What's the best gaming company of all time and why is it sony?

What's the best gaming company of all time and why is it sony?
>The most sales every gen
>The best games every gen
>The best looking console every gen
>The best controllers every gen
>The best UI every gen
Why can't we be stopped?

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Sony is the worst.

Even if this was all true their controllers are only good for people with baby hands the Daulshocks suck shit at everything that isn't a platformers or a racing game



>Why can't we be stopped?
they replaced their old audience with a newer one who got into video games during the nerd trend which sony got really lucky with because it was big around the time the PS4 released + MS botched their first revel of xbone so even normalfags from 360 went to. they are eager and willing to bow down and take whatever trash they throw at them because they don't know any better.

i must admit -- i am definitely not their audience anymore so i stick to mostly PC and handhelds; thinking of getting a switch.

the best games on PS4 are EDF 4.1, EDF5, and bloodborne.

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>The runner up for least frames per second every gen

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Legit cringe.

What about the games?

What are you talking about?
We've always been on top. Are you really trying to say sony's only been relevant since ps4?
Lmao we've dominated since PSX.

Do you work for snoy? Honestly wouldn't surprise me with all the shilling around here. Otherwise that's just pathetic, literally marketing for a faceless corporation for free and pretending that you're actually affiliated with the entity in any form other than a consumer. Do consolenegroids really do this?

was mostly talking about this gen and how the old audience was been replaced if you can, you know, read. personally, you aren't wrong when you say that because playstation used to be the best and still "is" just due to how many people they have bowing at their feet while releasing shit games

I told y'all Gaystation is a cult. I lost interest when they took away the colorful logo and stopped making SOCOM

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Why do people seethe at sony so hard?

he said "best games every gen." i mean you can argue with him, but he did mention them

people will still respond to this seriously. good job.

Because they have rabid fangirls who praise a game not for it's own legitimate merits but because you can only get it on the plastic box with their logo, Nintentards still act like this occasionally as 360ers used to also. It's just currently playstation fans are the worse but they don't have to be forever

>Most sales every gen
Not even close

you want a real answer? it's because it is a company people used to love, but then they, themselves, switched audiences and even the location of their HQ which brought about even more changes that the audience of old hated even more.
if you ask me, it's natural
>like company
>time passes and their ideals change
>stop supporting them

Yep PSX shure was a good one

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You're forgetting Gravity Rush, but other than that I feel generally the same, I pretty much play on PC + handhelds only now and don't feel like I'm missing out on anything because I'm not interested in the dull high budget games Sony likes to shit out, I just feel alienated by them desu.

>The best controllers every gen
Alright like whatever games you want but this is retarded. Sony's controller is a rushed "oh god we need control sticks" mess.
Check the very first Playstation controller to see where Sony thinks the primary control input should be. Where is it on their current controllers?

Ps4’s games have been on fire recently. Now they are going out with a bang with death stranding

We always fucking win lmao.

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i thought lefties hated that game. am i wrong?

>The most sales every gen
guess that makes the mumble rap and pop the best music ever made since it sells more than anything else in the current generation
>The best games every gen
movies sell well, movies with quicktime events are a good example
>The best looking console every gen
except the best playstation ever made looks lame compared to the gamecube
>The best controllers every gen
if youre a femboy with small hands
>The best UI every gen
if yiu dont own a computer
>Why can't we be stopped?
because you live in California and dont know how much the rest of the world hates you

No youre right lefties (Nintendo fans) hate it.

>with ANOTHER movie "game"

wait, i'm not sure if you're right because nintendo removed a tranny flag from smash and nintendo fans seemed to cheer.

lol cope lmao

That's a damn lie Gamecube got a fucking handle on it what am I gonna do take it to the beach? Fat PS2 its utilitarian and Fat PS3 is Slick. My hair was blonde before the PS Triple but I died that shit black like the 3

Seriously it’s gettng really old. I’m pretty sick of these cinematic games that don’t constantly forces. God of War was great and all but it also had really fucking solid gameplay. Same with Last Guardian and SoTC remake and Spider-Man. But that’s not exactly a ton of games

the handle is dope
you carried that bitch with you to show off since you were radical as fuck while the dork ps2cuck and xfat carried theirs in a backpack with the wires since they didnt want anyone to think they were "gamers"

>The best UI every Gen
Don't even say that as trolling.

Do you have any idea how much frustration PS4's Firmware has put on my family and friends!
It has hurt the people I care about, and I am not going to stay silent while you try to sing false praises about that Fickle glitching cord eating Roach motel!


This, It took HOW LONG to have a non shit search in PSN for games on the PS4 and it's still only half of what it could be.
The vita had the best PSN store(Japanese store) UI and no one can say otherwise.
>Easy to search everything
>games with DLC all put together under a single list instead of having to go to separate tabs
>Makers list so you can find what else your favorite devs have made
PS4's by comparison is utter dog shit more focused on shilling new multibillion dollar games instead of being a functioning service.



at the very least, the letters "E" "D" and "F" were close to each other

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fuck yea sony is the best

Literally every point is incorrect, but how can ResetEra claim it's anywhere close to the best looking console when the Xbone X exists? Oh wait, whenever that's brought up, they suddenly say graphics don't matter

>The best looking console every gen
>The best controllers every gen
>The best UI every gen

>Posting the edited version
Shame on you.

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You sir make a very valid point.
Have a Kacho wearing P.A. Gear

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>The best controllers every gen
If we count the vita it's true(he isn't though, you just know that plebeian doesn't know how to appreciate that clicky goodness).

Even though all we have heard about the PS5 is it's alleged "beastness" yet whenever something produces better visuals than the Praystation it's back to "who cares about graphics, it's about the games which we only have!"

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Oh yeah I’m definitely not they’re target audience anymore
Plus Sony breed VN faggots
More than a comic or regular book, less of a movie or Tv show but definitely not a fucking video game.

