Vergil is green.

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Other urls found in this thread:

For me it is Vergin.

Attached: Vergil_(Model)_DmC.png (681x1289, 702K)

I love Dante

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but then he would die

Da ba da


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Random thought, how did Vergil get all his clothes back when V and Urizen combined?
Can the Spardas summon clothes like Trish? Is Dante's coat actually just made of his demonic power and not the expensive shit we thought it was?

Sorry but my pref is for REAL Vergil

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Why do threads end every time someone's about to deliver something?

Look at this receeding globino

You mean Dan?

He had the same coat when he took the arm, so...

5Vergil has a better hairline than 3Vergil desu

Attached: 1531125073345.jpg (1024x768, 507K)

Urizen stored his clothes in his body.

Vergil is always /fa/.

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Reminder that Vergin sleeps in a deprivation tank.

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>not recognizing an absolute CHAD when you see one

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It's a lollipop

vergil dlc wen

>40 year old
>autistic gopnik cucklet

Some day.

>ywn be that lollipop

ask Dan

>autistic gopnik cucklet
That's Dante

Attached: 1555205880125.jpg (1080x1350, 218K)

Anyone that says he has a receding hairline is an insecure projecting dork.

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>killing more people than vergin ever did
>not a chad

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Capcops will go after him if he says anything.

Never because he's a dlc character. And i'll tell you why, they don't know how to make him a protagonist because all his personality is, is seething over Dante and being a seething antagonist. Everything else is just people inserting what they WANT him to be like. But that's his entire character, and without that, he's nothing. His peak was dmc3, he was weak throughout 5 though. What they gonna do? make him another Dante to make him fun to watch the whole game? lel

>Nigger, they were all fighting in there together, Nero is the only one who stepped in.
Fuck off and play the game, literally the first Dante mission shows Dante stepping in after the girls got beat down
>And why would he need one when he does webm related without a devil trigger. His own ability > every single devil arm dante has in his possession.
>literally just a big hand
That's suppose to be impressive?
>Dante literally got pimp slapped off the stage
There was no slap though and Urizen knew to get rid of Dante as soon as possible, while he underestimate Nero
>Did you mean severe? and yes you can as Dante gets pierced all the time, they regenerate but they are not indestructable, and for the love of god do not bring up the bullshit vergil sliced in half meme, didn't happen.
But it did
>He was much weaker in DMC4 but also look at this webm to prove how strong he is
>fuck Dante do to save ANY humans in the entirety of 5
He was going directly to the source of all the problems Urizen, why waste time with weak demons when you can just go directly to the big bad and get rid of him, and Nero killing a plant and a walking insect that shoots lasers doesn't prove anything other than how he wasted time, there wasn't anyone there to save but some soldiers at the bridge
>Literally a portal opening weapon, tell me what devil arm is more powerful than yamato lol
Yamato isn't a Devil Arm, and Devil Sword Dante is stronger
>Again, he can absorb the strongest weapon in the canon created by Sparda's own power
Rebellion, Force Edge/Sparda have his power too, your point?
>there is no reason he cannot. But that's not to say he needs it, again his literaly two "devil arms" are stronger than all of their devil arms
Because he didn't simple as that, and even if Nero had the "strongest" weapons which I doubt, he still is inexperienced unlike Dante which makes him overall weaker

>Chad rating of Bajiru
Urreason > Nerlo Angelo > SDT Vergil > Gilver >= 5Vergil > 3Vergil > 4Vergil >>>> powergap >>> V

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This would be perfect if it wasn't for the cig. He left the van as V with a look of disgust when Nico smoked. He clearly would never.

What do the runes say?

I love that stupid face Dante and Nero are making

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I'm pretty sure it's from pre-5 times

Something something Nero having a nightmare about Agnico

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>hurr durr make him dante
Good thing you aren't writing the story retard.

Vergil will be a good guy in the next game? He didn't even say sorry

Attached: sasusk.png (168x382, 13K)

He's a chad daddy. Vorgil doesn't even come close to him. Vorgil also uses Yamato like a limp sperg. This is how a chad handles Yamato.

Attached: 1555630087321.webm (754x1464, 2.9M)

I'm shilling this wholesome family thread

Nico and Vergil bonded through smoking cigs.

Even pre-5, the artist should no better. Vergil would never damage his beautiful lungs like that.

Leave your autism in your own thread, go away.

Dan will never allow that. Seriously, the moment he loses his edge he stops being fans' favorite. It's like Wesker working with Chris tier of disaster.

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t. mundus

Nigga, his demonic powah gives him a protection even from Mundus aids.

>good guys can't be edgy
besides, he's more smug than anything else

Who does he need to say sorry too?

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[Nero who had a dream of visualizing Nico with a stronger version of Agnus dreams]
Agnus likeness 90%

Stop the car for a moment!

What's with you all of a sudden...
Whats wrong...Whats wrong with you!

They're fucking demons, mate. Even Dante isn't really "a good guy".

Reminder that DMC5 sales were great under modern standards. Japanese console games don't break the one million sales for being aimed to no-life otakus and hardcore weebs that want to jerk off with videogames

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He was dying dude his demonic power means shit all.

I don't know, the fanboys always mock Sasuke for that despite he didn't do even half of the crimes that Vergil did.

>discover mods
>mod away Dantes shitty facial hair
>mod Dantes face onto vergils head so I don't have to look at coke bloat Martin sheen vergil
>Dantes coat more red
>neros coat more blue
Life is so fuckin good

Did he really have those blue pants in the game? I wouldn't mind his design without them. Better than Donte.

Also a reminder that idiots will parrot the 2.1m sales as if those are up to date and not the results after barely a single month from release.
We have no current sales numbers

He will be a softie to Dante but a edgy fag to nero and everyone else.

Am I doing this right, currently fighting Urizen 2 on DMD
>Jump in with SDT Dante already style switched into Royal Guard
>Spam Triangle x3 combo until I run out of DT then move back a bit
>Immediately Royal Guard so I block when he spins around with his tentacles
>Swordmaster Uppercut with Balrog Blow Mode then Swordmaster with Balrog Kick Mode while Royal Guarding until he goes down twice
>Use Cavalier with Swordmaster to grind against the Yamato in the air to avoid all the lasers and explosions and shit while Royal Guarding/Trickstering away from danger.
>Grinding out DT so I can SDT and do massive damage, rinse and repeat
This is my current strategy but I don't know if there's just some autowin "wtf just do this and the fight is easy" strat.

Do you understand that he was dying because of lack of power? Quite literally.

shit taste desu

>can't mod away your autism
some things can't be fixed

Not so friendly reminder that Dante and vergil are identical fucking twins

You know... In a Sparda game you'd be able to use the old design in really nice graphics throughout the entirety...
Just saying.

