Buy literally piece of shit plastic toy tablet

>buy literally piece of shit plastic toy tablet
>be mad thay it isnt getting any games beside bing bing wahoo
>stumble around and call everything movie in an attempt to cope
What is wrong with Nintendo fans?

Attached: teambaby8nkpx.jpg (600x727, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:

if you bought a console, at least play at home

Are you even old enough to be here, ResetEra

This was predicted by many - as the E3 is approaching, the Snoys butthurt gets even stronger.
>inb4 who mentioned Sony, I own Switch you know

>waaaaa stop saying mean things about my exclusives
why are snoyboys so fragile

yarrrr.....this doesn't do it matey
arrrrr......there we go

Attached: pirate.gif (350x350, 132K)

Attached: 5B99172F-84A5-4ADC-AE77-B9276A1CACCA.jpg (528x393, 21K)

>Sony missing e3
And still WON e3 2019

Don't forget
>It's the developers/publisher's fault that the ports they get are shit

Just like they won E3 in 2015 with Final Fantasy 7 remake and Shenmue 3 announcement. Great games, btw.

Straight dabbing on nintenkids.

I got a switch for free games to get comfy and play Indies or bing bing wahoo with my kids.

>have 12 month gaming drought
>no E3 and nothing but VR ahit
>stumble around and call everything bing in an attempt to cope

FF7 was your direct

See you at E3 2020!

i love how this doa3 switch thread is live at the same time as your own thread, op

Attached: Screenshot_23.png (285x300, 58K)

seething sonygro trannie resetera ex-neogaf faggot


lotta buzzwords

translate this crap

>Doom at a gimped resolution and fps gets bonus points for PORTABILITY causing the shitty port to outscore the PC version
>the vita port of borderlands 2 gets ripped to shreds for gimped resolution and fps

seethe harder black trannie
harder you can do it

has there ever been a more sθy console?

vita was never relevant faggotera loser

Great observation. Clearly, the world is against Sony and its fans. Vote for Bernie Sanders!

i was able to enjoy the Doom port
i was not, however, able to enjoy the Borderlands 2 vita port
one of these things had significantly more issues than the other

You're right OP, color fucking sucks. Everything should be lifeless and make people miserable so they can kill themselves faster.

Attached: 1481691316089.png (692x812, 715K)

I have over 1000 hours in that version of borderlands. I regret nothing

That's not the point. The worst version of a game should never outscore the optimal version of the game, especially when the cult of nintendo lies about the battery life of the switch. The thing is playable for like an hour on most 3d games before completely dying

>Doom at a gimped resolution and fps gets bonus points for PORTABILITY causing the shitty port to outscore the PC version

Ever seen a post so obviously wrong you want to slap the user for being this retarded?

>only retards play switch on portable mode
>while everyone who bought a vita is a retard

Attached: 1536586821731.png (353x472, 172K)

This describes all consoles. It's okay, you'll grow out of your BAWW BUT CONSOLES ARE THE BEST phase when mommy finally lets you get your own computer when you're mature enough to handle one.

Maybe the OG version had problems that were fixed in the Switch version? I don't know, I haven't played any version. You can't change the score afterwards.

are you really this big of a brainlet? know what? no, I'm not falling for it. unless you literally mean "translate" in that you can't read english, at least that would make some amount of sense. though how to explain how you're able to make a post but unable to read a simple graph I'm at a loss for an explanation.

Why are people falling for this retards obvious bait

Switch has no games

specify the percentile
how someone know if first 10th is better than last

This, only difference is retard Sony queers stay quiet while switchlets play literal garbage and scream about how good it is

>kojimbo "game" that has been hyped to hell for years by snoybois turns out to be a dud
>everyone dabs on the game, kojimbo, and snoy
>somehow this is the fault of Nintendo fans
You faggots brought this upon yourselves.

Eh, I am playing tales of vesperia on my switch and when I beat it I will do another playthrough of bloodborne

>another playthrough of bloodborne
heh imagine if these retards had bought the game

Wise user.

What are you saying, user? I've seen few comments on the internet and they all say:
''I have no idea what I just watched, but I'm buying it!''
GOTY 2019 confirmed, total sales no more than 4 mil. Which is still good, don't get me wrong, but for a game with such a budget...

>Sony queers stay quiet

RetardEra loves switch, probably even more than ps4 and censhorship.

Some people value portability that much. It's not uncommon. However, I dare anyone to argue why I should sacrifice ANYTHING for a corporation's interests. When I want a video game, I want the following:

>under 20 dollars
>free DLC forever
>up to 500 FPS
>1770p resolution
>no DRM
>modding capacity built in

And then, when I buy your game, you put a big smile on your face and thank me for the opportunity to service me. Anything less is not worth my money. That's why I can't tolerate any sacrifice to a game's quality, no matter the benefit.

>2016: "Nintendo is doomed!"
>2017: "Switch is doomed!"
>2019: "Why this shit keeps winning, reeeeeeeee!!!"

honestly, if you care about video games you should have both ps4 pro and switch

all other platforms like pc and xbone are redundant though