How many PS4 controllers have you bought in the last few years? Be honest.
I have no complaints about dual shock 1 and 2, but I've changed at least 3 dual shock 3 controllers because after some time left analog stick just stays in one position. And I don't mean ''drifting'' like Switch's joycon, but won't return back to neutral position unless you move it. (I hope you understood what I'm trying to say, fuck English is not my native language). And no, I'm not an angry player who kicks his controllers and throws them on the floor.

Sadly, I never had or played a Dreamcast, but I heard it's pretty good, especially for fighting games.

Not that guy, and definitely not a Sony fan... but user, screen capping the article from the well known ''my article is definitely not a clickbait, Smash song has the word retarded in it'' site? No, just no.

Sony Playstation is literally the only thing holding 3rd party Jap games alive. Yea Forums is ungrateful as fuck.

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>Literally all available on Xbox

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What's that?

Explain your logic without using memes.

You really think the games journalists aren't on the side of Sony? It's not click bait it's propaganda so you buy their shit. There's thousands of articles of these "activists" defending Sony and their shit

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But most zipperhead games come to PC

It's actually 90 on PS4 and 93 on XBOXOne


I went through about 3-4 for that same reason. The cheap 3rd party one has lived the longest and still lives.

it's really time that nu-Yea Forums came to terms with this, it's pretty undeniable by now after the fall of nintendo

Nintendo has better games and Xbox has better controllers and consoles

Nintendo has always been for kids

>Video games have always been for kids

>The most sales every gen
not 7th, that was wii
>The best games every gen
not 7th, that was 360
>The best looking console every gen
PS2 stack of books look was ugly, PS3 was a finger print magnet and the Spider-Man text was ugly
>The best controllers every gen
360 controller was better, XB1 elite controller is better
>The best UI every gen
Dreamcasts UI was better than PS2s

Sony casualized gaming and caused the normies to flood in and ruin the hobby. Sony was the beginning of the end.

*this comment was censored*

They're winning hard and having amazing exclusives, prime seethe target, it's like a rich talented handsome guys, you hate them because they appear so much better than you, they make you feel like your platform of choice is shit and that you're dumb for not buying a PlayStation

these things are cool, too bad they have a 100% fail rate due to no heat vents. The only working ones left are people who don’t use them and just use them as display pieces.

No Sony is more like that white trash bitch who always brought a blanket to school. Never tries and only passes because the teachers don't want to see her again.


Shouldn't they have good games first?, and with censorship they just are delaying the good versions of the games

Xbox suck muawhahaha

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this. Fuck Sony, I miss NEC and SEGA

too much anti sony seething on a board about video games. that's just not right. what's wrong with you people. sony always wins

because Sony is for basketball Americans and retards

Those games would not be made if all they got were those shitty Xbone sales.

Ok. Remember how late last gen and early this gen Jap devs were strangely absent? The reason was them being unsure if consoles even had a future. Wii U was flopping and people were uncertain of PS4 given how PS3 had sold. So the Japs waited. Then PS4 came out and it was a massive worldwide hit and Jap devs flocked to PS4. This is why the huge torrent of great Japanese games hit exactly 3-4 years after PS4 release. They started developing those games when it was clear PS4 was selling well and they had an install base to sell their games on.

And the sales of those games reflect that. I think most all critically praised Jap games this gen have been hits on PS4. I play most of my games on PC but I know those games only happen because of PS4 install base.

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This place has been traditionally NintendoGAF and lately Phil has also sent his third-world MS Pajeets here aswell.

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>muh sales
>Best games
Sony hasn't made a good game since the PS2, even when they make decent games they are never worth buying because they have no replay value. Just rent it and save 55 bucks

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Xbox is a console that plays multiplats better than Sony
You might have heard of it

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>Sony hasn't made a good game since the PS2,
Play Bloodborne, GT Sport, GoW, Wipeout Omega, GR2, Last Guardian and TLOU.

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Reminder that in the first few years of PS3, Sony lost all the money PS2 - the best seling console ever - made.

What retard buys an Xbone X? Just get a PC. Atleast PS4s are dirt cheap.

Reminder that during the latest fiscal year, Sony Playstation made near 3 billion in profits, more than the entirety of Nintendo corporation.

>GT sports
>Wipeout Omega
not fast enough.
You're gay.

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Nothing that you wrote is true

>God of War 5303 ratings
>Breath of the Wild 10813 ratings
All you showed us is that more people played BotW, hence, more reviews.

Sony didn't make Bloodborne

>not fast enough
Take some ADD pills.

>What retard buys an PS4? Just get a PC. Atleast Xboxes are dirt cheap.

It was co-developed by Sony Japan and the DLC was almost entirely by Sony Japan.

Not surprising, because the prices for PS+ are expensive. Compared to 20 dollars/euros per year on Switch.


It has 10k user reviews now.

>corporation that only allows games for pre-teens on their platform
>the best
What's this?

Xbox misses out on games like Persona 5 and Bloodborne.


But Switch is way overpriced and Nintendo charges $20 more for their games than the rest. Seems like SIE is just doing better for itself.

>playstation + all playstation related merchandising + sony's music streaming services + sony's movie streaming services
All that, and an install base three times larger only translate to 25% more profit? Why are you bragging about this in every thread? That's just embarrassing.

>sony haven`t made a good game since PS2
So much this.
Last good playstation-only game was Bloodborne, and their ((((((((((((cinematic actions))))))))))))) are just fucking reskins of the same game. I mean, look at the trailer of new hackjima shit. Punch animations are litteraly taken from Joel in TLOU, and I can`t even summarize my feelings about this KNOCKOUT SLOW MOTION. Only thing it`s missing is fucking MW2 hit marker.

Who cares about a ps3 game and another souls game I'd rather play shit st good Framerate on the 1X

Persona 5 is incel anime-watching weeb garbage and Bloodborne is alright I guess, though very overrated on Yea Forums
Sekiro and DS3 are better

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Call me when Sony can make a similar game series as good as Metroid and Halo that's about s iconic.