Attached: Sparda_(DA)_DMC1.png (433x732, 262K)

Fujo, it's a trashy idea and you know it. Who the fuck needs DMC without brotherly rivalry.

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SE and Atlus made a huge deal when Nier Automata and P5 broke the one million sales. That says a lot about the current state of the Japanese industry

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>[Nero who had a dream of visualizing Nico with a stronger version of Agnus dreams]
Genes not dreams, my bad.
What..? But I'm the same as usual?
No way its the usual! Your Agnus Genes are way too strong now!

Well...Agnus is my dad after all, its natural we would look similar
This must be a dream...It doesn't hurt. It is a dream

I don't really get it but cheer up...Partner!

Dont you call me partner with that face!
It really pisses me off for some realise?

Eh, why?

[Memory of losing]

>can't mod yourself a bigger peepee
I'm lmaoing at your life

Naruto fags are retarded.

excellent taste user, make those dick lovers being angry

still shit taste desu
your autism is getting the best of you

>until I run out of DT then move back a bit
Do the opposite. If you stay right up on him when your SDT runs out you can Jump Cancel out of the recovery frames

>It really pisses me off for some realise?
It really pisses me off for some reason!

Ugh 2 mistakes in a row, how embarrassing.

Love the game but the plot holes are pretty fucking dumb
>V alone by himself constantly saying he needs to stop urizen from gaining anymore power
>urizen is stopped and suddenly ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU
Urizen was totally just gonna be Balrog til they noticed how fucking good of a design he was and they couldn't figure out how to top it to make God king vergil happen so they just gave him balrog

I get that. Just wanted to bring up that the 2.1m sales aren't up to date in the hopes that retards will stop using that as some kind of indicator of the game flopping

Projecting won't fix your autism

Shit, I thought I was in the wrong thread for a sec and wondered when I stumbled into a Xenoblade thread. God I want to fuck Dahlia
.Alright, I'll have to try that tomorrow. Just that half the time if I was too high in the air and too close, by the time I hit the ground and recovered, Urizen would just hit with his tentacles and I never had a chance to Block

You know you want it...

Attached: sparda image.png (954x510, 730K)

>Stepped in
Literally tossed him the sparda, and he still got dusted
>that's supposed to be impressive
Yes for someone who doesn't even have a full trigger you literal retard since it is the biggest display of strength and power in the entire series. Dante not once did anything remotely even close to that feat on an enemy of such scale, he literally does not have the physical strength to do so. Nor does he toss around beings the size of goliath around on a daily basis. If he does feel free to name it LOL. This is in part the reason Dante always looses to Bayo, he simply does not have the strength feats, the biggest in the series all belong to his nephew.
>there was no slap
Urizen punched Dante out of DT and he also slapped him off the platform, play the game. Underestimate nero? and yet he was the one to break the shield and force him to stand, something Dante couldn't do until achieving an omega form
>It did
Literally did not
>durrr nero throughout dmc4 is the same as endgame dmc4 nero
The amount of brainlet
>wasted time
They were literally destroying qlipoth roots where Urizen was getting power from you absolute retard, play the game. Throughout this entire time they were doing all the grunt work? Dante out cold. All that power, and a handicapped power-stripped Nero was putting in more work.
>it's not a devil arm
It doesn't need need to be.
>your point
You don't have one here.
>he still inexperienced
So much that he brought two Sin devil triggers to an instant stop in a base DT form. So much that his daddy had to stay in SDT form in desperation to defeat him when he did not do the same for Dante ha.


Did you miss the epilogue, that huge smile from Vergil ? Vergil and Dante are still gonna have their autism fights, that won't change.

>That uniform design in previous games
>The nauseating dog shit design made by V because muh realism
Why live bros

Dante literally effortlessly held back a full powered punch from the Saviour you retard.
"Does not have the physical strength" my fucking ass

Sasuke was never wrong. Ever. Everything he did was justified, specially the last fight against Naruto.

The Boruto series even existing and war still happening there, is only further proof that Sasuke was right all along and he should have won. The model of "whenever a human conflit gets too big I will go down my mountain and slaughter everyone involved" would be the greatest deterrent to war ever made.

Attached: saske3.gif (500x283, 500K)

stay in your thread nigger

At what?

>V alone by himself constantly saying he needs to stop urizen from gaining anymore power
>urizen is stopped and suddenly ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU
I don't see a problem. V's goal was to DEFEAT urizen, make him submit, so he could do "YOU AND I ARE ONE". Basically to survive at any cost. He also says "I'll never make the same mistake again", meaning that he'll never split himself in two again. He fucking hates being powerless. To achieve his goals he only needed Dante to defeat Urreason, and Dante did that even post-apple.

Nah Sasuka wasn't strong enough, no man is an island, Naruto is also wrong because putting trust in people who have no fucking reason to respect or trust you is also fucking dumb. How very convenient that they both have plot armor though

Don't you fucking call me a nigger again.

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Now they're fraternal so what?

i fucking did it, anons.
this is the first drawing i've done in several weeks without any pose references. it's crazy how amped-up your brain gets when it's being fueled by hormones.

Attached: ahshit.png (667x796, 569K)

temen ni gger

I suppose that makes sense. Shame V is still not fun to play. They can't add Vergil soon enough

Stop acting like one.

The Urizen = Balrog shit is so fucking retarded and always has been.
Urizen has more design elements relating to Vergil than it does Balrog by a mile.
The only connections are vague ass shit like the eyes (not unique to Urizen), the fact that Urizen throws some punches and kicks (not unique to Urizen) and the fact that Urizen has some spikes on him, which are completely different types of spikes to Balrog's.

Attached: como dices.png (422x545, 395K)

kek with rebellion and all he did was shrug it a couple feet to the side


Vero el demonio duende...

Attached: 1549702005296.jpg (505x673, 44K)

I already posted in your gay thread calling you a retard. There's a reason your thread is dead and it's because your sparda boner is stupid.


Noice drawfag.

>17 ips in a thread with over 100 posts
are those all him just jacking off to thoughts of a sparda game?

Most of the posts are calling him retarded so yeah.

This is so ooc for Vergil but I like it. I wonder what it's like to fuck a pussy made of bats.

Nice, but Vergil is gay.


Can't be any worse than you guys jerking off to the sons of sparda in here literally.

>fucking a hot demon chick is ooc for vergil
since when

Vergil slaughters demons user. Fucking demons is degenerate.

