Apex what?

Is Apex Legends the biggest flash in the pan ever? Its unironically struggling to be as relevant as the game in the same genre it was trying to replace. It's been 3 months and the game is already forgotten. JUST

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Nope, check out Artifact.

A flash in the pan had to have been popular at some point.

incompetent developers
poor pay model
low content in a free to play game
all these problems that were capitalized on by the ccompetitor, legit instead of killing fortnite like we all wanted apex to do respawn only managed to prolong it
>"god this movie sucked it was just 15 min long and all it did was establish the characters"
>HUUR why are you complaining about something you got for FREEEE
>"fucking zoomers back in my day you didnt need constant updates to be satisfied with a game"
>*forgets that games use to also have enough content that you didnt need constant updates*

It’s the perfect example of how not to run a game. No updates, no game modes besides 3 player squads, a mediocre battle pass that lasts 3 months, etc

> All the characters are various shades of brown.
> Players aren't connecting and sticking with the game.

This. When you've got the community literally begging for microtransactions, you've fucked up.

not even a real issue just look at overwaft
during apexes hayday no one gave a shit about the nignogs since the game was good and we expected actual content not 3 months of this demo game

The dumber part of me wonders why apex failed at ripping off fortnite when fortnite succeeded at ripping off pubeg. Is it because fortnite took a popular genre and made it free to play, whereas anus royale just took fortnite and added shitty characters (and pathfinder, lord bless him)?

retarded devs don't even release a solo mode for fucking battle royale

PUBG gets almost a million concurrent players daily
if apex enjoys the same popularity based on your very precise and reliable metric of twitch.tv views, then it has nothing to worry about

yeah it was surprising to see it drop off
everyone was saying it was literally the best BR to be released yet
I guess the zoomer attention span is pretty short as well

Like most things in capitalism, timing was the most important factors.

no apex actually succeeded at making a better fortnite since the characters are better (despite pol cringe), no building trash, movement is dope, and weapons are cool
the reason apex failed while fortnite didnt is because fortnite has a fast paced consistent updatr schedule while respawn quit developing apex legends to work on that star wars game no one is going to buy

That aside, I do think making all the characters so unappealing was a lot to do with it, nobody wants to spend good money on the default skin for an ugly characters BUT BLUE. It feels like they walked into a trap, every AAA dev going on about muh representation and muh stronk ugly women, but none of them risk their bottom line to do it. Look at the amount of mouthing off blizzard do, and yet overwatch saw a small jump in popularity again because they put Mei in hotpants.

it got what it deserved

That’s me exactly. Why would I pay for cosmetics when everyone’s butt ugly

I don't know what they did to the balance or netcode, but some shit fucking changed big time. It's like I went from destroying left and right and all of a sudden I couldn't play for shit, and I'm not the only person that felt that way, and not just on my PC but my brother playing on console as well. It's like it went from being a fun titanfall BR to barely playable, maybe it was hackers or something, but it completely turned me off to it. I do fine in every single other shooter I play, but after a couple weeks something in apex just feels off somehow.

building is a huge part of why fortnite took off. there is no such thing as "a better fortnite" without building

It was a halfway decent games as a service product that stripped a product to the bare essentials and then wasn't updated over time.

building is the reason apex took off since it was literally "the f2p battle royale without the shit tier building mechanic no one likes")