GT sport sucked ass the last time I played it. God Of War is not something I'm ever going to touch again since I already beat it and I'm not to to sit through all that boring slow walking and climbing again. I have no interest in TLG. Bloodborne was the reason I even bought and it was a dissapointment, the total lack of variety, having to warp again like DS2, so many enemies having half their movesets just be flailing around wildly. It pretty much killed my interest in those kinds of games even though DeS and DaS are both really good.

7th Gen was ein by Nintendo you know that right?


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This is a fucking meme that needs to stop. DLC of Bloodborne was From`s doing. It has Miyazaki game design all over the place, either Bloodborne was your first souls-like, or you are purposefully delusional.

>All of Nintendo versus just Playstation and services offered on Playstation
>still lose by near a billion
Nintendo has fucking Pokemon GO and they still can't reach just Playstation's numbers. And this was also in the year when Smash and Pokemon released. It's embarrassing. Nintendo used to pull in 5-6bn a year.

Seething xfat

Sekiro is proof enough that Miyazaki is better with Sony Japan than his own team.

>most sales every gen
This isn't indicative of them doing good. Just how much they get their dick sucked.
>best games every gen
This is purely objective, and you fucking know it.
>best looking console every gen
I'll take any brick that gives me what I want. If you glorify its appearance, it's hiding its flaws.
>best controllers every gen
Its only good controller was for the PS1 and Vita. It still baffles me that people can play games with a Playstation controller.
>best UI every gen
Even more objective bullshit. If UI looks good and clean, then it's fine.
Jesus Christ what is it with Sony fucks having such low fucking standards?

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Seething Corporate Drone

Nice argument retard. I'm an idort and if I was seething I'd be calling the games all shit, not just calling them dissapointments. Get better bait.

>nice argument retard
Rich coming from someone being a literal retard

No u


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Not that user, but isn't Pokemon GO f2p? How does that make money? Or it has in-game purchases with real money?

It has gacha mechanics now. It's a cash cow.

Sony Japan was NOT INVOLVED in Bloodborne`s level design, bosses and story. I`d go as far as they are the reason game runs so bad on PS4, because the only thing they were responsible for is how game played on PS4. And Sekiro is on a par with Bloodborne, if not better.

The Switch has made as much profit two years as the PS4 did in five. Keep seething though, I'm sure one day Sony will catch up. They're only 22 billion dollars behind.

>Sony Japan was NOT INVOLVED in Bloodborne`s level design, bosses and story
absolute cope

>Sekiro is on a par with Bloodborne, if not better.

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I'm sorry to burat your bubble but it's literally impossible that Sony is the greatest video game company.

>implying Switch will even be alive for its fifth birthday
It's a Nintendo toy gimmick. They have zero longevity. Even in the year of Smash and Pokemon, PS4 still outsold it by almost a million. And that's a six year old PS4.

Tbf, the switch is a cheap POS I hope they are making a profit off of each device

You're compliments are impossibly wrong, Sony wasn't even in the gaming market in the beginning.

I think you need to cope that hackjima spend 70 million dollars in 4 years reskining TLOU again.

>Chad Sony
>Gives Kojima billion dollar budget to do whatever the fuck he wants

>Jew Nintendo
Gives its devs two dollars to rehash Mario for the 120th time

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Don't feel bad, kojima definitely pocketed and snorted a bunch of that money

Fuck Nintendo too.
But, did you genuinely think that combat system in this trailer, the fucking action wheel with a prompt too pee and stealth sequence which was in all other sony exclusives is good?

Hope next time he will rescan young Charlize Theron for a sex scene. Then I`m on board.

The gameplay was more MGSV than Sony's own games, you deluded fuck. He even has Snake's movement and stealth options.

>Fuck Nintendo too.
Right, only MS is good right? Fuck I love me some Scalebound. What a game that was!

No it wasn't

>Implying only Sony, MS and Nintendo makes games
user, I...


Call me when Nintendo or Microsoft can still make a good Halo or Metroid cause I don't think either can, Sony could though


> more MGSV
And who is deluded after that?

>Sony could though
Sony hasn't made a single outside the genre of cinematic walking sim.

Yeah, let's turn Metroid and Halo into SJW movies. Kill off both Master Chief and Samus and replace them with an ugly black guy and an ugly "woman".

Well, to be fair they did. In PS2 era.


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>walking simulator number 375
Oh wow

You never even played that game did you.

Reminder that Halo is fucking dead while GoW has more GOTY awards than BoTW

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You obviously didn't. Name me one MS/Nintendo game this gen that is better than GoW. You can't.

>dat framerate doh

I think you meant SLIDING, user.
That's what Kratos does because he's a filthy casual.

How is Ico not a walking sim but God of War 4 and Death Stranding are. The new games have exponentialally more depth, God of War on Ps2 was literally go from room to room tapping square, Sonys first party has gotten much better than then, Nintendo first party actually stood a chance on Gamecube,now they are completely outclassed, if anything Nintendo has been stagnant, Microsoft died and Sony can do anything, Metroid is in much more capable hands with Sony, just compare the developments of Death Stranding and Metroid Prime 4, Nintendo is clueless and don't know how to make games anymore

>Sony makes a geniunely good game in almost every aspect with zero jewery
>xfats/nincels still find a way to seethe

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>Halo is fucking dead
I hear this a lot with Metroid and Halo but I'm not seeing it, if they were dead, both Microsoft and Nintendo wouldn't want anymore games and both series wouldn't have the devs coming out and stating that we're getting more games.

Devil May Cry 5.

Halo is so dead all they can resort to now is releasing the Bungie games again. All to wipe away the taste of shit from 343's failures.

They're just releasing them on PC, Infinite is coming next year.

Yeah they're just releasing them on PC so they can advertise Infinite. There's a reason why they started with Reach. Nobody cares about Halo 4 and 5. 343 has completely botched it. Bonnie Ross is a hack that only got to her position due to her gender/nepotism. Halo is dead.