Dante doesn't fuck chicks because he's a 12 year old pizza partyholic who doesn't know what sex is.
Vergil doesn't fuck chicks because he doesn't have time, he's too busy folding his katana Wan mirrion times and arguing about how if the Japanese wanted to they could totally take over the world using hanwei forged steel on message boards

I'd take posts about Vergil's nutsack over hearing your autistic ramblings as to why there should be a sparda game you fucking nuisance

>Literally tossed him the sparda, and he still got dusted
>tossing a sword means something now
Let's break the red queen for Mero and see how he can handle Urizen then
>Yes for someone who doesn't even have a full trigger you literal retard since it is the biggest display of strength and power in the entire series but a big hand is?
Sealing up th demon God, taking in a pinch from the saviour, killing the despair embodied, can royalguard every hit in the game, and yet he isn't the biggest display of power in the series?
>Urizen punched Dante out of DT
Yes he broke the rebellion and? Nero was able to break the shield with the help of Nico's Breakers
>Literally did not
It did though
>durrr nero throughout dmc4 is the same as endgame dmc4 nero
What did he gain in the end? There was nothing but the power of love there
>They were literally destroying qlipoth roots where Urizen was getting power from you absolute retard
Something that shouldn't matter if you're really strong
>it doesn't need to be
I was just correcting you buddy
>You don't have one here
You're saying taht Yamato is strong because it has Sparda's power in it, well do does Force Edge and Rebellion and The Rebellion could guse power unlike separating it which makes it better
>So much that he brought two Sin devil triggers to an instant stop in a base DT form. So much that his daddy had to stay in SDT form in desperation to defeat him when he did not do the same for Dante ha.
Vergil is weaker than Dante and Dante had to fight Shadow Griffon and Nightmare right before fighting Vergil

you got no class.

>jerking off to characters that are in an actual game is worse than one who doesn't and will never get one

and your threads suck ass
now go back

fuck yourself and shut up, it's not even that big of a deal.


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Gimme Gene

whiney bitch

vergil did fuck a chick at least once, though. nero is living proof that somewhere out there a chick was so hot she made vergil consider having sex.
thanks user

He hates humans and yet he fucked one.

Fuggen saved
>it's crazy how amped-up your brain gets when it's being fueled by hormones
I feel you. Easily the best tier of inspiration.

says you

>tfw no God Breaker with Shaolin Palm Breakage

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samefagging won't help you

And it still doesn't make sense, yes

He doesn't hate humans. He thinks they're insignificant and weak. Like ants.

God you guys are SEETHING MAD AS HELL over nothing.
This is too funny, just talk about DMC5 and move the fuck on...

>pants on
Even better.

>Everyone thinks Vergil was some kind of aloof big brother to Dante
>Turns out Vergil was a poetry-loving nerd and Dante stole his shit and shoved him into lockers constantly

There is no concrete proof that Vergil didn't literally shit Nero out through sheer force of will. It would explain him never once mentioning his mom, he was found in the street and raised by the church because Vergil either just shat him out or got a little too heated thinking about MORE Power and just came out a full child then and there

Los humanos son como niños.

Thick Thighs Save Lives. But Thick Thighs with Thigh Highs Are A Dicks Demise

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You're the fag that got mad when no one paid attention to your retarded fanfiction thread.

>>Vergil, did you lay this egg?

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>aloof big brother
He was a gay nerd since dmc3

Did you take your meds today?

stop responding to the spardatard and get back on topic

>thinks they're insignificant and weak. Like ants.
So he wants to crush them with his penis?

What's more likely, goober vergil banging a chick and prematurely ejaculating inside of her not realizing that's how babies are made, or Nero somehow just being a demonspawn from vergil having a JOsesh

Pretty funny, thanks for the translation.

Take your meds user.

This whole post is nonsense but
What if Nero was just a piece of himself he shed using the Yamato and gave it to a woman he trusted.
Fuck I really shouldn't think of how that might be interesting.

Attached: 1552627631217.jpg (221x224, 7K)

>vergil fell in love with a woman and gave her a piece of the Yamato, she was the only other thing on earth he so loved
>she fuckin shoves it up her pussy
Checks out

>vergil just wanted to read but dante wouldn't let him
dante is a bully

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So was this game getting DLC or is it like every other game where people are waiting for E3?

>and shoved him into lockers constantly
He didnt, Dante just wanted to sword fight with Vergil but he was too much of a faggot to do that, and Dante probably stole his shit to piss him off and fight with him

He came on the yamato piece before he gave it to her.

We're getting a vergil announcement at e3.

this is a very touching moment.

Attached: dante and vergil together.jpg (5120x2160, 2.23M)

holy shit, it's been ages since i last saw a reference to that jojo doujin
thanks for the hearty kek

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Fucking based and redorbed

Dante probably wanted to have a cool play sword fight and faggot vergil tried to go all bushido blade and shit and would hit Dante in the nuts, causing Dante to get pissed and beat the shit out of the little queer and take his faggy book of poems

What's going on in this threa---- Ah. Nevermind.

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don't open it

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don't open it

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Dante being an annoying little bro actually suits him.

Attached: D5OBx2-W4AAEx1P.jpg (900x900, 82K)

Please don't open it

Attached: dante guarded.jpg (1280x907, 349K)

>lets break the redqueen and see how he can handle urizen
Except Dante has a DT form and got slapped out of it TWICE. While Nero went in with one arm none of his abilities, and nothing but brute force.
>bunch of bullshit
How is any of that a display of strength you absolute mong. Everything Dante did to savior, Nero also did, he can block Saviors hits too. And in the end the ultimate display of strength towards Savior was on him. Sorry bro, you're just not gonna match Nero in this category, dude literally has extra shapeshifting arms. His potential for raw strength is beyond Dante's.
>can royalguard
Your point? Nero can topple every enemy in the game including bringing a Vergil flying fast and hard enough to tear through solid rock to a complete stop and body slam him. He is able to swing around an demo the size of goliath without losing his footing and tossing him several feat away. All this was before bringing two SDTs to a complete stop in addition to defeating a being who was apparently beyond mundus level after eating the fruit.
>it did though
And where can you show me the confirmation that this happened? because thus far it's fan bullshit for what the "think" they saw.
>what did he gain in the end muh love
That's right, and that's how he differs from Dante, his will has always been the driving force to his power. Dante on the other hand just got stabbed by vergil and rando changed for the first lol.
>it shouldn't matter
Considering the fact he was using them to build power for the fruit it was pretty damn important
>because it has sparda powa
No it's strong because it is the most powerful and dangerous of them all
>vergil is weaker than dante
Did we play the same game lol Dante was clearly losing to Vergil, evidenced by the fact of how sluggish he was moving in comparison to Vergil, Nero laid his ass out and Vergil was able to go at Nero full health while maintaining his Sin form longer against Nero than he had with Dante. Vergil was winning.

