Yeah, I play retail WoW. How could you tell?

>Yeah, I play retail WoW. How could you tell?

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user I would really appreciate if you wouldnt post my pictures without permission, thank you.

Jon Hamm looks like THAT?

you look like a fucking pussy

Im sorry user. I promise i will never do this again.

Dont talk mean about user

Eat nigger shit suck my cum BFA is amazing you would never know because your a poor ass european who plays on private servers like can you be more lame than that ?

pretty interesting to see what a strongman looked like before everyone and their mother started roiding

>Because you look like you don't have a life.

>meanwhile, men of today...

Attached: 1530299600243.jpg (4936x2856, 1.61M)

Looks like an improvement to me.

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this being right to left seems more feasible, he never really looked like a man.

>men now fuckable

>passion pit
The outcome was never really in doubt.

>"Yeah, I'm a fan of SMT. Why'd you ask?"

Attached: tumblr_pecje4fZYx1texm6i_640.jpg (584x960, 141K)

Because you look old and out of touch.

how will SMT fans ever recover from this post

no one who plays anything with 'warcraft' in the title looks like this, sorry OP.

Why the fuck is /pol/ so obsessed with people being trans?

this is the first time ive actually seen a trap id consider.

Would fuck

you are beyond hope if you think being anti-trans is /pol/

Is that an achievable natty?

What possible legitimate reason could you have to be anti-trans? Why concern yourself with people's private lives?

Less about concerning yourself with their lives more about concerning yourself with being told to believe lies

You can’t change your sex.

if it's private then how would I know they're trans?

Nothing about the trans movement is private. Just like the pride parade isn't private.

Because for a healthy nation to exist you need a strong family structure and good values you stupid fucking degenerate.
Freedom=deviancy. Deviancy=Collapse and everyone dies.

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So you think a man that genuinely feels like a man will cut his dick off for what... attention?
Get real

Reaction formation.

Literal cringe.
But not as cringe as when the 6th army got encircled and froze to death.

>Yeah, man, this is like the fifth "i am a chad" thread I've made on Yea Forums in the past hour. Based, right?

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yes and it might be a manlet which would make it even easier


O-oh sorry sir.

not even a tranny. you guys fall for anything

what do you mean

How trannies indoctrinate naive teens into "taking the pink pill:"
>find a beta looking guy
>find a biological female that looks vaguely similar
>put them together in the same image
>imply that they are the same person after HRT
>naive teens believe this

Because you're a dumb as shit meathead and hairy af to boot

What is the point of this thread?

Yeah. That's pretty much my physique. No roids, no suppliments. But it takes a lot of fucking time. Like, many years if you just eat your protein rather than taking it in powder form.

yeah, heh heh real trannies never look that good

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are you implying this looks like a girl, or looks good? it looks like a guy with long hair and "girly" glasses.

No, they do it because they aren't right in the head. They need help, not encouragement.

ya healthiness is so le cringe......
though not as cringe as when stalin died alone & afraid foaming at the mouth helpless because no one liked him.... guess he reminds you of yourself.. LOL

why is there a disproportionate amount of trannies on Yea Forums compared to other hobby boards?

>yeah babe I'll be right in after I finish posting this thread making fun of trannies

Attached: thumb_if-u-own-those-spinner-shits-imma-slap-the-goofy-21161922.png (200x202, 25K)

you're out of time

Honestly I wouldnt give a damn about them if it weren't for them shitting boards up with psyop threads

trans decided to make their lives not so private, 100% their fault

nerd culture in general has a disproportionate amount. video games and pornography addiction are a really bad mixture. look up autogynephilia if you're interested.

Holy shit im hard