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Please explain what looks fun about this dynasty warriors has the same sorta combat and like 10x the enemies on screen. I see this shit all the time and the game looks so boring.

Microsoft isn't dead they just realized selling games on PC and xbox is better than just selling on xbox, the little things like this are Microsoft is worth over 700 billion more than Sony

Sony is the worst gaming company together with EA
Censorship and no games. Why would you want to own a ps4?
Name one ps4 game, you literally can't

They only brought Reach because the 200K faggots on reddit bitch about it, it was never in the plans to add it just like with ODST. Can't wait for Infinite and Metroid Dread to make Onions's garbage look like dogshit next year. 2020 is the year of Metroid and Halo.

>this dynasty warriors
What the fuck are you even talking about?

Also MS may be making billions but that has nothing to do with Xbox. Xbox is a joke and even in the home territory of America, they're still dead last in the race. Despite having the cheapest console given away for near free.

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Action games are shit

>2020 is the year of Metroid and Halo.
Metroid JUST got cancelled and then given to another studio. It's atleast 3 years away unless it's a rushed mess. And 343 can pretend all they want that they've learned but they'll remain incompetent hacks. Sony is now the best first-party studio. They consistently put out highly rated new IPs at a rate Nintendo and MS can't match with at all.

>spam X to see next cutscene
Why would you want to play that?

Are shitposters still trying to say GOW is just literal perfection/flawless without any explanation as to why? That is literal NPC talk right there. Every time and almost anytime someone even remotely implies that it wasn't all that good they're jelly or some shit.

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You're right that was an insult to dynasty warriors, I'll be hard pressed to find a game as generic as GoW I'd have to go look at the PS2 shovelware list

>Xbox is a joke
>xbox is the best console
Playstation is a joke why would you wanna play on the same system as Euros and Sjws?
>"cuz it has dat playstation seal of quality"

Explain to me why you feel the need to defend a corporation.
I understand enjoying the product.
I understand matters of preference.
But why would anyone proselytize for a provider of service.

>snoyboys still trying to shill god of my wife's son as a great game
imagine being this retarded

It's not flawless. But it's still a great game that Yea Forums constantly undermines with bullshit such as "movie game" (when it has the best and deepest gameplay of the series) or "soýshit" when the game is about a father raising his son into a strong disciplined man. I almost never see this board use legitimate flaws of the game against it. And that's because shitposters who spend days hating on it haven't even played it.

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>>xbox is the best console

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Wow 2 whole games, how will my life ever go on without playing these 2 games? Surely my life would've gone better had I bought a PS4 within these last 6 years and played these TWO (2) games!

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2 more games than Xbone has, that's for sure.

PC gaming is dominating. PS was always in their shadow lmao

Have sex

Can I have your Pajeet sister?

Same guy here. I played it for like an hour and It honest to god bored me to death, I was thinking about going back to Monster Hunter World at the time.

I didn't enjoy it.

Ok you dropped it before the combat system even opened up 10%. But eh no point in forcing yourself to play what you don't like.

Metroid PRIME 4 was given to another studio, Metroid Dread, aka Metroid 5, aka Metroid Fusion's sequel, aka 2D Metroid game, is actively in development for the Switch. Also, Metroid = Main series, Metroid Prime = Prime series, get it right, Sonyfag, I find it sad that I can't even say Metroid Dread either because you dumbass unknowledgeable Snoy trannies don't even know what the Metroid main series is. I also believe you were some faggot ass Reach apologist from back in the day that switch over to Sony as well. Sony's games are all garbage, they can't make a good game like Nintendo and Microsoft can, they can't even make a video game.

I tried man. Really i did but I guess It wasn't for me. I'll just stick to shit like DMC and Doom and Dark Souls instead.

The entire 8th gen was trash and is only going to be remembered as the Fortnite generation, prove me wrong.

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Mid to late 8th gen is considerably better than gen 7, and is also pretty decent in it's own right. It's not quite 4 or 6, but 3 or 5? For sure.
This is counting Switch Gen 8 btw


>Metroid Dread is a canceled action-adventure game developed by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS handheld game console.
Schizo nincel

Oh yeah cause there's not hot garbage on the playstation oh no, I would have just as much fun on my xbox without ever playing any of that crap

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No one can.

A Snoy bitch who's more invested in Sony's crap should shut the fuck up when talking about Nintendo's or Microsoft's stuff since you clearly don't know shit, Metroid Smus Returns gives a hint of it returning and Sakamoto soft confirmed it last year.

Difference being that PS4 also has highly rated exclusives. Xshart has fucking nothing. It's been a joke all gen. And Phil is now losing so badly he's now turning Xbox into a service instead.

>Peach Beach Splash still has a higher score than any Xbox game

Schizo all over this post

Oh yeah cuz Mario and Zelda and Splatoon and a bunch of weeb shit really helped this gen, you realize there was much better Mario, zelda and weeb trash games last gen no? Do you really believe in your heart that Mario Oddessy is better than Mario Galaxy?

You literally can't name a single ps4 game

What's the time in India by now? Isn't it past bed time for the MS Pajeets?

But they aren't good would you say Forza Horizon 4 is good dispite getting a 92?

Slave on Slaveboy

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Yeah, SMG1 is amazing but it's still my least favourite 3D mario game, and Odyssey is about 3rd/2nd favourite. BotW would be my favourite Zelda if it weren't for Wind Waker. Splatoon 2 is an extremely fun third person shooter, Mario Maker 2 looks absolutely fantastic, the indie titles and 3rd party support is amazing (Inti Creates games, Cuphead, Katana Zero to name a few). It's a pretty beefy and fun console imo.
Along with the PS4/Xbone/PC giving us Sekiro, Bloodborne, DMC5, RE2, Nier Automata, Persona 5, Sonic Mania, Monster Hunter GU/World, and god so much more. Compared to 7th, there's significantly less I enjoy.