Really don't open

Attached: 1554089203771.jpg (504x520, 140K)

Smiling dante/vergil top that

>bound Vergil
Yes please

don't open unless you want a bj

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Sincerely please do not open

Attached: dante rules.jpg (1153x814, 348K)

Alright, you can open this one.

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I remember when a few weeks ago we were making fun of retards saying Nero wasn't Vergil's son in 4, and how they got so btfo they disappe-

what really got me was how dante wasn't more emotional when he saw vergil. considering how sad the ending of dmc3 was and vergil's death being the origin of the name of his shop

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Reminds me of that Vergil x Lady comics.

He knows his brother better than everyone else.

>considering how sad the ending of dmc3 was
But they met again in DMC1

>find good piece of DMC art
>go to check out the artist's page, see if they have any other good stuff
>literally everything else is super turbo gay homo shit
Every god damn time

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user, if he split a part of himself with the Yamato and that became Nero that is still is son. It's still his flesh and blood. I'm not saying Nero isn't his son. I'm saying that would be an interesting twist and tie into the Yamato's new super power to separate man from devil (and since Vergil can even rip away memories and manifest them into demons, it can go even further than that, clearly)

Along the way he probably figured Urizen and V are Vergil's halves so he quietly processed that infro and accepted it so all strong emotions kind of washed away
If he said anything before he'd just spook Nero and the crew
Man, if this is true, then Dante is pretty deep, huh

Where he didn't know it was his brother until he beat him again, which was quite depressing.

>Dante says he hate drugs in DMC1 Novel
>V shows clear disdain when Nico starts smoking around him
Sparda and Eva raised those boys right

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pick out the good shit then scamper off

Yeah I'm also not saying Nero isn't vergil son, I'm saying we never meet mom, Nero not even fucking once or in flavor text mentions having a mom or dad. He simply exists like some kind of manifestation

Have a blessed photo of Reuben signing a slice of pizza, thread

Attached: Reuben Langdon signs a slice of pizza.jpg (3024x4032, 1.13M)

I mean it'll fuck you up but not in the good way

Dante was still keeping up with Vergil despite going through all of DMC5.

What is he supposed to do? "Hey my beloved brother, did you rike that sweet human blood? Also thanks for lying to me, and yeah, here's your son. Come, gimme a hug"
That's just retarded. Dante knows exactly the fuck happened and he's pissed off as fuck. And for a reason.

Attached: D4MQ_dVUcAIxhpN.png (654x478, 218K)

Dante drinks like a sponge though, that's not better than drugs and smoking, just more socially acceptable.

Dante also says that he hates smoking there too iirc.

Attached: dante and vergil fighting on the van.jpg (960x960, 69K)

He had a hard life. His depression time really sucked.

Well he probably got over that shit as a kid and it's no longer important to him.
To him his real parents would be Credo and Kyrie's folks, who got murked by demons and turned Nero into an atheist.

Nigga, Nero was literally a child. His mom left him on the goddamn doorstep and he was raised by Credo's parents because they was reminded of Sparda by his white hair. Nobody speaks about mom because the the bitch is dead to him.

Dante was emotional, he had vergil blinders all through out the game. Look at dante's huge smile at the end and how relieved he is now that he got his brother back.

>Vergil is the father
>Nero is the son but also Vergil
>Yamato is the Holy Spirit but also kind of Vergil

Did Vergil read the Bible a bit too much?

Wait and see

Attached: D6SqweCV4AUD9Q9.jpg orig.jpg (648x1897, 300K)

>dante knows exactly the fuck happened and he's pissed off as fuck

like even anger would have been a nice emotional response from dante. not to forget his previous encounter with nelo angelo. and dante wasn't exactly pissed at vergil. that's why he tried to convince him not to take the apple by mentioning their childhood

In DMCV : SE which bro would you pick to play?

Attached: Dante vs Vergil.png (1533x450, 815K)

Dante always hid his pain and anger behind passive-aggressive jokes, you know.

Wait for what? Nero's mom will never be mentioned again in the game.

So perfect, beautiful and delicate. Like a rose waiting to be touched and plucked

Attached: D1he90PU4AAqL2z.jpg (1200x675, 113K)

Never say never.

Calm down Kyrie

Vergil of course, otherwise there would be no point of even getting SE.

The one who isnt playable in the main game you retarded faget.

Is that a real question?

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Not him, but even the manga is making it harder to bring her up because it reiterates that he never ever paid any heed to humanity and those were his words (through V but same difference)

Those two little scrapes he has on in his head just waiting to be mended and licked vigorously.

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Vergil to keep the tradition.

According to Dan, she was a special case.

>Implying POWER isnt the most addictive drug
>Implying Urizen eating the Apple isnt the equivalent of Tony Montana shoving his face into a hugefuck pile of coke.

>inb4 Dan isn't the scriptwriter

You forgot your fedora

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Anyone else want to spread Vergil's ass cheeks and fuck his hole?
I mean no homo though

licking wounds isn't good you'll give him a disease

According to the manga he never cares about humanity, ever. You see the contradiction right? Also Dan even admitted he has no idea what Capcom is planning and that was his hope for her.

Vergil did it better.

>you look into his eyes, and for the first time you believe there is hope, there is a god, you believe that even vergil can be cured of autism you believe that dmc5 can break 3 million

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did Dante know V was Virgil the entire time?

Technically he is. He and Reuben said many times that they edit lines along the way and correct the translation almost for the whole script.

>Dante always hid his pain and anger behind passive-aggressive jokes, you know.
Yep, I got that. Maybe it's just their dialogue in DMC3 that spoilt me. Like even with all of Dante's attitude and jokes, when things got serious, you could tell that he didn't want Vergil to die. Then in DMCV, after seeing his brother again after so long, he doesn't have a proper conversation with him before the final fight about the choices he made and how things got to where they are now. At least Dante tried to do that before Urizen took the apple but at that time, Urizen didn't have any of his memories

>ywn lick every inch of Nero's tight sweaty body

Do you know what special case is? Vergil giving zero fucks about humanity is a known thing since 3, but humans are more complex than black and white.

It was confusing to me too. I think if he knew, he wouldn't have let V get close to Urizen but at the same time, some of his responses to V sound as though he knew

nice (You) deserve more than a (You)

Yeah, dan,reuben and jyb all have inputs into their characters and if the nips like it they use it.

He said Jackpot, you know.

You're missing the point. Dante is stopping vergil because it's a job, dante is fighting his brother because it's what they do. Dante doesn't really give much of a shit about the collateral damage vergil has caused, the brothers at their confrontation are doing the same song and dance they've historically done.

How did Patty react when the apocolypse happened on her birthday?

