If you grew up with a wii you're a retard and should kill your parents.
If you grew up with a wii you're a retard and should kill your parents
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Fuck you. The Wii was fantastic.
Well, you should do that as well if you grew up with a PS1.
Good thing I grew up with a PS2 & Xbox.
If you grew up with any 7th gen console you are a retarded zoomer and you should kill yourself.
Yes, but wii is by far the most retarded disney tier christian family household/poor fucking retard ape family console with nothing but pure shit for vegetable brain capacity level subhumans and also started nintendo making games more and more fucking retarded. It's not even games for just regular 3-year-olds, they're games for RETARDED 3-year-olds.
>no one is allowed to be born after me
what the fuck is this post?
It was basically an extension of the 6th gen, the last pure bastion of console vidya before the bad seeds sown amongst the HD competition blossomed into the sea of bullshit we presently find ourselves in. Was it perfect? No, the base controller was indeed quite gimmicky and the shovelware issue was even more real than it was on PS2, but even so it still had its heart in the right place and playing a hidden gem on it is just like playing a hidden gem on the PS2.
It's a post that time travelled from fall of 2007. Quite the mystery indeed.
Grew up with? I was in college when the Wii came out.
>there are people I share a board with who are young enough to have grown up with the wii
Yes, Yea Forums is mostly underage retarded little faggots which is made evident by the Trash Ultimate threads.
That post was a fucking mess of buzzwords and half baked insults. It's like an AI made that post.
Wii turns 13 this year. Crazy, I know.
t. someone who was 15 when Wii came out
what were the buzzwords in that post you dumb fucking ape nigger? you are a fucking dumb fucking NIGGER.
I was 16 when the Wii came out. Yeah, I didn't "grow" out of it, but damn did it have some pretty damn decent games under all that shovelware.
I remember hacking it a few years later and loading up gecko and just having my way with ALL of its games. It was a pretty flexible system, and probably my favorite out of all of the Nintendo consoles I've owned since the SNES. So fuck you OP. Because of the piracy scene DURING its hayday, the Wii is just LEGENDARY in comparison with just about every other console out there.
That would make me old and a failure. My life's still about to begin.
Op btfo all these shit taste anons. Wii is cancer my fucking god. Nintendo was never the same since.
You're trying way too hard.
There was not a single game on the Wii that was not utterly shit for fucking retards. You cannot argue against this due to the fact that you are a fucking retard so you enjoy it due to being a dumb fucking nigger retard. Wii emulated like fucking SHIT by the way, nice job playing old games like fucking garbage lagging with frame skips and all kinds of shit because the wii was fucking shit dumb fuck nigger retard faggot beta.
>waging a console war against a console that came out 13 years ago
Sounds like the only one coping here is you.
Only underage hate the Wii
it's weird how the Wii was one of the best selling consoles of all-time yet it fell into obscurity and never to be talked about ever again.
Get new material.
Its legacy is largely attributed to grandmothers playing Wii Sports and soccer moms playing Wii Fit. Wii had good games but no one actually played them because of its reputation for casual cash grabs. Heaven forbid anyone remember Sin & Punishment 2, Trauma Center New Blood, Red Steel 2, Zack & Wiki, Pandora's Tower, MadWorld, etc.
>sony nigger STILL seething 10 years later
stay mad
>the wii was fucking shit dumb fuck nigger retard faggot beta.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
good point I don't remember any of those shit games
>Sin & Punishment 2, Trauma Center New Blood, Red Steel 2, Zack & Wiki, Pandora's Tower, MadWorld, etc.
all shit
hurr durrd DHURUR HURR i'm a dumb fuck nigger retard who can't read or quote the meme correctly and i like the wii durr durr durr
>people that call games shit without even saying why they're shit
Great argument, really tells me a lot about the game.
Rough times.
that's even worse.
>you're instead of your
Wii was a great time. Not only had great Nintendo games, but also brought my family together with dumb party games that were admittedly really fun. Anyone remember boom blox? Mario Galaxy was amazing. After playing Pikmin 1+2 and resi4 with the Wii Mote you can never go back.
It also plays all my gamecube games that I grew up with so there's that too.
Wii is dope.
>shitting on based S&P
Bad news, you've got a terminal case of shit taste.
garbage taste. Sin and Punishment 2 is best 3D shmup.
>wii has resident evil 4
>Xbox 360 also has resident evil 4
>hurr durr every game on the wii is for retarded 3 year olds
I love the Wii but in my opinion the first party titles were weak
Worst 3D Zelda
Worst Mario Kart
Worst Smash Bros
Worst Metroid
But there was also good stuff and surprising games like
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Wario Land
WarioWare Smooth Moves
Sin and Punishment
No More Heroes
Excite Truck/Bots
Punch Out
Donkey Kong returns
Zack and Wiki
>waggle controls
gamecube also has resident evil 4 and ps2, etc. the thing is the wii version looked like fucking shit and had waggle controls. every single port to the wii ever was fucking TRASH compared to the other consoles. Before you say shit because you're a dumb nigger look at dead rising on the wii LOL
>Worst 3D Zelda
Gamecube had Wind Waker, not Wii.
>Worst Mario Kart
64 aged far worse than any other entry in the series, even SMK.
>Worst Smash Bros
That's not...okay, fair enough.
>Worst Metroid
Granted as it had "that game", but it also had Prime 3 which is fine. Not the best but definitely not the worst either.
>worst smash
clearly haven't played smash 4, huh?
Let me guess, never stepped foot into an arcade?