>(when it has the best and deepest gameplay of the series)
which means jack shit when the series had laughably shallow gameplay before and when this new game is still painfully inferior to any decent beat em up/hack n slash

seriously snoyboys sound like they've never played games outside of ps4 exclusives

>he literally can't name a single ps4 game

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No Nintendo or MS developed game can compete with GoW. Stay mad Pajeet.

Jackie Chan
You're move, Xbox.

the ps4 is turning out to be even more disappointing than the PS3 was

You seem to be getting mad at us making fun of a bad game. Do you have stock in Sony? You're hurting your dividends


All these nincels SEETHING LMFAO!

based on what criteria? your inextinguishable thirst for daddy sony's semen?

What's canceled? Your investor meeting they seem to be the only ones pushing SIE games as normal people play primarily multiplats on the PS4


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It's ok Pajeet. Maybe one day MS will make a game that isn't certified shovelware.

He's just a butthurt casual who knows his game is less complex and far more casualized than Senran Kagura Versus games.
We shouldn't bully the inferior, not to their face anyways.

Oh look a game I don't care about was canceled boo hoo XD. I don't even have an xbox you're so blinded by hate you forgot to play anything on your PS4 this month.

Lol that was the only good game announced for Xbox in years and they cancelled it

Any Microsoft and Nintendo game could shit on Sony's "games"

Of course you don't care about it. if Daddy Phil hadn't cancelled it, you'd gush all over it. But since he did and you have NO GAMES, you're left to undermine it. What a pathetic shill.

so that's a yes, thanks for the confirmation you're a whore for sony's dick

Phil's dick down your throat won't change the fact that Xbox is a dead brand and MS can't make good games.

>they replaced their old audience with a newer one

No they didn't. I have owned PlayStations since 1997. Whats changed?
>Tomb Raider
>Crash bandicoot

Whats the fucking problem m8?

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No I don't care because I didn't care who the fuck is Phillip?

You realize there's 2017 games on the PS4 And 2000 games on the xbox one right? They both got the same shit unless you literally only play 17 games in a generation

You were always a causal that's why you literally only bought Sony products

You can lay off the Xbox shilling now. No matter how hard you try, nothing will change the fact that Xbox is a dead brand and Phil is turning it into a service instead.

> Platformers
> With that d-pad

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Didn't the President of playstation already say the future is streaming and the Ps5 is the last console? Enjoy your future of owning your shit even less lol

oh no how terrible for me enjoying video games instead of having the patrician taste of liking nothing and complaining about everything

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It's Nintendo or Capcom.

Consistently good games.

PS5 is definitely happening. Meanwhile MS is too busy making its service than actually making new games.

>this is what Xfaggots and Nintendildos believe
This generation has been the generation of dreams for actual gamers, Capcom is back, Death Stranding and Shenmue 3, Kingdom Hearts 3, this year alone, Sony new Ip have been amazing Days Gone, Horizon, The Last Guardian, Castlvania Requiem/anniversary, PaRappa remastered, PSVR, No Mans Sky Ace Combat 7, MGSV, Metal Gear Survive, The Last of Us Remastered, Final fantasy 7, the PS4 has many more years ahead, the list goes on and on, PS4 has saved gaming from the brink of collapse because 360 and Wii were so shit

I like lots of shit, you're just a clown for acting like you can't play Tomb raider, Yakuza, Crash, RE, Metal Gear anywhere else

LOVE capcom so much.

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You can, but why should i? I have PlayStation. I dont want to build a PC.

This. Only geniune fanboys hate this gen because PS4 did such a one-sided victory. In terms of games, it's been a pretty good generation. Only criticism is that it started too slow since Jap devs were too hesitant at the start.

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Nearly all those games are available on those platforms you just made fun of and how are these improvements when these are the sequels to the games you think ruined last gen?

Y not

He didn't make fun of those platforms. He made fun of those fanboys. Learn to read, Pajeet.

Fuck off he literally just said TLoU Remastered saved gaming from the brink, a fucking PS3 game, if you didn't play the game on PS3 you're a fake Sony fan lol


>you're a fake Sony fan lol
Trying too hard Pajeet.

None of those games are sony

Fuck off how is paying 60$ for a remake of a 6/10 give the playstation any merit especially when you already played it. And y'all always say xbox got no games they sold you the same shit twice like a year later

at least they still have a dpad

Attached: dbutt.jpg (228x204, 4K)

Fuck off snoy shill.

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Why does only DS4 have an acceptable d-pad this gen?

The Xbone D-pad is great wtf
Switch pro is okay
Vita is great (feels like Xbone)

It don't even the Xb1 has a better Dpad

>The Xbone D-pad is great
lolno. The placement and stiff material makes it useless for fighting games and platformers.

okay user, if you are the guy i replied to. your point was "who even is the market for Sony now"? Well, if i dont want to build a PC its got to be a console, and if im going to buy a console and not a PC why would it be ANYTHING but PlayStation? Xbox? What fucking for? I want to play current gen multiplats like DMC5 and REmake 2. My pro runs these at 1080p 60fps which is all i want or need. I never have to troubleshoot and can just enjoy the game. The magic box cost £300 which im fine with. If i want to play older games i have a PS3 and PS2. What else am i supposed to choose? Switch?? What fucking for? Ut doesn't have the games i want. The audience for Sony in 1997 is the same as it is now. People who choose console over PC and want multiplats + a few choice exclusives.

I play fighting games on stick, so I can't comment on that, but Mega Man is my favourite video game series and I've re-played a vast majority of them on PC with an xbone controller (plus other PC platformers). The placement is rough, I agree, but the actual quality and feedback is superb, I love it.

You meant Vita, the DS4 is pretty shit dpad wise.
>t. played Crash Bandicoot trilogy on vita then played N. Sane trilogy on PS4.
You can't beat the click.