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Yes but he disregarded him. It was like:
>V is Vergil but not the part that's a threat so I'll ignore him

>Except Dante has a DT form and got slapped
And Nero jobbed too, you faggot, why are even discussing power level on a story that barely even makes sense literally there was no reason for Nero to beat Sanctus or Dante to beat Vergil, when both of those had the power of Sparda in their hands, but the game just explains it with the power of love
>How is any of that a display of strength
Nero wouldn't be able to beat the Saviour if he wasn't inside of it to begin with, plus Dante weakened it by breaking a bunch of those stupid weak points
>in addition to defeating a being who was apparently beyond mundus level after
Nero didn't defeat Urizen, Dante did
>And where can you show me the confirmation that this happened?
Well if that's what you want than we can literally just bring up the fact that it is stated that Dante surpassed Sparda's power which means he's the strongest
>That's right, and that's how he differs from Dante, his will has always been the driving force to his power.
Holy shit, the absolute lorelet, you're a 4babb aren't you?, Dante shows love to Trish and his mother and brother in 1, Dante shows love to Lucia in 2, Dante shows Love to his brother and father in 3, Dante shows love to Nero in 4. And in 5 it's his love for his family that gave him the SinDT, and Nero got stabbed too you brainlet, and he heard voiced and visions that's how he got his DT in 4, the same might've happened to Dante in 3 for all we know
>Considering the fact he was using them to build power for the fruit it was pretty damn important
And all those actions Nero did were useless than since he still got the fruit
>No it's strong because it is the most powerful and dangerous of them all
Didn't seem to help Vergil when he fought Mundus or when he fought Dante or he fought Nero
>Did we play the same game lol Dante was clearly losing to Vergil
He wasn't, he's just a bit tired after fighting Nightmare he would've won if Neeo didn't interfere

The way I see it, he knew V was part of Vergil, whether he knew the whole time or figured it out himself, but he had no idea that they could merge together to reform true Vergil.
That's why he allows V to finish things with his own hands, but is also surprised once he realises what V is truly trying to do

Not according to a novel, no. Dante is a fucking brainlet.

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And i'm telling you that giving no heed to humanity does not imply there was ever a special case and he certainly doesn't act like it in 3 (even though Nero wasn't even concepted yet I know)

that's why you should check out my page instead *blink*
but yeah, it's fucking disgraceful. twitter is the worst offender when it comes to this. literally every good dmc artist has a page full of fujo shit. (why are koreans so obssessed with 2dante?)

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He knew vergil split himself, but wasn't sure if V was the other vergil half

The same way anyone who just got pierced by trees roots would.

nice i kinda wanna try that i hear it's ultra soothing when you have the auts

Here we go

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The novel implied he knew though, he just didn't care.

Dante tried talking to urizen who he believed was fully vergil, so he already said his part and urizen didn't want to listen so dante got sick of his shit and just decided to end it.

Imagine how tight, pink and his hole is. Imagine how the sweat drips down his crevices as he's fighting demons. Imagine how white his ass hair is.

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You're just telling what you want to believe in, mate.

>(why are koreans so obssessed with 2dante?)
I've noticed the exact same shit dude. They're absolutely head over heels for 2Dante. I've also come to notice that lesbians really like 5Trish.

Where? Did you read the summary or the whole thing?

>DMC fans are mega faggots
you don't say

>revs his fucking sword, no lie, and rides it out the front door
best part

sorry for annoying you guys with my shit sparda thread, it won't happen again...

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>the brothers at their confrontation are doing the same song and dance they've historically done
This is it. That was how things are in DMC3 until Vergil actually died. And then there was the death of Nelo Angelo. It just doesn't feel right when Dante acts like how he did in 3 again.

We're lucky we got two based drawfags here.

>Imagine how tight and pink his hole is
it's all i ever think about 2bh

Jusf jumping into the talk: in my view, it wasnt any cheesy love at first sight romance, but she did remind him of the better days when he wasnt hunted by demons. They probably met at the library while vergil was researching on sparda and might share a hobby in reading.

He left her because he knew that if he stayed, she would be targeted by demons too. Also he wasnt going to give up on his quest for power.

What did they mean by this? Is Nero Vergil's son?

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1 barely counts, dante is not the same consistent character til 3.

He had to know because V explained to dante about yamato splitting himself or else dante wouldn't have know how to make dsd.

kek, nice

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What are they pointing out?


It's pretty obvious he's Dante's

But y

guys does he look like Nero?

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That's true but I have always thought that Dante crying over Vergil's death and him keeping the cut glove was written to tie-in with Dante's reaction to Nelo Angelo's death in 1

bcuz cute boys with scars is hot?

If nero was gay(er)

The same placement

Change up the colors and make his hair white then yes

They weren't lying when they said they really edited Nero to look like Vergil huh. Nero looks the farthest from his models face.

that twink looks nothing like Nero

>If Nero had a Mundus clone

>nero jobbed
Literally btfo'd the two strongest niggas in the series.
>muh weakened
You can weaken shit all you want my nigga. Giant mother fucking hand, crush nigga skull. Dante wasn't pulling that shit my nig. Don't got the juice.
>nero didn't defeat Urizen
No he just defeated a fruit eaten, fully V reabsorbed Vergil in his SDT which > Urizen
>literally not even responding to the post
wtf does anything you said havw to do with vergil not being sliced, brainlet
>he shows love
And what the fuck does that have to do with how he got his DT in 3 moron? he literally just got it after being stabbed by Vergil and this was a Dante who at the time wasn't giving a fuck about anything or his legacy so come again. Nero with the help of yamato, his own will power and love for Kyrie got him his DT you absolute mong, or did you not hear the literal scream from before the DT awakened, and it's the same in 5.
>because he still got the fruit
Yes thanks to dumbass Dante
>didn't seem to help him
Except he was winning against Dante
>muh fighting nightmare
Nero literally fought the most bosses in 5 and was literally handicapped the whole game during all of it, Dante has no excuse.

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Sunhi's vids make my pee-pee hard

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When you mod neros hair onto vergil the resemblance is uncanny

were they afraid people wouldn't still get that Nero's his son?

I am completely sure thar whatever Sparda did to mundus, he thought it was "just a prank bro" and that mundus wouldn't hold a grudge for 2000 years

do you have youtube link?

If they ever saw discussions on Nero's origins, then probably yes.

@SunhiLegend on twitter, he posts his stuff only there

This is what the sparda bros adventures dlc should be

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>that tail movement

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I wish I had a cool brother to fight all the time

>yfw dmc Twitter keeps posting those vergil comics when all you want is vergil dlc
bullying us like this

Are you immortal?