We know, you're doing a lot of that though. You alright, user?
have sex
I'll take Wind Waker over Skyward Sword any day and even though 64 aged like shit, it's still stupid fun to play with friends. I can't be bothered to play MKWii again.
I lack the wii to do that senpai.
Most of you were too young to remember the huge amount of hype there was before the Wii was released. It was going to be this big game changer. It's a shame it succeeded in some ways, but failed in others.
I don't think nintendo can recover from this
Define grow up with it ... as in have it in our house growing up ? Or growing up during its years without it in your house?
You're super cringy.
Playing a shooter or aiming intensive game with sticks is horrible.
Mouse and keyboard is ideal.
Motion is second but not perfect.
Sticks Fucking Suck.
Fuck off degenerate.
>I'll take Wind Waker over Skyward Sword any day
To each their own I suppose. At least SS was finished and had some semblance of decent dungeons.
>even though 64 aged like shit, it's still stupid fun to play with friends. I can't be bothered to play MKWii again.
I dunno, I can't be fucked to do more than 2 races in 64 before turning it off. Battle mode's still okay though. I could boot up MKWii like it was Double Dash and still play it. It's only fun if you use bikes, though.
>Motion is second but not perfect.
Nope, DS touchscreen is second. Ever play Metroid Prime Hunters or Dementium? Shit's like mini mouselook. Motion's right behind it, though.
we already know you grew up with a wii since you're clearly a retard
This game sold more than ANY game on the PS3. Yet its development costs were probably almost nothing. Never forget the ass whooping Nintendo gave their nippon rivals.
You're really bad at arguing.
Not half bad at shitposting, though.
What about Gyro?
It's not even arguing, it's just the laziest sort of posting possible. He's not insulting the games, he's not calling anyone a faggot, he's just posting whatever the latest shitty meme phrase is like a bot someone made. It's honestly pretty pathetic.
You're pathetic.
seething, cringe
>he hasn't modded his Wii yet
explain yourself.
I think they are really similar, so good.
Leagues above sticks once you get used to it.
you really need to have sex
Fuck off
I like this guy
Mouth Breather
>worst mario kart
it's not that bad, even if everybody's using heavyweights it's still pretty fast
>zoomer hate thread
>half the posts are bait replies and replies to the bait
Gee, I wonder if this thread is just zoomers trying to fit in.
You are hopeless and completely worthless.
The worst part is this is probably true.
I bet you can't even beat the conduit
have sony
>have a computer
>don't want to keep wasting batteries on Wiimote
>don't feel like buying an SD card
There's other reasons but those are the biggest ones. I don't understand the appeal of modding non-handheld consoles anyway. But, if I were gonna mod anything, it'd be my PS3. The Wii can just keep collecting dust in the cabinet.
>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
>Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
>Astolfo/Gerudo Link thread (YOU ARE HERE)
>I want X to sit on me
>What are some games that X
>Buy my game
>E-celeb thread
>Eastern design vs. western design
>woah... deep...
I have had HackMii / softmod on it for years
its great honestly
every GC and Wii game for free
I know, having a Sega Genesis in lieu of a SNES really screwed me on possible friendships.
>I don't understand the appeal of modding non-handheld consoles anyway
It's nice to be able to run every GC game right on the wii, whereas my comp is still pretty iffy with Dolphin. Being able to use the original controller as opposed to something else is another plus.
That and it lets me use my pc for background noise while i play
>he actually rolled a 7
05/30/19(Thu)01:31:30 No.464021712
05/30/19(Thu)01:32:43 No.464021794
05/30/19(Thu)01:33:22 No.464021836
05/30/19(Thu)01:36:07 No.464021990
have sex
# #
05/30/19(Thu)01:36:25 No.464022016
I'll take Wind Waker over .
05/30/19(Thu)01:37:25 No.46402208303 No.464022729
seething, cringe
05/30/19(Thu)01:47:29 No.464022759
>he hasn't modded his Wii yet
explain yourself.
# #
05/30/19(Thu)01:47:48 No.464022781
05/30/19(Thu)01:48:10 No.464022806
I think they are really similar, so good.
Leagues above sticks once you get used to it.
05/30/19(Thu)01:48:17 No.464022813
you really need to have sex
05/30/19(Thu)01:48:48 No.464022861
# #
05/30/19(Thu)01:49:16 No.464022894
Fuck off
05/30/19(Thu)01:49:36 No.464022916
I like this guy
05/30/19(Thu)01:50:20 No.464022968
Mouth Breather
05/30/19(Thu)01:51:01 No.464023015
7th gen in general was the worst generation ever. PS3 had Street Fighter 4 and Dark Souls. Xbox was PS3 with paid online. Wii was Wii Sports and Mario Kart. PC gaming was irrelevant.
But in no way, shape, or form was the Wii any worse than its competition. It wasn't as great as the systems from other generations, but that's just because that was the worst era for gaming in general.
>7th gen
>worse than 1st and 2nd
Even if a lot of the games I played on the Wii were shit I still have great memories with all of them
Wii was based
1st doesn't even really count because it was literally just Pong and a few Atari arcade games. Not sure that should even be considered a "generation".
And you're full of shit if you don't think the 2nd generation was incredible. There were HUNDREDS of fun arcade games, many of which still hold up. WAY more games from the 2nd gen are still playable than from the 7th gen.
I was never one for plain old score attacks, which is what arcades were all about.
MKW is the best Mario Kart. It's the only one with a decent skill ceiling.
It's also the Mario Kart with the largest custom track scene. Mostly because the controls are so good.