I just can't believe they didn't put a dpad in addition to the dbuttons. theres enough room, and theres plenty of precedent in nintendo products (remember c buttons?). they basically invented the dpad too, it's just baffling.

Whats your point though? If i neec a console why the fuck would i choise xbox to play them? Xbox doesnt have side exclusives to sweeten the deal for my multiplats

Because the xbox is better that's why

>Best UI
I sure love third person over the shoulder cinematic experiences.
>Best Games

Sony is given the worst fanbase every single time a community vote is taken.
>But Yea Forumstendo!
But you're a fucking faggot. Kill yourself.

Attached: 1499555342618.gif (500x281, 855K)

>shitposting this lazily

>>The most sales every gen
doesnt make it good
>>The best games every gen
PC and nintendo always has equally as or more good games
>>The best looking console every gen
subjective, also no
>>The best controllers every gen
not at all
>>The best UI every gen
just no

Boy I can't wait for v to become /jv/ so that all this garbage go away.
No western shit will mean no more PlayStation (you)s farm since it's Californian now.
You guys are all trash. This board is fucking trash. This website is fucking trash and I'm a fucking retard for even being here.
Either nuke this board and create its obviously better version or just nuke Yea Forums altogether.
Either way, free us from the shackles of shit posting.

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>Sony is given the worst fanbase every single time a community vote is taken

You mean strawpoll? Make one now and i can make PC look the worst and "X" look the best in about 30 minutes. Go on do it. That system is shit and can be exploited by one person. Seriously make a poll about anything and i will skew the vote.

>oooooh I'd rather have the shittiest console because I loved my PS1-PS3 and can watch Spiderman on it.
>Way fucking better than the console with the better controller and plays everything better
>but it don't got that 1 game I care about so imma have to settle
I liked my PS1-3 too, doesn't make the PS4 not hot garbage

>PC and nintendo always has equally as or more good games

You mean games i can just get on Sony? Why would i bother then?

Sure, I'll make a strawpoll tomorrow (since this is reaching bump limit) and make history repeat itself.



Of the time

You are the most hated, and for good reason.
>I'll prove we're not hated by cheating!
Uh huh.

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>better controller

Stopped reading about there. You have no arguments. 2 consoles exist. One has more games. Even "one more" means PS wins. Simple as that.


Faggot coward. I said now, while im here. Fuck it i will do it myself.
>by cheating
You dont read between the lines do you? How do i know your not cheating you moron?

>Assuming people's actual opinions of Sony cum guzzling fans are 1 assholes witch hunt.
You're not wrong in saying someone could skew the votes, but they don't have to y'all earned your faggot status

>Manlet hands

Prove I am, faggot. You're saying people cheat to skew against sony 100% of the time? Just how big is your victim complex? You just ADMITTED to going to rig the strawpoll. It's moot. Your existence would skew the results.

Based fucking retard.

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>Whats your point though
That you suck sonys cock and you don't know why

Attached: Worst Fanbase on v.jpg (854x545, 84K)

But i do know why, multiplats + exclusives

Nice source

Let me post it for him.

Yea Forums Yea Forums. No need to thank me.



Whoever said valve fanboys (all 6?) Are worse than Nintendo fans and try and say PC fans are nearly as bad as Sony fans was a biased faggot. we need a new bracket I don't even think Sony fans are the actual worse

Never heard "Yea Forums is ALWAYS wrong"?

That was not the question, goalpost mover. The question was "Worst fanbase." Learn to listen, dumbass.
You know that makes you wrong, right?

>whomst offers the best console?
youtu.be/3lv1TxUXIbo China

Valve because they made PC viable again for publishers and made consoles permanently irrelevant.

To figure out who is the best, just play this simple game.
Take out Nintendo, let's see the damage done to gaming.
Do the same for Sega, Microsoft and Sony.
Ultimately the worst are both Microsoft and Sony, Microsoft for putting american gaming on the console map, and enabling Cancerous Sony, and Sony for getting carried away with cancer.
As for contributions, they have:
>brought gaming to the casual ignorant masses of the main-mainstream de facto enabling all anti-consumer practices casual ignorant morons love. Enjoy your 120$ FFVIIr
>paid online
>remasters instead of backwards compatibility
>death of japanese gaming
On top of all the political bullshit.


japanese dug their own grave by treating players like retards and resting on their IP laurels, but I agree games would be in a vastly better place if microsoft never got into the business.

It doesn't MATTER what the question is you retard. It can be fixed to make it look like PC is the worst, Nintendo is the worst, MS is the worst.

Nah, you are just a console warrior

Sony is an American left-wing social engineering company that now only exists to sabotage the Japanese video game industry, since the Western industry is already destroyeed.

How? Its an objective truth. My PS4 has all the games i want that are on Xbox but xbox doesn't have bloodborne, Ni-Oh, Yakuza... Why would i buy an xbox?

It's quite amazing how much you console fairies love your exclusives more than powerful hardware when the game libraries are nearly the same. Bing bing wahoo I guess

>bloodborne, Ni-Oh, Yakuza
Those are sony games. Try to keep up


*Also on PC

>muh grafix

Let me guess you think "story > gameplay" too huh?

Nice typo fucktard. Again, the market for people who buy consoles ISNT pc. So whats your fucking point? PS4 >>>> the rest

No the best games look pretty and play good, if their story isn't ass then it's a 10/10 I'd rather play everything at 480p 60fps low then play anything at 30fps

Sony is without question the most cancerous fanbase for any company that makes gaming hardware. If Snoybois were all exiled to their own containment board the rest of Yea Forums would be able to get along in relative harmony. Console warring would be reduced by an order of magnitude

>my success appears to have created some controversy

No one:
Literally no one:
Yea Forums: snoy

> PS4 >>>> the rest

>asked why he likes sony
>lists From, Team Ninja, and Sega multiplats
>n-n-n-nice typo f-f-faggot!
Keep sucking snoy cock


Maybe they should grow up and build a PC lol it's much more respectable to have a powerful PC that can do everything from watching 4K videos, trading stocks, rendering, photoshopping and playing games at Native 4K at the same time. No Multmointor support alone makes the consoles a waste of time


And Sony, gaming would much better If it's only Nintendo and SEGA

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They're just playing their favorite card in their deck, the victim card

>but what about things that aren't video games?!