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Why isn't he real

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>Literally btfo'd the two strongest niggas in the series.
Not really
>You can weaken shit all you want my nigga. Giant mother fucking hand, crush nigga skull. Dante wasn't pulling that shit my nig. Don't got the juice.
I get it you fag like Kratos and punching things hard that's how you measure your autistic power level, no need to talk about on repeat you nigger
>No he just defeated a fruit eaten, fully V reabsorbed Vergil in his SDT which > Urizen
He was fighting Dante you can literally see him pant in the end of the fight of how tired he is from fighting him
>And what the fuck does that have to do with how he got his DT in 3 moron?
By the fact that it is his father's love that gave him his DT, Rebellion is from his dad that he hates and yet it saved him this love and gate relationship is way better than Nero's boring ass vanilla love shit
>Yes thanks to dumbass Dante
Then Nero did waste time, good to know
>Except he was winning against Dante
>Nero literally fought the most bosses in 5 and was literally handicapped the whole game during all of it, Dante has no excuse.
Nero had the breakers, that's not him being handicapped at all, the buster breaker alone is way stronger than his devil bringer

Attached: Why Dante doesn't want Nero to kill Vergil.jpg (1143x1342, 606K)


because absolute fucking perfection like Nero, his DSLs, and his amazing bulge are not meant to exist in this god forsaken hell hole


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some user tipped me a couple of bucks on ko-fi one of these days, not to mention another one who gifted me the game itself.
i say i got more than i could ever deserve from these threads
i think it's his serious/mildly depressed attitude in dmc 2. they probably dig it.

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That vest is probably hot as fuck.

pls someone shop a dick in there

Easy. 2Dante design is korean as fuck.

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Are you the same drawfag who drew all the fortuna woman fanart? I thought those were two separate people

Those are two separate people.
t. a drawfag who drew those fortuna succ pics

both the drawfags are good and great
love u xoxo no homo

but he wouldnt be frowning if he was holding a fat meaty cock

Ah nice then.

god he looked cool.
what the fuck happened to dante's colors in 5? he's not even red anymore. i had to mod his coat to make it crimson instead of maroon.

>not really
Well one of em, casually slapped the other so hard he drew blood
>like Kratos and punching things
And if you couldn't name a single feat on the level, all you had to do was say so. See I already knew this because I been through the entire series, and know for a fact compares to that feat in the rest of the series. This is why both Kratos and Bayo would stomp easy. Dante feats are lacking, you should've stopped from the start, losing battle. Cuz no feats.
>he was fighting Dante you can literally see him pant in the end of the fight of how tired he is from fighting him
So tired he can maintain a SDT form longer than he did with Dante and pull off every single move with the same ferociousness at FULL HEALTH. Sorry nig, you make all the excuses to your hearts content, sdt form, got btfo'd by a base nero, because his base is stronger. Hence how he also btfo'd a DT dante who failed to challenge Urizen
>by the fact that his father's love gave him his dt
Nigga, he literally changed after getting stabbed, Dante's "love" had nothing to do with him changing, now you're making shit up. And Nero got his DT for his family, failing to protect them, and wanting to be strong enough to do so, so you're literally sitting here talking about love for family when that's literally what got him his DT. Nero got his full DT for a valid reason, Dante just magicked his shit after getting stabbed at a point when he didn't even give a fuck about nothing. You're just upset he btfo'd your fave, you'll get over it, like you'll get over that it's his game. And great job posting an image that has nothing to do with your DT point.
When Dante was on the ground like a bitch rolling over, and Vergil was still standing
>now he brings up gameplay oversights as being canon
kek the breaker buster is not more powerful in canon, that is an obvious oversight. Breakers literally break in one hit, and after they're all gone, they're done. He was STILL handicapped.

He's not frowning though.

We probably have more than two drawfags desu

Will you brainlets ever learn that realistic graphics demand realistic palettes.

The vergildrawfag and the one who drew Artemis and trish. We got a good bunch.

>visit nexus
>Nero Replaces Shadow

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>retard consolefag
Take screenshots pls

yeah but I haven't seen any others in a while
they are appreciated too, though

fortuna user is a different person. you can tell by our art styles and my weird english, probably
fellow drawfag, do you have a booru or other type of page? it's hard to come across your drawings



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Nope, I don't. I'm not that productive anyway, so I doubt it's worth it desu. It's not like my english is good, so...

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are you russian

Nothing happened. Go look at DMC3. It was a darker red there too.

>Artemis and Trish you have it?
As in the one who made the 'ur a faget' comics or is it another user
pic related

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I usually just lurk here for the dmc memes and hilarious discourse these threads usually spiral into but I’d be down to draw a request or two if anybody is interested

fucking knew it
russians always draw great

>but I’d be down to draw a request or two if anybody is interested
could you draw this but with Nero reading V(ergil)'s book

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>Well one of em, casually slapped the other so hard he drew blood
He didn't do it casually
>Dante feats are lacking, you should've stopped from the start, losing battle. Cuz no feats.
Punching hard isn't a feat moron, and Dante has Sin DT that's enough to kill anyone and anything, he can teleport and hit hard, and now that he has summoned swords he's untouchable
>So tired he can maintain a SDT form longer than he did with Dante and pull off every single move with the same ferociousness at FULL HEALTH.
Nigger, he barely has any health in that fight, he is certainly weaker after the fight
>Nigga, he literally changed after getting stabbed, Dante's "love" had nothing to do with him changing
Shut up and listen for once moron, I said that it was Sparda's love that gave Dante his DT, while Dante hated him, his father still loved him and saved him, that sounds way cooler and interesting than whatever shounen shit Nero pulls out of his ass
>When Dante was on the ground like a bitch rolling over, and Vergil was still standing
Both were tired and slouching after the end of the fight though
>now he brings up gameplay oversights as being canon
>kek the breaker buster is not more powerful in canon, that is an obvious oversight. Breakers literally break in one hit, and after they're all gone, they're done. He was STILL handicapped.
>i-it doesn't count
Yeah whatever you say user, the dude that got his grab arm replaced with more efficient ones that even help him mover through the air is more handicapped tah. He was in 4

sure! that’s actually pretty funny.

Holy shit, you two are still going? Is this really worth wasting so much time?

Honestly I was planning to say I'm done with it if he replied again. But than again I don't think my pride will let me

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I don't have it saved on my phone but I'm sure someone can link the nsfw version of artemis.
>As in the one who made the 'ur a faget' comics or is it another user
Ur a faget is the one who drew the original comic right? Honestly have no idea

In addition you can use Faust back+Shoot attack, it surrounds Dante with orbs and it will absolutly melt the shield.
I find Cavaliere a bit too slow for that fight as you can quickly cancel all the attack, I do use the swordmaster aerial attack when Urizen is stun though
Another good attack with Balrog is using the aerial sword master kicks while being ignited and using ennemy step to stay in the air, it will really do decent damage

Oh fuck, my sides

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Their autism is pretty entertaining to read.

this mod would be perfect if someone would adjust Nero's model so he'd be properly running on all fours

Kek i love who ever did this

Draw your husbando half naked.

