Mfw Death Stranding trailer

>Mfw Death Stranding trailer
>Mfw Pokemon SwSh direct soon

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people can only get one

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I want to fuck breakfast princess.

fuck it feels good to not lose

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>pc with a GTX 1080
all the relevant things acquired

The most based idort, imagine limiting yourself to just one, its like they dont even enjoy video games

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>no xbox hat because it doesn't make sense to own an xbox if you have a gaming PC
Based logical idort. IMO the Switch is worth it just for Zelda and Mario Odyssey.

Hey what about ps2

got that too

>own a Switch, Xbox One X and PS4 Pro
>mfw when I'm not getting Death Stranding
>mfw I have no face

Death Stranding is coming natively to pc and soon you could emulate new switch pokemon with the quality dwarfing tablet experience. Sorry to ruin your order but sony and nintendo fucked up really hard.

>Pokemon and Death Stranding release in November
>Animal crossing will probably release around then too
>More games at E3
It's gonna be a good end of year.

My man

I'm tempted to get a switch at some point but I want to wait for Animal Crossing to come out, shame the online is such garbage.

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Why are we seemingly so rare, bros? I don't even make all that much money, but I still have a Switch and a PS4. What is everyone else's excuse?

>Death stranding
>Sword and Shield
>Animal Crossing
>Still no fucking sign
>Of pikmin fucking 4

Pikmin 4 or BotW2 announcements would make this e3 pretty goddamn amazing.

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Itt: losers who got ignored in console vs threads

Consolewars faggots in middle school whose parents only let them have one console in the house.

t. Poorfag

Death stranding isn't Sony exclusive though and the ps4 still only has 1 good exclusive.

>all the relevant things
Yes, that's the PC. I don't see why you got those three pieces of garbage as well, but as far as acquiring all the tenant things, you are done.

>Death stranding isn't Sony exclusive though

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>Post apocolyptic world
>OPEN world
>Sony niggers will eat this bland interactive movie up and defend it to death

You play movies. Not games. That is fact.

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>Death stranding isn't Sony exclusive
It's literally funded by sony.

So was Street Fighter V.
The fact that Sony didn't say it was an exclusive means it isn't.

Based. I love idort threads.

Where is xbros?

>Death Stranding is not currently planned to be a PlayStation 4 exclusive. While Sony’s involvement and backing of the game will no doubt lead to some kind of exclusivity, a Q&A with Medium back in 2015 revealed that Kojima had plans to bring Death Stranding to PC, and that Sony would not be investing in Kojima Productions at that time.

>The fact that Sony didn't say it was an exclusive means it isn't.
Based retard

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Street Fighter V wasn't published by Sony you retard


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It was partly funded by them double retard.
Not an argument. If the game was an exclusive, Sony would have said so.

You gonna cite your source?

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Literally google the quote. I'm not linking to a kike site.

I have both, but I see so much bullshit come from Nintendo fanboys (botw as the second coming, mass orgasms at every new smash reveal, etc) that i choose sony in the console wars

>partly funded has the same connotation of exclusivity as being full funded and published by Sony
Good god why do I even come here anymore

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BoTW is an Ubisoft tier open world game, its garbage.

BASED thread

>console war faggots
>ruinins idort threads
Sure they should be gassed.

I guess Planetside is a playstation exclusive. Lol, retard. See Also what do you think funding means?

Googled it
So the quote is referring to a time back in 2015 before Sony began funding it.

In other words, even if it wasn't before, it sure as fuck is now.

I’m an idort, was just stating that BoTW isn’t that great.

>Idort thread
>PCfags begin shitting it up
Why don't you go back to playing tiny indie titles on your 2080ti's?

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>SOI is the same as SIE
just stop

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Except it's not. Sony has published PC games before underage faggot.

Nope. They began publishing in 2015.

>Idort thread
>Consoletards deny basic evidence and cry and scream that it's going to be a PS4 exclusive this time I SWEAR

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you know damn well i could only afford a 1080

>Idort thread
>Retarded consolefag makes shitpost
Wow, who would have guessed?

this site is primarily children or neets

I will go back to play Game of the Year.

