. you might want something like xenoblade or a square game since those a tad bit higher quality.

Cold steel series is shit. Play trails series.

I bought the first Cold Steel and it’s shit, really. I regret. The characters are walking clichés, the graphics are bad and all you do is killing monsters because the Academy told you so. It’s the last time I listen to incels.

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Here's the rundown:
It's a text, worldbuilding, and character heavy jrpg series. It is split up into three subseries, titled:
>Trails in the Sky (trilogy)
>Trails to Zero/Trails to Azure (duology)
>Trails of Cold Steel
They all take place in the same world. You can technically decide to play any particular subseries first, but definitely go in order within each subseries or else nothing makes sense. Nevertheless, start with "Trails in the Sky FC"

No matter what you start with, the first game will have a very relaxed pace, and you'll want to temper your expectations to the tune of a relaxed, comfortable adventure dealing with menial problems that don't necessarily contribute to an overarching narrative. There is a grand plot, but it's not in your face. Mileage may vary on whether you enjoy that or not, but I very much did. It's less, "Oh no everything's shit and I need to save the world" and more like "the local ruling lord is dealing in political espionage and refusing to license local merchants properly in order to cleverly get them to accept a tax increase" kind of stuff.

Something that may intrigue you is that NPCs will oftentimes actually have progression of their own across the games. People you do a quest for in the first game will actually remember you in the second game and reference their first encounter with you, and things like that. There's a ton of charm.

The battle system gets better with every installment, and that's part of the reason you should start with Sky, since it's the "worst" of all of them (though it's miles better imo than, for example, any Compile Heart RPGs of the last ten years).

The OST is kick-ass in every regard, as Falcom tends to do, and it only gets better with every game.

Give it a shot if you're willing to take the risk.

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It's good for laughs, haha...

Why are they so cute bros?

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It has a killer soundtrack. Play it, OP.

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Play Trails in the Sky up to 3rd, play Zero, throw Ao and Cold Steel in the trash.

>Why are Rean and Crow so cute bros
Alisafags can go fuck themselves with their shit taste for a WHORE

trails games are very good but take way too big of an investment. play something else

rean is a FAG who killed trails mmkay kondo is killer

xseed doesnt make games user

you boys should kiss

OP Should just play some Ys as an appetizer and move on to Trails.


Scott-the-woz, no!

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Well, shit I'm sold

no, OP should just play Ys. They are fantastic games.

I can recommend Ys to anyone. I can only recommend Trails to Neets and retards

Honourable mention to Xanadu Next.

>OP decides to acclimate himself to the aesthetic of Trails by playing some Ys
>he then drops Trails as he slowly recognises the superiority of Ys
Genius idea

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Play Trails in the Sky first, those are better games anyway.


Stupid boomer trails of cold steel are uch better than world exposition simulator 1-3

where is the translation patch for ao no kiseki on vita?

>looking for a turn based jrpg with lots of dialogue
>Yea Forums keeps telling me to play ys

play it but dont buy it at that crazy price.

>random unknown weebshit game
>Is it worth picking up?

These seem to be on par with the Tales games. I'm planning on playing them myself but don't want to spoil too much.

I mean, he should in any case, otherwise he'd be missing out on a fun ARPG series with grand adventures and the objectively best Falcom soundtracks.

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Speaking of Crossbell on Vita, I simply couldn't find any information on the web what exactly was changed in the Evo version. In Sky Evo, it's easy to see that they changed up the artstyle, but is it the case with the Crossbeel games too? I honestly couldn't tell.
Is there any reason not to go with the Vita version of Ao or Zero? I would prefer handheld this time.

Shit, if Trails is the best, I don't know if I really wanna play the rest of them. The writing in the first Trails is even worse than Tales so far. When does this game pick up?


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Trails in the Sky SC is generally agreed to be the peak, so I'd say it picks up there. Ao and Zero are also good.
If you don't like the final chapter of FC or SC, then drop the series, it isn't for you.

>even worse than Tales so far
Tales of Berseria had really good writing, don't know about the rest of the series though, but I guess you just have some crazy high standards for JRPG's lmao.

double the resolution on vita.

>final chapter of FC or SC
Shit, I meant final chapter of FC and the entirety of SC

Never. We've had the same villains for the past 9 games and still don't know much about their goals and motivations. In fact, halfway through the series they decided to try and get in on the Persona galge-lite market and switched to bonding events with dozens of different girls instead of even pretending they wanted to just tell a story. Haha...

they publish a certain kind of generic rubbish.

Calvard when?

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Compared to the PSP version I guess? Is that really the only thing changed? No different artstyle, no different music?


Seething Laurakeks as usual

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I just beat 2 bros and I'm going though that post game depression phase. Would definitely recommend both, though I'd wait til 2 is on sale it's like half the time the first one is but has a TON of QoL improvements.

Is 1+2 a complete story or it's supposed to be a trilogy?

I agree alisa is garbage almost forced cannon trash waifu but crow is definitely a bro

There's apparently 4 fucking games but 3 hasn't been translated and 4 hasn't been made. I think NIS is working with xseed on CS3 or something because they were posting about a character in it. It should be coming out this year for americunts.

1+2 erebonian civil war
3+4 empire building up to invade calvard

All stories continue from the last but 1+2 can be considered a "complete" duology

Play it for Rean and his harem.

There's actually going to be 5 games.

Holy shit, I'm a NEET and I'd still rather invest my time in something else. Way too many fucking games to play these days.

God please no. let erebonia end with the shitty alien curse

Stop playing Falcom games past Ao.

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Trails in the sky is your standard jrpg adventure.
Cold steel is more of a schooltime harem.