>didn't do it casually
Nigga literally stood there not budging, not even acknowledging dante was there, and casually back handed him, so hard dante had to comment on it
>punching hard isn't a feat
No but crushing and lifting large things ARE, and Dante is mostly featless in this. I mean it's not like his feats are mostly unknown. There's list compiled of them all his lifting and raw strength feats WEAK as piss compared to either Kratos or Bayo. Again he doesn't even have the best strength feats in his series his NEPHEW does, kek.
>barely has any health
Literally full health bar
>sparda's love
Except the topic was literally about how Nero's will got him his DT, the FUCK does Sparda's love have to do with Dante's will nigga? He got stabbed and transformed by accident his transformation was a glorified accident, where as Nero's actually meant something to him personally.
>muh tired
And Nero was tired too? his face was just as scuffed throughout the entire game. He literally carried V all the way to Dante, after defeating Malphas for him. Ran down a collapsing tree, then walked back up. The point is nigga, stop using the tired angle. It doesn't work. A tired Sparda is not maintaining a fucking SDT form for that long, you mong. A tired Sparda was the two brothers in DMC3, literally getting manhandled by Arkham because they were too weak. That wasn't this fight, and that's not the way Vergil fought Nero, so stop trying to alter the narrative from what was displayed because you can't handle that your boy got defeated.
>durr a gameplay oversight that has the breaker buster doing more damage negates the fact that the buster performs the same
Nigga, they perform the very same animations, in the very same fashion
>is more handicapped than he was in 4
Yes, because as the scenes show, Nero always has to come back to Nico to replenish the stock, they break easily, and he breaks them easily. He has no trigger for the whole game and is limited to breakers, handicapped.

>Nero's retarded twin

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Dark red is fine, red desaturated to the point where it's barely red anymore is a completely different thing. It just looks dull.
Bright red looks fine with these graphics, wtf are you on about.
>its realistic so it MUST look washed out
This line of thinking is why developers are completely ignoring colors lately. Everything is cold and soulless. I don't know if you live in a gray ass commie block, but real life doesn't spare any colors because of muh realism. You could go to the grittiest places on earth like fucking Yemen and still be surrounded by bright yellow deserts.
Red was always an essential part of Dante's design and they completely botched it in 5. I will seethe forever.

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You are a Virgin

Vergil, I have a lot of questions about your thoughts and nightmares.

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I'm glad devs don't listen to you then.

Dante and Vergil were fighting from 4:04pm to 4:27pm (where Nero phones his gf).
We seen in DMC3 that a tired Dante and Vergil are weak enough to where a teenage human girl(Lady) can throw herself inbetween them and react then block Vergil's Yamoto, and then her farther who has little demon power BTFO them at the same time. Then Mundus dicked down Vergil and made him his bitch.

Nero fought a weak boss, then carried V to Urizen. Dante fought a weak boss, then beat Urizen at his strongest, and then had 1 hour worth of rest before he made to Vergil where he had to beat the DMC1 bosses along the way.

The cut scenes literally show you that they were tired with them struggling to get up and breathing heavily. The boss fight was also easier as Vergil would drop to his knees vs Nero but never done so vs.Dante.

>dante is lecturing urizen about true power in m17
>m20 is called true power

be more specific I consider all of them my husbandos


DMC5 Dante has a trash tier design. Nothing stylish about it. He doesn't stand out in a crowd like he did in his previous designs.

DMC2 > DMC1 > DMC3 > DMC4 > DMC5 > Donte

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He grew up


based as fuck
thought I was the only one who loved everyone equally

DMC2 design looks like ass and I don't understand why everyone latched onto it so hard

No Way Featherface

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>Nigga literally stood there not budging, not even acknowledging dante was there,
Well those are what those devil bringer arms are for
>No but crushing and lifting large things ARE, and Dante is mostly featless in this.
Dante certainly can crush whatever he wants we see him use gilgamesh to destroy the hell gate in 4, lifting things is meaningless when you don't need to what are you going to do if you cared something heavy? Throw it? That's it? It doesn't sounds amazing, and we can talk about that weird dragon he summons in 1 when he turns into Sparda that sounds devastating, and the charged blast he could do in majin form in 2, but I get it you like seeing characters do rediclous overpowered schtick, because it entertains you but that's just not Dante's style doesn't make him weak
>Literally full health bar
It didn't feel like it, it might've looked like it but that's it
>Except the topic was literally about how Nero's will got him his DT
And I'm talking about how Dante got his DT, which was way cooler and had more to do with love than Nero's boring shit, there is a love and hate theme in DMC3 that persist
>And Nero was tired too? his face was just as scuffed throughout the entire game. He literally carried V all the way to Dante,
What happened to him being able to carry anything? Is V too heavy for him lol, and Nero didn't fight 3 bosses all at once
>Nigga, they perform the very same animations, in the very same fashion
And have diffrent results, and he still has many more moves to do than he did in 4 which barely makes it seem like a handicap but an upgrade
>Yes, because as the scenes show, Nero always has to come back to Nico to replenish the stock, they break easily
That literally doesn't matter since he is always filled up with them anyways

So for how long are you planning to do this?

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fuuuck the crazy combos from dmc3 are always so satisfying to pull off. i hope the next game has them probably wont though

Fucking this. Almost reboot tier.

The one you like the best

Why do you plebbits want her back? She sucks.


>more DMC3 stuff
Yes we did see this, however that doesn't apply here, because Vergil did not fight Nero like that.
>Nero/dante fought weak bosses
Difference being Dante was at his strongest, had a trigger and then gained a SDT. None of which Nero had, it wasn't expected of a non-dt depowered Nero to defeat Urizen, THAT would have been complete bullshit, however achieving what he did in that state, is testament to his strength especially this being a more powerful Urizen than what was fought the first time.
>vergil drops down to his knees which he never does for dante
ALL the bosses in the game drop for Nero, that's his buster mechanic, and that right there is also testament to just how hard he hits as he leaves enemies staggered, and Dante does not. Even when Vergil stabbed him, you can see where Nero took the sword out and stabbed Vergil with even more force than he did him. These shits literally crushed, saviors head, a casual hit bloodied dante's mouth when a hit from both of them did nothing to Nero for the most part. Those things, fuggin hurt. Unga hits hard.

There's no fucking way you compare Dante's outfits through 1-4 and think 5 fits in. I guess this is your brain on photorealistic western vidya.

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>however that doesn't apply here

it does tho. Cutscene shows them struggling to get up, they fought each other for 20mins while going into their DT modes. You can ignore it all you want but the proof is in the pudding.

