>kill someone in a video game online in 2010
Kill someone in a video game online in 2010
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yeah all that edgy dewrito fueled squeaking was really the height of gaming
nothing like a middle schooler yelling "I'LL FUCK YOU IN THE ASS, FAGGOT" when you kill him mid 360
>suck my cock faggot motherfucker!!!
>I'm gonna come over and rape your mother you stupid spic!!
there's a guy right now with an enormous number of hours in mordhau. he simply cannot control himself and when someone kills him he begins typing paragraphs on end about how they're a slanty-eyed gook.
i've run into him about five times now, he has hundreds of hours and never calms down
>shooting others doors in kino and having hosts leave
that person was me
Everybody's going through different shit. I went absolutely ballistic on some idiots in a L4D2 game just because they wouldn't stop yapping and being slow.
never had that happen, the ps3 era was very peaceful and comfy
I punched a hole in my wall because of L4D2.
I'm on meds now.
why is always lfd2 that brings out the spastics. is it because you play as epic black man?
because it's a game where your team size is small and you can't afford to have anyone fuck up, especially on higher difficulties
I dunno, I used to have serious anger issues.
I can't remember the specifics, but a Charger on the Hard Rain map made me rage that I slammed my fist into the wall.
Lots of blood on my knuckles.
First person shooters are incredibly sexual in nature.
The object of the game is literally to penetrate other people without being penetrated yourself. How does it get more Freudian than that.
I've told other people this and they thought I was crazy, does anyone get me?
So you're "get raped" comment isn't that far from the truth, they are incapacitated (impotent) on the floor and you've won the right to continue penetrating them (with your gun)
every competitive video game where you face an opponent is essentially a man's desire, which is in essense, to defeat and therefore rape their opponent
I think you just like having big cocks up your ass, bro.
I don't think he's that picky. Medium cocks will do as well.
>you will never experience early Xbox live again
I’m sad it’s over, but I’m more glad I got to be there for it. Kids these days will never know such joys.
>kill someone in a video game online in 2019
>h-haha, get rekt
>You have been banned from matchmaking.
>"You suck. Get out of my country—maybe they’ll let you back in when your k/d’s over 1."
>Windows 10 deactivates
Hey , that was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked, trash.
is this tds?
>I slammed my fist into the wall.
>Lots of blood on my knuckles.
how the fuck did that happen?
>Gloating after every kill
Always the kind of retard to barely break even
Gears 2 was the only game that gave me psychopathic bouts of rage
that's because everyone who had a ps3 was either a nigger who couldnt afford a mic or some faggot playing nba and cod for a few minutes a week. everyone on 360 was screaming nigger at each other and chimping the fuck out constantly.
I assume it's because there's blood in his body.
All I did while playing this pile of shit was scream at the top of my lungs in utter fucking agony. I would be screaming swears nonstop like a fucking deranged person and I knew my parents could hear, but I didn't even give a shit because I was in a blind fucking RAGE. total shit fest, controls were RUINED, the campaign was fucking retarded and pretty much nothing new or cool was introduced and was a complete joke. the new fucking characters they added either DIE AT THE FUCKING BEGINNING or AREN'T THERE FOR THE ENTIRE GAME THEN JUST SHOW UP AT THE END, wow fucking sweet new characters you designed to not even have in the fucking game. multiplayer was literally the worst experience I've had in an online game in my entire life to this day, it was a complete fuck fest. it was just complete and utter shit. they made smoke grenades be used out the ass because now they stunned you or knocked you over which led to a free kill, the movement of the game was ruined like I said so you could no longer wall bounce effectively and use your weapons, and actually no weapon in the god damn fucking game made any FUCKING sense at all and it seemed like the damage it did and even if it would hit the other person was COMPLETELY FUCKING RANDOM!!!! I seriously consider Gears of War 2 to be one of the worst games EVER MADE. none of the fucking weapons worked, nothing worked, and everything was shit straight out of a retard's ass. fuck that shit, I can't even talk about it anymore. Only complete fucking retards wanted to play it, if you liked gears of war 2 kill yourself you fucking nigger.
>calling people nigger in BO2
>people start getting triggered
i get pretty mad in mordhau sometimes, but i love games with no mics because fuck listening to retards drone on
Because l4d2 is a buggy and unforgiving game that if you're at all trying to play seriously it's just an infuriating nightmare. even more if you're trying to play versus these days, because what usually happens is that one team has the 10k hour autists who have exclusively played l4d2 since it came out versus the pack of steam sale noobs with you on it
Women and children will never understand or appreciate the purity of this.
this is hilarious
every match of every game because me and my friends were complete niggers and would talk shit to the other players at every possible opportunity. then party chat came out and no one ever talked in game again.
Yeah the 360 was the containment console.
>10k hours in l4d2
fucking how? I got tired of the shit before even playing all of the maps in l4d1. I actually hated the game with a passion because it came out when I started college and all the fucking casual normie retards couldn't stop jacking off over it. It was the first time I experienced reddit behavior and I don't remember if reddit was even big or an insult yet. It fuckin disgusted me though.
yeah PS3 online was pretty chill, though I spent most of it playing GT5, GT6, MGS4 online which were already chill communities anyway.