No one:
Literally no one:
Sony: we censor now and want to make less games

Settle down kiddos, you're all equally good at sucking corporate cock.

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>but user see politics

fuck off. Actually die. Fucking post 2014 newfags.

The perfect market would've been if the Wii was as powerful as the XBOX360, with both the fucking gimmick and a classic controller.
Now you would no longer have Sony and Microsoft around. Maybe Microsoft selling like the Wii U did.

sony games are pump and dumps

based pirate fag

I've been playing video games since about 1990, and it isn't my fault that politics have become the central element of video games. Sony is a political organization that is sabotaging Japanese games for political reasons.

I like to think posts like these are just shitposring bantz, but every time I add people from Yea Forums they talk like this unironically and get mad if you don't care. Maybe I'm just unlucky.

Why do I keep seeing this dumbass twitter shit on these consolefag threads fuck off reddit

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games are so cheap on pc that only NEETS and third world niggers should pirate


It wasn't that way until PS3 and the murican takeover

>Imagine being so lame the only thing you care about is video games.
With multi monitor support you can run 2 instances of a game and essentially split screen without losing any of your screen real estate


Yeah they're so cheap that they're 0$

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>so cheap
Yeah, new games are cheap, kys

Only steal from devs you don't think deserve money, or if your ass is choosing between food or that game

Literally you

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Or because the game is only on Steam, and Steam cannot be supported due to their anti-Japan policies.

Fucking pathetic. Keep fucking politics out of videogames. I fucking hate newfags so much

>all of sega's historical franchises are dead
>in exchange we got jewish lesbians simulator and second rate beat em ups with fixed over the shoulder camera
fucking why

If you have a humble subscription new games are automatically 10% day 1 and usually on Key sites new games are about 45$ day 2

Attached: cuckmann.png (982x1074, 355K)

Steam hates Japan why now?

I'm not the one who brought politics into video games. The American left wing did.

Again, I've been playing video game since about 1990.

>gotta play it at release because I'm a slave to marketing cycles
If you can't find nearly any new game for $30 you are retarded

SEGA refuses to evolve


The left hates Japan and Steam is a leftist company.

I find them at 0$
Who is the retard?

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But everything from Japan comes to steam uncensored. I don't even think valve is lefty as much as they are neutral

Extra based

There is no such thing


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>Take out Nintendo, let's see the damage done to gaming.
There is none.

Attached: Nintendo gameplay score.png (2223x832, 394K)

Can you guys stop saying based, it's not cool and it's so old news. Imagine if we still were using Zergfaces

Steam has banned many, many games from being released or forced them to censor themselves.

Nintendo hasn't made a good product in like 15 years, at least the steam box had games

We have one word for them bro: cope

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>The most sales every gen
>The best games every gen
>The best looking console every gen
>The best controllers every gen
objectively untrue, the dualshock is awful
>The best UI every gen

Indeed, there is no gaming without Nintendo. Without Sony and Microsoft, live would have gone by just fine, you would have waited a bit longer for disc based units but that was it.
>muh aerisdies.com
Most overrated game of all time.

No they haven't they even let degenerative shit stay up like One Dark night a VR game where you watch Treyvon Martin die

snoygroids are the niggers of Yea Forums

they contribute nothing but have a ridiculous victim complex

>b-b-but others are doing it!

fuck off newfag

>there is no gaming without Nintendo
Are nincels geniunely this deluded? Nintendo hasn't been relevant on the console front since the SNES. Since then they've just been a secondary alternative to Playstation.

Attached: Nintendo Labo.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

How much does Valve pay you to post this nonsense?

Nintendo only saved the home console market , shit like the commodore 64 and the arcades were doing fine. Sega would've just done the same job the NES did. Nintendo was important but they didn't save gaming

They started this war. They politicized games. You are shifting blame.

I started gaming in 1990. Where is your evidence to the contrary?

And then they almost wrecked it again with the Wii being a fad. Good thing Sony was intent on keeping PS3 alive otherwise consoles would've died there and then.

remember when Yea Forums said labo was gonna fail and now they're on like number 5 or 6?

i remember

Remember when Nintenfats tried to spin $80 cardboards as a positive thing for them as consumers?

Fuck you nigga I dont need to lie

Attached: Screenshot_20190530-053729_Steam.jpg (719x942, 329K)

The Wii sold extremely well.

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Initially. But sales dived off a cliff and the casuals that had made it sell to begin with quickly moved on to other gimmicks.

One Dark Night is not a Japanese game and thus has nothing to do with this.

Though I somewhat agree with you, I think homeboy is talking about how nintendo revived gaming back in the day when home systems were gonna disappear... he just said it like a retard

remember how you're getting upset over literal cardboard

What could Japan possibly come up with that's more offensive than that without being LeTrolls

Nintendo sells you $80 cardboards and all you can do is brag about how well it has sold.

Nintendofags are geniunely the greatest of corporate cocksuckers.

It sold more than the PS3 and 360.

It doesn't matter. Valve has an anti-Japan bias.

You are obsessed

>It sold more than the PS3 and 360.
Only because of massive Year 1 and 2 sales. Then when the gimmick died, it was quickly abandoned. When Wii was dead and buried, PS3 was just getting started.

Attached: ps-wii-comparison.jpg (756x759, 47K)

Whatever. It still sold more.

>Labo failed
>>"no it didn't"
>stop talking about sales

No they don't post an article

One Angry Gamer has been covering it for months and months now, but you knew that of course.

>Labo failed
It certainly didn't fail in getting the Nintenfag manchildren defending $80 cardboards.

But yeah I'm sure all our games would disappear the moment Nintendo stopped try to jew us with gimmicks.

