How come Kojima did not add a single Japanese actor or actress to his game?
How come Kojima did not add a single Japanese actor or actress to his game?
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Because he's a westaboo, now next question
He's a self loathing jap
Jews fear the JAV whores
he wants to make hollywood movies but he couldn't get into that industry so he's stucking in vidya
to fuck with you personally
the game takes place in America. There aren't very many white guys in the Yakuza games besides "EH, BOY!" and Wesker
Why does he learn English then?
Kojima sucks mutilated jewish cocks.
Kojima wants nothing more than to become a white californian man.
She would never live stream on cam like that what the fuck
Yakuza is a crazy world
a fair bit of blacks though.
So why isn't the cast 68% blacks and mexicans?
They all ascended to being Ludens
Isn't that realistic?
del toro is a mexican
Yeah, noticed that too.
So if I moved to Peking I'd become Chinese?
He's in kiwami 2 as well. There is also the quest with the nigger brothers at the doctors in 1.
based retard.
isn't one of the orphan kids Kiryu raises black too? or half?
Because he learned his lesson after what happened with MGSV.
Btw Anri is fucking ugly without makeup.
Japan must open its borders if it wants to survive
>Japan must enriched it's culture with nigger and mudslime
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how about webms?