They're both pretty good as far as weebshit jrpgs go.

yeah no I no lifed the two games and I honestly don't even know what fucking day it is. It did keep me from buying other games I would have finished in a day though so that's a plus. If you need a time sync these are good.

So I did cold steel... tried Sky and... the turn based combat is just so god awfully slow, does it get better?


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I just finished Trails in the sky trilogy to get my world building in for Rean's game.
Now I learned there are actually two other games set between Sky and Cold Steel, the Crossbell games. Would you recommend I play them also, before starting Rean's games?

Not really, just gotta think of it as an older style game, or maybe use emulation to speed things up.

Cold Steel 4 DLC and Cold Steel the 5th, here we come

I just finished 3rd. I really almost didn't have the energy to play through it because I didn't expect someone other than Estelle to be the lead, but I kept playing thanks to some random user who told me Kevin and Ries will grow quickly on me

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I've got the original one for some reason, any reason I should swap and buy SC?

Nigga they give you a turbo button for that specific purpose. Speed it up yourself.

I don't think the non SC version has one but it doesn't make it that much quicker since the tactics grid based combat is slow by design

All three Sky games have the turbo mode. Enable it in the launcher.

If you are going to fall for the overrated shit that is the Trails of franchise you shouldn't dive in with the worst ones

Falcombros how the fuck do I get through the spider boss in Xanadu Next? It's a goddamn damage sponge.


I've got somewhat low standards. I enjoyed every single Trails game currently localized very much (though I think Sky is the best). In terms of JRPGs in general, I can stand even low-quality shit like Neptunia or some of the worse Tales games.

Will I like Tokyo Xanadu?

Probably. It's on sale on Fanatical atm.

The best way to describe this game is you either love the formula or hate it.
Its a jrpg but never ever I played a jrpg that feels so much like a visual novel.
The plot is slow and you spend 90% of the time reading text.
Granted that wouldnt be a problem if the plot wasnt so fucking weak and boring.
It started promising, went to shit during the half, and only picked the fuck up at the last two or so chapters. All in all its not BAD but if I could go back I rather not play it cuz I got attached to the characters and I wanna see what happens to them in the sequels.

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Rean is shit.
Laura a best.
Kevik a best 2.



Also I noticed only Sky and Steel are on steam. Where would I play the other ones.

Is the localization decent?

Trails in the Sky has way better combat than Cold Steel, which is simply retarded and is pretty much never ever challenging except for the last boss sort of.

The pastebin in the OP of /fg/ on /vg/ has a link to them

/fg/ nyaa link.
If you got Vita you can also play evolution versions on it.

Word I didn't realize there was one. Imma cry about the game over there now. Thanks.

It's basically the best JRPG ever made, has the best OST, pacing, worldbuilding, well thought-out world, comfy setting etc. Nothing comes close to Kiseki games and their worldbuilding, the world is so well done and intricate your immersion is always at maximum, but it does have a LOT of dialogue (VN-tier).
The characters and story are excellent and the combat is really deep and fun, s-crafts (limit breaks) feel amazing to use. Play with the JP audio only though.
Don't listen to any naysayers OP, it's an amazing game and I can't wait for the third game. Only contrarians prefer Sora no kiseki or other JRPGs. People hate on Sen because it has a based male MC, and not a tranny self insert female MC. Plus in Sen you can romance and be bros with any character via FTEs.

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Should I play Trails to Zero or Trails of Cold Steel? I played through Trails in the Sky already

I can't see this game without laughing because of that stupid Sonic oc

>walkthrough game because of all the missable shit
Fucking bullshit.
And don't give me "just replay the game bro" excuse. It's a story driven game, aside from the small shit like which generic whore to waifu, the shit won't change.

Trails games suffer from bad design practices and they refuse to change them because "they are part of the experience"


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>playing Ys

>It's basically the best JRPG ever made

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What platform is best to play Trails in the Sky on?

>talking shit about Falcom
You need to leave

TX is very solid, maybe 7/10. It's not Kiseki, but still better than any other Falcom game.

Reminder the Fie and Luara fags are the worst and Sara is the best girl

the crossbell games happen at the same time as cold steel, so events that happen in zero/ao occur in cold steel.
playing those two give you context and adds to the story

>game is boring as fuck
>suddenly fucking mechas
If only they had done it sooner...

Wrong, Sharon is the best girl.

>he doesn't know about the canon ng+ bonus scenes like the one in CS2

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How does it feel knowing that Aidios is evil and Ouroboros is right?

Shut up, Thomas

For all the Trails fans here, a question: Are any of you actually fans of the actual Dragon Slayer series itself? I had no idea Trails was only a small part of a 35-year legacy. How's the rest of the series?


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Not as good but the influences on the later games are there to see in the odd jobs you do and such. Ask on /fg/ as an user there played through some of them and posted about it until an autist got angry at him.


I want this squire to sit on my face

These games are awesome, fun and engaging but as background you pretty much NEED to play Trails in the Sky first, and they are quite the pleb filter at the onset despite being just as good or even better since they carry the old-school spirit of 16-32bit JRPGs

Thanks, user! Just picked it up. That's a great deal.
If you're playing on NIghtmare and not abusing Chrono Burst, then it's not all that easy. The mechanics are better, in any case, if not the balancing. (even then lolEarthWall)
I like Sara, Laura, Emma, and Fie. As long as it's not Alisa, fine with me.
It says a lot about Trails NPCs that anybody who's played the games knows random minor NPCs like Rosine by name.
I want to be the shota who has a crush on her and have her sit on my face.

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she's not exactly random though

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