But even games where you’d expect it like MW1 and MW2, it really wasn’t too common to hear people chimp out.
sort of sad I decided to play PS3 instead of XBOX360
everyone on PS3 was dead silent and would only kill
could have been fun to play XBOX and hear people screech over the mic
Lmao poor ass nigga real gamers played on the XCHAD360
Nice selfie bro
There's always community made maps to begin with, there's some that are legit better then what the game has
Now people aren't even in game chat anymore, games like cod should've still made people go into game chat in certain modes like they did in mw2 and black ops, that's where everyone was an autisti
All you spergs with behavioral issues fucking ruined it. We can't even shit talk like regular dudes anymore without getting banned, all because you awkward faggots couldn't stop punching holes in your walls and squeaking nonsensical slurs into the mic without pausing to even take a breath.
Halo game chat before party chat was something
>there are zoomers having nostalgia for MW2 on Yea Forums right now
CS1.6, sven co-op, half life deathmatch...now THOSE were online games.
Remember the first time you called someone a nigger?
I was a little kid out with my grandma when i saw a man dark as night coming and i turned to my grandma and said "Look grandma! A nigger!"
Sounds based
Is there any context behind this?
>missing being an ape
Amerimutts, I imagine.
I bet you think about Americans right after waking up.
>censorship good
>no no words bad
>Kill someone in a game made in 2010, in 2019
>Don’t get banned but they try to kick me
I only played goofy Q3 and UT mods and missed out on half life, where's the timeloop to 1998-2006.
Ain't nothin compared to the PS Triple
Not only is it 2am in Eastern time.
>lol Americans are pussies for not calling people cunts and thinking wanting to fuck someone's mother is a bit crass
>Wow Amerimutts talking about rape ew.
Make up your mind.
>You're already dead
VOIP in Xbox Live in public matches was damn near unusable for me.
>Say ”Hello?”
This doesn’t happen as often now a days but it was pretty crazy just a few years ago. Children, teenagers, and sometimes adults would literally scream over me if I tried to speak. This happened so often you really wouldn’t believe it. I think the entire experience was pretty silly and humorous overall. Funnily enough I’ve never encountered as much of that on any platform other than the Xbox 360.
I didn't play it that much but when I did it was the most rage inducing game ever. Nothing is more infuriating than getting your shit pushed in in versus and everyone's blaming eachother, especially when you're infected and the survivors keep spamming the laugh voice command
>VOIP in Xbox Live public matches*
lol she just died
>playing counter strike 1.6
>regular in the server I'm playing in
>all the other regulars know me and recognize me as do the admins
>dies in an awp battle
>people laugh
>doesnt get banned
It was a better time
Douche is probably mad he lost a bet on his favorite sportsball team or something.
Look at the guy half-squatting in the lower left, he causes the conflict.
The woman walking towards the camera in the foreground had to go all the way to the other side of the path to get around him and the oncoming traffic.
The two bitches who get falcon punched are right in the middle of the goddamn road and the kid on the left has enough sense to get the fuck out of the way. Kid actually does leave enough room for the guy to squeeze through, but he's already decided what he's going to do.
This dude is visibly red, so he's either pissed off or has been out in the sun all day; keep your eyes open idiots. It'd almost be excusable if he hadn't reared back to shrek them; stay out of peoples fucking way.
Don’t forget a generous sprinkling of the word nigger
You guys still don't do this?
it was a better time
what games allow you to say that shit?
the only ones that come to mind are CSGO and TF2
not much really, happened in Chisinau, Moldova. 81 and 36 year old got punched for no reason, he's been arrested
Don't mute.
>"Hey team if qe all go to point A we ca-
Mute, go to point B out of spite.
I hate when randos start giving orders in multplayer games.
It was such a wonderful time in gaming, you could literally say anything, anytime you wanted and there were never any consequences.
I used to play split screen co-op and me and my friend would fucking rage the fuck out on good ole call of duty. Nowadays you can’t even say nigger without a bunch of people reporting you and acting like it’s a huge deal.
I miss them good old days.
It was a different time
its better if you leave them unmuted so you can hear them screech when you go B
Get an xbox my dude. We still get to call kids faggot niggers.
>tfw never played cancerous vidya and have never come across this kind of retarded behaviour
One of the weirdest webms i have ever seen. Don't even know why, there is something almost alien about it. Nobody in it looks like they belong in modern human society, it's like a simulation.
>see their mics are on
>start teamkilling
and then get your subscription features/games taken away because phil spencer is a huge faggot, glad the xbone has almost nothing worth playing so i don't have to support him
People keep saying that but they haven't banned me or anybody i know yet. Hopefully microsoft will not interrupt sony making a huge mistake and avoid the censorship issue.
Now I do.
>t. red guy
this was the funniest shit I used to play with heavy hacks in Black Ops and MW3 on the Wii and there was always someone raging behind the mic.
>yum yum yum
Try not walking like a jackass if you're 80 and don't want to get fucking killed.
>it's the old woman's fault for not expecting to get a fist slammed into her by some pissed off mongoloid in broad daylight
are you well
now you can get consolebanned from shit like this
you cant even send a message that makes the loser butthurt
>B Tier
Blonde woman
>C Tier
Blue kid
>D Tier
Red Guy
Purple woman
>F Tier
Pink grandma
>Shit Tier
Gray box blocking 1/3 of the walkway
Blonde woman is walking correctly, she's only out of position because of Purple bitch.
Blue kid's the only one who's alert, so despite being on the complete wrong side of the street he gets a bonus point.
Grandma gets a pass cause she doesnt even know where she is right now. Probably stay to the side of the street instead of the direct center when you can only shuffle at about 1/10th the speed of humanity, idiot.