Play Granblue

Play Granblue

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>shoes like that
No thanks

Omega 2 sucks.

Nothing wrong with Japanese style sandal.

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So, is Re:Link cancelled?

Handled by their inhouse team in Osaka now.

gonna play Friday

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Why? When I can beat your shitty game by going to any porn site.
Fuck off with your shitty softcore porn threads.

Wrong thread, dude.

Haven't played the game, but my dick likes the characters.

An user posted zooey at like 2 am yesterday and I randomly said Id draw her

I do but fuck evokers, fuck eternals and fuck seraphic weapons. They seriously need to turn the grinding down a notch or twenty

You know I'm like rank 80 now and this shouldn't concern me too much yet, but considering I'm going primarily Kengo earth, I hear Kengo water is something you'd want to do as well. I'm wondering if I should be making the Ultima Katana when I get to it, the one I want to focus on more being earth the same element, or have the class champion weapon be the earth and Ultima be water instead?

In case you're wondering why I don't have an Atma Katana from WMTSB3 already it's because I fucked up and made a Dark Saber before I really understood what I should be doing with an Atma to begin with.

>I fucked up and made a Dark Saber before I really understood what I should be doing with an Atma to begin with
Don't worry you are not alone, I did the same shit but with a Fire Atma Sword.
I even did a Baha Nova Dagger because I wanted to make one MYSELF and now I need to drop 5 Primeval Horn on fucking Proto Baha Impossible and I'm clearly not ready for this, so I will just pick the free Coda Dagger.

Based retard

You can literally just leech Baha HL, it passes more often than it doesn't, and if it fails it's not like you could have realistically contributed much in the first place.

Also it helps if you look in co-op and see if they have para or not. Its ez horns they the host has Song

Play her new game!

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Wish we could do something like edit our lobby avatars already. Something to chew a little on.

I do and I don't really enjoy it at all but I like the art

Its not out

>tfw saving up for a spark and finally realized how damn easy it is to farm side events for their premium tickets.
Holy fuck I'm glad I didn't think about doing this till way later. In less than 2 hours I got like 23 tickets while casually doing shit in another window and just coming back just to do the fight again and slap the auto. I don't think I'll ever not feel like an idiot undervaluing the worth of a single premium ticket when I first started out in December.

I'm still working on my magna grids. Feels like it's going to take forever, but it's getting there. As a newer player, what is the best way to go about joining a crew? Is it best to wait until you have some real grids first? Being in one seems to have some nice benefits.

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just reduce the atma the mats only the mats for ultima upgrade are hard to come by

kengo water gets more mileage out of ccw as earth has ichigo hitofuri
ultimata katana is decent for earth but water goes hollowsky spear instead i think

Do they ever rerun crossover events?

Basically never.

>As a newer player, what is the best way to go about joining a crew?
Just join a random nip crew and hope for the best. So long as they have charge bar, drop rate, and potions up it's good enough.

Alright good to know. Thanks for the info

I'm stuck between having to get m2 weapons and having no host crystals so I'm just doing daily hard/magna out of habit with no endgame in sight

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I don't really want to get roped into a gacha game but the art and stuff looks nice.
Is the fighting game any good?

The closed beta is out in just little over a day now. But the fighter is looking good. Shit load of people including myself will finally have their hands on it to get a proper early impression.

Same here, user.

just one punch during strike time if you have a fuckton of berries you can get a m2 wep every 200 berries or so this way

Just leech omega HLs. What are you worrying about?

Is it normal to not get a single AES after 3 hours of farming?

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Yes if you only wanpan.
Yes but slightly less so if you get red chests

Jesus. I MVP'd half the time, too. I guess I'll just have to get used to it.