Do you even know what a plot hole is?

If you hadn't noticed, DMC5 is all designed with "modern world" in mind.

He's only a couple years older than he was in 4 who still had the "stylish" theme going on. It defeats the purpose of this character, he was made to be a stylish smartmouthed protagonist from his actions right down to his outfits.

Fortuna demands fancy outfits.

Coatless 1 outfit > all
You can't refute this.

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>dante can certainly crush whatever he wants
So how bout them feats of him doing just that? None? then nigga you have nothing, but >i'm strong because I should be, that's nothing and the same tactics dantefags use against kratos despite him btfo'ing dantes feats
>didn't feel like it
Because all boss fights are easier with him, he hits harder than Dante enough to stagger enemies.
>way cooler
It was basic as shit, and also had nothing to do with Dante's growth or anything, it was an accident kek
>filled up with them anyway
So your point? he's still handicapped. He had breakers all that do one or two moves and break easily, and no trigger vs dante all these arms plus a trigger the entire game. He doesn't stop being handicapped to the very end.

Why green

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Costless 1 > costless (if it ever happens) 5 > 2 > 3 > 4

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It shows them doing that in hell as well, and yet they still get right back up slicing demons like no tommorow. If Capcom intended for the fight to look that way they damn sure would have portrayed it exactly like they did in DMC3, they did not. Vergil did not show himself to be extremely tired at any point of that fight. And seeing as Cap themselves have stated of the sort it's all wishful thinking and headcanon for those to undercut what actually happened.


But that's blue

Are you blind

This picture makes me very thirsty, what is that thing? An artifact that shoots infinite water from its mouth? Is the water cold? I'd drink straight from it, man I'm so thirsty right now.


Fools. Coat without a shirt > Everything else

nice drawing.
so thats neros mom

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i like em all, but since i dont draw him enough shirtless vergil it is!

I doubt Nevan can give birth to anything but music and bats.

It's a grorb

>BP with DMD enemies from floor 1 onwards
This is where the real party begins. You all owe it to yourselves to give it a try
unless you're a smelly consolefag

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You got it wrong again user
Coatless shirtless dante > coat with shirtless dante > 1 coatless

R..rude ;_;

Tony >> everything else

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>So how bout them feats of him doing just that
The only thing he doesn't do is lift, the rest is are there and overpowered, his fast and strong what else fo you need? And funny how Kratos now needs a shield to block while Dante has demonic magic with him
>Because all boss fights are easier with him, he hits harder than Dante enough to stagger enemies.
I call bullshit, the Vergil boss was way easier than It should've especially when they gave you unlimited DT which means unlimited health
>It was basic as shit, and also had nothing to do with Dante's growth or anything, it was an accident kek
No it wasn't, what was basic as fuck is Nero gaining DT from his cardboard waifu, while Dante gained it because of his father's love
>So your point? he's still handicapped. He had breakers all that do one or two moves and break easily, and no trigger vs dante all these arms plus a trigger the entire game. He doesn't stop being handicapped to the very end.
Nero isn't handicapped, when he is way stronger with the breakers, he could even stop time with this shit, Dante knocked out once in a fight he was trying to gain experience from that's all he needed

Jack Pott > Redgrave > Tony > D

Half naked daddy vergil is always welcome.

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>they have been arguing for the past 6 hours
you two are more autistic then vergil

I was just sick of Nerofag(s) and his autism, So I'm trying to shut him up is all, he always bitches about muh powah level. And how there should be a Nero only game, and that Dante should just go.
It's all just tiresome. I don't even hate Nero, and would like him to stay in the series.

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literally where
there's 15 year olds who'd envy that hairline

I want my vergil solo mangaaaaa

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power level fags are the worst

Wouldn't you rather have a game instead? He's already getting the manga with V in it.

>the only thing he doesn't do is lift
or tossing, or crushing, and for the record the devs even stated Kratos holds back. Him and Baldur literally started moving and crumbling the mountainhas they tussled.
>the vergil boss is easier because unlitmited dt
Confirmed only beat the game on devil hunter, as the unlimited dt never happens again on that fight after that first time.
>getting it from his waifu
Except he didn't, all she did was reassure him. The entire game was him losing, and failing. He initially set out to fight Urizen because he wanted to SAVE Dante, he failed. Just like he did with Credo. And it's pretty damn clear that he hates himself for both losing yamato and being weak. That is why Dante's comment fucked him up proper, because it was how he was feeling himself. Culmination of his failures in the past and wanting to protect those in the present got him his DT, and that is better than a fucking accident.
>he's not handicapped when he can stop time
YES and guess what he has to do to stop time? break the damn breaker, HANDICAPPED. He can't always use the shit, and when he wants to use the most powerful shit he has to break them to do so, he HANDICAPPED, bruh. If he could always use these abilities, he wouldn't be HANDICAPPED, bruh.

It's just that one nerofag trying to bait you, stop falling for it. Losing nero or dante in a gameplay focused game is retarded and it won't ever happen. Let the fagets seethe.

That requires him to lift
>or crushing
He certainly can, there is even a move you can do in SinDT with that, try playing characters that aren't Nero once and awhile
>Confirmed only beat the game on devil hunter, as the unlimited dt never happens again on that fight after that first time.
I know that it's only available that one time, it still is easy as shit and Vergil loses a shit ton of health from the buster
>Except he didn't, all she did was reassure him. The entire game was him losing, and failing. He initially set out to fight Urizen because he wanted to SAVE Dante, he failed. Just like he did with Credo.
That's why he got it in 4, and he got it in 5 because Itsuno doesn't like seeing the heroes kill their parents, and so made Nero care about Vergil for some odd reason, and save him
>And it's pretty damn clear that he hates himself for both losing yamato and being weak. That is why Dante's comment fucked him up proper, because it was how he was feeling himself. Culmination of his failures in the past and wanting to protect those in the present got him his DT, and that is better than a fucking accident.
That sounds gay where is the consistent theme of love in all of this, it's all just drama autism that Dante tried to prevent, unless you'll tell me got his DT from his love for his father which he knows nothing of at all and sounds retarded
>YES and guess what he has to do to stop time? break the damn breaker, HANDICAPPED.
And another breaker will be there and so he isn't anymore, and so he isn't handicapped

Can both of you just shut the fuck up?

Okay, I'll stop now

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Post Webms

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>litterally come back to this thread hours later
>they're still on it
now thats motivated


>Dante and Vergil arguing on Yea Forums then Nero shows up.

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If you guys could only get 1 melee and ranged weapon back in DMC5 which would you want? I’d bring Agni and rudra and Pandora

Select your fighter

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Vergil with a minigun is something I want to see, modders make it happen.

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