Attached: Nintendo fail.jpg (858x1450, 226K)

They sell the Xbox one controller for 130$ i think

>shifting blame

They aren't here. You are. And you are talking about politics on the video game board. You are 100% at fault. Fuck off newfaggot.

>this one YouTuber bruh
I looked it up there ain't shit. Yes and many youtubers also said PC is full of nothing but hackers and indie early access garbage. One I grew up and learned rational thought I realized you can't trust youtubers as far as you can throw them

why are we fighting over sales. the real issue is sony censoring waifu tiddy

The elite the normal one is like 60$

I am forced to talk about them because video games have become extremely politicized due to the actions of the left. Sony is now a political organization pursuing political goals. This is not my fault and is not within my control. You are shifting blame.

>Fuck off newfaggot
Show me proof that I haven't been gaming since 1990.

I didn't say anything about youtube.

>just let them have their way with their politics
Fucking kill yourself.

Okay then who the fuck is one angry gamer?

Feel free to stop playing dumb any time.

I'm sorry I don't watch the same faggot youtuber as you theres like 500 million youtubers bruh

I didn't say anything about youtube.

Not him but i dont know what the fuck you are talking about either

Sure you don't.

>defending $80
You are apparently unaware of the standard market pricing of DIY craft kits, models, rockets, literally any hobby etc.
ESL harder

what the fuck you little shit how arrogant can you be, i dont know who that is. why SHOULD i know??

Okay I looked up the faggot website you were referring too, all valve has done was banned loli shit, I'm sorry you support pedophilia and no one else does. If banning lolicons is the most "anti Japanese" thing they've done well I'm still glad I didn't buy a Playstation

That's not all Valve has done, and they specifically said they wouldn't ban anything unless it's illegal, and they have not treated Western and Japanese/Japan-style games equally. But you knew that of course.

>I'm sorry you support pedophilia
I never said or implied that I do, which means you are a pedophile and you are projecting.

>what is wonder book and Toio

Goddamn 8th gen consolefags really are embarrassing, do you niggers ever get tired of your endless shit eating contest?

Attached: 1530519923623.jpg (409x618, 58K)

Sorry but in America Americans have to follow American law, just like how the Japanese have to follow Japanese law.
>I'm not a pedo... uh you're a pedo!
Classic pedo, I've watched all the TCaP I can pick you degenerates out of a crowd

Loli isn't illegal in America.

>Classic pedo, I've watched all the TCaP I can pick you degenerates out of a crowd
I never said or implied anything to suggest that I'm a pedophile, so why did you call me one out of the blue? Because you are a pedophile and you are projecting.

Why would I project? That's incriminating? You're projecting lol.
>loli isn't illegal
>You see officer it's okay for this naked 6 year old is merely a drawing
Why would valve want their business anywhere near child porn? They catch enough flack from games journalists already.

I don't know why you would project, but the fact is that you are projecting.

>You see officer it's okay for this naked 6 year old is merely a drawing
That's correct.

>Why would valve want their business anywhere near child porn?
Who said anything about child porn? Why are you bringing up child porn out of the blue? Oh, wait: it's because you're a pedophile.

Capcom is.

You sure like talking in the defense of child exploitation for someone who claims to not be a predator

I did not defend child exploitation anywhere. You are a pedophile and you are projecting.

>The best looking console every gen
>The best controllers every gen
Ya blew it

its okay when snoy does it

Your logic has no basis, if I was a pedo I'd be pissed that valve isn't supporting those games like you are. Remember?

You are a pedophile and you are projecting.

Nope, please explain what valve has done that's "anti-Japanese" that they wouldn't do to a Russian VN developer. You're quite stupid for a pedo, be careful cops are pretty smart these days


You are a pedophile and you are projecting.

youtu.be/3Hm0WXC1R7c please stop spreading emotionally attached lies and please give some objective evidence that valve hates Japan

You are a pedophile and you are projecting.

>reported for spam

I did not spam anywhere, so congrats on filing a false report and then announcing it, dumb pedo.

You're the angriest pedo I've met all day lol
Sure looks like spam to me

You are a pedophile and you are projecting.

Cope harder lolicon you have yet to give any evidence that Valve is anti-Japanese all I've seen is valve is anti-peoplelikeyou

Attached: 2e12dm.jpg (500x506, 74K)

You are a pedophile and you are projecting.

Bruh I didn't know they made a movie that takes place in your home town!

Attached: clowntown-2016-1467193812-width392-quality80.jpg (392x548, 55K)

This is a non sequitur, dumb pedo.

Wow good one now use bigger words all the 5th graders will think your smart. Please just explain why Valve is anti-Japanese without getting all teary eyed

I know you are a dumb enough pedo to think "non sequitur" is some big impressive term, but for me it's nothing.

You know sir it's quite slanderous to refer to me as a pedo. You're projecting pretty hard

You are a pedophile and you are projecting.

Please just please for once in your miserable little life pay attention please. I'll make it slow
Take your time (:

We already went over this, dumb pedo.

No we didn't you just keep hitting me with all adhommen. Point out 1 example that isn't Lolicon related

Yes we did, dumb pedo.

Please link it, because I know you didn't, that's because you can't. Because you're a dotard

Attached: John_Henry.jpg (200x176, 10K)

Spend less time molesting children and more time learning how to read, dumb pedo.

based and redpilled

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You sure like talking alot of smack for a person who can't produce any evidence to their bullshit claims

We already went over this, dumb pedo.

No you never said shit you just keep calling me a pedo, werido

Dumb pedo.

>The most sales every gen
Who cares
>The best games every gen
>The best looking console every gen
Who cares
>The best controllers every gen
Lol no
>The best UI every gen
Who cares

This. I didn't buy every Sony consoles to see them move in Commiefornia and ban japanese games. I thought I was doing the fucking opposite. I'm never buying ANYONE's shit ever again. Living the pirate life guilt free