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You have better and more recent sources about the lack if exclusivity than this shitty article

It's too bad that was soe not sie

I don't need to. The fact is is that there is no evidence that it's exclusive and there is evidence that it isn't. If it was exclusive sony would have mentioned that fact by now.
>user says sony

>Consoletards deny basic evidence
What evidence because so far no one has given any
Now stop shitting up the thread child

>mfw animal crossing in less than 2 weeks

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>Based Sony Games on PS4
>Based Nintendo games on the switch
>Based PC games on the PC
>Based Xbox games on the PC

It doesn't get comfier.

Actually they have. It's the consoletards screaming that it's not with no evidence.

>Based sony games
You mean based ironically right?

>I don't need to. The fact is is that there is no evidence that it's exclusive and there is evidence that it isn't. If it was exclusive sony would have mentioned that fact by now.
>>user says sony
Yes it doesn't count since soe was made for pc mmorpgs plus if you weren't a newfag you would have way better examples

got a ps4 xbox one switch and a toaster pc.
death stranding looks like shit though

Go shit another thread you console war brainlet.

Idort bros ITT are letting me down. We are above smug wojaks and console warring.

Saying it's not exclusive isn't evidence
Speculation isn't evidence

>It was made for MMORPGs
So? I posted an example of Sony making PC games before.

I think the majority really are idorts but they keep it hidden because consolewar shitflinging gets (you)s

Saying it's exclusive isn't evidence. I on the other hand have proof that Kojima himself said it would be on PC. I know the ps4 has no games and so you have to deny facts so you feel your doorstop purchase was worth it, but i'm sorry user, it wasn't.

The fact is at some point in 2018 they did mention it as exclusive but stopped with this new trailer and promo art. Just look at the 2018 E3 trailer and former TGA trailers with the blue "PS4 exclusive game" mark. They have given up this game only recently.

Nice wrong and off topic opinion no one asked you, tho.

>buy systems if they have more than 1 exclusive I want to play
>everything aside from the bone does

Just ignore the children anons giving retards like them attention is the worst thing you could do
Now anons what's you're favorite console

Shitposters here aren't idort. Don't worry.

>MFW dad bought me a PS4 so I can play Bloodborne and PSVR
>MFW have a switch
>MFW have a pc
>MFW I'm master race

Feels good idort bros. Not looking forward to death stranding but excited to try out some of the PS4's library and finally get to playing dark souls 2 and 3.Spider-man and tetris effect are on my list of mut plays as well

Should I wait for Spyro to come to switch or should i go ahead and get it on PS4?

I have all those too user, feels good to have money

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The only console line Ive never owned is an xbox.
Like I dont hate xbox they just never had anything I really wanted on it you know.
I do pirate when times are tough though.

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I could get a Switch but I don't want it, the PS4 is so great thats all I need, and Nintendo's lackluster games aren't very enticing, it's a lot of Wii U ports and maybe 3 good new games,

Because it's fun to argue

Come on user the switch has to a few more games you're interested in
I understand not liking some of the major exclusives i personally didn't care for botw

feels good to be a /ownallconsolesandpc/ chad


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Let's see the game is using decima, which Mark Cerny has said twice on video is built specifically for PS4
Sony owns the trademark/ip
It was stated to be exclusive multiple times and almost every trailer points towards it being exclusive

>not SS

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>Not Swish

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Reading it as SwSh fucking hurts, anything but that. it should be SS or S/S

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This is the GOTY line-up so far:
>Death Stranding
>but also some other bullshit like KH3

Console war fagging isn't so much arguing as it is slinging shit until one side runs out of shit to throw or the thread gets either nuked or reaches bump limit.

console warring faggots are literal man children that stick to their console because that's the one they grew up with

Nope, Mario Odyssey, Mario Maker 2 and Smash Ultimate are the only ones announced. Everything else is available on other platforms I already own. Honestly Nintendo has been consistently shit ever since the Wii and I bet E3 they wont announce much, the Switch sells to children and casual familys, they gonna coast off the same franchises like been doing, they ain't gonna try to make real games anymore

Children, its also really fun to start shit


Ace Combat 7 and Sekiro are way better than those kiddyshit you mentioned